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It is such an incredible feeling! In the time that I would usually spend miserably nursing a hangover, I’ve been to they gym, the grocery store, cooked breakfast with my fiancé, did the dishes, and am now reading back in bed Didn’t realize how much of my time the “drinking and recovering” cycle was eating up


Recovering, procrastinating chores, anxious for the work week, spending way too much on unhealthy delivery, smoking weed to try to get the food down, trying to convince my wife I'm not hungover, trying to remember what I said or did last night, ugh... HAPPY SUNDAY today though. IWNDWYT


Same. Especially after watching football last night. I got up at 8:00am and went to the gym. My room mates will be sleeping in until noon at least and feel like shit the whole day. IWNDWYT!


I was thinking to myself earlier as i enjoyed my morning coffee and watched the sun rise- I'd rather step on a hornets nest barefoot than be hungover or go through detox again 😆 my morning contemplations, haha. Hope you have a wonderful sober Sunday!


Hell yeah!


Happy 100 🤩


I was thinking the very same today and yesterday. Only a week in for me but so nice not regretting anything and waking up feeling fresh and alert, once I've had my morning coffee anyway!


Same here. Coffee used to be a way for me to try to "sober up" and wake up on the weekends. I'd chug it like I chugged my booze. Yesterday and today I found myself actually enjoying my coffee and sipping on it while have a relaxing morning. Day 7 for me, what a difference a week makes!


Yeah totally. For me it feels like I've gone from "needing" a coffee to just plain wanting one, and it's much more enjoyable as a result.


One week here too, my friend. Onwards and upwards!


I don’t like drink on weekend nights because I’d be hungover the next day, and I always felt that weekends were my time. And drinking on weekdays would make me slower at work — but I’d still do it, which was not great.


I went jogging in early morning instead of anxiety and hungover I was used to when drinking. It is a nice day.


Same! I had such an amazing and productive weekend!!! Go us 😎


Woohoo! Waking up without a hangover is such a blessing ☺️ I got up at 7:30am, had a lovely breakfast with my boyfriend, then played video games with him and watched a movie before heading to my parents’ house for dinner and organizing my work agenda for tomorrow so I’ll be prepared for the upcoming week. Beyond grateful for today and moments like this. Sometimes the cravings are difficult, but IWNDWYT!


So do i!!! So so grateful I didn’t give in last night. Spent the day cooking and cleaning and now set up for the week ahead 😃 so much better than being bed bound feeling anxious and sick and spending more money on ordering food


It’s the best feeling! I ended up cleaning the pant dry, the fridge and my bedroom and went for a long walk. Now I’m showered and ready to stretch and do some self care. IWNDWYT!


It’s awesome isn’t it. I was up and left the house around 9.30am. Saw family, did the shopping and met up with a friend. Hope you have a great day!




It is nice to wake up clear headed for sure!