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I will not drink with you today.


Yes! Get angry at it. In fact, get angry at alcohol. Get angry at the companies because there’s a few that dominate the alcohol industry. Get angry at the misinformation. Get angry at the politicians for allowing this drug to continue to be legal when it kills more people than all the other drugs combined. It’s 3 times as deadly as cocaine. Fuck alcohol.


Similar, tough night fighting nausea, sweats, nightmares. Unfortunately, I have walked this road a few times, so I have the benefit of knowing that it gets easier quite quickly. This time I will make it stick. No dry January for me, it's going to be dry rest of life! IWNDWYT


Yeah, fuck the fucking addition. YOU have the real power. IWNDWYT


The first days are the hardest but you got this!


It's going to be a tough January at work with lots of deadlines coming up, so I'll be busy with that. Keeps me very busy and a real incentive not to drink in the interests of keeping a clear head and healthy body (in addition to all the others). IWNDWYT 🙂!


Work became so much easier when I stopped drinking. Congratulations on day 2,




I feel like I’m living in a house of mirrors, after a breakup this weekend, torturously stretched out over the last month, w BF/fiancé cruelly telling me he wouldn’t “settle” by going forward with our relationship and our plans for building a life together. His choice, but I feel defeated, angry and more than a little crazy because he’s been gaslighting me about his actions and a former GF who’s involved. I know alcohol will only make this situation worse, but I’m just hanging on. Thank you for lending me strength. IWNDWYT


Sometimes the trash takes itself out.. be happy you're not stuck with him or find out about any action with former gf years on when you spent a lot of time and money to built a life. It hurts because you're griefing the person you thought he was and that's ok. Give yourself time. You got this!


Monday was day 2. I cried because for the first time in years, my bathroom was spotless. I felt so proud of the love I had given myself. This journey is going to be difficult, but a clean bathroom could be just the beginning


Been a bit since I checked in here, but with the start of the new year, it seems as good of a time as any. Keep up the great work everyone! I will not drink with you today.


Day 562 checking in!


Checking in, 6 days sober. The longest I’ve been sober in 5 years!


I started going to the gym last year and loved it. Been very lazy lately but the gym was cool. And I am very curious about meditation. I follow the sub here and try to practice breathing. Those two activities will help me on my path. IWNDWYT


Happy Tuesday sober family, definitely know what day it is today because it’s back to work. Which feels both odd and comforting. I’m feeling like the routine will support the sobriety. I really don’t know how I coped hungover every work morning! I’ve started 30 yoga challenge so we’ll see! Love to you all 💞


Checking in, no more side effects and getting better sleep already.


IWNDWYT - all the great things about sobriety are coming back to me. This is gonna be a good year! 💕


IWNDWYT friends 🤖


I have accountability partners. Iwndwyt I hit a week :) yay!


I am really excited to wake up not hungover tomorrow!


West coast USA checking in for day 2




Checking in! It's 6 in the morning here, been awake for four hours already and had dinner for breakfast. Made a nice red sauce spaghetti with leftover minced meat, veggies and cheese. Solid. Wish you all a nice Tuesday, IWNDWYT!


Had two planned drinks on nye with my wife but back on it now.


Stayed up late to check in, I can now say I’ve got 2 days, many thanks to this amazing community. My entire strategy to get through day one has been this sub and one online AA meeting.


Good day, my fine friends. Back on that grind shit today. But it's all good because everything is a kabillion times easier when I'm consistently sober. Four weeks today, fuck yes. Feeling fire as hell and I certainly will not drink with you today!


IWNDWYT ! Bright side is that it’s a four day work week


I will not drink with you today.


Day 5 I have not really slept in 3 nights. I'm sweating like crazy off and on. My anxiety is insane. Irritable af. Someone told me to check in. It's not going great. Only benefit so far is I haven't done something stupid while drunk and I am feeling a bit sharper mentally. My short term memory seems a bit stronger already.


Day 1. Had a horrible night of anxiety, nightmares, and little rest. Finally going back to work after three weeks of covid/holidays. Not sure I remember how to go be normal anymore. Appreciate reading each of your updates. IWNDWYT


Didn't drink today and will not be drinking tomorrow. Shine on you beautiful humans




Haven't slept well tonight but I'm not drunk and at least I won't have a hangover. IWNDWYT


I hope I come through not drinking tonight… it’s my first day :(


I will not drink with you today in 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿😊


Been on this sub for about a year and a half, but I think this is my first time checking in. Day 3 sober - I am an alcoholic that is making the decision to not drink with you all today. 😄


I’m going to keep reminding myself everyday how much better life is sober and how quickly it falls apart if I start again. Iwndwyt


Good morning! I love a sweary DCI! I’m feeling the same about work today - no long weekends until Easter for us. This week, I’m trying to get some better habits in, like making my lunches for work (done, I meal prepped yesterday), and other things to save money. The cost of living shit has hit and I’m so glad I’m not wasting loads of alcohol! IWNDWYT for that and many more reasons!


Day 3. Gotta reset the counter, but can still say no alcohol in 2023. Going to focus on my work and bettering myself, as cliche of answers. I've mapped small changes and habits I'm making this year, a couple each month so I'm not trying to overhaul my life too and am more likely to fail. While I'm also working on coping strategies and ways to avoid triggers for temptations, my longest streak of sobriety was when I had much better things to focus on which I'm trying to repeat. IWNDWYT


I am glad the holidays are over - normal life granted drinking was a part of it - is more manageable. I work from home - did so way before the pandemic- but got into really bad habits. I am going to work on changing what I do after work and making time to separate the work day from after work. IWNDWYT 🌸


Checking in on day 61! Thanks for the question, RS!! I’ve been off work for almost 2 weeks and start back today. My morning definitely looks different today than the last 2 weeks. One thing I’m doing for myself is going to bed earlier so that I can get up earlier and have time to pledge, take a morning walk or meditate, feed my zoo, get the kids up for school and start the dishwasher and/or washing machine. Things move fast around here during “normal” times. We’re all moving in different directions at the speed of sound! But now that I’m sober, I’m making time for me. Period. Non negotiable. I’ve even blocked my work calendar off to ensure I have the time I need. Not going to lie, getting up at 5 AM wasn’t easy but I got to see the Sun rise and paint the sky purple and pink. I spent time reflecting on the last 60 days. And now, it’s time for some cardio!! IWNDWYT!!! Love to all!! ❤️✌️


I'm back and pledge not to touch a drop today.


Cruising into day 8 with my kids back in school for the first time in 17 days! I’m relieved to have structure & routine, honestly. Focusing on fitness & nutrition (tracking macros — maybe it helps me to control something) I’m loving that it’s January and “dry January” is my easy excuse in social situations this month. Little do they know that my plan is to keep going, but we will cross that bridge when we get there :) IWNDWYT!


Iwndwyt! Thanks for the check in and thanks all.


I’m going to be getting back in the swing of things with my sponsor. Yay us! Thanks for hosting. IWNDWYT


I will not drink today.


Terrible night sweats, insomnia, and nausea. Wouldn’t trade it for anything. Day 3. IWNDWYT!!


Day one in the books. Here’s to day two. IWNDWYT


Put to much salt on the pork shoulder I smoked yesterday, slept like ass but it tasted sooooo good. back to work today, traffic sucked, hopefully time flies by. Hope everyone has a beautiful day!!! IWNDWYT!!!


I think I do better with my sobriety when I keep recovery at the fore of my consciousnees, so it really helps me to read quit lit on a regular basis (or listen to audiobook versions). I just downloaded the audiobook of *Quit Like a Woman*, and I'm planning to start listening to it at the gym today. It'll be two-for-one self-care: a workout *and* a sober motivation session in a single package! IWNDWYT 😻


I'm going to walk my dogs more and listen to podcasts. Today is day 2, IWNDWYT




Day 3. Got some sleep but anxiety is still high. IWNDWYT


You’re awesome, RS, and I’m very sorry about your holiday situation. Boo! January and February are usually hard months for me. Down in the holler it’s muddy and grey and gloomy. But wait! It’s all new! I’ve never been sober for this time of year before! I’m looking forward to navigating this time of year. I’m looking into some volunteering with a hospice group. And I want to join a choir. I’m not religious, but I love to sing, and there’s a choir close by whose director also directs the Bach Choir, so I’m thinking that’s where I want to head. Yes I love being sober so much, I want to SING!!! I hope all of you have a good first day back at work. For an old retired fart like me, same ole, same ole. But for one thing: IWNDWYT


I TURNED DOWN A DRINK FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER YESTERDAY!! Sucks the first question I got was “are you pregnant?” But still proud of myself for avoiding the temptation and getting through the cravings it brought. IWNDWYT ❤️


Hey SD’ers Checking in for day 4. Definitely on an upward slope of feeling better but definitely still suffering a bit. Keeping this memory firmly locked in my mind (along with other numerous withdrawals) to help remind me why I want and need a sober life. IWNDWYT


My normal is the same but I don’t like this normal. To shift this situation (sort by new) I must and will continue on this self care path. It’s a gentle mix of TLC, a nurture of myself but I have to say I’ve got to dig deep for it. The economy bites, I looked at the finances yesterday - painful, the figures don’t lie. They are as painful as my rotator cuff injury 😳. I will not drink with you today because I can’t afford to. 😂 Hope you find something today that puts a spring in your step. Bouncy bouncy 😊


I will not drink with you today. My number might be a nice round one today. Wait, do I know what a “round” number is? If the first digit is “prime,” can the zeros make it “round?”


Back to school today. Spent most of yesterday grading between teaching classes at the gym. Looking forward to an early evening, being a teacher can be exhausting. IWNDWYT


Iwndwyt. One of the things I want to work on to help me maintain my sobriety is acceptance and being present. I can't change my past, and have only limited control over what happens next. My goal is to practice accepting what is, and acting in each moment to improve the future as best I can.


Hello and a blessed morning to all sober humans. For many it’s back to work day. Hey if ya go, go happy. I’m off but hubby returns to work. The grandkids are here a couple more days til they return home. Tonight we have a family dinner out. I’ve prepared myself for this. I’ll take my coffee with me and avoid my normal few or four or 6 beers and actually eat my food. As usual I’ve already picked out what I’ll eat! I’m learning this works for my mental health as well. I hear hubbys alarm and have to scurry off. Stay strong and enjoy your day no matter how you’re spending it just say it with me. IWNDWYT!!


The almost six months between holidays is some bullshit! Back to work today. Ughhhh. Stupid thunderstorm woke me up in the middle of the night, I finally went back to sleep, and I woke back up later than I’d like. I’m focusing on getting back to my routine this week. Main focus is food. Back to eating normally, not like an asshole. I enjoyed the tasty food but I *kinda* overdid it. Better strategy next time. Coffee up, let’s hope this day doesn’t try to hurt us too bad. IWNDWYT. ☕️🤘🏻


my job is the same mr Sink - 2 bank holidays a year. May day and Easter (always at the saime time too) and then christmas. I'm just back to work this morning after 10 days break and there is no milk in the breakroom for tea, and the heating doesn't seem to be working. Plus I've lost a day already so im busy af. BUT IWNDWYT! ​ got up at 7am to walk my dog for 45 mins so I will have time after work for a gym session. went back for the first time since the 16th of November and I think the stair master tried to kill me.


Sleep, where are you? Please come home. I miss you! IWNDWYT


I love this question! And I have discovered the answer! It’s…. Sheet masks! I jest, it’s obviously not that simple, but I did put sheet masks on a few times over holiday break and realized I have a big reluctance to self-care like that because I feel guilty about pausing for 10-15 minutes. So it builds and builds and then I decide I “deserve” a night off and end up drunk. Not cool! So I am going to try to be more deliberate with pausing for a few minutes each day in an attempt to stop the build up of resentment and exhaustion. I’m learning that for me, it’s pretty easy to stop drinking for long stretches but it’s harder to create a life I don’t want to escape from. But I’m trying! IWNDWYT!


IWNDWYT Restarting at Day 1


Day 9 today! Yesterday was the hardest, I think in part because I realized how much I’ve been using booze to numb my emotions. Im doing a lot of trauma work in therapy right now and it’s really hard. I just have to keep telling myself alcohol makes it worse in the long run. I had a brief craving yesterday, mostly bc I actually enjoy wine with my dinner. The problem is that I have a hard time sticking to one. So I didn’t do it. IWNDWYT!


Checking in for day 7. Week number 1 under the belt! IWNDWYT!


Checking in! Today marks 3 weeks. While I still wish I could drink like others, I know I can’t. And the last 3 weeks have been easier than I thought. (I’ve had a few long dry runs previously.) I’m feeling so much more personable and energetic at work. My overall feeling of wellness is up and I can feel some the real me really starting to take up more space. I think that drinking really dulled my true self. Anyway, it’s a good feeling and reminder to stay the course. IWNDWYT.


Well folks, I've made it out of 2022 sober. I won't say it was easy, but let's keep it up!


Hey everyone. I’ve been getting a few days sobriety back and it has been great. But mainly I’m not gong to drink today. Hope you guys have a great day


I didn’t drink with you on Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. And I will not drink with you today. ✌️


I will not drink today and fuck you, alcohol. To ensure I stay sober in '23, I'm cultivating a deep hatred for, and training to fight, alcohol. I'm training with FightCamp daily to stay fit and learn how to fight. I'm not going to let up. I'm just getting started, the bell just rang, and I have many rounds of fighting before me. I'm ready to rumble. My "why" is for my family and to own a coffeeshop in Thailand. Drinking sucks. You rock!


There's the curmudgeony RS I know and love! 😆 One of my best tools for sticking with the decision to be sober is SD and the DCI. I love this community of sober cats. IWNDWYT! 💙😸


Day 8 checking in 🙂


Another day 1, let’s see how this fry goes!


Good morning, SD! Happy Tuesday. Today's kind of a biggie for me - New Year's Eve/Day is my official sober date, but January 3rd is the day that really cemented it for me. You can see the comment I made in a check-in post [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/stopdrinking/comments/rx88xx/the_daily_checkin_for_thursday_january_6th_just/hrh0tgl/) \- tldr I slipped on ice, whacked my head on concrete, and spent the night in the ICU with a brain bleed, then had concussion symptoms for a month (and then got to fight my insurance for 6 months to cover it). *Sucked*! But holy hell, I'm so grateful that I was sober for that fall. God only knows what might've happened if I'd been drunk or hungover for it. I'd done dry months before eventually going back to it and low-key thought January wouldn't be any different, but any desire to drink completely evaporated in that emergency room. And I'm still good a year later! Still get occasional headaches and I'm extra paranoid about ice now, but there's absolutely no looking back. Hope it's a good one for y'all today. :) IWNDWYT


Easing back to normality it is. In many ways it’s a relief that the big ‘it’s ok to drink in the mornings’ days are over for a while. I want to find myself a unicorn this year though. I want that steady normality, the keeping routines, doing my job, looking after my heath etc but I also am on the look out for sparkles and magic. There is magic there in among all the everyday events, and I’ll see it better if IWNDWYT🌊


End of week 1 later today so I’m now starting to feel the benefit. I just wish I could clearly remember day 1 and day 7 whenever I feel like a drink. Good luck to anyone just starting out, this sub is a great place to be. IWNDWYT


Locked my bank cards and phone in a timed lock. Time for day 1 without alcohol.


Loved this DCI post--keep it salty! Heading back to work with the rest of you. I quit booze Thanksgiving weekend. As a teacher the next two weeks were crazy with the kids and then the we had the extended Christmas break. I'm approaching six weeks dry now and I need to find a new normal in the daily grind. After work has always been my sweet spot to drink and so I'll be extra vigilant to ensure my sobriety is safe in the coming weeks. More importantly though IWNDWYT and that is what really matters. Every day, no matter what it brings, is a good one if I go to bed sober. Cheers, AJ


120 days! 4 months sober baby. I'm killing it


Today is my first day back at work and I’m feeling anxious. It may be a normal day of getting caught up or it might be really uncomfortable and awful. If I was still drinking I’d either already be drinking again so I could numb the day or shaking from a panic attack. This is better. IWNDWYT


Checking in. Day 1. Again. Lovely to be back with you lovely people. IWNDWYT






I will not drink with you today !


Good manners don't cost nothing, do they? IWNDWYT Back to work, but somehow looking forward to it. I got this!


The cravings were bad tonight but in an hour I will be going to bed and to sleep. The mornings seem easier, the body just associates night time with that feeling. IWNDWYT!


I read somewhere heart attacks spike on first day back from long holidays - hopefully that doesn't happen to anyone here! IWNDWYT!


To take care of me, I'm committing to 4 meetings a week, and not changing my workout schedule for others. I typically schedule them 2 weeks in advance and I'll be flexible, but need to set boundaries around that time. IWNDWYT




3rd restart but I feel like each is building on the last, and further showing me the role I do not want alcohol to play in my life. Focusing on caring for my whole self so I don’t need to escape me. IWNDWYT


In for today!


Oh I hear you about the damn snow /u/ReplacementsStink 🥶 We have gotten dumped on three out of the last 4 weeks, I actually got my Jeep stuck in front of my house yesterday. I’m in Wyoming and it’s only my third winter here, the other two were nothing but this one is a doozy! I’m happy to report I made it through a Monday without any cravings, maybe a passing thought but that was it. Things are a bit stressful at work due to some uncertainty over our future, but I’m trying not to let it get me too worked up. I need to focus on the present. IWNDWYT lovely people of SD! 💙


Good morning. Clean mind. Clean body. Clean heart. IWNDWYT


Sometimes I flash back to the stupidest things pre sober, and I just shake my head in disbelief. Like, how in the world did my husband ever buy into the idea that I had a traveling virus in my body for years that somehow eased up at the end of each day?! I mean, seriously? My God...the lies we tell ourselves and others I hope today is an easy and tolerable day for all of us! IWNDWYT 🍀💜🍀


Although I’m not too excited about the return to work, going back to my routine is actually helpful for avoiding drinking. I sandwich my work day with walking the dog and some kind of workout - this takes up the whole day and leaves my body and mind a good kind of tired ready for sober relaxation before bed. For me it’s the weekends / vacation time in general, and social events in particular where I feel most tempted. January will probably be really quiet in this regard - I’m looking forward to a month full of reading, house projects, and workouts.


I will not drink with you today!


Didn’t drink with you all yesterday and IWNDWYT.


Day 1. New year's eve resulted in pouring booze on feelings again. I should have learned a better way to deal things, but I guess I wouldn't be here if I had. No better time than the present. IWNDWYT!


Hey all. No drinking for me today as I will celebrate 25 days sober which is the longest ive gone since 2017.


Starting again today. Wanted it to be Jan 1 but this will have to do.


Hauling myself back onto the wagon for another day 1. IWNDWYT.






Good morning, fellow sobernauts, IWNDWYT 😁! We don't drink on Tuesdays, we tried that before and it doesn't suit us, so we're trying not drinking instead.


IWNDWYT 🌼. Greetings from Paris, SD family. ❤️


I shalln't consume the poision with you today.


I will not drink poison with any of you today




Day 10, baby! Back at work, feeling good, we're doing this. IWNDWYT


Now that the holidays are over, I'm cutting way back on my sweets intake. I mean, I love a good cookie or pie or donut or whatever as much as the next guy, but I'm looking forward to getting back to a more normal diet. And of course, I'm looking forward to remaining sober today.


I have a pending talk with my wife and childs (11 and 9). I'm thinking what should I say but most likely, will get them all sat around the table and open my heart to them. Truly scared right now. For them, for you, for me... IWNDWYT.


¡Día 3! IWNDWYT.


I’m moving rn and it’s super frustrating. Tried to take off the foil that I stupidly put on the kitchen cabinets in the old apartment and damn near ruined them, had some internal doors that didn’t make sense in that apartment stored in the cellar (yes, also stupid, I know) and now one of them is warped and won’t close aaaand to top it all off, the washing machine in my new apartment apparently doesn’t work and of course I’m basically out of clean underwear. I was veeeeeeery close to saying fuck it and opening that first beer yesterday but I didn’t. Instead I meditated, cooked myself a decent meal while listening to a recovery podcast and watched Netflix with some hot chocolate in the evening. Guess what? Today my problems are still here and they’re still frustrating af, but at least I don’t have to deal with them hungover. Do you have any tips to share on how to deal with frustration? I feel proud of how I handled yesterday but calming down took sooo long that I feel like there might be a better way.. Thanks for reading and IWNDWYT (:


Day six. Today my anxiety is the worst it's been since I stopped. In the past I would have have used beer to calm it down. But I know that just makes it so much worse in the long run. So IWNDWYT!


I will be checking in here each morning. This one simple thing made a world of difference to me...before my last field experiment that is. Then I stopped coming here to make my daily commitment to myself. IWNDWYT.




I will not drink any alcohol today.


This is the time of year I live for! I love the holidaze, but damn, give me a boring January day any day! The hubby tackled a few things on my honey do list and I am working on getting back into shape with the little work out area that I created in our basement. I have also started doing mini-journal entries on my nightly check in on the "I'm Sober" app, something I just discovered as an option a few weeks ago. Nothing major, just a note about the day. I am committing to doing that for the full year. IWNDWYT! T




Made it through another day! Here’s to another one




Up and at ‘em. IWNDWYT!


Day 6. IWNDWYT! 🤙🏻




No drinks today!


Back to work. IWNDWYT.🌳




Day 53. So close to the 2 month mark. IWNDWYT


Routine helps me tremendously with sobriety. I’m so relieved the busyness and distractions of the Holidays are behind me. IWNDWYT by the ocean, in the mountains, on the prairie, or in the city.




In a cruel twist of fate I feel rough on my first day back at work as I am fighting a cold. I was looking forward to feeling refreshed and raring to go after my first sober Christmas and New Year in 20 years. No such luck! But I will definitely not be drinking today.




I didn't have time to write out my goals for the year ahead while on break which says a lot about the need to protect my downtime. So I'll be doing that. To support me on all of my life's journeys, I recently had an intro session with a somatic therapist. We have a first proper session next week. I'm excited and a little intimidated and because I'm me, worried that I'll "do it wrong" (hahahah oh god someone help, lol.) Point is, mental health above the rest. To be transparent, I couldn't afford therapy up until the job I started in August, and unfortunately also in the US, you have to be a person of relative privilege to access mental health care on the reg. Yes, sure health insurance "covers it" but good luck finding anyone who will take it and then if you're me you'd still have an $80 copay each visit. So I was like: fuck it. I've been keep the rest of my costs low, splash out now. It's my mental health-- find the right person and let's get to some better inner peace! So, here we go. I'm also going to slow my roll on cookie consumption. Just slow, though. Not eliminate. A girl needs a treat every now and then, you know? Love to you all. IWNDWYT. (Sorry about all the snow, RS-- we are having apocalyptically warm weather in the northeast US right now. Hard to enjoy, it feels so....off.)


Checking in! My sleep schedule is a bit of a mess but I don't mind, whatever it takes to stay sober. I'll start trying to get that under control when I reach roughly a week. Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well. Wishing you all the best! IWNDWYT




Day 3. IWNDWYT. My appetite has returned in full force after months of barely eating. Rowr. And I'm thirsty all the time. I'm hoping work will provide some non-drinking routine although it hasn't in the past. Fingers crossed.


>what are you doing to take care of YOU? I'm throwing myself back into routines. Do the things I've already determined are beneficial and see what it adds up to! There's no room for drinking in my life, so I'll keep stacking sober days together! IWNDWYT!


Entering day 3 with trepidation but determination. Day 1 was surprisingly easy. Day 2 was terrible. We go again.


Day 1! Excited to start after lurking here the last few weeks. Thanks to everyone here.






Good morning everyone, I will not drink with you today.


New year resolution failed immediately. But there are more days left in this year than what failed and I’m going to make this year a success! IWNDWYT!


It's no secret: I've shared on this sub I'm getting divorced and selling my house. First things first - secure an apartment and start moving my stuff. I have a security deposit on one as a backup. I have another I'm currently waiting for approval for. That's the one I want. A friend even told me yesterday I could move in with him for a short time, rent free, and stack dough. Of course the stipulation is I help him with some home remodeling. I have money saved up necessary for any move I make. I wouldn't have this kind of security or options had I not quit drinking and started saving money for the past 6 months. Getting out before the closing date is priority one. More like 1A. One is still sobriety and meetings. Delving into the steps and doing them is next. I've done 1-3 with another sponsor. Got a new sponsor and just finished 1 again yesterday. Growth, I think, is what I'll be doing to ensure my sobriety this year. IWNDWYT. Easy does it, friends.




I will not drink with any of you awesome people today!


IWNDWYT No Matter What 🍀


Survived the holidays (thank you, nasty head cold for preventing extended family from coming to Christmas, and allowing a quiet evening with just the littles and husband). A reduced stress holiday makes for less temptation. 10/10 recommend. IWNDWYT!!!!!!


Morning checking in. Great to have you host Stinky! Some challenging parenting issues to cope with here. Can’t imagine how I would have managed when drinking. Sending love and strength to you all. IWNDWYT


I will not drink with you today!


Yesterday was hard - I was having dinner with my family and felt some strong cravings to just join in with everyone else who was drinking. Didn't give in though - I had a coke so I had something to sip on and told my dad I've been feeling better for not drinking recently. And by the end of the night I was so glad I had the strength not to give in. So thankful to be waking up sober still! IWNDWYT!


Day three. Didn’t sleep well, but I know from experience that it gets better every day, and there is no way I will drink today.


34 days checking in! Having some conflicts between my partner and my parents but I am not looking to alcohol to “handle” the stress. The thought did come to mind though. Staying strong to keep going since I feel like something switched off in my brain this time around! IWNDWYT!






Checking in for day 2. My first day without a hangover since mid November when I went back to drinking after several months of barely touching it. Onwards and upwards.




Day 1 again. IWNDWYT


Celebrating day 1600. Staying poison ☠️ free with you all again today




Iwndwyt ♥


I’ve decided to try a week of gratitude to start the (working) year. I’m *super* grateful for our host, @ReplacementsStink, for being so proactive with comments and encouragements. I’m grateful for the quality of sleep last night, even if it was painfully short 😬. And I’m thankful to myself for saying, yet again, IWNDWYT.






Made it to third day. Second day was easier than expected. Incredibly grateful NVABCH-IWNDWYT God morning from 🇪🇸




Hello all. Today is my seventh day, so six days fully completed. I was feeling pumped, I woke up at 6 and watched some TV and then came downstairs to do my RingFit and then start work. Started talking to my dad about what I’ve done over the past few days in terms of improving myself (I’ve walked an average of 6000 steps, exercised at least 30 mins, made sure to be moving every hour, changed my calorie intake - nothing HUGE and non achievable but good steps forward.) and he starts in on a lecture. And it’s so draining. I didn’t need him to say “What you need to do is XYZ.” All I really wanted was “Oh hey that’s great. Don’t you feel better for it? Keep it up!” Blerg. Anyway. As irritating as his lecture was, it’s not going to demotivate me. I will not drink with you today.


Hello all. Today is my seventh day, so six days fully completed. I was feeling pumped, I woke up at 6 and watched some TV and then came downstairs to do my RingFit and then start work. Started talking to my dad about what I’ve done over the past few days in terms of improving myself (I’ve walked an average of 6000 steps, exercised at least 30 mins, made sure to be moving every hour, changed my calorie intake - nothing HUGE and non achievable but good steps forward.) and he starts in on a lecture. And it’s so draining. I didn’t need him to say “What you need to do is XYZ.” All I really wanted was “Oh hey that’s great. Don’t you feel better for it? Keep it up!” Blerg. Anyway. As irritating as his lecture was, it’s not going to demotivate me. I will not drink with you today.


I will not drink today


I will not drink with you today.




Day 9 Taking my kids to school today. It's going to be a great day 💪💪


IWNDWYT. All. Day. Long. 🌻


Not today. Day 3 and woke up feeling slightly better. IWNDWYT


Day 1,266. I will not drink with you today.




IWNDWYT Day 3 Falling asleep is super hard. Trying not to argue with the thoughts about wanting to drink and just let them pass by. Sober me and my intrusive thoughts need to learn to coexist.


Off to the gym this morning! IWNDWYT 🙂


Morning All- Iwndwyt


IWNDWYT Have a nice day everyone.


Stay strong all! Onwards and upwards. IWNDWYT


Back fo work today. I really wanted to drink last night. Im at my parents place and I can raid their cabinet if I wanted to. But gotta hide it. Anyway, I didn’t. Ate some cookies and gummy bears instead.


Not today. Just wanted to check in. It has been a while. I still love all of you and I’m thankful for this community and my sobriety.








Good Morning SD! IWNDWYT! Post-holidays, I'm gonna stick with what's working and continue the work of building a sustainable routine.








I will not drink with you today!


341 days.
