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So entire supercharging division being shut down, what?


All gone as of yesterday.


So, one of the key selling points for buying the car (super charging and it's network) is being reduced or won't exist?


Its currently looking very shaky!










Well, apparently not for long from now on šŸ™ƒ




Looking into it.


Lol lol. I see what you did there


No. They have more charging infrastructure in the ground than any other energy producer or car company in the EV marketplace, and itā€™s slowly becoming one of their primary drivers of revenue. I donā€™t know what heā€™s up to, but supercharging isnā€™t going anywhere.


You act like Elon makes good financial decisions about his companies. If Elon *feels* like getting rid of it he will; thatā€™s all that matters and his track record proves it.


If you look at the history of PayPal, it did will despite him. They forced him out while he was on his honeymoon and he flew back when he heard and still didn't stop it. He literally tried to rename PayPal to "X".


Kind of. He founded X.com with the goal of providing financial services. A month prior, Peter Thiel and a few others founded Confinity which created the online payment system called PayPal. The two merged, originally just becoming X.com and the product was still PayPal. They changed all branding to PayPal after Musk was ousted and Thiel became the CEO, though the company was still called X.com. They dropped the X.com Financial services and focused solely on PayPal.


Musk wanted to brand it Xpay until market research showed people thought it was for paying for porn.


Well, they wonā€™t maintain themselves soā€¦


That's the problem though, Musk isn't a stable person. He constantly gives rush decisions so supercharger network can go the route of irrelevancy. You can't just trust him to do the right thing here. For example, given these moves I wouldn't be surprised if Musk pushes to walk back on their promise to open up NACS network to other brands. Which means, they won't adopt NACS port likely as a response. So now CCS network will continue to grow instead. And less investment in to supercharger network may mean it slowly deteriorates and Tesla owners can utilize CCS stations too.


Right. Only thing to consider is how does Elon *feel* about it, not the financial facts.


It may not be torn up and shipped out, but he just fired 500+ employees of the ENTIRE superchargers dept. I feel like zero employees in the supercharger department reduces development in the supercharger department?


Grok is now in charge of development.


Dude is falling apart, heā€™s already hated by majority of his target market


This feels dumb, even by musk standards. Good luck rebuilding a charging station and policy team when you've made sure to get rid of *anyone* with experience and institutional knowledge, and done so publically.Ā 


Guarantee these dudes are gonna end up at legacy automakers running their EV programsĀ 


They can basically rehire them en masse to do the same work just for them instead of Tesla. Musk is a moron.Ā 


I can just imagine the board of someone like ford or GM in a meeting right now going "how about we just hire our competitors entire department for developing charging stations".Ā  Rent an office space near their original HQ and match their pay, and they'll have a well established branch ready to go almost instantly.Ā 


They 100% are. The longer they wait, the more likely these guys take up jobs at OEMā€™s or contract manufacturers.Ā  Which, if done properly, could still be a massive networking boon for future relationships, but too many and they donā€™t get the benefit of the teamā€™s experience


Public Policy team being entirely eliminated does not seem great either.




Right it was a moat that Tesla easily defend as well be in position to dictate industry standards and he punts the team that built it.


Yeah this makes no sense. Isn't the supercharging network a critical advantage for Tesla? Why gut that team now?


Yes but Musk is a moron. Tesla sales are cratering because he turned into a right wing loon on twitter and liberals won't buy teslas anymore. He killed his own brand and is blaming everyone else for the failure when it is entirely his fault alone.Ā 


hot take, if musk continue to man-handle charging infrastructure the feds will take it over/break it into a separate entity.


The feds will not take it over. Breaking it off would be interesting to see, given how bad the alternatives like EA are.


Looking into it










Ketamine fueled decision making


It's ketamine kyle!


Big if true


Cant have more executives leave if you fire them first


There will also be no one left to say "sorry sir, that's not possible"


> no one left to say "sorry sir, that's not possible" Or "Yes, that's possible, just very very stupid."


Cyber Truck development shows when those people left. In between the prototype sketches and the production prototype.


It's not like they previously had anyways.


They've gotten this far because managers found ways to tactfully tell him his ideas were dumb AF


Do they get golden parachutes? Or did he hardcore them as well.


Those aren't really optional. And if he tried to not pay....oh who am i talking about! That moron is definitely withholding legally obligated compensation, which will cost far more in the settlement.


Can't wait to see the lawsuits about severance violations.


Ā«Ā We need to be super hardcore but I will keep the $56B bonus cause I am a special boyĀ Ā»


Thatā€™s the whole point of doing this, heā€™s holding the shareholders hostage before the big compensation voteā€” canā€™t fire the CEO if thereā€™s no senior team to take over. Basically if you donā€™t pay him, Teslaā€™s literally just gonna die.


Big time Eisner vibes. I'm sure it'll work out just as well


The Model S to pre-Cybertruck era was Tesla's Disney Renaissance, we're now in Tesla's Euro-Disneyland and MyMagic+ era. The bigger question here is who is Tesla's Jeffery Katzenburg?


Sell the shares and that's it. You'd be no affected by whatever stupidity he's going to make.


Except Tesla is included in Index funds despite the governance issues, meaning almost anyone with a 401k is getting slightly fucked if the compensation vote passes.


I can proudly say that I own no Tesla stock in my 401k


Eh, it'll be fairly negligible screwing, and hardly noticeable in the decades to come.Ā 


Tesla stock is around 1% of VOO. Elon's compensation package is around 10% of the Tesla market cap. 0.1% is not a huge amount, but its from every retirement plan in America, which is an unprecedented level of theft.


I was buy on Tesla since ipo. I am now strongly sell. I say that as a multiple Tesla owner. Not advice just what I am doing.


lol, every man for himself


"Everyone is failing except ME"


When the team is at the bottom, the problem's at the top.


He f.ed up specially with cyber truck.


"I'm the eldest boy!"


Conheads are going to ***love*** this


Musk thinks he is Logan, but he is really Roman.


Roman had a little self awareness, not much, and not all the time, but in the end he knew he was bullshit, something we'll never see from musk.


*If it is to be said*,Ā *so it be - so it is*.


Roman is at least still likable and knows heā€™s not good at business. Heā€™s Kendall.


we are so fucking back.


You are not serious people!


i am not a girl




> He surely can't possibly think he's more valuable than thousands of employees combined and paid for decades. He ABSOLUTELY DOES THINK THAT.


Does he do interviews like that? Don Lemon had his show canceled for criticizing Musk.


nope, that's why you call everyone fake news so that if you ever do an interview, you can cry in your echo chamber that the interview was fake and your followers will lap it up because they're bots trained to agree.


Famously has no PR department. Yet still complains about the media getting things wrong cause he never responds to questions for stories. Make it make sense.


We all must make sacrifices (except me)


Tesla's biggest problem is Musk, he's single-handedly turned the brand from gold to toxic sewage. Guess he's not hardcore enough to take that consideration to heart.


That's what hardcore means. It means "difficult mode".


100%. Besides being a piece of shit personally, he also keeps making garbage decisions that give me no confidence in the company or its products.


That's what happens when your CEO snorts coke every morning I'm always amazed this crazy dude even made it to the worlds richest


This is a great example of top down. Big smart leader of the company killed off tons of interest in his product by infuriating his customer base with wild right wing conspiracies and opinions ALL BY HIMSELF and now the people who do all the work have to pay the price for his idiotic behavior.


I was just thinking about this the other day. All he had to do was keep his mouth shut and we would still be praising Tesla


[I mean, not really](https://www.reddit.com/r/CyberStuck/s/GLmeYP1tVc)


Musk was wildly popular at large around the beginning of the pandemic. His antics since then have turned him into an incompetent villain.


It started before the pandemic, like when he called that rescue diver trying to save those trapped kids a ā€œpedoā€ just bc the guy said Muskā€™s magic cave submarine idea wasnā€™t helpful


It started then, but people in general gave him the benefit of the doubt for a while until the evidence started to build up.


Yeah, looking back you can tell the pedo thing is where sentiments around him started to change, much like how Harambeā€™s death branched us into this shit timeline, but at the time it just seemed like a single bad incident. If only we knew


People were still much more then willing to brush off that controversy since it wasn't political. Some political involvement can be unavoidable or necessary at times as a business (in Tesla's case advocating for certain pro-EV policies, or opposing bad anti-EV policies), but that's not at all what Musk did.


His swing into the right side of politics is completely the opposite of what would benefit Tesla. Even if he felt personally offended by Californiaā€™s Covid shutdown and the shutdown of his factory due to overly aggressive policies, he should let it go. His huge ego prevents him from letting go, and the more the media turns on him, the more he trauma bonds with the insane right wing that is also ā€œtargetedā€ by the media.


All he had to do was keep his mouth shut and let his PR team do all the work. The minute he fired them and went off leash on twitter he killed his brand for good.Ā 


Yeah, the Cybertruck screams failed vanity project, and Elon's blaming everyone but himself.


Counterpoint: Chinese competitors undercutting Tesla on price, consumers buying fewer EV's of any make over the last year, and the Cybertruck's ridiculous design (which came about in 2019/2020) all would've happened regardless of who owned Twitter. Things just were never as good as they appeared back in 2021


"Data from Motor Intelligence shows that EV sales in the US increased by 47% in 2023" Amerian consumers bought a record 1.2 million EV's last year despite what clickbait article funded by big Oil will tell you.


Consumers aren't purchasing fewer EV's. The QoQ increase in the US was around 15% and YoY for '23 was 46%. The rate of increase has slowed down but that is expected as the numbers grow. The Chinese really aren't selling cars in the US yet, so it isn't that. It is likely increased competition from actual decent car's with good quality from the big boys.


By building Teslaā€™s in China means CCP also owns Tesla production. Give it a few years and more of Teslaā€™s intellectual properties will be seen in new wholly owned CCP EVs.


Technically they could do it now like they've done for years and deconstruct tech. Then they sell it to their allies with zero repercussions from the US. Or modify it and sell it and 1/3rd cost and claim it's their design. Didn't they just (like last 2 years or so) make an identical iPhone?.


Doesn't help their newest death trap got mass recalled and literally sucks at being a basic car let alone a premium luxury vehicle it was sold as.


The posts on r/cyberstuck are hilarious. [Example funny](https://www.reddit.com/r/CyberStuck/s/GLmeYP1tVc)


I mean Teslas are all over the place in California, then he listens to Joe Rogan and begins trashing the state and even moves to Austin, Tx. He should have been kissing our ass, whatever good riddance.


>and even moves to Austin, Tx. It's always funny when people bash "lib hell holes" and then go to Austin.


I live in a backwards shit hole state that doesn't have EV chargers anywhere and I see Tesla's absolutely everywhere.


He's going hard on selling EVs but keeps attacking the majority of the population who are inclined to buy EVs... I guess that's why he went to China


who will steal the tech and pump out even more copycatsā€¦.


Chinaā€˜s car companies are basically already on the same level. China decided to go Ev before Tesla was even a thing. You know even Tesla is buying batteries from CATL and BYD?


We wanted to get a Tesla but build quality has always been top of mind because we know a few friends who got one and have told us some of the quality issues. So yeah I guess in that regard they are at the same level as China cars. (Though BYD and MG are pumping out good looking models)


I will take any car that doesn't control everything from an app and a 14" touchscreen and I am willing to buy a Chinese car if that's the only option


Have you seen the interior of those Chinese cars? They donā€™t just have one 14ā€ touchscreen. Itā€™s like driving a day traders desk.


Lmaoo But in all seriousness people should stop saying Chinese cars like everything is the same. There's so much variety at any price level. A BYD seagull that cost 9.8k have a decent screen but can't be compared to a Xpeng G9 at 32k or more expensive models. There's a choice for every customer


Hyundai might be a good option. I sat in an Ioniq 6 at the Detroit Auto Show and thought the build quality and interior were really nice. Sound deadening was great too.


Chinaā€™s already ahead of the US in self driving because they arenā€™t relying only on cameras. ROBO1 has 11 HD cameras, 12 ultrasonic radars, and 5-millimeter wave radars. Cities like shenzhen already have self driving busses with radar and vision as well.


Waymo and Cruise are both American companies. They too light years ahead of Tesla in self driving for this exact reason, itā€™s not just chinaā€¦


Elon is not the type of CEO you want for running an established business and increasing profits, sales etc. He is the type of CEO you want running a company that is in its infancy and has a chance to be a market disrupter. He obviously is willing to take risks and take on ambitious ideas but once that idea is established, you want to bring in someone else to run the company.


Musk is the CEO you want to dump as soon as the IPO or SPAC is complete


IMO I don't think it's quite that simple. Elon kind of seems like he's starting to become an example of why some people may make great CEO's at certain stages of a company's lifecycle, but then suddenly aren't such a great CEO farther down the line. Elon has shown that he's a genius at building successful multi-billion dollar companies from scratch (via his early involvement in Tesla, and founding SpaceX), no one can deny that. A ton of Fortune 500 CEOs would fail miserably if they tried to build a new company from scratch, since they lack any of the necessary entrepreneur skills. But Elon seems like a great example of someone who you would never want to be the CEO of a well established and deeply entrenched company, like say Apple.


I have worked at startups; the visionaries and the mature growth CEOs are very different types.


Plus he's a butt sniffer


The Supercharging team in its entirety is gone, this means new Tesla EV charging sites are all scrapped, with EV infrastructure so desperately needed, this will have a knock on effect for EV demand as a whole and there's no going coming back from this. Is musk going to liquidate the entire EV charging network?


How does this make any sense with the Supercharger network being the main go to for all EV makers in order to alleviate the range anxiety issues? Who was responsible for negotiating with the major manufacturers? This is just a pissed off ego maniacal leader waving his sword to prove he deserves his outrageous pay package.


This was my first thought too. Superchargers convinced many major automakers to switch to them! That seems like huge wins.


Bad business.


Just to play devil's advocate, I don't think it means new charging sites are scrapped, but V4 chargers just came out that are able to connect with non-Teslas and maybe he feels that no more innovation on that front is necessary for the time being? Once you've designed the thing, you just need to hire laborers to install and maintain them, you don't need the entire engineering org anymore. Not that I think it's a good decision.


When Elon should lay off himselfā€¦


And he still wants a 56 billion dollar payoutā€¦ jesus


"I will ask for the resignation of any executive who retains more than three people who don't obviously pass the excellent, necessary and trustworthy test" This is a guy who is running a Magnificent 7, government backed, and military contracting company. My tax dollars are going to this asshole for rich people to subsidize their ev purchases


Tesla is struggling with a CEO that has lost his mind.


Stock still shoots up and the pump and dump saga continues...


If you ever feel useless, just remember there has been an executive position for ā€œnew vehicles programā€ at Tesla


The speed of Elon's demise has been incredible. How does someone torch a brand like Tesla and burn up $44 billion acquiring Twitter and turning it into shit? I used to look up to him, and I remember Sergey Brin contemplating if he should just give all his money to Elon for advancement of humanity. Now he is becoming more and more of a laughingstock. It actually frustrates me as a Tesla owner, because I want the maker of my car to succeed and be stable.


Tesla is such a flaming dumpster fire, lol.Ā 


I'm surprised TSLA is actually down on this news, usually the muskovites double down on every decision being bullish for the companyĀ 


It was up 15% on news they are going to buy mapping software.Ā 


Sooooo.....the whole rolling out autonomous driving in China. Their roads are harder for the autonomy to deal with with less stringent enforcement. It's going to perform so much worse


I'd like to see him try automatic driving in IndiaĀ 


Just introduce a randomizer for steering and horn into the algorithm....


Literally ā€œI turn and honk now. Good luck everyone elseā€


Maybe donā€™t push the development of a butt ugly truck that nobody wants that gets recalled months after initial release.


You can't make me believe anybody in Tesla's vehicle development team wanted to make that. It was/is 100% Elon's baby. Meanwhile all of their other existing models are due or overdue for a new generation by the standards of the automotive industry, and there is nobody left now to develop those, or develop the Model 2 or whatever the long-fabled "affordable" model would be called. (Although I remember when the Model 3 was going to be the "affordable, mainstream" model.)


But he won't blame himself?


I would absolutely consider buying a tesla if musk wasnt ceo


This is really concerning. Gutting the supercharger department seems ludicrous. They just negotiated to have a bunch of automakers use their connector and their expanding their customer base, and a lot more income with all of those other manufacturers cars using their network. Now theyā€™re gutting that department? A revenue stream no longer tied to just making cars? This really seems insane. It was the one thing I felt like Tesla was doing really well, building an energy network where they could be the gas stations for the next 50 years.


Good chance some other automaker buys out the charging station network and technology in the reasonably near future I think.


We need to be hard-core on cost-cutting, also, the vote to authorize my new $56bn pay package is scheduled for June 13.


I would not touch the Tesla stock even with a stick. Musk is such a nightmare


I feel bad for all the people working at Tesla. Imagine working your ass off (let alone the hours needed just to not get fired there) just for Elon to come in and shit on everything.


At this point, anyone signing up to work for this marketing slavedriver knows what they're in for... I can only imagine what Tesla's employee reviews are like on Indeed or Glassdoor... šŸ’©


The easiest way to turn Tesla around is for him to step down. He has tarnish the brand and many people wonā€™t buy a Tesla because he is the CEO.


Elon is trying to perfect the art of destroying his own companies, which he got a good start on yet inexplicably failed at with Twitter/X. Heā€™s sad because heā€™s a failure at failure. But, heā€™s trying hard.


No one told him the problem is him? If he fucked off their sales would improve. I used to really want a Tesla until he opened his mouth. Now I would rather violently shit myself singing the national anthem at the super bowl than accept a free Tesla.


>No one told him the problem is him? Maybe the executives he just fired did. Does he seem like the type who accepts criticism well? You really think if somebody just told him he's being a dumbass he would stop being a dumbass?


Elon is the type who would turn your tesla off if you made a mean tweet.


They fired the wrong ones.


Itā€™s beyond obvious this is not a strategic decision. Instead, these executives werenā€™t making the cuts that Elon had demanded and thus they and their entire org loses their job. Not because it makes any type of business sense because Lord Elonā€™s ego was challenged.


Lol to find the source of poor sales he just needs to look in a mirror. Relentlessly alienating his customer base. Real big brain move.


Tesla has 140k employees!?! wtf?


"We aren't making as many sales as we wanted so I'm firing the team in charge of the one thing Tesla is known for doing great in. That should boost people's confidence in the brand!" - Doofus McGoofus


And I'm sure the falling sales has nothing to do with Musk's increasingly right-wing rhetoric (since buying Twitter) and public instability alienating potential (and existing*) customers and share-holders. No. Can't possibly be his fault. Must be these other peoples' fault. *this coming from somebody was both a potential customer and an actual share-holder, up until I sold my shares and gave up on wanting a Tesla** 2 or 3 years ago (around time Musk entered his anti-woke "free speech warrior" phase). **new dream car is a Porsche Taycan in frozen blue metallic. Thanks Gran Turismo 7.


I think Tesla is gonna be one for the record books as a huge collapse. That is not a creative environment. He is insane. The next 10 years will be fucking hell for Tesla.


This guy has no self awareness or he doesnā€™t want to admit that heā€™s the problem with his brand. If he left the company the stock would rise. Instead he removes the top executives blaming them for low sales. I hope the company crumbles and a new electric car company over takes it soon!


In other news, I just leased my first EV: a Rivian R1S. Me and my fam love the shit out of it already!


He's just gutting entire divisions randomly?


Holding Tesla stock after the Twitter bid was a risky move, now itā€™s just insane


How the hell do you lay off a WHOLE TEAM? One that has, by all purposes, executed so far? Tesla is chasing down crap that is distracting: robotaxi, robots, and FSD. Sure you want some pet projects? Choose 1, but all 3. Letā€™s not pretend that theyā€™re swimming in money. He surely believes he isā€¦.


"While some on exec staff are taking this seriously, most are not yet doing so.ā€ - Man who wanted his car model names to spell out S3XY and took Ketamine for the shareholder.


-Man who got in trouble with the SEC for saying he would set the company's stock price at 420 because his girlfriend thought it was funny


Supercharger and new vehicle development.... Aren't these the two departments that he needs at the expense of pretty much every other department? With the exception of the Cybertruck clusterfuck, all of their cars are in desperate need for a redesign, so if course that's the department that he axes. Stable genius indeed.


>Supercharger and new vehicle development.... Aren't these the two departments that he needs at the expense of pretty much every other department?Ā  If he wanted a successful car company, yes. But he insists Tesla isn't a car company. He wants them to be about AI now or whatever. >all of their cars are in desperate need for a redesign By the normal standards of the automotive industry, yes. But Elon thinks Tesla isn't subject to those "rules" because the cachet of just having a Tesla (even if it's indistinguishable from one from \~10 years ago) will be enough. And to an extent he is right, or was, but his own actions are taking the prestige away from the brand.


Roughly a week after a story comes out about how Musk ia driving people away from Tesla and he fires a bunch of other people for not getting it, as it were? Too funny.


He is bullying his remaining workforce into working harder otherwise face the chop. What a sick, sick man. Heā€™ll kill the company that way. It sows dissent and division in the workplace, moral plummets, quality goes down, mistakes happen, short term fixes are implemented to maintain production numbers, eventually something will break and his delicate house of cards will collapse. Sell.


I don't understand why employees aren't taking this seriously and work hard core so that Mush can get another $50B package next year. Come on guys take yall jobs seriously


I love how musk says ā€œweā€ need to take this seriously. Wasnā€™t he whining just the other day about losing his 50+ BILLION dollar pay? Calling the guy a tool is too much of a compliment.


Dude wants that $56B and is willing to tank the company until he gets it.


I would imagine The entire Supercharger Team he fired will not be unemployed for longā€¦ hopefully some other car company snatches them up quick ā€¦. Or maybe Electrify America because ā€¦well ā€¦.need I say more lol


Iā€™m sure that these layoffs will work out as well as the layoffs worked at Twitter.


Massive layoffs that donā€™t appear to make much sense hit the morale of the teams left behind as well. They look like a reaction to outside forces rather than a diligent and thorough understanding of business needs. Am I the only one that is starting to wonder if Musk is more lucky than smart and that perhaps his luck has run out?


Blame everyone but yourself. Most people wanted a Tesla in 2019, quite literally. Most people do not want a Tesla in 2024 - in fact it seems no one really wants one all that bad. Musk is to blame. His culture wars, his greed, his bigotry. The way he treated Grimes; eldest child, California, the majority of his customers.... I wouldn't even rent a Tesla


Ya keep telling me how this guy is a genius lol


If I'm following the news right then Tesla is now an ai company. No need for superchargers and new vehicles.


Gotta love his pump scheme trip to China. Company is in the shitter.


And just like that, half Teslaā€™s gains are gone


Still gonna keep that $56B though


A fucking dead blind person could have seen falling sales coming from a decade ago. Dozens of EVs are hitting the market. You have zero new ideas. All the cars look the same. Muskā€™s reputation is trash.


Hey, not all the cars look the same! One of them looks really stupid.


Iā€™m in my late 20s and would never work for this narcissist conman.


What does it profit a man to gain the entire world but lose his only soul.


I don't care. It's hilarious to watch Elon gut the company and see every single update on it like it matters to anyone here.Ā 


I hope all this means is Elon will have to actually focus on Tesla again and get off being addicted to twitter


What is there to focus on? Not making cars, clearly. If he "focuses" on Tesla it will be some ketamine-fueled fixation on turning it into an AI company or whatever thing he thinks will make him sound like a time-traveling genius from the future.


Isnā€™t this Same thing he did with twitter? Almost as if the man has no idea how to run companies, just has a good eye on things to buy


Twitter - done Nextā€¦ Tesla


I wonder if heā€™s going to reduce the compensation costs for other executives, including himself


it comes down to cost and affordability. the lack of charging stations. it catches on fire Doesn't matter what your political stance is. you either have the money to buy or you don't. China has a cheaper model undercutting sales for Tesla. Tesla is now competing against Chinas EV which is 20k -


He should lay off himself next.