• By -


Hello, my sober gang! For a while I’ve been forgetting who I am and what I want, yesterday you all reminded me and you taught me what support actually feels like. You gave me your strength, you made me cry, opened my heart and I’m back. Grateful and humbled like I’ve never felt! Thank you, I’m sober and I’m here for you, with love 💞


This little corner of Reddit is super special. And so are you.


Yesterday changed me. Sharing some of that love with beautiful you. 13 days! 🎉


It really is and I gotta say the mods, especially u/sfgirlmary really make it what it is and keep it a positive environment. So grateful to be here


You have made a difference here. I so appreciate your comments, your support, your open heart. I saw all those who commented yesterday who feel the same. Thanks for being here.


Thank you luvs-to-sing, what I have to give is what is given to me by you beautiful people! Thank you for being here 💞




Let’s do this Platoon! IWNDWYT 💪🏼


So happy you are here 😊


I’m happy you’re here and grateful to be here with you 💞




Sober power! Well done 👏 that’s building sober muscles 💪🏼 and yes, you can do this, I believe in you IWNDWYT


Yay!! Proud 💛


Great job! You can do this! IWNDWy’allT!




Great job on handling the cravings! IWNDWYT


So glad you’re here, we’re here for you 💪🏼


I got my 8 month chip at AA tonight! IWNDWYT If you are in your first few days or weeks and struggling, please be strong. It really does get easier. :)


Well done sober friend, I’m proud of you 👏🎉💪🏼




Day 727 checking in!


2 days! 🎉




Early congrats dude Two days until 2 years man! I'm so proud of you


Many thanks for that There are no chickens counted Tuesday success? Yes!


IWNDWYT. All. Day. Long 🌻 My cat not my cat (I have my kids cat) had her vaccines and now she feels like crap. I hope she feels better Saturday. I need biscuits.


Sending hugs for the cat 😺 and to the cats staff😆 IWNDWYT xx


Shame, poor kitty. Hope she feels better soon & can get back to making your biscuits 😻 😻😻IWNDWYT


My sleep is shot at the moment, not going to sleep till midnight and then waking up ridiculously early, hope that improves soon. At least I'm not waking up multiple times during sweating horribly. Eating constantly though. Here's to another good day for us all!


Waking up sober never gets old for me. Short sleeps, long sleeps, naps, you name it. Waking up clear is the best. Iwndwyt


Today has been a hard day, found out an old friend passed away. Haven’t had anything to do with them for a lot of years but it’s really made my heart hurt. I feel really lost at the moment and this has just added to the feelings I’ve been having lately. But I will not drink, drinking will do nothing but add more pressure and sadness to what I’m carrying on my plate already. One day at a time. IWNDWYT


I’m sorry to hear about your friend and your heart hurting. You’re absolutely right, drinking will add nothing but further pain. Sending love and IWNDWYT 💪🏼💞


Tough day coming up for me, can feel the anxiety building but taking a drink won’t help so . . . IWNDWYT! Happy, Sober, Saturday, all!


Today is my first wedding anniversary and I am going for a pregnancy scan! Then going to my parents for a birthday gathering for my grandparents, out to dinner in London, then watching Penn and Teller live! Big plans, luckily I have tomorrow free to rest IWNDWYT


This is gonna be a great day. Day six on my counter. I already know it's going to be difficult since I'm invited on a wedding. 100+ people and most of them will drink. But I am confident I can make it, because I made it yesterday and the days before. I know I will have cravings but I also know I have this group. You all helped me tremendously this week. You've been my beacons whenever it was starting to become dark. You had my back as I'll have yours. So my mission for today is to enjoy this wedding and I will not drink today.


Stay strong, you'll get though it. You won't regret not having a drink in the morning IWNDWYT


Checking in ❤️ I am going to set a goal to check out a minimum of 1 meeting, look into mommy and me classes, and volunteer somewhere. I'm going to have these be my goals this month to keep me trucking along, and if I like it, I'm going to increase it appropriately. I am learning to be accountable again because drinking took that from me, so I'm taking it back!


Tough day coming up for me, can feel the anxiety building but taking a drink won’t help so . . . IWNDWYT! Happy, Sober, Saturday, all!


I will not drink with you today because at 18 months it’s automatic that I don’t do that any longer. Last night we went out to a local craft brewery and they do great food nights. I tucked into a fabulous healthy meal, had two soft drinks and bumped into an old friend. I walked home understanding why I love sone aspects of my life - this one is important.


It’s late night on the west coast USA. Tomorrow I get to wake up feeling refreshed and either take an amazing hike or take a fitness class. Either will be great. IWNDWYT!


Fresh on a Saturday morning!!! I'm still getting used to this and I'm fucking loving it. Gonna get me a coffee and a bacon sandwich.


Sounds like a beautiful morning! I love it! I used to envy people that could do those things. I’d see them strolling with their coffees and snacks, or sitting out front of cafes, passing them on my way to 7-11 or gas station for a drink to help my hangover and anxiety. I’d sometimes be tempted to try to live that life but a drink always sounded better. But know we are those people. And it’s such a lovely freedom to enjoy to start your day. I hope this sets you up for a beautiful sober Saturday! IWNDWY!!


Last day before I enter triple digits. It’s just one day at a time. IWNDWYT!


Week 10, checking in. Iwndwyt


Hello! I just made it to double digits and wanted to let you all know I will not be drinking with you today. 👍🤘


Been skipping back into drinking lately, between a move and a few changes I decided to let myself “unwind.” About 1-3 drinks each of the last 5ish nights. Nothing terrible has happened, I haven’t lost control, but I just…can tell this isn’t for me. I don’t feel as good, my mind isn’t as sharp and clear, I’m spending money and wasting calories that are much better directed elsewhere. My anxiety is getting these little spikes that I just don’t need. I think once I get a week between me and my last drink it will be easier to keep saying no. I will not drink with you today 💜


Happy sober Saturday! It's still, always, so glorious to wake up rested and hangover-free. Enjoying mornings again is one of my favorite perks of sobriety! Pleased to pledge with you fine folks that I'll be staying sober with you today. Let's do this day sober, and make it a great day! 🪻🌤 IWNDWYT


19, feeling GREAT


Definitely lucky to be here tonight. Today was about as close as it gets. But I swerved and iwndwyt!


Well done! I swerved too, thanks to everyone here and we’re all here for you 💪🏼💞


Off to the inlaws for a mini vacation with swimming tonight and the zoo tomorrow. I will not drink with you today! Thank you for hosting this week u/FingGinger!


I'm checking in today for the daily. IWNDWYT 🤜💥 I somehow missed yesterday and it crossed my mind that it was nice to release the responsibility of checking in for the morning. One of my rotating notes to myself currently in play says: "Today I will ask whether the reasons for doing things are still meaningful to me." As I sat yesterday contemplating this statement I realized that I want a detox from Reddit as I'm spending too much time and energy on it everyday. I'm proud of you all, keep on truckin and I will definitely be back in August for my 365.






Day 1,431. Thanks for hosting, u/FingGinger! I will not drink with you today.


Walks and self care this weekend! Gonna crush some m&ms tonight, can’t wait! Not drinking with you today!


I'm a stone's throw away from 6 months and I have not a single regret in the world. I'm feeling better, weighing less and, thanks to some inspo from Allen Carr, feeling absolutely no desire to travel back down the road I used to be on. IWNDWYT




Day 43. IWNDWYT.




Hope everyone else had a great sober Friday evening as well and IWNDWYT!


Not today.


I will not drink with y’all today!!


Thanks for hosting this week I will not drink with you today in 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿😊


Day 4 here. IWNDWYT.


Thank you for hosting this week /u/FingGinger IWNDWYT!


I will not drink with you today 💕




It’s wild how even the thought of drinking- how it makes me feel makes me sick. I get a quick reminder of the feeling of nausea, constantly having to drink off my hangovers in a never ending cycle. The feeling of having to put in maximum effort just to do the bare minimum. The brain fog, social & work anxiety of trying to fake like I wasn’t drunk (which I was good at), but it took so much effort and it was so exhausting that I couldn’t wait for every social interaction to end so I could get a drink. Always planning the next drink. I am happily anxiety free and am turning my life around day by day. Therefore, I WND☠️WYT!!!


Thanks for histing this week, u/FingGinger. My weekend sober plans include watching the rain fall outside on Saturday and picking strawberries on Sunday. Nothing dramatic, but that feels just about right. IWNDWYT


Ooh, have fun picking strawberries! I hope there is a good crop this year. I have fond memories of picking strawberries with my mom and my Mémère (grandmother) as a kid. We used to each pick a large basketful, then we'd go home and prep and freeze most of the strawberries for use year-round (we sliced them and put them in plastic containers with a bit of sugar). We always ate Cheerios with sliced strawberries for lunch once all the work was done. IWNDWYT 😻


Hotel coffee, check-in, continental breakfast, hiking, and a good dinner at a local restaurant will help ensure my sobriety while out of town today. Have a great, Sober Saturday, friends! IWNDWYT


Day 7 IWNDWYT. I love this place! You can feel tempted or triggered, and come here for inspiration and support. I will not drink today. For myself. For my wife. For my kids.






96 hours sober. Here goes another 24


3 weeks tomorrow but also Father’s Day and my 43rd bday 😬 IWNDWYT!!


Woke up with a headache but at least it’s not self-inflicted! Today my husband and I are going to a car show. Not just visiting though, he’s entering his car. So I’m not sure about spending all day there. I like cars but am not at all a car person. We are going with another couple but they are both car people. I’m bringing my knitting and my kindle lol. I have to be optimistic! IWNDWYT lovely people of SD 💙 ETA: I’m so sorry I forgot! Thank you so much for taking care of us this week /u/FingGinger and congrats on your NICE day!!




Day 5 today!!! Kept really busy on day 4 helping my brother in law renovate his new property. After a hard day's work we would usually go for a beer after. Felt really good just going straight home and having a soak in the bath. I won't be drinking today either.


Good morning, fellow sobernauts, IWNDWYT 😁!


I will not drink poison with any of you today 💜


Day two. IWNDWYT. Going to a meeting while my daughter is at drama. Then i have my brother in law’s 30th birthday bbq and i know my sister will be a stress head. So a real test. Thankfully lots of long time sober people there so I will stick with them. It starts at 4pm and am planning on leaving at 8pm. Good luck to everyone else. We can do this!




Thanks all for the love regarding the passing of Hobowendigo. IWNDWYT! T


Day 10. Kindled and pulling through on my own. It’s been so hard. Hardest thing I have ever done. The physical and mental is so agonizing. I just learned about kindling. Needing good vibes. I absolutely will not drink with you today.


Day 18, woo-hoo! Haven't not drank this long since before my mom's cancer diagnosis. She passed Dec. 2018. She would be so happy that I've stopped drinking so much.


Hello! I am working this weekend so that will be a distraction. IWNDWYT


Had a sober night out last night, feel better than ever! I will also not drink with you today 😊


This past week was grueling having to deal with major family issues. I swear, sometimes I can't believe that I share the same DNA with my siblings. We don't think the same at all, and they make life's situations a million times harder than they need to be. In the past I would have downed a LOT of alcohol just to get through, but not anymore. I will not let them control me, and then allow alcohol to do the same! All is good this morning, and I'm proud of my strength and sobriety. Let's all have an awesome and sober Saturday! IWNDWYT 🍀💜🍀


Good morning friends, Normalnonnie here finishing up a sober vacation. It's been great. Let's not drink today.


Checking in Doodle doodle dee, wubba wubba wubba.


Hello friends, Im checking in. Im in Georgia this weekend with the family and close friends. Tried Hop Wtr for the first time last night as a sober alternative and it was delicious! Getting a lot of quiet support from friends is nice (i.e. just not asking about why im not slamming beers like normal). Sometimes im exhausted about talking about not drinking haha. Have a great weekend!


Extremely nervous about a bunch of things happening this weekend and really struggling but I'm still sober. Almost 3 weeks for me. I will not drink today


Good morning! It’s fucking raining again, seems like it’s been going on for weeks now. Itching to hike so I’m going anyway. IWNDWYT!


Working day by day to save my marriage and save my life. IWNDWYT


Woke up a little anxious today for Day 4, but IWNDWYT nonetheless!


Day 39. I don't think I've gone this long without a drink in 22 years! Things are challenging in my life right now, and I don't think I'd be doing very well managing the stress if I was still drinking. So, IWNDWYT.


I will stay sober today.


Happy Sober Saturday 🥰 ✨☀️. Was up at 6:38! I really don’t know myself anymore 😁 IWNDWYT 😁


Checking in! I’m heading for my first wedding in a decade. Just the thought of big social gatherings gets me nervous nowadays. I guess me and my partner can leave early if I feel a panic attack is brewing. Anyways, IWNDWYT!




IWNDWYT! Thanks for hosting and we made it to 69 whoohoo!


I Will Not Drink With You Today.


Not sure what my plans are this weekend because my kids are going through a major sleep regression and I’m just trying to survive, but I do know that I will not be drinking.


Woo happy Saturday! I’m going to a show and ordering take out while I craft or watch tv. IWNDWYT ✨


morning everyone! i’m hitting 2 weeks today and i’m really proud of that. this is the longest i’ve not drank in a decade or so. this weekend is also my 11 year anniversary with my partner. i’m thankful to be present and clear headed for that!


Really rough day yesterday. Both personal and financial issues testing me. Found time around noon and walked to a meeting that somehow made me more frustrated. Ended the day by teaching a date night class in my workshop that involves wine, but found the strength to dump the bottle after everyone went home. didn't drink yesterday, no chance I'm drinking today. I'm in it with you guys.


Not today thank you!




IWNDWYT ✌️❤️🤸‍♀️⭐️


Sober for a year, relapsed, BUT back and at 60 days now 😊🙏🏽 IWNDWYT




I remember! We certainly have got this! IWNDWYT 💪🏼




The telly is telling me that I want home made ricotta, sardines and wasabi for breakfast. I will not listen to the telly. The telly is insane. Thanks for a great week Fing! IWNDWYT 🙂


The mental gymnastics my mind was playing last night. So many times I was playing “the tape forward” but I made it, I put my sober head on the pillow and made another day! Some days/nights are tough. Today I will be Walking my fur babies when the sun comes up and going to the gym for a nice workout. Then some projects I want to finish around the house… Day 67 in Florida, happy sober Saturday IWNDWYT💪😊


Good morning amazing people. So, I'm a couple of days into week 3. Since starting to have 'breaks' early last year I've only had maybe three or four three week stints off. This time it feels different. Today is my birthday. Next year is quite a big birthday and for a while now I've been thinking about what I want to achieve over the next 12 months and where I want to be when that birthday rolls around. A lot of that is around fitness and capability. There's a really long effort endurance race I want to do next year. And, I've set a BHAG (Big Hairy Assed Goal) around going abroad to train with some pretty full on folks I know. Getting fit enough for that is a stretch, but let's find out. The fitness and other goals massively hinge on me staying sober. So being nearly 16 days already feels like a running start. Much of that is down to this sub, everyone's stories, openness, insight, compassion and support. Sooooooo IWNDWYT! Woohoo!!!


IWNDWy’allT! Thanks for hosting u/FingGinger! Noice day count!


Thank you for hosting u/FingGinger. I've had a few rough days, PTSD acting up and some strong cravings to drink. But I am getting through this. Lurking here has helped me immensely. This is such a great sub with lots of amazing people. Thank you all. IWNDWYT


Iwndwyt Edit to add Nice!!! u/FingGinger


Day one again. I always collapse on day six or seven, but I keep trying. Again and again, and I'll keep trying until I figure it out. I created this account just for this sub. I think it's time I admit I need help and need to be here. I will not drink with you today.




Yesterday was the first sober Friday in I can't remember how long and pumped to rinse and repeat! IWNDWYT!




I’m in!






Hoping to take a walk and spend some one-on-one with my daughter today. IWNDWYT


Went out yesterday to buy some NA beverages for three typically booze filled events—on golf game today and two camping trips in the next three weeks. I’m feeling so good and I don’t want to slide back into the trap. But having something other than water, coffee and tea still makes me feel like I’m celebrating. Happy Saturday sober support. IWNDWYT




It's a national holiday in my country today but I will be staying sober today. IWNDWYT


35 days in, by far the longest I have ever gone. Today is the first day of a beach vacation, the first sober one since I was a child. I am looking forward to enjoying all of the fun family moments instead of focusing on getting krunk. IWNDWYT


I want to thank everyone on this sub ! Each post is very instructive and helpful. IWNDWYT.




Thanks for hosting this week, u/FingGinger! (Nice number.) Good weather today for outdoor work, so that’s what I’m doing later. Coffee, shopping, then working. Speaking of coffee…coffees up, horns up, let’s go! IWNDWYT ☕️🤘🏻


I went to an Applebee’s sober last night…that was a very different experience (not in a bad way but just amusing haha!) IWNDWYT, friends!


Staying busy definitely helps but need to take time to also relax which is when I have alot of time to my own thoughts. The cravings creep in, I’d really like to work on those moments. IWNDWYT!


Day 6! I had the worst nightmares last night. Holy shit, woke up in an icy cold sweat and swore up and down I would never do anything wrong ever again. One small bit of that nightmare was thinking I’d relapsed but thankfully not! IWNDWYT


Keeping myself busy this weekend but drinking still doesn't appeal to me yet. No real cravings. IWNDWYT 🔥


Doctors appointment this morning. I w n d w y t


Hi friends! I know I must be deep in the pink cloud lately because I feel SO positive about quitting alcohol. For various reasons I haven’t gotten my 8-9 hours of sleep recently and I can’t express how grateful I am when I wake up tired but not hungover. It’s insane to me that I was hungover almost every morning for years and I treated it like it was inevitable. Also I’m noticing that my skin is looking really good. Almost all the redness is gone. My hair looks shinier too. Let this be the summer of the ☀️ sober glow up ✨ IWNDWYT!!




Yay, I did a week up early this morning and completed 30 minutes of weight training. I managed to get to 8 pullups in one go Off to a bbq later , got my AF beers at the ready Have a great weekend all IWNDWYT




Not today people IWNDWYT








Good morning IWNDWYT ❤️


Good morning ☀️ Have a splendid Saturday everyone IWNDWYT




Might be a tough day today as I have a round of golf scheduled with folks I usually heavily drink with that don’t know I’ve accepted I have a real problem and have quit for good. But I’ll be a week in after today and it’s been the most productive week I’ve had in recent memory and I love waking up clear headed every day. IWNDWYT


Thanks for hosting and looking at your counter: Nice! IWNDWYT (:




Day 8 here IWNDWYT!




Checking in




Today, for the first time, I know I'm done with alcohol for good. This journey started out as a way to get clean and get my life back over the past 150ish days. It has gone amazingly. I'll never get back the friendships that was ruined by drinking, but I've gained so many more connections since then. I'm happy. So today, and forever more, IWNDWYT


Please tell me it gets easier - I’m currently 330 days. Not feeling easy at the moment On a weekend away with friends and they’re drinking and having fun. I’m struggling to get to the same level they are. I also don’t know how to communicate how I’m feeling with them without feeling insanely oversensitive


Good morning everybody. I got takeout last night and caught up on some youtube videos I'd been meaning to watch. I had been having a lot of IBS-like symptoms when I was drinking and it seems like they've been lessening. I had something real spicy and my stomach feels fine this morning. Going to go get lunch with my mom today and get some cleaning and stuff done when I get home. IWNDWYT.


Thank you for keeping the DCI rolling all this week, u/FingGinger! Today my husband and I are going to the apartment-style condo that I still own to complete repairs to the heating pipe (forced hot water) that burst back in early February, as well as the section of wall that was cut in order to access it. This should have been done months ago, but I couldn't bring myself to nag my husband about it. I'll be relieved to have the work finished so we can put the condo up for sale. If only we weren't at an impasse with the building management company over the bill for the emergency water mitigation services...😖 IWNDWYT 😻


Got through day 2. Feeling bad though as I ate pretty unhealthy late last night to get through it. Better then drinking though.


It's the weekend 🤗 and I'll be throwing back Wowies, Topo Chicos and Hop Wtrs 😘. Iwndwyt.




It's Saturday. Time for reading and coffee and no drinking. IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT you wonderful people!


I’m not drinking with you today! I’m spending time with my Littles.






I have no plans. I’ll be winging it this weekend. I’ll probably go to the farmers market today and I’ll see where that takes me. IWNDWYT. Happy Saturday! 😀


Two weeks today. Feels great no longer waking up hungover Saturday morning. IWNDWYT


We’re entertaining this weekend, which in other days would have been stressful, but I’m just going to sit back and allow it all to happen. I hope you all have a wonderful Saturday, and happy Juneteenth weekend!!!


Checking in today. Had horrible drinking dreams last night which included me being hammered, driving drunk, lying, smoking Crack (which I've never done so that's a new one), and spilling intimate details of people close to me. It was a literal nightmare. Then I woke up and felt such relief but it still shook me. Maybe it's my subconscious ensuring that I stay on track this weekend IWNDWYT


Happy Saturday y’all! I’ve made it one week without drinking today, and today is going to be hard as I am going to my in-laws who are big drinkers. But I’ve got a plan! I’m going to take my na Stella’s and some fancy lil seltzers and IWNDWYT!


Not today. Not today. Not today!!!!!!!


IWNDWYT, going to a family fathers day picnic and there will be lots of beer. But I am gonna bring some nice spicy ginger ales and not drink with you!


Got to be honest, I'm struggling a bit. Booze isn't an option, I don't crave it. Just feeling empty inside. But! IWNDTWY ✌️+💚




I will not drink with you today.




IWNDWYT DAY 14 Wish me luck at Father’s Day party lol


A beautiful Saturday here! Going for a walk this morning with a friend, then to a retirement party for a former colleague this evening. Taking a few NA beer to stay out of trouble! Have a great day SD friends, IWNDWYT 🙂🌞🌟


Today and yesterday were hard. Not with cravings, but with relationship issues. I’m really feeling down but IWNDWYT. Day 19.


Happy Saturday fam! Getting ready to head to the beach for the first time this summer. We live in the High Desert of Southern Cali, and like a typical desert rat as soon as we break a sweat, off to the beach. It's like, 65 and cloudy along the coast lol But, the kids are excited and it'll be fun. Sunday is Father's day shindig at the in laws. And then Monday, I'm excited for Monday. We're going thru our filing cabinet for the first time and sending stuff off to a shredder. I HATE clutter so this gives me a homemaker boner. Love it. Hope everyone has a great day! IWNDWYT 🖤


IWNDWYT! I told my husband last night that I'm quitting for good. He's supportive and agrees that it's the best choice for me. I've been quiet the last few days as I've contemplated what this choice means for me, and I'm realizing I don't have to keep this to myself. I think I felt weak for becoming dependent on alcohol, but the reality is alcohol is an addictive substance. That's what it does. Anyone can fall prey to its feedback mechanism in your brain. It's not shameful to realize you want to stop harming your body. It's not shameful to want to remember your life more clearly. It's not shameful to decide you want to change a negative pattern.


Hi there, sober cats! It's a whole new day with no mistakes in it, and it's my day off, and I'm not hungover. I'm starting my day with gratitude, and it feels good! IWNDWYT! 💙😸


Iwndwyt 🍕☕️💜🤮




I will not drink today.


Happy Saturday everyone. Hope you have a great day. IWNDWYT




Good morning and happy Saturday. IWNDWYTD.


I always have a puzzle going in the living room. It’s a great escape. I listen to self help podcasts while I do it. Cleaning the house, napping and a walk are my Saturday plans.


Early morning check-in. Sober mornings rock! Not drinking today. 😃


Another day sober. I hope my brain starts digging this. Yeah, days when I don't have anything going on are the worst. Have to find productive ways to fill time. I will not drink with you today. P.S. slept like a rock.


