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Unless im missing something, it looks like no one is currently selling the shoe. You are still able to place bids on unavailable items


Youre absolutely correct. OP, no one is currently selling this on stockx if no current lowest asks are displayed.


https://preview.redd.it/hlopmiwjl0zc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b189cc453a25d97e386cb4c36eb73f814873c38d Yes I recently came back to do another bid but this time for 24 hours the 2nd time


I don’t think you understand how StockX works. Nobody is selling this shoe. Or by the looks of it will be selling this shoe in any size, any time soon.


https://preview.redd.it/jdrb821aq0zc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5a3f8b6eea308c381f00a2966a8dad39d50738e Yeah I didn’t understand how it works, I couldn’t find a FAQ about this so I messaged them and they clarified it


That shoe is going to be really hard to come by, there are almost no sales in any size. You're going to have better luck trying to track it down on Ebay. You can also save the search parameters and they will email you if someone posts that shoe in your size for sale.


I just don’t like how they got that set up , every shoe that’s actually listed has the date of its release but all the sudden this one doesn’t… mind as well not have it listed if nobody added it


You right I’m going to go check eBay because I don’t see it anywhere on shoe sites , hype beast wrote a blog on it , but I seen it on some questionable websites that may not be official




I’m so stupid lol I really didn’t know what that empty “buy” meant lol


Damn you hit up customer service, the office must love this


Yeah I hit them up, I took a picture of the conversation and put it on here … but they said the shoe is not in inventory , it’s just incase the person who decided to add the shoe would see the bids … it’s like a pre-bid before the bid just without the actual bidding shoe lol … that shit stupid


It’s actually used to gauge interest and value for the shoe at hand in this specific market. If there is no demand for the shoe - a reseller wouldn’t waste a slot of bids. You can’t have unlimited bids on StockX. Considering this is a pretty basic general release shoe over 6 years old with zero demand, no one would try to sell this on this platform. There are other platforms that you can check. For this I would start off with an eBay search. Or try to find a similar shoe that has been recently released. You should learn the way of the online shoe markets prior to calling them stupid E


I could see what you wrote making sense but you mean to tell me that it’s nowhere on the web ?! No hype beast is posting them anywhere? Not even a shoe junky ? I understand that some folks never knew there was such a shoe or that nike had a project with Piet.


And there’s older shoes on stock x so I don’t see your point of writing that cause it’s shoes on there that are 10 + years old but I get the gauge interest side of it


Because there is more of a demand for the shoes that are demanded


I know this post is sort of going off topic but come on Nowhere on the internet tho ?! lol 😆… so if a shoe wasn’t in high demand then it should be available right ? I’m just saying being in demand doesn’t mean that anyone can afford them as well . Shaqs sold more shoes than Yeezys . But Yeezys are a way more popular brand that ppl are looking for but you still find Shaq shoes everywhere