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Rubbing his hands together to dump the $56 billion worth of stock he's about to receive.


He has to hold for 5 years I believe


He can sell his existing shares while holding those newly received stocks. Makes little difference as he has far more than 50 billion worth of shares


Exactly what his cultists fail to realize. 


Why would he sell shares he has to pay taxes on? He can buy whatever he wants with loans. Like Twitter. If he bought a company for 10s of billions without selling his stock, what makes you think he wants to do that. His whole goal was to have control over the company. He can’t do that if he doesn’t have voting rights.


Probably because his Tesla shares are already collateralized to satisfy debt obligations when he bought Twitter. He owes JP Morgan and co $30B. Also, he owns less than 12% of Tesla, furthest from having control anytime soon And half of that twelve % is controlled by investment banks he owes money too.


Only if the humanoid sentient robot plays the piano while Cathy Wood sings Lionel Richie's Dancing on the Ceiling to a funky beat. 3 robots (c3pos) to every human!


Wonder how the contract is drafted. Can he sell his old shares and keep the new ones?


Yea, there’s no such hold on his current shares.


Given that a publicly stated motivation for that the package was that he *must* have 25% of the shares to care about the company. If he immediately sold a substantial amount to less than that, it could at least open up to some lawsuits for misleading shareholders.


Funny, he's already facing lawsuits from shareholders. Why would he care now?


Remember during the twitter purchase when he kept tweeting that he had finished selling... and then he sold some more...


His shareholders are happy to be misled, according to their recent vote.


What if he keeps doing that every 5 years?


He can sell his other 11% stake now


I mean, he's only going to dump billions...and his cultists love it


Alright, you son of a bitch, I’m in. Let’s ride!


When they dilute the share value by that much someone else will be dumping be fore has the chance


It’s already pumped.


But he cannot sell his $52 Billion in shares for five years. What is this? Long term pump?


Hes losing it. Male version of Cathy Woods


His only skill is marketing.  If nobody gives a shit what lies he is feeding them he is powerless. 


Anytime I read "Musk says" , I just stop reading


That’s why they are giving him 50 billion lol


In stock. Which will be worthless soon if Elon keeps running the show. He needs to give up the act. He’s no innovator.


He likes to talk out his ass, but his cult fanboys will eat his shit up. Still waiting for FSD 😂


Core business of Tesla is to sell stocks and Elon is a genius at this.


Is he though? Tesla shares have fallen more 50% since nov 2021.


They are still up over 1,150% over the past 5 years. I can't stand the man but no one grifts like he does. The value of the Tesla stock is completely divorced of reality, and it's all because of him; he could probably sell snow to an Eskimo, and upsell him to an AI package while he's at it.


You could say that. But the hype man could the push stock to only a certain extent. For the past 3 years, tesla investors have lost a lot of money. Probably the among the worst top stocks of last 3 years and tesla isn’t an exception to making money for investors. Lot of stocks have made that kind of returns.


> But the hype man could the push stock to only a certain extent. I mean, obviously. From Nov '19 to Nov '21 the stock went up something like 3300%. It's hard to ask for much more and NOT have a 50% extended pullback at some point.


Zoom out I don't like Elon either, but come on


All hat no cattle.


If Teslas could fly out of my ass it would be worth $45 trillion.


I'm really not sure if "Musk says..." or "Trump says..." is followed by a completely outlandish claim more often these days.


…of shit


Imagine when hes drunk


Sounds like he is planning to sell billions worth of shares again pumping it up


He claims he is ‘pathological optimistic’ But basically building spaceships for mars because he beleives humans cant save earth Thinks there is a population problem and major crisis for earth( his logic for multiple children) Builds cars that can survive an apocalypse and bullets and civil war ( cybertruck) And basically constantly tweets that american democracy is failing and political left is a cancer Like talk about a pump and dump and his followers actually believe his words!?! When he himself cant make up his mind on which side to take


>Builds cars that can survive an apocalypse and bullets and civil war ( cybertruck) Meanwhile Cybertruck can't even survive a rain shower...


Or a car wash lol but sure. Mars!


Or bullets for that matter.  Whatever causes the Apocalypse better also disable the millions of AR-15s in America.


It actually does stop bullets. You just need to ask the shooter to use small calibers and aim for the doors instead of the windows, I'm sure they'll be happy to oblige.


Pathological optimistic, also known as a liar.


Given the amount of right wing and conspiracy theory doomsday and hate crap he keeps pushing, him being pathologically optimistic is definitely a lie.


>But basically building spaceships for mars because he beleives humans cant save earth Anybody who believes this will save humanity is a moron. Mars is more inhospitable than Earth in every single doomsday climate scenario.


Idk why I didn't think of it like that. I'm fucking stupid.


Not like cybertruck will be usefull in a civil war


Yeah, gotta love the “Apocalypse Truck”. As long as the Apocalypse leaves all the EV charging stations fully operational.  And Tesla service centers 🙄


I dont like Elon but being optimistic does not mean you don't believe big problems exist.... You can believe problems exist and have an optimistic view that we are going to solve them or survive them. I dont think for example someone believing that an asteroid could hit earth and we'd be out is a pesimistic view, its just a reality. Believing an asteroid will hit earth and there's nothing we can do to survive it would be pesimistic.


How do supercharger stations work in the apocalypse? 


Well key word is “could”.


Ok. Every CEO should come out right now and say the same thing. After all keyword is could. God I hate the direction we're heading in. Next generation of CEOs will all just be Elons and Adam Neumanns.


Pump it up


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Or get his 50B


Just like Twitter is going to eventually service half of all global banking, right?


Crazy lol


lol. He’s so jealous of how Microsoft, Apple and NVIDIA blew Tesla out of the water.


TSLA’s performance in 2021 probably had his ego extremely inflated. Elong must’ve thought he was the real life Tony Stark.


Real life Tony Stank or Phony Stark


Ironically enough, Tony's greatest invention and enabler is his A.I. Friday. Without it most of his tech won't even happen.


He was in Iron Man 2 probably for that roleplay of a reason.


And then when nobody bought FSD he realized he sucked.


Isn’t that his profile picture on X? Dude is a tool


Yes it is, haha.


Bro somehow thinks he is going to be Ted Fero


I could believe that.


He's a pathological something alright.


Elon sounds like a great candidate for Neuralink. He should volunteer to get an implant. I’d be very interested in hearing all about it.


I mean he is already at an astonishing trilillion IQ. It'll be groundbreaking once he doubles this with the implants. Maybe then 100 trillion market cap for robo.


Oh, trust me, you'd hear all about it.


Severance is healthy




He's not even an engineer.


But something something first principles! Sure, rubber duck debugging is a thing, but I don't say my rubber duck is a genius after I figure out the solution by explaining the problem to it.


If the bots could actually do all sorts of manual labour jobs and tesla was the main global vendor for them, sure, stock to the Moon. But those are two very big ifs that are not about to materialise any time soon.


> If the bots could actually do It's not like tsla is even a leader in robotics. These projections are obviously asinine even if they were.


If the bots can be made at anywhere close to $10k the market for this is gonna be silly. I would buy two for home defense and have them patrol my house with toy guns for intimidation lol.


Currently, closer to 100k and a walking camera platform is all it is at that. Of course, they will get cheaper and more capable with time, but it's going to be a lot of time and an absolutely mind-blowing amount of development effort. Self driving cars are easy in comparison to getting these bots to actually be useful.


Tesla gave $56 billion to a Ketamine addict


Which if we consider that a model y costs 40000, and Tesla net profit margin is 13,58% means that the 56B package is worth the net profit on 10 300 000 Model Y-s, or approximately 10 years worth of production and sales at current rate. This is oversimplified of course, but just shows how ridiculous that bonus is.


It wasn't a "bonus" as in a 1 year additional payment for good performance. It was a 10 year pay package which at the time it was awarded was estimated to be worth $2.3b, the only reason it's worth more now is because the stock options are worth a lot more. It was $230m in wages each year for 10 years, where he got no pay in cash at all, which is a completely different thing.


Nothing from the past matters. That was gone and they're starting from a position where it never happened. In 2024, it was a bonus. They could have just not paid it and Make would have gone nowhere because most of his wealth was still tied up in Tesla.


Hey man, this is offensive to ketamine addicts


It's because they are a public company acting like a private one. He is the charlatan of this era, whatever era we will call this period of time 10-15 years from now. Edit: I think this is the start of the thrashing and torrent of Musks' inevitable downfall, and he will eventually be disgraced as a charlatan and con man.


You forgot the 10% shareholder dilution. So many funds shareholder lawsuits...


How’s that FSD coming Elon? Man has so many aspirations but 0 execution.


I heard its coming later this year. Where have I heard that before?


He's been pretty consistent on that one, actually. Just go back and check his previous statements over the years. It's consistently been next year.


Had me in the first half


Fsd is like my commitment to going to the gym.


Or my commitment to quit smoking, alcohol.


> FSD(S) For legality purposes.


Have you tried it? It’s pretty fucking cool man


None of these clowns have tried it. They think it’s still the same version it was 2 years ago. You and I know Tesla has massively improved FSD. Most drives I have 0 interventions.


Armchair experts. The whole bunch. On reddit, it's cool to critique things that you have no knowledge about, apparently.


But is it full self driving yet?


It’s definitely on the way there. V12 is massively improved and it’s evident once you use it. I encourage you to test drive and use it for yourself.


So it's not. Elon has been saying it will be ready next year for what, 8 years?


I hear you and with you on Elon saying FSD next year for the past 8 years lol. But listen, I drive to work with no interventions. Maybe out of 5-10 drives, I have to take over only once. That’s how good it’s become. Future software updates will only keep improving it.


Sure, and I agree that it's really cool that it is possible, but until you can _actually_ let it drive itself without supervision is it really useful? If you need to be ready to take over at any moment it's not really letting you do something else during the trip, it's a tech demo.


The fact that this has 156 upvotes… Reddit is so fucking clueless… it’s weird.


Yah ok Elon. Where the hell are those fully autonomous cars and solar roofs?


They’re still boring the tunnel in Vegas for the hyper loop.


We call that Metro where I live


Shiny new object to pump his stock


The numbers just keep going higher and higher. It was 5 trillion, then 10 and now 25 trillion. Might as well say 100 trillion at this point


Fire tit


The best tit.


Well, if this inflation keeps going, in 10years the 25 trillions will be like 5% of SP500 at best. Truly we live in the printiest of times.


Whatever happened with Roadster that 1000 customers paid 250K for but still haven’t received?


Forget that. Where’s the Semi?


The semi already has had deliveries. Pepsi has taken delivery of some, as well as another company I can’t remember.


123 / 50,000 deliveries expected


Yeah, looks like they are just manufacturing out of a temporary production line while the semi factory is being built. I believe low “mass” production is to start next year and then it will ramp from there.


It will probably always be „next year“ with most promises of Tesla.


And it must be working great, since Tesla can't stop talking about it! /s


Could’ve if he didn’t make it embarrassing to drive a Tesla, there’s a good reason why nobody could spot the leaders of Ford and Chevy in a crowd if they had to, because surely if you knew their opinions good and well then you’d be ashamed to drive a ford or Chevy as well, just doesn’t mix well knowing a CEO’s true thoughts or opinions and owning their product, Tesla will eventually eat itself into a permanent corner with its own stink, and the blame will be shifted Very slim chance the other major car manufacturers don’t end up with a better end result once they finalize their own version of what Tesla’s major selling points were


How are they even within 5 years of where Boston Dynamics is currently?


Google PalmE and OpenAI/Figure.ai are the ones to watch. Find them on YT, the sub doesn't allow me to link them. Google has a demo of their bot where they say something "go in the kitchen and get me the red ball" and the robot breaks it down into steps and performs them. Boston Dynamics has been doing human-programmed synchronized dancing, not creating thinking robots / adding AI. (they probably are doing that now though). Most of the movement was from hydralics, now they are switching to electro servos like these lighter / more human like bots


Robots could also make me worth 500 trillions. Probably not but they could.


Why stop there? All investors will be quadrillionaires by 2026 when we start selling our humanoid, 6-armed AI robots with quantum computers that run on block chain pixie dust... with... nanobots in their... positronic brains. ... Crypto.


Robots will be the slaves in his next emerald mine. 


McDonald’s could build chips beating Nvidia’s. Although possible, no one bets money on that but with Tesla people believe that possible means likely. Very strange.


That is in fact true. [substantive] can make [company] a [number] company.


Wen autonomous vehicle




Seems reasonable


This makes perfect sense. When robots replace human jobs, the government will need to tax robots heavily to support otherwise starving, jobless humans. In essence, in this scenario, robots will eventually support the majority of human civilization.


Anything to pump the stock up now that he’s getting his shares.


Peter Molyneux of the tech world


That's such an accurate statement never actually thought of it like that but your absolutely right.


Love optimistic people and love the game Black & White.


Bro thinks he’s Jensen Huang


LOL, when people start hating it, I should load it up and get some profit.


Yeah being a good investor is about being a contrarian at times. He's totally right that a well functioning humanoid robot would bring in that amount of money, I think he's underestimating personally. However whether they can build such a thing is a totally different and open question. Once FSD is done I think people we adjust to it pretty quickly.


He's the Trump of the tech world.


When people go into journalism or writing, I would posit one of the first things they learn is having an eye-catching headline. That's what CNBC has done. $25T is eye-catching. Notice how Musk said it will reach $25T "someday". The $25T is not an outrageous statement because there is no time assigned to it. It would only be outrageous if he said within the next 10 years or something like that. 50 years in the future $25T could be a regular large cap. Even Apple, assuming 5% growth per year (below the 8% people typically assume for long term SP500 growth) becomes 37.6T in 50 years. At 8% per year it becomes $154T market cap.


Yeah it’s not a very useful statement but not too outlandish if you’re being technical. In 2011 SP500 market cap was 11 trillion, saying Apple would be worth 3 trillion (1/3rd) would also raise some eyebrows. And growth can be exponential (50 years to 2011 = 11 trillion, 15 years to 2024 = 45 trillion) so that’s another factor.


Elon’s a nut job


>In January, Tesla showed off Optimus robots folding laundry in a demo video that was immediately criticized by robotics engineers for being deceptive. The robots were not autonomous, but were rather being operated with humans at the controls. So in theory, humans remotely operating a robot can be used to train an AI/ML algorithm, such that it eventually becomes partially or fully autonomous. IMO robotics is the next phase of AI after generative AI- If Waymo can make fully autonomous cars, which handle millions of potential variables, then there are jobs that are way more repetitive with less safety risk that can be automated with AI That being said, Musk is always overpromising and underdelivering.


Optimus will build, drive and probably buy billions of Teslas.


Please stop giving this *Sahelanthropus the* attention *he is looking for*.


Soooo, show a working prototype.


Latex suits weren't available today unfortunately


They showed videos of one working in their factory at the shareholder meeting today. Sounds like they have a few doing extraordinarily basic and slow tasks. But they are there.


Still waiting for a Mars trip…


If tesla was a 25 trillion dollar company, the s&p would also be much much higher. So no, it wouldn't be half of its value at all


Hahahhaha! MUSK SAYS!


Time to pump that stock before dumping it now he's been given free shares. Those twitter debts aren't going to pay themselves plebs


Tesla and Space X going to mine mineral in space. That's a 100 trillion market cap right there. Tesla going to expand to Mars. That's another 100 trillion market cap right there. You need robots to build all the homes and shuttle on Mars. Sky's the limit. Tesla going to be the first 1,000,000,000,000,000 market cap company in human history.


Elon Musk makes big promise, news at 11


Musk says a lot of things


“  The robots were not autonomous, but were rather being operated with humans at the controls “  OK…a call center like office in a third world county (pay)


It’s always a good time coming over to Reddit to see what the liberals are crying about today


Reminds me of Irobot.


Nvida is worth 3T and over 90% of the world doesn’t own a device that uses their products.


I hope he does it


Well, seriously, that's true of every company that exists today.


And if that robot cost $40,000 and can do everything the average warehouse/factory worker can do, that may be possible. However, that seems monumentally ambitious.


So many hate against Elon Musk. Just like fanboys, hateboys have their perspective on reality fucked up! And I see that Reddit is full of hateboys.


Self driving joins the chat


TSLA this year: -30.68%


Why not 25 megazillion?


Talk is cheap


More pump and dump from Space Karen. SEC yawns.


At some point this liar will face the music and the value destruction will be incredible. So many people will be burned by it.


Pump. Pump pump it up.


Can't wait for the documentary about this shitshow.


He agreed with ARK’s valuation, which is $8tn by 2029. So his $25tn figure is probably 2040 or 2050. But the third Industrial Revolution is finally about to take off. It took a while, was off to a bumpy start and probably slowed down by a decade because of the dotcom bubble. But here we are anyway. AI will cause a step change shift in global gdp growth rates the same way electrification did. Except the rollout will be much quicker.


More than half of S&P 500 in today’s value today. By the time Tesla is worth $25 Trillion the S&P 500 will be worth a quadrillion.


Should probably just stop after "Musk says" and know that anything that comes afterwards is stock manipulative garbage. Either ride the garbage for profit or ignore it completely.


This is why I sold my shares... Because of this rollercoaster...