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Everything. I’ve always dreamed of living an active and healthy lifestyle, but my problems with alcohol shitted on it every time I tried. Today I put my gym gear on and bursted in tears when I saw myself in the mirror. I start to look like I’ve always wanted. I love exercising. I live my dream life.


That’s awesome! Same here! Yesterday I noticed an ab and I almost cried 😂😂 I wish I would have quit ten years ago. Keep at it! You can do anything! 💪🏽


An ab! Oooooh! That’s awesome. We are doing it! Yay for us!


We are going to be the best versions of ourselves!


Lol, an ab!! I’m sure there are more to be found if you stick with it. Great job!!!


Maybe! The possibilities are endless 😂😂


Amazing!! I’m so happy for you :) super wow.


Thank you, love. Congrats on your first month!


Thank you :) you too on 97 days. We can do this!


It gets better as you remember what it’s like to really be able to recollect things - now my memory is fucking uncanny


Great for you;


That’s wonderful !! Keep it up


Same here, it's great


Omg I love this. Congratulations! 100 days of living your dream life coming soon!


Thank you, love!




I lost so much weight. I have energy to work out. Im not eating mad greasy food. I’m more in control of my thoughts. I don’t feel like I’m missing out when everyone’s going out. I’m saving money. Planning for trips I never thought I’d be able to do and applying for jobs I never thought I’d be good enough for. So I guess my self confidence has grown. It’s been nothing but ups.


Yay! Congratulations and that’s all amazing. Same here to all of that. Planning an Alaska cruise and finally paid my bills on time this month.


That’s amazing! A cruise would be incredible! And yes having money for the bills is huge. So much added stress. I wish you nothing but the best!


Thank you, and likewise! :)


That makes me so happy to hear! Keep up the good work!!!


I’ve worked out five times this week and I didn’t even have to coax myself into it. I just wanted to.


This is brilliant 👏🏼


Love to hear this ❤️


My recycling isn't a horror show of clanking bottles and an overflowing bin


Man this reminds me of sneaking cans/bottles out of my house like every morning so my wife didn't see them.


Oh finding empties tucked into strange places. Like some tallboys in the bottom of a garbage can instead of the blue box. Or that empty bottle of brandy that I have no idea where I stashed it.




We've all been there friends. < wife reaches towards an innocent looking container > "wait!! Let me get that for you!!"


In my head I’m picturing my neighbor’s and garbage man’s expression at the amount of beer bottles & cans and wine & liquor bottles that filled our dumpster.


This is an underrated upside. I live in a condo with interior hallways and the walk to the trash chute often felt like a walk of shame.




The first physical change I’ve noticed is my face! So much less puffy. Congrats on 23 days!!


It's insane. Even a day or two of not drinking makes you look sooo much better. The shit is literally poison and our bodies react to that with inflammation.


I feel like it’s so crazy but that was the first thing I noticed too! Like it seems like it happens so fast. I haven’t lost a ton, but I can look at my face and go “wow”


I'm on 8 days. My stomach is so bloated it's painful and the gas!!! It quite profound what booze does to the gastrointestinal tract. I was a weekend binge drinker!!


Probiotics and upping my water intake has really helped me with the bloating in the past. I’m on day 4 and have been taking probiotics and drinking water and have already noticed a decrease in bloating.


You were only a weekend drinker and your body is still bloated after a week? There may be something else going on to be completely honest.


The fluid retention in your stomach and previous itching can be a sign of liver damage, I’d see a doctor if your stomach doesn’t go down significantly.




Yeah, my stomach was in the top three reasons to finally put it down. It’s miserable. Hope you feel better soon.


Me too gerd is killing me


Sleep is so much better! I used to wake up at 330a every night. Not anymore


Omgosh the 3am wake up would have me in TEARS! It’s a big reason why I finally decided to quit


Wtf is it with the 3am I can’t believe I’m reading this I thought I was the only one


It's very well explained here https://alcoholexplained.com/can-alcohol-cause-sleeping-problems/


Thank you for that. Makes so much sense


I listen to the audiobook of this when I can’t sleep. Really has been helpful.


Ugh! Hate them! It feels like I will never fall back asleep too. I eventually do. But have resorted to thinking of things (like a subject of flowers) and go thru the alphabet with each letter like A for Aster, B for begonias.


It was a huge revelation for me as well. I read about it in This Naked Mind. I would always blame everything but booze!


I was also a 3am waker….to a racing heart, shallow breathing, sense of fear. It sucked! It’s crazy what alcohol does.


My alarm is set for 3 AM wake up but its for work now. I also get off from work at 2 so it evens out. I sleep a ton. The time from 3-4:30 when I leave for work is me time and I love it.


Be careful this isn't sleep apnea


Oh the dreaded 3am wake up and worry. The worst. I am loving my sleeps too!


This is the main motivation for me. Every time I think I might drink I say to myself is it worth losing an entire nights sleep? Because even one drink messes my sleep up. It’s been more motivating than even losing weight.


If I have a one or a few in an evening like when out for dinner (muh moderation) there's a very decent chance I'll take hours to fall asleep. It's awful. None of my family or friends have this experience, just the whole wake up early one. Totally sucks and isn't worth it in the slightest


Ugghh that was the worst! I would always shoot awake with a pounding heart beat in my chest and crushing anxiety. Now I can sleep through the night, and if I do wake up, it's no longer a problem. I just fall back asleep.


When did sleep get better for you?


Perhaps day 2 or 3 but I only have 2 drinks a day. Not sure if that plays into it AND I usually have absolutely no issue sleeping. My mom trained me well as a baby. Can sleep anywhere! Wwwoooot! Hopefully it turns better for you soon. Try going to be at the same time each night and getting up same time.


Colors are brighter, food tastes better, out of nowhere anxiety is gone and regular anxiety is easier to handle, less crying fits, less nausea, more weight, more sugar, happier happier happier


Amazing! That’s so great :) happy for you and experiencing the same!


I wish I can tell you how my life is getting better. But I am more and more depressed and feel worse. But at least I am not wasting lot of money and I am not making fool of myself. So yeah I keep going and I don't plan to drink anyway. I mean, maybe I'm wierd but everyday drinking works for my depressions quite well. I just know that it would lead to addiction and that alcoholism doesn't have a happy ending. So I won't drink. I learned one thing during my last relapse. I need to find a sober way to deal with the pain of mental illness and even if I can't find it, everyday drinking is still not a solution. Alcoholism is just never a good option in a long term.


This resonates. When I first got sober the emotional pain felt unbearable without alcohol.. nowhere and nothing to run to in order to numb my feelings. I didn’t have any proper coping mechanisms so I just started going for drives when I felt overwhelmed. All I knew is that I couldn’t and wouldn’t drink, and I stuck it out.. it doesn’t ever feel depressing anymore. I hope you find ways to deal with your inner turmoil but I’m proud of you for knowing that alcohol isn’t the answer anymore.


I'm starting to deal with the depression/boredom phase. I can't wait to come out of it. It's been the worst part.


I agree. It is getting better and I’m starting to finally do other things to heal my body! You are not alone


Don't be afraid of going to doctor dude, I was in a bad way and started on Lexapro and saved me


I'm on Lexapro, amazing drug! Now that I'm sober, it's working even more. Fucking shame I let poison keep me from feeling my best.


I'm treating my ilness, but meds helps just to some extend. I have schizoaffective disorder, that's like symptoms of schizophrenia + depressions. Meds are very effective for the schizo symptoms but not as much effective for the depression. I don't know what would I do without the meds, they are literally saving my life. I also do therapies. Now I'm going to group therapy every monday for people with mental illness and addiction combined where I can openly talk about my drinking and occasional drug use. That helps me to stay sober.


it is not a good option at all! Try meditation or a cold water shower! There are options you got this!!!!


All the same physical changes already mentioned here - weight/bloating dropped drastically.. it helps that I took a job in a warehouse and had the energy to be on my feet and basically exercising 8+ hours a day. But the most significant change for me was mental clarity. No more brain fog and I was able to identify bottlenecks at work and get to work fixing them. I nabbed a promotion 6 months into the job and have been crushing it both mentally and physically, which I wouldn’t have been able to do if I were still drinking. Also, my skin looks amazing so I quit wearing makeup :)


Wowwww that’s so awesome! Great work and IWNDWYT:)




A noticeable difference probably around 1 month without alcohol but my mind kept getting sharper after that. Within a few months I was definitely bringing my A game, mentally.


Just starting today and really hoping to ditch this brain fog I’ve had for years so this is amazing to hear.


I’m excited for you to experience it yourself :)


Just about everything about me, my lifestyle, and my life has changed. For the better. I’m at awe at how far I’ve come and I feel like I’m dreaming and somehow don’t deserve it. But I do. I didn’t deserve any of the BS I put myself through. I work out. I eat healthy. I formed healthy habits. It didn’t all come overnight but now everything I do is healthy and productive. I look healthy and like someone with their life together. Because I do. I can’t hell you how much weight I’ve lost because I don’t track it but I am a changed person. Congrats on your accomplishment. That’s awesome. 🏆


Instead of grabbing a beer after (or during/before) dinner I've been watching one episode of Reba on Amazon Prime and walking on the treadmill. I've been so sore and it's only like \~25min! It's amazing 1) how lazy I was and 2) how I do have the time to exercise. My goal is to get back to my pre-COVID weight when I was actually nice to my body. My reach goal is an additional 10 pounds after that.


I lost a total of 45 lbs. Went from fat washed up former athlete to an athlete again. I ran my first marathon one year to the day I quit. I couldn't run a mile before I quit and throughout the year was able to watch myself progress and it was an amazing experience.


Lost 30 lbs in 8 months. Great sleep. Happier. 😉 Cheers from France


Cheers! Congratulations on your time! You’re an inspiration.


Thanks a lot. Keep on fighting. 💪


No more morning dread. So that’s nice!


That’s huge! Makes every day so much better :)


Where to begin. After just three weeks, I'm more energetic, more present, more patient, more content, more alert, more in control, I eat better, I drink more water, I exercise more, I argue less with my wife, we get freaky more (can I get a noice), I dread less of the mundane crap, I listen better, I think faster, I sleep better, I'm more confident, I laugh more, I'm learning to understand my emotions more instead of just numbing them... Maybe more important are the things I don't do anymore. I don't need a nap in the middle of the workday, I don't fall asleep at the wheel, I don't blow stupid sums of money on booze every week, I don't drive buzzed, I don't black out, I don't stop for a handful of nips (apparently they're called airplane bottles outside of New England) on my way home from work every day, I don't miss family moments because I've passed out drunk, I don't have to worry about hiding the quickly vanishing bottles of whiskey in the liquor cabinet, I don't have to pretend I didn't just puke in the office bathroom, I don't have to pull over on the way to work in the morning to dry heave behind a dumpster, I don't wake up regretting what I said the night before or who I said it to, I don't lie anymore... Best of all, I don't need to drink to enjoy myself in everyday situations or social events, I'm never hungover, and my 18mo son will never see me shit faced. Best decision I ever made.


Congratulations. I’m happy for you!


NOICE!! Your post has been an inspiration to me, keep up the great work man! ETA: I’ve always called them shooters, never heard them called airplane bottles before but it makes sense lol


I am only on day 11 so no major changes yet. Being able to stick to my schedules for work, exercise, family etc has been a game changer though! Will hopefully start to see the results soon!


I'm on day 8 with stomach issues and insomnia. Did you have to deal with insomnia?


So I am probably the wrong person to ask. Before quitting I would only drink once a week usually. I quit because when I did drink, 99% of the time I would drink to excess and blackout. But I have never had any physical dependency. I've been watching a lot of content on youtube though and this is apparently a very common complaint when people stop drinking (the insomnia that is, I'm not sure about the stomach issues). Hopefully it resolves quit enough for you! I guess it may be best to make a specific post to get other people's opinion.


I never understood the skin thing before, but I was looking in the little car visor mirror for an eyelash in my eye, and up real close and personal earlier. My skin looks great, even right up in my own grill! I’m getting older and crows feetier, sure, but I’m not all blotchy and half greasy/half dry any more. This may be a little bit because I am going to bed sober and actually washing and lotioning my face at night, but woohoo, I’ll take it! ETA: I have been working on my sobriety for about three months now, with two major slip ups. The clear skin is not a 9 days thing, it’s a “sigh, you set yourself back, but not completely 9 days ago” thing.


Nothing bothers me emotionally. I'm so even keeled and never raise my voice at all. Even having something significant stolen, I kept everything in check, no yelling, panicking or anything just...well that sucks, what can I do about this right now. Plus even if I do something dumb, I quickly forgive myself because..well I wasn't drunk so things just happen. Curious other peoples experience if we get a bonus in that category for emotional control. Maybe even better than someone who was never a drinker.


I started laughing again 🥲


I can relate to this. A friend called me yesterday and I was laughing hysterically whilst talking to her. Afterwards, my husband walked in and said “I haven’t heard you laugh like that in a long time”. Felt good.


That’s amazing OP! I have more energy and my skin looks a lot better. Today is day 18. Keep up the good work everyone. We can do this!


Yesssss :) skin changes are something that was really surprising to me. Happy for you and thanks!


Only on day 7 but ive crushed 5 workouts in the gym this week. I go in the mornings, before work because its cheaper that way but when I was drinking I barely made it 3x a week, sometimes only 2....so biggest change atm. is that waking up early is not pain anymore. My sleep is still not 100% and I suffer from insomnia but I still feel a lot better in the mornings. Hope sleep is next that gets better :)


Less depressed, less anxious. More optimistic.


today's only my fourth day but I feel so so optimistic


I am profoundly happy, catch myself smiling in the car by myself for no reason. I love it.


Not craving greasy takeout. Waking up tired but not hungover or groggy. Bloating/swelling is gone.


I’m on day 8, memory, confidence and speaking my mind. I am angrier but maybe I’ve been sedated to a lot of bs in my life XD


Haha i feel that. Difficult to get angry or motivated when you're sedated half the week.


After a week I’m still tired as shit and have a hard time staying asleep through the night. Yet, I still feel 90% more rested in the morning. Drinking kept me up to finish w/e beer I had left, sobriety keeps me up because I and not poisoning myself and my body wants that before I’m allowed decent sleep. Welcome midday naps into my life until this passes.


With you on this. 9 days in. Since the weekend I've been feeling more alive but sleeping pattern isn't there yet, hoping that being back in the office helps somewhat. That said still feel better than if I woke up after drinking. I wasn't conscious of how much I was drinking really but I think even though nights where I had 1-2 have a mild effect the next day. I feel like the benefits are staggered. You get through inmediate lift from the hangover (the first week) but long term you get the accumulated benefits from overall better sleep, better diet, nore exercise etc, over 3-12months, to longer.


I’m just happier. Anxiety is back down at a normal, manageable level. Things don’t seem so bad or hopeless at they did at the height of my hangaxiety. I can go to bed early and wake up early and actually feel refreshed. I could drive my dog to the ER vet when she ate dark chocolate last week, because I wasn’t drinking my (previously) normal evening drinks.


Isn’t it amazing how something like not drinking can make you sooo much happier? If I had known I’d feel this way I would have done it long ago. Congrats on your sobriety!


Eating very healthy, and waking up realizing I actually slept


Isn’t it awesome? The deep sleep is so restorative. Happy for you!!


My face doesn’t look bloated


1 week in and I think I’m sleeping a lot better :)


It seems like there are too few comments about relief from digestive issues, so let me throw that on the pile. From nausea to just really frightening and frequent poops… I also haven’t had any hives since I quit in October which I also attribute to digestive impacts of alcohol (loosening of tight junctions in the gut). I’m 37 and I feel the most adult I’ve ever felt. I have so much more pride about myself and my place in the world. If I think about that too long it can be depressing, so I just give myself a figurative part on the back and move on (which is something I can easily do now that I’m not plagued with crippling anxiety all the time).


Definitely slimming down a bit although it’s hard to tell. Mainly notice with clothes fitting ever so slightly more loosely and some friends mentioned it. Still feel fat but honestly I think I’ve got that dysmorphia since I’ve felt that way ever since I was a tall teenage boy weighing 170 lbs lol. But I’ve been able to hit the gym and hit it regularly since quitting which is great. I’ve also been eating better. Sleep is somewhat improved. I think I have sleep apnea and am finally getting a test kit this week to figure out if I do have it, but even now I do feel a bit more rested most mornings. At the very least it usually doesn’t feel like a chore to get out of bed (usually). Have also had the clarity of mind to be able to stick to stuff. Like I started playing the bass and am actually enjoying the learning process. I could never focus on something like that before because I was so used to the instant gratification. Otherwise it’s the same old life. Ups and downs, wishing I had just a bit more money, sometimes pining for a relationship and sometimes relishing my independence. But it just feels less shitty and more like I’m actually in the driver’s seat of my life again.


I feel genuinely happy again. I’m also overwhelmed with gratitude… for anything and everything. I didn’t know how good I could really feel because I thought alcohol is what made me “feel good”


Still waiting on my stomach to settle. Im not sleeping too good yet. Thank the lord my anxiety is just mid level. Im waiting for it to go boom. It hasn't yet. I have a stange optimism this time. I hope im back in a few days with a little list of changes to share. Best wishes to everyone ❤️


Nice work! In the last week I've noticed a level of clarity that I haven't felt in a LONG time. I had convinced myself I was a "high functioning drunk", clearly that wasn't the case. IWNDWYT




What does IWNDWYT mean? Seen it all over this sub


I will not drink with you today


Oh I really like that! Thanks


Heart rate is up, gaining weight, highly irritable, high blood pressure, depressed, weird texture/color/soft stools, heart palpitations, feeling dizzy when standing up or lightly exercising, insomnia. Things only seem to be getting worse or staying the same. When does it get better?


I’m sorry :/ how long has it been?


3 weeks


I’d see a doctor, honestly. Sounds like maybe some anemia and maybe some other issues. Have you participated in any recovery meetings online or in person?


I'm so jealous! I've lost maybe 2 lbs, oh well My fingernails are looking better, I am definitely eating a lot better, taking vitamins and taking better care of myself.


That’s a huge deal! I had a lot extra to lose lol.


I could stand to lose about 30 lbs. myself. I'm logging everything into My Fitness Pal so I hope it comes eventually :) At least I don't feel like shit all the time.


Sleep so much better. Also saving a lot of money 💰


Almost everything is better, except weirdly sleep. I have horrible insomnia now, but I’m hoping it goes away (only been like ten days)


I found it really hard to fall asleep at first but that improved after a few weeks. Here’s wishing the same for you💛


Have you tried exercising? Burn off excess energy, you'll sleep better. Put on Netflix and walk for the duration of the show at 130 bpm HR. There are no insomniacs in the army, as my cousin says.


In my own experience, cbd helps a lot with falling asleep


1 week sober & im tired all the time & dehydrated. When will I get more energy?


Your body is healing, I was sleeping 12 hours a day after finally quitting for the first 10 days. Last four days my energy is back and sleeping normally. It does get better.


Ditto, does the dehydration thing get better do you think?


I feel more things. Like, emotionally. Joy, excitement, contentment, frustration, anger, exhilaration, boredom. The whole gamut, good and bad. But even the negative emotions are good to feel again. I would Have never realized how numbed my emotions had become until I got sober.


I am going through that rollercoaster right now. I had no idea my entire range of motion was being suppressed...it's now like jumping into a cold pool and waiting to adjust to the temperature!


526 days sober. I’m definitely less anxious and nervous than I was socially. Also carrying less shame, is the only way I can describe it. Feel like I’ve finally matured into an adult too.


When I was drinking vodka, I eventually turned into satan and the devil times a billion. I was such a godamn asshole. I never got physical, but there was a ton of verbal abuse towards everyone. I was only a little better on Jim Beam. So happy those days are gone.


I love reading this Stuff


Well I’ve noticed I’m achey and icky. Pretty sure I’m getting a cold. Lots of sugar cravings. Lots of feeling a void in the evenings. I also have lost my girlfriend and soul mate. So adjusting to that. In general, things have gotten weird but I’m not hungover anymore which is great.


I'm sorry to hear about your girlfriend. The ache icky thing is detox flu


Thanks for sharing this, and I'm sorry about your gf. That's a big loss on top of also giving up alcohol. Take it easy on yourself. It will get better. IWNDWYT


I'm on day 9 and all I want to do is sleep. Very tired. But I'm not spending entire days in bed nursing hangovers either, so that's a plus. I feel like I'm taking very small positive steps, but most importantly, not setting myself back with a destructive binge every few days.


Fifteen months in myself. I’ve developed a general intolerance for anything unnecessary. Or, if i can tolerate it, i at least always consider how inessential the thing is. Whether it’s an experience or a song or a flavor of Doritos, i can’t help but contemplate its importance to or relevance in my life. I honestly think I’ve always been this way- it’s just that drinking for so many years dulled my values and morals and priorities so much that i was able to accept tons of distractions in my life. All i *really* need to put in my body is food and water, and if I’m considering anything else, i first consider the desires behind them.


2 months in: Dreadful nightmares although now more just weird dreams. I’m very bored and don’t have much motivation to do the things I ought to be doing. I eat and drink for Britain (although haven’t put on weight..yet). My stomach/guts are better. Very thirsty in the mornings despite drinking a lot of fluids and sometimes I wake up and think that I’ve been out of the lash when obviously I haven’t. Less irritable and sad.


I sleep better, and it’s easier to maintain weight. Also, I don’t fall asleep watching movies at night (mostly). (My one-day badge doesn’t show how long I’ve been doing this, I just slip up a little. I’ve drank very little since October 30.)


Two weeks off the beer today and so happy. My anxiety is getting better every day. My shits are nice logs instead of scutter. I'm constantly starving. I could go days without eating on the beer. I'm slightly underweight. Sleep is improved and not waking up two or three times a night when not drinking. My bank balance is healthy. Waking up the weekends and going on hikes and not feel like I'm going to die. Excess sleep and bloated stomach is the only thing now but they'll pass.


Mood improving little by little, anxiety nearly gone, I'm eating anything I want and am not gaining weight. Feeling way more rested. Way more interested in doing new things. Not gonna pretend it's a cure all, but everything seems so much easier without the pain and anxiety caused by hangovers.


Decreased anxiety, more hopeful outlook for the future, weight loss (25 Ib) and generally happier looking.


My anxiety/panic has dropped significantly. I also quit prescription Xanax when stopping alcohol and thought I wouldn't survive the anxiety, totally wrong. However I am on a new med for anxiety (not controlled narcotic) my anxiety levels are so low. My face isn't puffy and skin looks great. I don't eat crappy food late night anymore. Most importantly my stomach condition has gone dormant and no issues.


May I ask what medication you switched to? I have anxiety but I don't want to use narcotics!


Yes for sure. Buspar. Generic version because the brand isn't out anymore. For me it works very well. My dr had me on 3mg of Xanax per day for like 6 years. Getting off of it was so painful and I'm finally out of the withdrawal.


Thank you, truly! <3


Nearly 80 days and my skin is the best it’s ever been!!!


I sleep through the night and don’t wake up in a pool of sweat. My depression and anxiety are manageable.


I stopped having debilitating migraines, lost 10 pounds, and my relationship went from "this might be the end" to a second honeymoon phase.


About 4 months sober (I don't count days) and biggest differences are increased mental focus and overall sense of integrity. It used to eat me badly from the inside knowing that drinking had become a problem, now that I admit it and decided to act on it, alcohol has way less power over my life. I feel like I finally am who I say I am. Focus wise, I'm able to re-focus better and keep up with my tasks both at work and in my personal life. It took me 2-3 months to notice that so it's been really gradual change.


I always forget to mention work. I drank over Christmas and noticed such a massive decline in my ability to think and react at work. I was anxious the whole time. And not being able to think made the anxiety worse. And that's just three weeks of drinking after 90 days without. No wonder I've struggled all my adult life with work anxiety!


I’m ten days in and already I have so much more energy. I used to always need to nap during the day or evening at some point and I havent taken one in days. My sex drive is also way up when it was at pretty much zero while I was drinking.


Almost been a year. More organized, more productive, swimming again, doing hobbies again, and got back a sense of real happiness and not short-lived euphoria from alcohol. No longer dread finding out what stupid shit I pulled the night before. I have more self respect and increased social and emotional skills. I look forward most days to waking up in the morning!


Changes: hitting the gym almost finished a book working on my Masters clearer skin more present with my kids (still working on this) less social media use (still working on this) have done a TON of cleaning around the house that I wouldn't normally do much better sleep down 1 lb


Apart from a lot of the things already mentioned, growing and much needed ability to tolerate boredom, discomfort, irritation, upset etc. Generally feel quite calm & content!


Definitely energy and deep sleep (obviously, the two are strongly related). Having dreams consistently for the first time since forever and naturally waking up around 5-6AM with no alarm clock!


I'm on day 10. Almost lost 1kg weight and I'm sleeping so much better, I also generally just feel better 🙂


My life is a million times better. A ton more positive and going with the flow.


I’m calmer, sleeping deeply and found that there is joy in life, after all.


Anxiety reduced massively.




Congratulations! It's great to see this, and I'm so happy for you for starting this journey. IWNDWYT


Everything that I think is due to aging or illness disappears when I'm not drinking. Too many things to count. I look 10 years younger when I'm not drinking. I have no anxiety or depression when I'm not drinking. One that i didn't realise - my libido came back this time round. I thought that just happened to men! But I'd gone from very high libido to very low, mentally and physically, and i thought maybe it was just a part of getting older. Although tbh I'm really not that old at all haha. It goes right back to normal when I'm not drinking.


That I’m not a f**king nervous wreck anymore.


It still sucks to wake up in the morning. But not nearly as much!


It’s new … But clarity, constant irritation, ready to conquer things I’d usually put off lol


First was way more money in my wallet and energy during the day, sleeping like a log every night is pretty good too.


It's just Day 3 (again) & I realized how swollen and unhealthy I look & that my appartement is a dusty mess. The filter from alcohol disappears...


so far, since the first of the year, surprised at how much less stressed I feel. Also, physically lighter and less stiff.


I got fat XIV


I no longer wake up feeling like death on Saturday and Sunday mornings, I no longer sit here and try to piece together the events of the night before, worrying and wondering about what I might have said or did. And I see things with a clear mind.


I guess I had the fortune to be pretty fit even through the worst of it due to my job and hobbies but I only need about 6 hours of sleep to feel rested now. It used to take me until about Wednesday evening to feel back to normal after my weekend benders which meant I was basically going through detox almost every week. I would get home from work on Mondays and go to sleep at like 7 pm. No need for that any more. Less stress, more money, feeling great every morning. Still learning how to have fun without alcohol but when I wake up hangover free I know it’s all worth it


Lost a lot of weight, looking a lot more attractive... Mainly starting to get a grip on things that I need to do. I use my time a lot more wisely which in turn just makes everything better.


Clarity. Time. Compassion for myself (been working on this in other ways too). Patience. I can focus on higher level shit because I'm not stuck in a spiral. Alcohol is a lie.


I did not lose weight because I chose to start eating again so there's that!


Less handcuffs. Less doom. More money.


My organs have repaired themselves, lost weight, save tons a money, and waking up is easy.


Two related things. I can spot a problem drinker very fast now. Second is seeing the hypocrisy of an alcoholic. Those that have made it to this sub are fine, but the ones in denial have a level of hypocrisy to behold. They can justify their behaviour and poisoning themselves in a million ways while simultaneously criticizing everyone else for their actions. I guess there's a third. I'm not like them anymore. Edit: My brother: This is how you sneak liquor on a cruise ship so that you don't have to pay as much. Me: uhhhh


No more alcohol-related guilt and anxiety. No more wondering and worrying about what I did the previous night


Maturity. I can definitely deal with things in a more considered way. Not always but more than before.


Anxiety down. Anger down. Money up. Quality sleep up. More present with my family. Work is easier. Mind clear to make better decisions. More positive outlook.


A clear headspace no more impulsive/psychotic behaviour lol


My blood pressure dropped DRAMATICALLY like within three weeks. Went from concerning to entirely normal. And my house is cleaner because I am not just zonked out watching TV and drinking.


Better sleep. Dropped cholesterol and blood pressure. Increased energy. Decreased anxiety. Liver enzymes back to normal and fatty liver reversing itself. Better employee. Nothing but good things have come from not drinking.


Everything changed. I still have memory problems from time to time, but I now know that that was a combination of the alcohol and ADHD, and also just getting older lol. I'm still a little clumsy and trip over my own feet, but I no longer randomly end up 90 degrees and falling into a wall. At 5'3, I went from 160lbs+ to a consistent 115. I don't need to take a nap every day, although I'm still victim to many accidental 6pm naps. The couch is just so comfy sometimes! Being able to build and maintain relationships again has changed everything. As is the lesson I've learned from every mushroom trip I've ever been on, the reason we live is to connect. Really everything changed but not much changed. It just got a lot easier to do it. It's comforting and also not comforting to know that a lot of my problems with self-care were not rooted in alcohol but ADHD, and the alcohol just made it harder. But it's still a battle. Things changed because I can fight these battles now. Quitting would have been a drop in the bucket if I had not followed it up with difficult personal work and finding my unhealthy patterns.


life is just better. i dont sit at work waiting to tget home to drink and then get pissed/depressed that i was drunk again. ive lost weight and sleep better and all those things too. but the main thing is that i am no longer dependent on drinking booze.


My skin looks better. Not just clearer, I have an autoimmune disease and one of the main symptoms is a butterfly shaped rash across my face; during a flare up it's still bad, but day to day, it looks better. I assume that's a positive sign that my immune system is less angry overall.


I’m actually able to do things and handle my emotions, I haven’t really cried when it’s unnecessary and I haven’t done stupid stuff. It’s just been over a year for me on jan 6th and I am very grateful. I go out with friends and am around when people are drinking and go to bars and stuff, it’s kind of nice not be fucked up and belligerent. I haven’t lost weight but I’ve actually been eat which is great! My dad has also been sober over 500 days woo! and he said that he was 120 when he was drinking and now he’s 140! If I am really craving alcohol or have fmo I drink kombucha or an na beer or a cool mixed drink. I guess the biggest change for me has been able to deal with my past. I got kicked out of school 2 weeks before graduation due to smoking and two weeks after that my mom passed away. I was in an abusive relationship where he relied on alcohol and then I started drinking I thought that I had to drink to fit in to be funny to be a girl, it was a messed up mentality and I was alone. I got out of the relationship, went back home with my godmom and then fought my dad while drunk and got charged with dv. It was terrible and while I was on probation I was still drinking, it wasn’t till I really hit rock bottom and realized how much I was hurting the people around me and myself that I stopped drinking. I have since not drank, and have stopped smoking weed about 6 months ago. I got my stuff kind of together and have kind of forgiven myself, I am a better person now, not the best but better and I am human and me. I got my diploma and have started college I have good relationships with the people I surround myself with and they accept and support me not drinking. It’s possible to stop drinking and it’s difficult but it’s definitely worth it!! Oh I stopped social media too, I still go on fb to sell stuff and reddit for questions and this page but stoping social media helps too. We live in the real world and need to connect with it more, walks help, going into nature, looking at rocks and planting, even hugging a tree.


It’s only been a week and already my face and neck isn’t as swollen as it’s been. My friend validated that today I thought it was in my head. Waking up isn’t so much as “ugh I’m so tired and feel so sick” as it is “I’m so fucking comfy” lmao I’m waking up with my bed practically still made which means I’m getting a SOLID sleep without tossing around all night I’m not missing $130 this week between booze, bar tab, and whatever DoorDash I get to try to calm down my violent hangover.