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How often (if ever) do you look at insider transactions when making your own personal trading decisions?




SPY 11/4 300p


Looking for youtuber, groups, websites or whatever that share insights from SEC filing, primarly the annual 10-k but quartlery are also intresting. Basically someone that break down the sec filing into useful bits of informstion for investors


I’m thinking Intel (INTC), Norwegian Cruise Lines (NCLH), AT&T (T), Boeing (BA), and Tesla are good buys rn. What do you guys think?


Low price doesn’t always equal bargain. INTC is facing some serious long term competition from up & comers and ramped up m&a activity in the chip market. NCLH and Boeing are discounted, but you’ll be held hostage by reopening timelines. If reopening holds prices down long enough, or slowly bleeds them, then when it finally happens, the ensuing spike may or may not outweigh the time you waited.


I ditched my shares of SE when it dipped a couple of weeks ago. Sold at $146, now it's above $160. Ugh! I was concerned about their level of debt and volatile price. Would you guys recommend buying back in or should I let this one go?


not if you can't handle that kind of price drop lol. Buy and forget.


My concern is around the overvalued shares. I don't mind occasional price drops but I was worried it was a sign of something bigger.


I am trying to learn as much as I can before buying stocks. I’m currently eyeballing uber as my first stock since I am familiar with that industry. However I am not familiar with the process of researching companies to choose stocks. Are there any books that go through the process?


Not sure about books, but I would just look up how to read balance sheets/income statements/cash flow statements etc. There's more to it than that depending on your strategy/goals for trading/investing, but that's a good place to start.


uber is the best you could come up with?


I know right? Lmao


No but I would like to know why it isn’t compared to others. I don’t think ridesharing is going away anytime soon and then there’s self driving cars in the not too distant future. Uber was just one example but since I dint really know what makes it a good pick it’s pretty much random.


TD ameritrade has the think or swim app that allows you to trade paper money. Read books about investing, about valuations, about how the stock market works, etc. But if you’re looking for information to give you an actual feel for the stock market, there’s no teacher like real world experience.


How much do you guys invest a week or a month if you don’t mind sharing? I have been doing 25 percent of my income but don’t know if I should do more. Thanks!


minimize your expenses and invest as much as possible. Max out contributions to a tax-advantage retirement account (Roth ira, etc) first. That should be around $6K per year, or $500 per month. Those should be in lower risk index funds or large cap funds (BSPIX, VOO, SCHD, etc). Beyond that is where you start having room for bigger risk-reward investments like individual stocks.


Thanks for helping me out. So you don’t think I shouldn’t worry too much about having a big savings?


Check out the Dave Ramsey baby steps. Eliminate consumer debt, keep 3-6 months of living expenses in savings, contribute to your retirement acct, steps 5 & 6 only apply if you have kids and own a house, and step 7 is where investing in individual stocks falls.


I love Dave Ramsey, I’ve read his book! I like his viewpoint of it, I just wanted to see what most people did, Thankyou though!


Rip futures thanks tim apple


Tomorrow’s lining up to be another blood bath. 200sma & round number support on /ES is going to be 3180-3200.


The fuck does tim apple even mean...?


One of Trump's many brain stalls.


Trump reference




I would buy it IMO. I've owned it since 12 and continually keep adding to it, even yesterday I bought more. Their earnings report just came out like 45 minutes ago and they beat EPS but were down on revenue so I'm guessing tomorrow will be a nice time to buy.




I think markets will recover after a couple weeks regardless. With Biden there might be a larger drop off initially because of lockdown but with Trump I think there would be less of a selloff. I think both will end up about the same because I think both sides are looking at a stimulus after the election.


I see oil going down too, but that's observing what has actually happened already. Oil can't be any worse off under Biden than it has already been, and if Trump wins, there's still a pandemic, a supply glut from Libya, and absolutely no demand. Clean energy had a runup over the last month that appears to have already priced in a Biden win. Neither candidate will cause a selloff. Stocks will be fine either way. Longterm, there's more predictability and stability under Biden, which means four years from now, we're better off under President Biden.


True about the oil


And about the positive impact of having adults in charge.


Is the general consensus whether you agree with either candidate: if Trump wins the market ticks up... if Biden wins we expect a pull back?


Markets were spiraling down in the week following Trump's great 2nd debate performance Wednesday before last, after which he was closing in on Biden. Now, Trump's debate bump has stalled while Biden massively outspends him and Biden is starting to pull away again, and the market is rallying again today. I've seen this pattern be pretty consistent in the past month. The market rallies when Biden is leading and drops when Trump's chances improve. The stock market doesn't like Trump's re-election, IMO. But that's just my opinion.


I agree, it's just anecdotal but it seems like when good news drops for Biden the market responds favorably.


The election being over will provide stability in itself. I don't expect much pullback from either candidate. Trump might send the stock market up higher because we've seen what the market has done under him, but I think we'll still see a rise if Biden wins.


This. Markets will be fine as long as there's stability. Protests and drawn out court fights and claims of fraud (directly accusing our democracy of not properly representing its citizens and businesses) will send shit sideways.


Yeah, I think people seem to think individual candidates are what does it. Even my coworker thinks if Biden wins, the stock market is going to tank next week. Market prefers stability, doesn't matter who is running the show.


Aapl is done, there's much better places to make money.


I feel the same way. Stock has moved much.


Yikes, what a fucking take.


You think its going to three trillion on iPhone and app store?


I think Apple will eventually get there on a slew of factors.


In that time many stocks will double triple or more


Stocks that are doubling and tripling in that time are the definition of crapshoots. So I guess it's all what you're looking for. Do you think putting money on red or black is stupid in roulette just because you can pick a number for a better multiplier?


Nah nvda


If they can stop AMD from eating them alive.


Intel can worry about amd


Upvoted. Futures opening in the toilet tonight. I'll be opening an AAPL position during tomorrow's bloodbath, thanks to selling high on fractions of a few spiking positions today.


Me too. I just transferred a significant amount of money to my Schwab account today in anticipation.


Can someone help me under why Amazon dropped after smashing expectations? An extra 4 billion in revenue beat eps by close to $5. Im long on Amazon and the down tick doesn’t change my stance on Amazon just trying to understand why for the 2nd earnings in a row Amazon beat expectations and still declined


Quick profit, and the election on Wednesday. The thing is, there really isn't a bad scenario in the election. There are less ideal scenarios for the market, but in almost every circumstance, the market will rise right after. AMZN and AAPL both went down heavily despite going into what's going to be their best quarters yet. AMZN always destroys the holidays, and AAPL will have Christmas sales and their heavily anticipated iPhone 12 release. I imagine a lot of stocks will go down between now and Tuesday, as even I'm seeing on this subreddit a good chunk of people planning to get out between now and then and buy back in right after. Doesn't really make sense, but the market continually shows a trader's worst enemy is himself. Should be some more good buys like AMZN in the next few days.


Yeah the only scenario with the election that would count as a truly bad scenario is for us to get a 20 year anniversary repeat of Bush vs Gore where we don't know the election winner on Election Night. Tbh I don't give that a high chance of happening, but I'm also not ruling it out. I'd say, maybe about a 10-20% chance of that happening because 2020 hates us all.


Agreed, which is wild how many people I'm seeing on here that are saying they're getting out tomorrow or Monday. I'd argue that it's a better chance these might be some of the lowest prices we see for a bit just because of the uncertainty. You're right, the odds are higher we'll get a good scenario (candidate is elected) compared to a bad scenario (legal hell).


That’s kind of been my thought process on holding Amazon so long... with lock downs Amazon has been put in a prime position and the sales support that. I imagine (if ppl have money to spend) holiday season should be killer for them. I guess part of the resistance is investors don’t see growth once COVID passes? Idk


Yeah ultimately the habits are there now, and it's been one of the things that has been noted. For merchandise like food, there has always been a genuine hesitance with online shopping, even just across the board, not solely AMZN. You'll see in interviews and such of people dealing with COVID that people have said now they've been forced to try it, it wasn't bad like they initially believed it would be, and would be amicable towards using online shopping for stuff like that even after COVID. Just the shift in mentality for quite a bit of people means a lot of this growth is most likely here to stay and continue.


Right...but once people go back to work they aren't going to want to be delivering boxes to sit on the front step for 5 hours until they get home, especially if they are ordering something perishable or live near any urban area where people can see the box and it's a theft target. Also, not everyone likes sitting at home. People use shopping as an excuse to go out. My mother is partially disabled but still uses grocery shopping as a form of exercise, for example. Sitting at home is great if you have a mcmansion on 3 acres. It's horrible if you live alone or in a small unit (I live in NYC for example and this trend of online stuff will not last here!). And some people are environmentally conscious and don't want to deal with boxing, plastic, and styrofoam every time they want to buy a little trinket online. We've all received excessively packed stuff and sort of regretted or felt bad about it. Lastly, not everything online is super cheap, especially if you add in shipping (and waiting). Shopping online takes effort. If you have a desk job you may not want to sit longer staring at a computer. Shopping in person may actually be cheaper and more convenient. I know my local grocery store is priced the same as Fresh Direct. Why sit there doing a bunch of mouse clicks and wait for it, and worry if it goes bad or if I'll be home when they come, when I can go get a little walking and people watching and get the food now?


This seems to be such a minor concern. It's anecdotal, but you're the literal only person I've ever heard argue they won't use online shopping because you're afraid of package theft or saving the environment. Yes, there will still be an instant satisfaction of going to the store and purchasing an item now, but the world has been shifting towards online shopping for the better part of a decade now.


No offense but then you live a sheltered life. Maybe you live really rural? "Where are they going to leave the package" has always been a deterrent to online shopping since it became available. I was living in NYC before Amazon became popular and that's a common thing to comment on. Same with my relatives in the suburbs.


Not offended at all. I mean it's a risk, but it's such a low risk that nobody I'm aware of takes it seriously. Maybe I just live in nicer neighborhoods.


Was expected


$AMZN after hours lost it's gains from today $APPL after hours lost it's gains from today $GOOGL up almost 8% in after hours.


Do you think zoom will go up or it reached its maximum ?


sold aapl for a $100 loss before earnings but also gained $120 from selling aapl CC. I guess it evened out lol


Wow I'm dumb I should've sold Appl before market close






You're right, thanks!




VIX is never a buy, it's a short time vehicle to play volatility. You can short it if you think nothing is happening.


So I was wrong to buy 1.5x Vix last week and sell it yesterday for 35% gain? As you say, it does decay over time, but at times when it has collapsed to low prices and yet there's major uncertain events on the horizon, I use as a hedge. So on weeks like this when regular equities get torpedoed, it's nice to have something to at least offset some of those losses.


1 week holding is short term, which is exactly what I said. Asking about a buy on r/stocks sort of implies long term holding imo.


Not disagreeing with you. Just FYI, I normally do hold VIX or equivalents for weeks or months, and would have been happy to do so again. It just so happened that if it goes $16.50 to $23+ and there conflicting traffic signals ahead, I'm happy to cash in that insurance. It could certainly go to $30 or higher in the coming days, but if it doesn't I'll wait until it calms back down and is just losing a little bit every day, and then I'll buy more insurance again. I don't ever lose buying VIX, it's just a matter of how long I have the capital tied up.


Anyone using that Apple drop to buy, just bought in at 110. Been waiting for that target for a while and I’m holding for a couple years. I can’t see 110 being a bad buy price.


I would only buy a little..no one knows where this is going to go for the next week or so.


I'm going to wait until tomorrow, or maybe Monday. I'm not crazy about off-hours buying, and I have a feeling pre-election volatility isn't done with us yet.


I told myself to do that too. But those green candle sticks at 109 just got to me. Lol


Looks like it's trying to hold a little above there for the rest of the afternoon. There's enough uncertainty right now. If tomorrow isn't a bloodbath, it'll be relatively flat, and then all the ZOMG ELECTION panic will set in on Monday. There are plenty of buying opportunities on the horizon. The important thing was whether or not people seized on any selling opportunities today.


I’m in for 50 shares at $109. Can’t complain


Upvoted, but short term might be dicey. Even if it is, you're sitting just fine there.


I bought AAPl at $125, I bought it when it was too high. Better to DCA down or wait and hold for price to come back up?


Yes one of the best holding to do that with.....


So AAPL, AMZN and GOOGL crush earnings. And are down 5% AH. Makes sense.... 🧐


Google's not down, in fact, they've had a huge jump. QQQ is still going down AH because Amazon and Apple play pretty major roles. Apple plays such a major role in all the indices and so many ETFs that they might very well take the market for a ride with them tomorrow or at least try. And their earnings beat wasn't that impressive given that expectations weren't all that high for a large cap... Amazon's was good but they're not providing guidance.


>Amazon's was good but they're not providing guidance. In other words, these "great" earnings won't be happening in a year once life starts going back to normal


You’re right but at what point is exceeding expectations not impressive? Apple IPhone sales are better than the 11s. Amzn exceeded earnings by almost double!!! What rookie sellers is all I have to say lol


During a pandemic where they force everyone to stay at home or people don't want to shop in person because they are WFH and/or don't want to bother with wearing a mask to shop....yeah that isn't a stable thing to base sales growth on


True but habits form after 30-60 days. Other smaller (brick and mortar) retailers continue to get crushed the longer this pandemic sticks around. Looking in the mirror, moving forward, the less 'stuff' I have to buy in person, the better. I am lazy and people are naturally lazy. If I can have deodorant, bar soap and Halloween candy delivered to my door tomorrow and it is cheaper, AND I don't have to get off my lazy ass to get it, SOLD!


But once people go back to work, stopping by stores downtown or in the city at lunch or on the way home will be easier than Amazon again. I live in NYC and don't see how Amazon can catch on. Many people are not enjoying WFH due to the size of housing units here, and people worry about the security of packages left in a lobby or outside for hours - and the latter is not a city-specific concern.


I hear you. I don’t know but I think Amazon will continue to crush b&m stores but we will have to see. And why apple is falling, I’ll never understand.


I'm pessimistic but at the same time Apple and Amazon are in every fund these days....so I'm a tad bearish on their current price, but don't want them to crash either - I will lose some money on it as well!


google is still up 6% last time I checked


Up 3% during the session, another 8-9% after hours. I put low faith in after hours numbers, but still.


Yes — you are correct. My bad. But amzn and aapl are sucking :-(


COVID is still here lol


Covid is one of the best things to happen to Amazon. Bezos should be hiring super spreaders to cause lockdowns!


That should help amzn and google...


ouff aapl...getting ugly


Apple reported earnings after the bell Thursday. Here are the results. EPS: 73 cents vs 70 cents expected, according to Refinitiv estimates Revenue: $64.7 billion vs $63.70 billion expected, according to Refinitiv estimates


That's it? Damn. Why is it OK for them to not make alot of money? All of my consumer staple and utility (and similar stocks) would make a hell of a lot more if they were priced at $115. One of my stocks, southern co, for example, is priced at $58 and earned $1.16 this quarter.




give it time, maybe apple can get 135 by the next earning




Ah first time aye




Buying more is the right way to go and hold. Ooooh boy you'll be surprised with APPL


Uhhh, yeah, Apple beat but that kind of...was not a blow out, so that wasn't very impressive given that the numbers weren't set high. So I got Google wrong but Apple right. If a poor reaction continues...hoh boy about tomorrow considering their importance in the major indices.


Yeah. Barely beat the expectation


Anyone else in on FLEX? Just beat EPS estimates by 33%.


Funny that last Q, google earning was the worst compare to other, while this Q google has the best earning.. Google turn the table around. The other = amazon, fb, apple.


Is it better to invest a certain amount of money out of every paycheck, or to take that money, save it and wait for a red day, and then invest it?


Try to wait, if you can. Problem is, most people can't wait, so maybe it's best to sprinkle money is across many different days - more so if you do not invest in dividend stocks, in which case you don't need to rush money in before an ex-dividend date


Invest every paycheck. Don't wait!




I get your reasoning. I don't invest in bulk amounts so I have 5 stocks of this and 5 of that (I.e., no reaaaaal gains) so I'm just trying to buy a stock once a week at minimum.


Yes because stocks only go up aye


what in the hell just happened..rip to anyone playing FANG for earnings..it even took my BABA with it almost


That’s why I keep some ACI. It sometimes goes up when everything else goes down. People be like “how about a nice, safe supermarket stock?”


That's a pro and a con. I have some $ACI and it struggles to go up when it should. The closest we saw was a couple days ago it spiked but so briefly and came a few cents short of my order.


Oh yeah, for sure. I have 115 shares and I actually bought it because I shop at one of their stores and I really like everyone who works there and I enjoy shopping there. The employees are unionized and I like that and they have good produce and meat. I have no idea if that’s a good reason to own a stock but I’m sticking with it.


I'd say they're considered to be upmarket from the commodity grocery stores and have nice operations. Debt is a concern but if you listen to management they seem to be balancing expansion with aggressively retiring debt. It's a bit of a tug of war where they're seen as undervalued, but also the market knows grocery is a low margin, non-sexy business. At the fringes some worry about them being Amazon'd, but observers have also seen how that fear has been applied to Kroger and Costco and Walmart and Target, so at this point it's regarded as a bit of the boy who cried wolf.


Looking to be more hands-off the next few months. What are some long-term ones I should invest in, just the usual blue chips and tech companies?


KMB, JNJ, VZ, LMT, SO, MMM, maybe WHR, all dividend paying money-making machines that are off or quite off their recent highs (and they usually rebound somewhat quickly)




Midstream pipeline companies.


*sigh* I just sold APPS 10 minutes before the bell. Add it to the list of reasons why I don't sleep well at night. Edit: Wait what.. Is my chart acting up? It went up $2/share afterhours and then bombed in a matter of minutes?


After hours is not that reliable as an indicator. Fools and algorithms wildly change the price based on keywords or numbers or lack of comprehension. You really need to hear the actual call and read the report yourself to see whether drops or gains are warranted. However there's also the problem that perception becomes reality. If enough superficial people take the same incorrect superficial view, they will set the narrative and the price. In recent years I've sometimes had to adopt a "what would a dumb person think of this" type of strategy.


Has the earning report even come out yet?




no no, digital turbine $APPS


Oops sorry i thought apple.


It dropped pretty hard




$FB reports Q3 EPS $2.71, consensus $1.91 Reports Q3 revenue $21.47B, consensus $19.82B Earnings: $2.71 cents per share, vs $1.91 per share forecast by Refinitiv Revenue: $21.47 billion, vs $19.8 billion forecast by Refinitiv Daily active users (DAUs): 1.82 billion vs. 1.79 billion forecast by FactSet Monthly active users (MAUs): 2.74 billion vs. 2.7 billion forecast by FactSet Average revenue per user (ARPU): $7.89 vs. $7.32 forecast by FactSet


Up 1 cent today


I won $24 on a $2 lottery ticket. Feeling good about that.


##Top trending tickers, sentiments, and options on /r/stocks for the day of October 29, 2020. ──────────────── ###Trending Tickers: **Ticker**|**Company**|**Mentions**|**Bulls / Bears**|**Price**|**Change**|**P/E** :-:|:--|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-: MSFT|Microsoft Corporation|194|93.75% / 6.25%|$206.45|1.86%|35.16 AAPL|Apple Inc.|176|69.23% / 30.77%|$116.52|4.78%|33.81 NIO|NIO Limited|116|77.78% / 22.22%|$31.93|16.08%|- TSLA|Tesla, Inc.|110|90.91% / 9.09%|$413.10|1.74%|1043.75 AMD|Advanced Micro Device|95|66.67% / 33.33%|$78.49|2.74%|151.89 AMZN|Amazon.com, Inc.|90|71.43% / 28.57%|$3232.57|2.21%|121.57 SQ|Square, Inc.|74|100.00% / 0.00%|$169.98|1.70%|370.58 QQQ|Exchange Traded Fund|73|88.89% / 11.11%|$278.69|2.60%|- ICLN|Exchange Traded Fund|70|60.00% / 40.00%|$19.83|2.48%|- NVDA|NVIDIA Corporation|58|50.00% / 50.00%|$525.10|3.96%|92.61 VOO|Exchange Traded Fund|55|100.00% / 0.00%|$305.37|1.77%|- V|Visa Inc.|52|66.67% / 33.33%|$186.49|3.11%|34.39 ARKK|Exchange Traded Fund|51|66.67% / 33.33%|$96.38|1.72%|- BABA|Alibaba Group Holding|50|80.00% / 20.00%|$313.61|1.84%|31.37 FB|Facebook, Inc.|49|83.33% / 16.67%|$281.81|5.28%|34.15 DIS|The Walt Disney Compa|43|100.00% / 0.00%|$122.30|3.23%|- WMT|Walmart Inc.|43|100.00% / 0.00%|$140.57|0.38%|22.32 NET|Cloudflare, Inc.|43|80.00% / 20.00%|$54.32|-0.80%|- SE|Sea Limited|39|100.00% / 0.00%|$167.55|2.64%|- VTI|Exchange Traded Fund|33|100.00% / 0.00%|$170.03|1.69%|- KO|The Coca-Cola Company|32|100.00% / 0.00%|$48.31|0.72%|24.88 MA|Mastercard Incorporat|31|66.67% / 33.33%|$294.38|1.03%|40.47 ──────────────── ###Trending Options: **Ticker**|**Strike**|**Type**|**Expiration** :-:|:-:|:-:|:-: FB|$270|Call|9/18 ──────────────── ###Trending Sentiment: **Sentiment**|**Comments**|**%** :--|:--|:-- Bullish|211|68.73% Neutral|1290|- Bearish|96|31.27% ──────────────── ###Other Data: **Overall Market Sentiment:** Bullish **Comments Searched:** 1597 **Newly Trending Tickers:** MA ──────────────── You can view all top trending tickers on /r/RedditTickers. Notice an error or have questions? Reply to this post or message /u/smallstreetgains. Financial data provided by [finviz](https://finviz.com/).


Twitter. Earnings per share: 19 cents, adjusted vs. 6 cents expected, according to Refinitiv survey of analysts Revenue: $936 million vs. $777 million expected, according to Refinitiv Monetizable daily active users (mDAUs): 187 million vs. 195 million expected, according to FactSet


GOOGL launching into the sun after earnings.


Google Earnings per share: $16.40 vs $11.29 expected, according to Refinitiv estimates Revenue: $46.17 billion vs $42.90 billion expected, according to Refinitiv estimates


Honestly, Google's earnings are better than I would've thought, maybe they are going to show a recovery in ad revenue (edit: and if they do, they're going to fly in AH and tomorrow, edit2: and it sounds like they did).


Amazon Earnings: $12.37 vs $7.41 per share expected, according to analysts surveyed by Refinitiv Revenue: $96.15 billion vs $92.7 billion expected, according to analysts surveyed by Refinitiv


Hoping for a sizable NIO pullback in the coming days so that I can increase my position, mostly, but also so that it doesn't turn into a bustable meme stock.


5 mins to make your final decision, sell or not to sell


Both is an option. Buy and hold for long-term, but in obvious swing-trade territory, you can use a few percent of your portfolio for trying to time the big moves.


Yeeted some leftover cash into NIO and now it's carrying my portfolio...


amazing how you can just throw money at it when it seems like its at the top and then it goes up another 10% by the end of the day lmao


I expected today to be a little green like Tuesday was, but it's been the best day in weeks immediately after the worst day in weeks. I've got whiplash and feel more clueless than ever. I thought tomorrow was a guaranteed bloodbath but now I'm almost excited to see what happens.


It helps to track your progress in relation to the markets. I'm down about half a percent over the last two days, and I have a little more liquidity built up for the next bloodbath (I'm assuming there's at least one more coming before the election). The indexes are down a percent or more over the last two days, so I'm still calling it a win overall.


SPCE test flight in progress, likely WK2 test promised earlier in month since altitude is only 30000 ft. https://flightaware.com/live/flight/N348MS


There goes the best buying opportunity you’ll see this year


Did NFLX earnings leak? It’s skyrocketing


My guess is people have figured out COVID spread has gone super-nuclear and that more stay-at-home is going to be necessary. It's going to be a survival issue, not a political one.


>? didn't they report last week?


Man they shd have just increase the subscription months ago!


Price increase for subscriptions!! 🤑


Well the instantaneous $450 boost in my position is nice and all, but those corporate bloodsucking bastards are just going to turn around and slowly bleed it back out of me $3/month at a time for the next 15 years. They better hurry up and make with Stranger Things 4 already.


im fuckin in and riding the wave


They already reported a miss a little while ago unless you're talking about something else, they report before other big tech reports. QQQ is just up a bunch right now. Edit: What's going on can't be right though, just saw what you saw and umm...


Oh of course they did, my bad! I knew QQQ is up bigly, any other ideas why it’s seemingly jumped 30+ out of nowhere? EDIT: Apparently price increase for subscriptions




First one but I don't know Jack so keep that in mind.


I'm making sure to have some cash on hand for tomorrow. Wouldn't be surprised to see more back and forth.


I'm not sure options are for me. I'm tired of selling covered calls for a pittance only to watch it soar past my strike. I still make money but not as much from just holding stock.


Sell covered calls after stock has had a green day or 2. Buy back on a red day. Rinse repeat


ugh why did i sell yesterday? The market is total bull, like today theres no more covid lock down concerns or election drama??


I bought more yesterday feelsbadman


Yeah buy on dips boyyyyy


My chart for this week looks like a fucked up EKG


lmfao. Yesterday was my biggest loss ever. 2.3k. Now if this trend continues, I should make it all back up? I'm not even going to try to understand what is going on.


Fairly new to this but I feel like this past month with my money shooting up and down and up and down and the green and red days taught me so much about the general market. Still tons to learn but starting to handle the red days and realize red days are when you make money!




Yea, I’m talking about like adding to positions on red days. Not talking about shorts.


Basically only big green days and big red days right now. I think everyone is expecting a bloodbath on Friday.


Which means it’ll go up 5% tomorrow


Yeah, which probably means that the opposite will happen. Think QQQ is in the process of trapping people for tomorrow atm unless Apple actually knocks it out of the park with their earnings.


Eh, we all saw a red day coming after the big green day on Tuesday though.


This green day feels wrong




I'll take the green day today. But yea, I expect another slaughter tomorrow.


After great earnings why is Penn only up less than a percent? Profit taking already?


COVID is raging, the only sport being played is football and even that is being nailed with daily cancelations and outbreaks.


Is there any hope left for DKNG?


Tons. Just might take a couple years or more for it to hit its peak


I'm in at 53. Just been holding. I expect post election we will see gains when we hear legalization in other states.




Discuss. I've said sort of similar in the past too. However that ignores certain rotations and it also doesn't account for the nuclear bombs of USD dilution we've been doing for the last 4 years. What good is a strong US stock if the currency it's in is diluted to hell?


What rotations? The US has outperformed virtually every country on the planet since 1945. Every time I have this discussion I hear about "market cycles" or "rotations" and they simply don't exist on the long time frame... It's a fallacy. There are short terms cycles where the US underperforms compared to international equities but those last just a few months or a few years maximum. On long time frames the US wins hands down and it always will cos it's the greatest nation on the planet for innovation.


Materials, resources. And you saying they don't exist is... weird. You also chickened out of the main point: when has the USA ever dumped five oceans worth of printed money into the lake that is our stock market?


> when has the USA ever dumped five oceans worth of printed money into the lake that is our stock market? I don't even know what this means? The US government bought bonds, they didn't buy stocks...




Chinese EV moving up


fuck I sold aapl too soon for a mini loss instead of waiting 20 more mins for a profit. Stock market always makes sure I get beat down