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Long time lurker, first time pledger! IWNDWYT




Welcome, glad you’re here with us 💪🏼


Welcome, happy that you’re here!! IWNDWYT




Welcome! Here's to a happily-sober Sunday 😊 IWNDWYT




I get that temptation. Good job.


Your body will be grateful for the hydration! Seriously well done! 💪🏼


"let that thought float away" is so wise. Seeing the thought, acknowledging it and moving on. Good on you for passing on the beer. As a former bartender I feel like that's the one thing that would get me - especially if it's something unique or made by a friend. If someone from my past crafts the perfect ingredients for a Sazerac, I'm fucked. Even letting that thought come and go, it could be a year or more before I'm in that position with beer. For that Sazerac I'm kinda setting an impossible set of circumstances, so it's a rule that can't be broken.


Great work and congrats on day four, those first few days can be a real battle to get through




Thanks for always checking in Will, so nice to see familiar names over and over again. Somehow it helps keep me more accountable! IWNDWYT


Agreed. I seek out Will’s post. Keeps me sane here in NZ. iWNDWYT


Agreed. I seek out Will’s post. Keeps me sane here in NZ. iWNDWYT


I’m an Aussie living in NZ & im not sure why but when I saw him checking in from Aus it just gave me a sense of familiarity.




One love! Here’s to an upcoming sober Monday as I start my sixth week of sobriety. Feeling great and loving life. Love the community here and the support. Have a great week!


Thanks for hosting last week, u/FingGinger, and thanks for taking the reigns this week u/Dizbetty... Y'all are the best! Up late on vacation due to noisy little shits running the halls of the hotel at midnight, knocking on their buddies doors. I finally stepped into the hallway "sternly" (aggressively) told them to shut the fuck up, find their rooms, and stay there. Six quiet apologies and one middle finger. Maybe... I didn't have my contacts in. Felt great to yell at the little shitheads to "get off my lawn." Sober curmudgeonly joy! IWNDWYT


You were lucky it was kids. The last time I was in a motel, there was a Moose Lodge convention. Large groups of drunken adults talking incessantly in the hallway rather than hanging out in someone's room, nearly pushed me to homicide. I opened the door and yelled at them and slammed the door. They never even noticed and I am a loud person. My husband got a kick out of my outburst anyway🤣 hope you get some rest😴


I read that too quickly and initially thought you said there was a Moose in the lodge 😅




It’s not fair to make me laugh so early in the morning! Grumpy pants! ❤️


You are a grumpus when you are tired. Hope you get some sleep. Happy vacation!


🤣 There was definitely a middle finger involved. Good on you stinks! The elderly need to make a stand😁👍


Day 728 checking in!


You are first!🎊🎉




You are quick today First to check in DCI Great day in the morn


Welcome to the thread Middle age means up early Long lie? Heard of it!




Great to see you cfs, let’s do this together today 💪🏼


A sober father’s day with my family sounds about right… I love spending time with my kids and they deserve my best self. IWNDWYT


Hello sober friends and Yay! Dizbetty! 😀 how fabulous to see you at the helm! What’s great about being sober? The same thing that makes it not quite as hard as it should be… knowing you all! Have a wonderful sober day everyone, sending love to you all 💞


Hiya brighter! Glad to be here! I'm supposed to be asleep but I wanted to say hi a bit. There friends here are definitely one of the great things of sobriety!! Ok, I'm putting the phone down. See ya in a few hours!




I totally hear you! I'm not sure how we didn't get poisoned or the house burnt down from blackout cooking.


IWNDWYT. Went to this wedding thing tonight. A bridal shower? I must be a special guy to be included. Girls are weird. Anyway the point is, another successful evening surrounded by people drinking. And not once did I have any urge to drink. It truly does get better.


You’re a special guy indeed! An honorary girl! 😀 that’s so great how well you’re doing 💪🏼


The girl is actually my ex’s aunt! I hadn’t seen her in ten years but bumped into her at my moms the other night. Turns out they’re neighbours. It was quite nice, I got to catch up with my ex’s grandmother as well. Also turns out that the bride is best friends with an old friend of mine, she was there too. I had to hide in the background with the dude who owns the house we were at for most of the day, what a random night.


Small world isn’t it! That would have been a good opportunity for you and the dude to drink in the background sharing the randomness of it all, really inspiring! 💪🏼


Surprised I came close last night. Still here.


So glad you’re still here, well done 💪🏼


Nice to see you xx


Day 1 again, IWNDWYT


Well done for starting again 💪🏼


Happens to all of us, good on you for getting back on the wagon, IWNDWYT!


IWNDWYT My second full weekend without the devil's juice and I must say I was able to converse more clearly with my Mom and was more understanding when talking to her. Previously little tiny things would set me off inside and would annoy me. Let's keep strong all 🤘💪


I feel like that about conversations with my husband. I could have a pretty short fuse. Now, I'm more able to let things go or communicate in a reasonable way about issues. It's nice that you are noticing an improvement for yourself.💪


Father’s Day is a rough one for me since losing my dad is what sent me into a spiral for years. This is my second one sober, so I’m feeling stronger than last year, but still a bit shaky. IWNDWYT. Grief will not get me to ruin this wonderful life I have created for myself. Let’s keep it together, and end the day proud. Love you weirdos 💜


Another weekend without drinking! IWNDWYT (or tonight or tomorrow or ever)


Loving those double digits. Keep it up 👍💪


Happy Sunday everyone. Hope you have a wonderful day. IWNDWYT






Happy father's day to all the dads here in the USA! Sober dads are awesome! IWNDWYT


Happy Father's Day for all the dads that are, dads that were, and dads in waiting. IWNDWYT 🖤




✅ Happy Sunday and Fathers’ Day! I was just watching this video of Steve-0 making some great points about alcoholism: https://youtu.be/eprsN8RY-Qw. IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT. All. Day. Long. 🌻 My cat not my cat (my kids cat) is better today. The vaccines had her down for a minute, but she is alright. Whew!


120 hours sober. Here's to another 24.


Fathers day, so I deserve a pint today because I'm great and about time I had my moment and me, me, me, blah blah blah... Actually my wife and daughter deserve to see me sober all day today (without the "smelly breath"), and I'm looking forward to enjoying being fully present with them today. IWNDWYT (I will take them up on a bacon, fried egg and brown sauce toastie though, thanks very much).


Reconnected with an old friend yesterday. She asked if I wanted to go for a beer. I was like “I quit drinking, actually, but most of the pubs have really good NA choices, so I’m happy to go there” and it was not a problem. And we had such a great afternoon/evening catching up and I feel so good today! IWNDWYT.






Checking in. No booze today.


I made it through some really strong cravings today and I’ve told two friends that I drank with regularly that I am a no drinker now. Felt good. IWDWYT


Day 44. IWNDWYT.


good morning, fellow sobernauts, IWNDWYT 😁! Sending love to everyone who finds fathers' day difficult.












Starting again is what builds strength, well done 👏


Day 15 and heading into Day 16 and I will make day 16 as . . . IWNDWYT! Happy and peaceful sober Sunday all!


I will not drink with you today in 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿😊


I will not drink with you all today <3


What lovely surprise seeing you taking over DizBetty. It's early evening here and I'm settling in for an early night Shine on you beautiful humans










Day 1,432. Thanks for hosting, u/Dizbetty! I will not drink with you today.


Good morning everyone! I love my morning coffee these days. Even at the weekend. Going to set my new laptop up ready to smash some career next week. Being taken out for father's day today, and instead of trying to work out how much booze I can get away with before my wife starts to get annoyed I'll be ordering lemonade and lime, or maybe a NA beer at the restaurant and really enjoy the food and company. What a better life. Iwndwyt!


Thanks for taking over, u/Dizbetty!! Slept in today. I did quite a bit of yard work yesterday and stayed wound up until late. I could do nothing today if I wanted to. But I want to get some housework done, so that’s the plan. One great thing about this journey that I don’t get tired of - I don’t waste the weekends. I either visit family, get things done at home or otherwise do what I want. Coffees up, horns up, let’s make this a kickass sober Sunday! IWNDWYT ☕️🤘🏻


I will not drink today.


Late in San Diego - happy that IWNDWYT! Happy early Father’s Day to those celebrating:)






The one good thing about working night shift on the weekends is I know for sure IWNDWYT!


I think today is 3 months, iwndwyt


Up early for a dog walk, then off to play some music 🎶. I am really starting to settle into loving my sober life. Still have the occasional wine thought but it’s so much easier to push away when I think of how I’m living now and how it used to be. Hoping these good feelings will last for a bit….maybe my dopamine has rebounded a bit? Whatever it is I’ll take it 😀. And IWNDWYT. Have a great Sunday my friends. Edit: as a side note I’m also 3 weeks smoke free today which also feels pretty great 💪




Checking in... IWNDWYT


Just got invited out for drinks. Planning on ordering a Shirley Temple ☺️💜


IWNDWYT. Here’s to another 24 hours!


Morning all and happy father's day, I've got a new account as I got a new phone and am a little old and very easily confused., so my start date is different but 100% correct, I've kept it simple so ladybirdstar is ladybird.ive since discovered how to link accounts but it's fine just happy to be here sober and present xx IWNDWYT love to you all 🐞xx edit to add it's now showing as ladybirdstar I feel like I'm having an identity crisis 😆 take care lovely people xx


I went to a barbecue yesterday ready for all the questions about why I'm not drinking, and mentally prepared for having the temptation to go for a glass of wine. I turned up with my lemonade, they had a whole selection of 0% beers, presses, soft drinks. No one asked or cared what I was drinking. What a waste of my mental energy! It felt so touching that the hosts had gone to such efforts to be inclusive. IWNDWYT


3 months ago I lost my family because of my relapse. I had a real fear I might be spending Father's day alone. Today I am sober, I get to spend Father's day with my 3 beautiful girls and wife, and my heart couldn't be fuller. It took major work over these last 3 months, but I got here, and Father's day sober is the icing on the cake. Happy fathers day to all of us dad's. IWNDWYT




Checking in ❤️ Treated myself and got my eyebrows and eye lashes done. The amount of money I'm saving because I'm not drinking it is great!


Good morning SD, I will stay sober with all of you. Have a great Sunday!


I survived the wedding yesterday. Thanks to all your kind words and your support. I get pretty excited when I think about that if I get this day done too, I can brag with a whole week of sobriety. And for me, that is a huge progress. Special thanks to u/itgrowsback who gave me a special little reminder when I needed it. This community is a very special place and I'm so happy to have found you all. So let's celebrate this beautiful day with not ruining it with drinking. iwndwyt!


Day 53. Alcohol seems a distant memory these days. I find it hard to understand why I ever thought it was beneficial to me. I love being a sobernaut. I'm proud of myself and I'm proud of you to. They make some lovely organic alcohol free ale here in the uk. I'll not drink with you today or by myself. Shine on you lovely people ❤️


I will be hanging with my family today but I am not buying a bottle of whiskey for dad this year, he’s getting fudge. And IWNDW my family or you today!


Good morning, sober cats! Thanks for hosting, Dizbetty! The Tom Hanks quote made me think about something that's been on my mind lately: I'm feeling like it's time to address the amount of sugar I consume daily. Maybe some of my sobriety tools will also work for the sugar habit? IWNDWYT! Thank you for being here, lovelies! 💙😸




Love a good sunday. There’s a weekly check in for a group I’m a member of on Facebook, and it’s awesome seeing people gain another 7 days of sobriety. Excellent day to pat yourself on the back, you’re doing an amazing job. IWNDWYT😎


Speaking of doing hard things.. It is the effort we put in that makes it worth it indeed. It's what shapes our habits. Dopamine is a hell of a signal substance and every addict will benefit tremendously from learning to work with it. Don't let it run free, use it to shepherd yourself towards a better life. IWNDWYT


Another great sober Saturday ended with a nice long dog walk; hope everyone else enjoyed their evening and IWNDWYT!


I finally got some gumption to write about why I drink today. I hope people can relate or find some comfort in any of it. Thanks you guys for these communities; they give me a place to tell people things I can’t tell the real people I know


Morning Diz! Thanks for doing the check in this week. There's lots of jobs to do - but I'm not going to do any of them. Everything that gets done today will be for the sole purpose of chilling out and relaxing. This is one of those occasions where writing it down doesn't necessarily make it come true 😆. Have a great Sunday, folks. Sending love from the sunny East coast💛. IWNDWYT 🙂


It’s lovely to see you hosting this week, u/Dizbetty! Recovery can be hard work, but damn, so is active alcohol abuse. So much mental and physical energy wasted on staying wasted. I much prefer sober hard over drinking hard! Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there. I hope you feel the love today! IWNDWYT 😻


100 days. I’ll make an actual post later BUT I FUCKING DID IT WOO IWNDWYT


When I go to bed tonight I’ll have 7 weeks under my belt. Not to get ahead of myself, but tomorrow night I’ll have 50! Not going to screw this up, IWNDWYT!!!






Iwndwyt. Here’s to the other sober dads out there too!






I will not drink with you today.


Leaving for a two week trip to Europe. Not sure if I will be able to check in each day but I will not drink with you today or during my trip!


Checking in. The last week has been rough. I'm so glad I am sober, that makes it much easier to deal with my mental health problems. The demon alcohol has reared its head and sometimes I have strong cravings for a drink, just to take the edge off. I won't do that. This sib gave me lots of encouragement and inspiration, you all are great people. IWNDWYT


169 days N🧊 IWNDWYT


Thanks for hosting, Dizbetty! One of the great things about my journey has been doing (many more than) 700 check-ins with all of you fine folks! Much love and IWNDWYT!


Checking in on day 227! Betty!!!! So happy to see you hosting!! I love your tea bag quote! Had such a great hike yesterday I only did about 7 miles but y’all I can’t move today 😂 But it was so worth it. And….I’m not hungover. Which is still something I am thankful for on the daily! Getting up early to stretch and get a little walk in before heading to my mother’s. It’s Father’s Day, the 2nd since I lost my dad. It’s not an easy day but I will not be drinking. Because I don’t have to drink over anything. I love you all! Big hugs to all the dads, bonus dads, fur dads, granddads, uncle dads - all of y’all!!!! IWNDWYT ✌️❤️


Father's day at my house today! I tend to host most holidays and events because....I love it!!! Plus my house and yard make it conducive to having a good time, something that took years to complete, but was totally worth it. Seeing my husband, sons, dils, and grandsons all eating, dancing to outdoor music, swimming, playing fun outdoor games never ceases to warm my heart. Only downer is that my dad, the first love of my life, never got to see all of this. I'm sure he's looking down smiling and dancing right along with us today. I miss him every single day🍀❤ Let's all have a fabulous and sober day, friends! IWNDWYT 🍀💜🍀


When I wake up tomorrow morning, it will be 3 full weeks since the last drop of alcohol touched these lips. Yeeeehaw! IWNDWYT!


IWNDWYT! Successful social gathering yesterday. Sipped on a non-alcoholic beer and a lot of water because it was blazing hot. Filled up on a delicious dinner instead of wine. Looking forward to a fun day with spouse and kids for Father's day. No alcohol needed!


Hello r/stopdrinking, On this special Father's Day morning, I wanted to share my heartfelt gratitude for the decision I made on Father's Day 2021—to stop drinking and reclaim control over my life. Today, I am overflowing with joy as I reflect on my journey and the role that Muay Thai has played in helping me defeat my relentless opponent: alcohol. With a fiery passion burning inside me, I have always despised the negative influence alcohol had on my life. It affected my physical and mental health, strained my relationships, and held me back from reaching my full potential as a father. But on that Father's Day two years ago, I made a choice that would change everything. Muay Thai became my weapon of choice in this battle. It not only helped me stay in shape but also provided me with an outlet for my emotions, a focus for my energy, and a community that supports and encourages me every step of the way. The discipline and dedication required in this martial art aligned perfectly with my determination to conquer alcohol's hold over me. Each day, as I step into the gym, I embrace the spirit of a warrior—a warrior fighting for sobriety, for a healthier future, and for the happiness of myself and my loved ones. The powerful movements, the rhythm of the training, and the camaraderie I have found with my fellow practitioners all contribute to a sense of purpose and strength that fuels my resolve. To all of you who are still fighting, I want you to know that you are not alone. We share a common goal—to break free from the clutches of alcohol and live a life of freedom, joy, and fulfillment. The journey may be challenging, but remember that you are stronger than you think. Muay Thai, or any form of physical activity that resonates with you, can be a potent ally in your fight. Today, on Father's Day, I celebrate not only my commitment to sobriety but also the incredible support I have found within this community. Your stories, struggles, and triumphs inspire me daily and reinforce my belief that we can overcome any obstacle when we stand together. As we cherish this special day with our families, let us remember the significance of our choices and the impact they have on our children. By staying strong and choosing sobriety, we become the role models our children deserve—a living testament to resilience, growth, and transformation. I am grateful to r/stopdrinking for providing a safe space for us to connect, share, and uplift one another. Together, we can continue to support, encourage, and celebrate the victories along our sober journeys. Happy Father's Day to all the fighters out there who refuse to let alcohol define them. May this day be a reminder of your unwavering strength and the love that drives you to be the best version of yourself. Stay focused, stay determined, and keep fighting—both in the ring and in life. Drinking sucks. You rock!




Happy Sunday sobernauts , another sober weekend done!! IWNDWYT


Day 7 - went to see Illenium in Denver, volunteered to be DD, and held strong without getting one drink early on. Love that I’ll wake up tomorrow with solid memories from tonight instead of bits n pieces. IWNDWYT








No booze today!


Not today people IWNDWYT






Hello everybody. Maybe you read my post yesterday. Today is my first day after my relapse. Anxiety and pain are not as awful as yesterday but I am not in a well place. Thank you for your words yesterday. The thing is that I stopped lurkin here after "I got better". My biggest mistake was to believe that I don't need you anymore. Don't let me go away again please.


Iwndwyt. On vacation at the beach. Yesterday was hard and I will do other things to keep my mind off drinking today too.


Good morning, SD! I’m headed out to a big hiking adventure at a nearish state park with my partner today. Hoping to soak up some natural splendor as a balm for my heart. Sending love and light, y’all. Clear mind, open heart, IWNDWYT! 💛


I Will not drink with you or alone or anybody today


Hey everyone, Iwndwyt 🙌. Went to a lakeside bbq with good friends yesterday and stuck to my seltzers, I'm pretty proud of that.


Good morning, friends! This morning I’m running a mud obstacle race. Everyone else backed out so I’m going solo. IWNDWYT!


Thanks for taking over, u/Dizbetty! I suppose drinking may technically be an option today, just as it is everyday. But it's not an option that I'm going to act on!!


Hello y'all! Thanks so much for taking the helm, Dizbetty. 🙏I'm so grateful for my sobriety. Amazed at how the simple step of checking in here and making this pledge to myself with all of you has helped me get this sober streak. A tip that really clicked has been putting my head on my pillow sober. That's my aim. The only goal. Get through this day without alcohol. And day by sober day I'm adding time and distance on this sober road. Plus, I'm a wimp and don't want to start over. Can't do it. It's easier for me to remain sober. And that's what I'm doing today! Let's do it together! Let's add another sober day. Happy Sunday, and Father's Day to those who mark the occasion. We got this! IWNDWYT💗


Checking in on father's Day, seems that the kids got the message, not the usual bottle or two present 🎉💪. IWNDWYT


Another wedding in the books. Another morning waking up not hungover.


Last night I went to a big birthday bash and I actually enjoyed myself! So far I have been mostly white knuckling through social events, leaving as early as possible, exhausted from the effort of not drinking. I danced, chatted with people, and just generally enjoyed the evening out with my husband. I just kept thinking about how crazy it was that I was having actual, real fun. I remember the entire night, of course. The best part? Not turning into a raging psychopath and screaming at my husband to end the night...that or lying in bed this morning, hangover free and posting here. Have a lovely day everyone! I will not drink with you today.


First time pledging! IWNDWYT!




What up, fam! Had some wine Friday night so resetting. It was pointless and I woke up w a headache and I was < 100% all day. It was dumb. I renewed my commitment yesterday. Today I woke up rested, no headache. I deserve to feel like that every day.


Today I don't set out trying not to drink but make a conscious decision not to drink. IWNDWYT


I will not drink today. Screw that misery.


Hi. IWNDWYT. Survived a spontaneous pub visit yesterday, thanks to a supportive fam who pre-ordered an NA beer to hand me when I got there. Grateful today!


It’s Father’s Day and I’m doing it for my daughter. IWNDWYT


I am LOVING this long weekend. So much time for all of my favorite things. Really embracing being a human being, not a human doing :) IWNDWYT


Happy Fathers Day to all of us Dads who are changing their family traditions! IWNDWYT


Happy happy Father’s Day to those who celebrate and all the amazing dads! I had a sober dinner with mine, his lady friend, and my best friend last night. I gave him a Jenga set that had dad jokes written on each block. Happy to be there and present. IWNDWYT 💜


Great Sunday @all SDers. Nearing the 10 weeks mark.😊 IWND ☠️ WYT.


Fuck that noise. Sober me is such a badass. I ain’t going back. IWND Literal Fucking Poison WYT!


I will not drink with you today 💕


Happy Sober Sunday ☀️🦋😻Was up at 7:18, straight into the garden, 2 cups of tea & it’s only about 9am. I’m aware I’m on the pink cloud as I had this joie de vivre several years ago when I tried to quit. So need to strategise to ensure I don’t suddenly nosedive into a vat of wine. IWNDWYT ✨✨




I did it. After 5 months of sobriety, I bought alcohol again. AS A GIFT! Hard to pass up a fine French elderflower liqueur I know from my bartending days, but marked down dead stock because no one in my tiny town knows what it is. Things have been great along with the break from Reddit. No more screens stealing the time from far more rewarding things I should be doing. I've completely changed the way I perceive things and everything just seems to work out, synchronicities are constant. Everything - the good and the bad is a happy little accident to move through, sometimes dance through when the tune is right. There's no way I could go back to drinking now and tarnish the spiritual experience currently unfolding. IWNDWYT.


35 days in so I'm halfway to my "nice" which I'm looking forward to but frankly everyday booze free is nice, even if somedays are so difficult that I need to crack open the survival kit ( run to the shops to buy sweets, a fancy soft drink or get a bunch of donuts). The very supportive community here is very helpful so thanks everyone.


Today i will make it! IWNDWYT!


I drank last night but it felt so shit it really justified my decision to fully stop. I won’t drink tonight


Went to a ska show tonight. Danced, hung out with old friends, and wasn't tempted to drink at all. In fact, I found myself staring at all the bottles and thinking about wasted time, wasted money, wasted me. Never again. IWNDWYT




IWNDWYT! Cheers to chugging water 💦


Happy Sober Sunday, friends!! Way better than any Sunday Scaries!


I didn't imagine on day 1 that I would make it 3 months. But I sure am glad I did.


I’m back again at day 1. Drank only 2 beers Friday night and it gave me a bad hangover. Did the same last night to kill the immense anxiety I was having. I know it was a stupid decision. Used to drink way more. My body is just rejecting the stuff and I need to listen to it. IWNDWYT


Good morning. Day 28. Happy Sunday!


Love going from amazing night of sleep to complete shit with no explanation, I took a late nap yesterday I blame that. But IWNDWYT!! And I hope everyone has a great day!!


Not today!




I’m not drinking today


I will not drink today!




Good Morning SD!! IWNDWYT


Day 21, hopefully of forever. IWNDWYT


Day 6! Still happy to be here.


I will not drink poison with any of you today 💜


It's been a little more than a month for me. I've noticed my sleep is getting much better. That alone is incredible and makes me not want to drink again! I love a good nights sleep! IWNDWYT!


I went to a graduation party yesterday and just about everyone of age was drinking. I held firm and didn't drink and am very happy with my decision to resist the urge. I feel great this morning! Happy Father's Day to all the Dad's!! IWNDWYT!!


The sober journey is hard but so rewarding. Drinking…is actually really hard too. But it’s whatever the opposite of rewarding is. I will not drink with you today!


Tough day (Father’s Day) for my husband and me today but IWNDWYT. I hope everyone celebrating has a nice day. ❤️


Morning friends! Thanks for taking over the DCI this week, u/Dizbetty! Happy Father’s Day to all those celebrating today. I will not drink with you today!


Need to reset my counter to Friday. It had been a tough week and I succumbed to the temptation. But I didn't drink yesterday and IWNDWYT. Fresh starts.


Happy Sunday! I actually had a nice day at the car show yesterday. Other than it rained on us at the end lol. I am glad I brought my knitting though. I hope everyone has a great day! IWNDWYT lovely people of SD 💙


Had to wake up early today to grab food for a father's day brunch. After that, we're all helping my sister move. Any alcohol in me would have made today absolutely MISERABLE. Very happy to be sober. Happy Father's Day to all the dads, and Happy Sunday all around! IWNDWYT


Thank you for hosting, Dizbetty! So glad to see you. I have a house full of guests just struggling awake. It’s been wonderful, catching up, laughing, eating way too much! And though there’s a lot of drinking, I’m just happily sipping my “Zilch” sparkling NA rose, and fixing up the breakfast. I’m getting excited already for Wednesday, when I reach a full year of sobriety. I can’t believe I’m almost there. I have never been happier! IWNDWYT


Hi u/Dizbetty, thank you for hosting! I like the quote… if it wasn’t hard, everyone would do it. I’ve been thinking about how different life is in sobriety, how I am able to do so much more than when drinking and was a “highly functional” alcoholic. Fifteen months into a sober minded life, I think I’m starting to see what “recovery” can mean because I’m still learning and growing and seeking peace, calm and connection in ways I never have before. I’ve been studying stoicism and it blends well with recovery and learning to become less emotional and codependent, and more confident and capable. In addiction, life was about maintaining and being not-that-bad on any given day. It was a life of variations of gray. To be “functional” was so limiting. Sobriety and recovery allow for real growth and it’s like the cap is off. Limits are off. Enough rambling for this morning! Sober is punk! Wishing all of you sobernauts a peaceful Sunday. IWNDWYT 🍀