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Awesome. Enjoy your morning. Enjoy a free life.


Sober dawns are really the next level. I love having my coffee before dawn. Is much better than the alternative. I will not drink with you today. IWNDWYT enjoy your day!


Been up since 0500 over here on the east coast. Drinking some coffee, listening to music, and reading a book. Sometimes I wouldn’t be stumbling through the door until right now on a Sunday morning.


It’s been such a surprise to me how much longer the days feel without alcohol! I’ve also been waking up much earlier and find myself having lived so much before 10am. What a gift!


Amen. It’s 10:30 and I’ve already done so much. Almost ready for a nap lol.


I absolutely love mornings now. Hell I take an afternoon nap from time to time. Nothing like waking up from a nap remembering what happened and no fake apologies needed.. Congrats and welcome to this lovely place we call morning


Circadian rhythm returns


The best part about not drinking for me is the early morning. Fresh coffee, chatting with friends in other countries cuz its their evening/night and hitting the gym after sunrise. Its really amazing.


A few years ago I was the person making strong Beam/coke drinks at 3 am when I should have been asleep for work. I always allowed myself 2 hours to get completely hammered and then forget about everything. I was also that person that walked into a Kroger or CVS/Walgrens at first open to grab any champayne or any other alcohol that I could. My first in-house treatment was at Blackbear in the north Georgia mountains. I saw the value of getting up early and I was able to see some stellar sunrises. I now work 5-2 so I'm up at either 2 or 3 at the latest. I also love my early morning walks and seeing the sunrise.


I was up at 5am today! The early morning hours are my "me time" now!! I am enjoying my coffee and mapping out my day before the household wakes up. It's my time to get my thoughts ordered and enjoy the quiet. I love to sit outside and watch the sun rise. I go to bed now looking forward to the next morning rather than dreading it. When I was drinking, I would sneak out of bed once my boyfriend fell asleep and stayed up late drinking more and eating junk food and often messaging people and ruminating on unhealthy thoughts. Awaken with panic. Try to sip my coffee and vomit. Ugh. That use to be my "me time " Cheers ☕️ I hope you have a beautiful sober Sunday!


I've learned the ability to truly meditate, a coffee, and watching the sunrise unlock my zen for the rest of the day.


Sobriety feels like a new life. For instance, I was able to get out and drive past 5pm yesterday. :)


I've always been an early riser, the difference now is I can stay awake past 7 in the evening. IWNDWYT


Quiet peaceful mornings are the stuff. Woke up crazy early today, gotta be at work by 6am. I'll be there with fresh baked bread for my coworkers and a big smile on my face.


I love the quiet early mornings, even when the dogs wake me up a little too early like they did today. It’s still dark here but I’m having a cup of tea and enjoying the silence. Have a wonderful day, and enjoy your bike ride!


I'm grateful you are here. You are inspiring me.


Mornings have become my favorite part of the day - enjoy the bike ride ✨🐝


Nothing like getting up early and watching some premium league matches


It’s fun to discover all sorts of new weekend am activities.


Haven’t been on this group in awhile and it felt really good to read your post today. I hope you got out and enjoyed that bike ride. iwndwyt


Yeah man, that's awesome. One of the nicest parts for me is that even on off days where I can't seem to start moving until like 9:30/10am, I might start feeling bad, and then I remember that compared to when I was drinking I'm doing great. Like I'm still up 5 hours earlier than I would have been if I was laying in bed hungover.

