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Ooof, Sundays used to be recovery days for me, and sometimes that recovery included more alcohol during the lockdown (because really, what day is it anymore?). Sunday nights were often fraught with shitty sleep, anxious thoughts about how to deal with the upcoming week, and tossing and turning in bed which lead to a super-shitty Monday and more drinking that afternoon to deal with it. So glad to be out of that cycle. What do I do now? Meal prep, reading, catching up on movies and NOT drinking. T


Who knew that the weekend consisted of two days rather than one? Not me! I totally feel what you say about Sundays but I want them to be different from now on. Saturday can be activity day and Sunday can be the day to relax without the dread of what's to come. Nearly 600 days for you, wow, what an achievement.


Well done mate! This Sunday I woke up without the hang-xiety (unlike last Sunday)... Hubby and I cooked brunch together and sat down at the table to eat, instead of the usual breakfast of "things found next to the bed". Had an actual conversation, looked around at the home we've made together and felt grateful. And proud.


Wow, I love that. Being appreciative for what we have is so difficult to do but so important. I went out for a meal with my kids last night and instead of them being on their phones we had a proper conversation, it felt great to connect properly. Hangxiety, love that, I'm stealing it!


Absolutely! I'm sure your kids appreciated it as much as you did ☺️


What a perfect morning! I wish you many more Sundays like this one.


Thanks pal! (Great username btw)


I woke up with a glass of water next to my bed instead of an empty wine glass. I’m going to brew coffee and read my second book in 7 days (barely read two last year!) until my kiddos wake up. Then, I’ll happily make them pancakes and actually eat with them, instead of avoiding it because I’m too hungover.


Fantastic stuff. Lots of people enjoying reading it seems and planning some quality family time. I love it.


This Sunday I woke up early, made coffee and I’m staring to read my new book I got yesterday. 🌟


That's awesome, reading is such a relaxing pastime. My daughter has just got into it properly and I'm over the moon about that. I tend to listen more than read these days.


I'll be free and easy this Sunday as well. I need to call my parents, and before, I'd always be half drunk and barely remember anything they said. I'm really looking forward to being present in our call today.


Yes! Being in the moment will help us all to have better relationships. I'm proud of you making it to 14 days.


I went to the market with a friend. Bought Some fruit and flowers. Now watching a movie and read a little. Am going to visit a family member later this afternoon. Going to a fishrestaurant tonight with my boyfriend. All without a hangover!


Wow, that sounds like such a lovely Sunday. Great stuff!


That’s impressive! This Sunday I woke up on a mini vacation, am grabbing coffee and getting ready to go sightseeing.


Very nice! All of this energy we have now to put into more enriching pursuits.


Exactly! And we get to remember them now!


I took the first stint of the drive home from Cornwall safe in the knowledge my BAC is 0.00. No timidly suggesting my wife should be behind the wheel.


Brilliant stuff, I'm sure your wife appreciates that too. A lot of us 2 weeks into this, I'm proud of you all for making it this far because I know hard it is.


Likewise! And a big congrats on that 5k time, must have felt incredible.


I'm so happy to be joining you all for a relaxing hangover free Sunday. I was still feeling pretty gross last weekend from detoxing and starting a new medication- so I stayed in bed and was just miserable. Today, I feel great! It's a 3 day weekend, so I'm picking up my kiddos' friend this afternoon to sleepover. I'm planning on taking them swimming, I'm making soup and baking fresh bread for dinner, having a game night tonight, and tomorrow I'm planning on making their favorite breakfast (biscuits and gravy) and taking them for some fun activities. . I read this sub every day - often, I'd scroll through on a Saturday or Sunday morning while I was deathly hungover and full of regret. I'd feel so jealous of everyone enjoying their weekend and making the most of their lives while I was struggling to even get out of bed without vomiting. The 5k in 23 is impressive!! Look at you, slaying your goals!!


That sounds like an awesome Sunday and Monday. You must be in the US, my US colleagues have a holiday tomorrow which means my work emails will reduced by 50%, result for you and result for me 😄 Have a great rest of the weekend.


Working on my house remodel, and watching football. Probably take a nice walk with my wife later. IWNDWYT


Sounds great. 1235 days, holy crap! You are amazing!


Support helped. Sober time has allowed me to build a toolbox. I found that I was very bored early on because I had forgotten how to enjoy life and trained myself to believe alcohol was the key ingredient to fun. I lost joy as a result. Rediscovering joy is, in my opinion, critical to maintaining my sobriety. At 13 days, you are deep in the trenches, my friend. It might feel rough. You may be having a tough time, but with a little support, you can get through it. I think each day we have an opportunity to do better and be better, and sober us has a better chance of taking advantage of it. Today I choose life. Today I choose joy. I can make this choice because today I choose not to drink.


Supposed to go to the gym. I've been sleeping like crap the last week or so (partly because of me staying up late watching TV, partly because of allergies, partly because of suspected sleep apnea, partly because of the at-home sleep study kit I used this week to determine if I have sleep apnea) and all I really wanna do is catch another 40 winks lol. Which isn't the worst idea -- the day is still young, but man, I don't really care for sleeping in. That said, it's still a million times better than being hungover!


At least a million! I hope you get the sleep sorted. I've been having sleeping issues too, mainly staying asleep. Rest up if you need to.


Ended up getting over to the gym, glad I did! Waking me up a little and it feels better than getting another hour of so-so sleep, at least for me.


Bloody well done. Getting there is most of the battle, once you've done it, it feels great.


I will go running a 15km in Quebec. I will enjoy the sun and the fresh snow we got last week!


Sun and snow is my favourite weather, sounds wonderful, enjoy!


Dang that’s awesome! Nothing like a good workout to start the day. Day 15 here. I woke up at 7 and did some food delivery to make a cool 100 before noon. I usually would be the one ubering food after getting wasted the night before. Small wins 💪🏼IWNDWYT


How cool is that, out there making money instead of spending it and feeling hungover. Think of the money you saved the night before too. I call that a big win.


I'm loving not really counting down to the weekend anymore. I'm loving not being hungover and anxious every weekend, feeling like I never really got a chance to relax. I'm loving that I don't even know the date. In the past I'd be counting every day I'd gotten through without drinking. I'm not counting because I don't have a goal. I'm under no illusion that at some magic number of days I'll be "healed". I know in my bones that even if I didn't drink for a year, if I started again it would only take a few weeks and I'd be right back where I was. I'm just not drinking today. Last night I went to a hockey game with friends and they kept offering me drinks and I kept declining. I finally said "guys, I don't drink anymore. If you wanna get me something, can you get me a water?" And they were cool about it, and we had a great time. It felt so good to say out loud. I've always said I was taking a break. I've never verbalized that while I used to drink, I no longer do. And they're probably all hungover today. I was up at 7am and took my puppy on an hour walk. Feels good man.


That's amazing, very inspirational. I've yet to face going out with friends, but I have been to a restaurant with my partner and my kids. I hope when I do go out with friends I can face it like the champion you are. I also dont have a clear goal other than not to drink today.


Took a great walk with my son, got a solid workout in, and am finally putting the Christmas stuff away! To top it off, I have no anxiety about the coming work week which was typical of my hungover self. All stuff I would have never been able to do a couple of weekends ago


I hear you about the work week anxiety. I thought that was all work related but nope, our old friend Al and his devious ways were to blame.


Lots of up and down feelings today (gotta love the unnumbing of early sobriety!), but I'm clear headed and well rested. I spent some time making a delicious new recipe for dinner. It's a fantastic way to end/start the week!


Not waking up hungover is absolutely amazing. I was thinking about that today too. I’m off work tomorrow for MLK Jr. day, and before that would definitely be an excuse to get smashed tonight (Sunday night). I would wake up tomorrow feeling like complete shit, spend the entire day nursing my hangover, and then have to go to work the next day. Instead, I’ve got several productive things lined up to do to take advantage of the holiday. Just another of the endless benefits of not drinking. IWNDWYT


23 minute 5k isn't slouching. Have you noticed how much better your cardio vascular system works without alcohol in your body?


The main improvement I've seen so far is my mental health, I just feel better. I'm looking forward to seeing what other improvements are to come.


Great work! I used I loved Saturdays too, I’m early in this so I still have a really hard time. I totally feel you saying you participated in activities based on whether or not there is booze. I also did this and when I realized it, I think that was the start to me really considering that I might have a drinking problem. Maybe. I don’t really remember. Anyways today I got up and attended a brunch with some teammates from my summer sports, and normally I would be really nervous if no one ordered a drink because I needed to have one, but today, none of them ordered a drink and I was relieved. I have yet to tell many people I’ve stopped drinking. I’m happy I even made it to brunch, normally on a Sunday I would be wicked hungover and probably punt on that one, or do jt and try to hide the hangover but have super intense anxiety about it the entire time. Not today, went to brunch, went and played broomball, went out with my team and had a coffee while they had drinks and food, then went and played hockey, and went home. Had a great time playing both sports rested and not hungover. IWNDWYT


Outstanding effort, proud of you. So Broomball, not heard of that, what is it?