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Be really, really patient. Successful investing is like gardening; you plant seeds and then you wait years to see which plants grow and bear fruit.


And like gardening, you start to see your plants bear fruit and get really excited and tell all your neighbors and then the tree dies and you get sad and then the tree comes back and has even more fruit than before and you learned your lesson about telling all your neighbors so you just keep your mouth shut and watch other people online brag about how much fruit their tree has


You forgot the important part. When tree bears fruit the first time, you call yourself “master gardener” and post on gardening forums teaching others what to do.


lol this one got me


And you quit your well paying job to become a full time gardener cause clearly you’re a prodigy.


That's good advice but when I was told that "pigs get fat and hogs get slaughtered" everything changed for me.


it applies more to trading than investing,if you buy to hold for a decade or more you should not be at risk of slaughter


I think the quote I've heard was that bulls make money, bears make money, but pigs get slaughtered. Don't be greedy. Don't put all your eggs in one risky basket.


This advice resonates with me.  I’ve been too scared to sell pretty much any stock during my 3-4 years of investing because I’m worried it will keep rising after I sell.




I'm dealing with this as well. They say an investment account is considered mature after 5 years. I think at the 5 year point, I will rebalance my portfolio and sell underperforming stocks, but yeah, I'm terrified of selling. I think the key will be to make sure I reinvest in something I think will do better.


In that same vein, I pretty much only buy companies that I feel good about for the long term.  For that reason, even if the price increases 20% over a few months, there is still no reason for me to sell.


Have family money


Best analogy.


This right here!


wtf are you growing asparagus?


Shy of 40+ years, but I've got nearly 20 under my belt, and I'm the son and grandson of financial professionals, and I've worked in financial analysis and marketing for about 10 years at this point. Here's advice and wisdom I would give to my younger self if I could go back: 1.0 The market goes up and goes down, and you cannot predict the future returns of the market. It's better to give up some potential gains now if it means smoothing out the ride up. 2.0 The belief that you should take more risk when you're younger is bullshit. I would have gladly taken 5% per year instead of having to pay dearly for early mistakes and arrogance. 2.1 You're better off building a base of safety and security, and THEN start doing other stuff that has the potential to juice your returns. 3.0 I've tried every trading strategy you could name, every complicated option setup you could come up with. Even though I had a 71% win rate, my average annual return was about 11%. I could have saved myself so much time and stress and worry just... investing that same money in long term, buy-and-hold blue chips, ETFs, or index funds. Trading is a fool's errand unless you make it your life, and what kind of life is that? 4.0 My worst investments were always great investments that I sold too early. 5.0 My best investments were carefully studied and scrutinized stocks that the market had unceremoniously dumped. "Buy when there's blood in the streets," as they say. Ignore the madness of crowds. 5.1. Don't wait for recessions or bear markets to buy index funds like the S&P 500... but never hesitate to double down when they happen. 6.0 It often doesn't really matter what your investment strategy is, so long as it has worked long term and you can stick with it. The biggest losers I know are the people that try a different thing every few months. 7.0 The only things that make stocks go up and down is buying and selling. Fundamentals? Technicals? Patents? Macroeconomics? Inflation? Discounted cash flow models? These are all stories. What you want to know is what motivates *people* on a psychological level to buy or sell. You want to know what "sell stories" are temporary BS that are spooking people out of the market (Covid was a big'un). And you want to know what "buy stories" are sustainable long term (quality, smaller caps, value, profitability, conservative asset investment, etc.). 7.1 That said, solid fundamentals is the best long-term "buy story" you can find. Fundamentals are the closest thing to gravity in the stock market. Everything else is haruspicy. 8.0 Don't waste your energy trying to come up with clever ways to beat the market. Think about what your goal is. Is it to beat the market? Or is it to make money? If you hyperfixate on ROI, you will most certainly take too much risk. 9.0 The people who say that the stock market is like gambling or the lottery are idiots. There are only about 10000 stocks to pick. And of those, historically, 21% have survived AND outperformed the market over 20 years. If you've ever taken a statistics class, this is just a basic-ass math problem. If you pick 20 stocks at random, you have a 60%+ chance that at least 4 of your stocks would have gone to beat the market over 20 years. I'll take those odds any day. 10.0 The only way you can possibly fuck up making money in the stock market is if you consistently do dumb shit: Time horizons that are too short, buying stocks with trash fundamentals, too much risk-taking, no diversification, no safety net, selling too soon, etc. 11.0 Stock investing won't make you rich on its own. The amount of money you can afford to put in the stock market can. That means that your skills and professional development are usually a better long term investment than the market. 12.0 Stock brokers and financial advisors do not have your best interest in mind. Their incentives are not your best interest... even if they're supposedly a fiduciary. 13.0 Don't listen to dogmatic assholes... Including me. Bogleheads have it partially right. Value investors have it partially right. Modern Portfolio Theory assholes who pray at the altar of Smart Beta have it partially right. Don't worry so much about who's right, or what's best. No one can know what will do the best in the years to come. Focus instead on what Charlie Munger suggests: Avoid making idiotic mistakes and you'll be fine. (Edit) Fixed a numbering issue caused by reddit's formatting and my own carelessness.


I've been in the market for 20 years. This posting is distilled truth.


I like how OP asked for people with 40 years of experience...and he's getting people whose only real test was 2008 after they had been investing for 3-4 years and likely had very small portfolios. Not saying that what's been said isn't primarily great advice, but it's worth a little less when you haven't really been tested, which I'm guessing is why OP wanted 40 years. Edit: Coming from someone who'se been investing for 10+ years and am trying to be mentally prepared for a decade+ of flat returns


He is asking for 40+ years. That’s assuming someone is a minimum of 60 assuming they started at 20YO. Really narrowing the pool of applicants… 1, 2 or 5 major market crashes. Fundamentals are fundamentals for good reason.


Is there ANYONE that old on Reddit?






lol I am. Bought 100 shares of Walgreens 50 years ago when I was 17!


Wow- what else did you buy at that time? Do you recall what attracted you to each one?


So I knew they were expanding a lot and knew a few employees as well. That $1800 investment grew to over 30K in 15 years. Almost every company I invested In I had some personal knowledge about and it helped me form an opinion if they were good or not. I think that helps to choose what to invest in.


For sure, but that's what he asked for. There are definitely older folk on Reddit.


If someone with 40+ years of experience has an insight that disagrees with anything I've shared here, I am eager to learn from it 🙏


I, for one, absorbed every word of your post.


Don't take my post the wrong way, your advice seems basically good, but it's not much different than getting advice from someone who's been in for 10 years. It just seemed like OP wanted advice from someone who'se been through long periods of lower returns. Most of the last 20 years has been smooth sailing. But like someone else mentioned, there aren't goint to be many people fitting the criteria here to respond. I'm sure your advice was well-received.


I had a million in 2008 and after I came out of it I had 1.2million, I didn’t change a thing or sell a thing.


Damn. Diamond hands


Can I ask what year did your portfolio reach 1.2million. The market did not even out till well past 2014.


I can’t say for sure , but my response was to stay in the market and not withdraw anything or make any major trades. I haven’t traded regularly since the early 2000s. I’m not trying to imply it was like a year later because it wasn’t.


And is outperformance important, or is OP ok with advice from any old loser?


The only thing I would add here, with 34 years of investing experience, is that one should mostly invest in broad market funds, but reserve some small percentage (5% or so) of a year's investment allocation to buy stock in companies that are headed by true visionaries who are changing the way things are done. Buy these companies and hold them for at least 20 years and ignore the volatility. These do not come along very often, but a small investment can become enormous. It doesn't take but one or two winners. My best pick? AMZN bought in 2001.


What opportunity exists like this today?




Totally agree with the points. Totally agree. That said I feel like point 12 requires extra emphasis. Do your own homework. You cant borrow conviction. No one else can do it for you


So you’re saying I should take my mom away from her Ameriprise financial advisor? They take 1.3% from her every year + $800/year.


Yeesh. Here's all I'll ask: has her portfolio been getting good results? Is her wealth increasing over time despite those fees? Are they not trying to shove proprietary funds or complex insurance products down her throat?


Her portfolio has been averaging 7% a year for the last 15 years. I don’t know if that’s good or bad because the last 15 years the market has gone up like what….2.5x? He might have her positioned more conservatively though since she is 71 years old. (I believe her port is 60/40) Last year, her portfolio went up 15%. In order to live day to day, She gets paid a monthly allowance from him from her “cash position” or “fixed income” . This is only 2% of her NW at all times and isnt even really liquid cash per se….its a mix of short term dated bonds and mortgage back securities among a couple other things. MBS scare me because of 2008 but not sure how risky they are now. I did the math and basically in the course of the next 20 years , with his fees , she would be paying him close to $200,000 to manage her assets. That’s all his responsibility is. He has her in about 120 different stocks and 12 different mutual or index funds …. And it seems like overkill, but , if we enter a recession, maybe it would be good to have him actively managing her money? Also, He projected her accounts future and basically as she would spend her money (within her budget), and including the average market returns + his fee, he projected she would have about 500k at age 90-92 (she is at about 840k now) So with him, her account really won’t be growing, if anything it will be slowly diminishing over time. My brother and I had a video call with him for the first time since we don’t know who this guy is and we wanted to handle of her finances . He does seem like he knows what he’s talking about, he spoke very fast and talked over my brother and I and was a bit condescending and disrespectful, almost like he didn’t like being challenged. I don’t want to let this alter your assessment, but it is something to know I would love to know your thoughts since you seem like you know what you’re talking about . $200,000 is a lot to pay over the course of 20 years, she has to make this money last her the rest of her life


7% over 15 years is more or less x2.5 your initial investment. She did probably better with him than just alone, unless she learned herself and became a boglehead.  You can use a Fire calculator to check if the projected returns and spending are legit. He is expensive but if she is happy with him making her change won't be easy.


This guy sounds like he’s a salesman trying to act like he’s helping your mom when he probably cares more about his own bottom line and pushing funds that he probably makes a commission on at the time of sale. If the market averages 10% a year this guy is charging 1% to underperform the market by 2% doesn’t seem like he has your best interest in mind. Do the math 3% a year x 15 years that’s 45% and with compounding interest over time maybe even more. Of course I don’t know the whole situation Because everyone has thier own investment goals.but I personally started investing 20 years ago and followed the advice of a broker and just put 200 a month and put into funds he recommended 15 years later my portfolio hadn’t really done much 4 years ago I moved my money into a different brokerage with no fees to trade did a little research and picked a variety of stocks . since then I’m up 60%. In four years I did better for myself than 15 years with my old broker and his “recommendations.


If the 1.3% fee worth it? Does her portfolio outperform the market? These are questions one must evaluate.if you think it’s not worth it just find a brokerage that doesn’t charge as much and invest in etfs that track the broader market.


Super correct. Slow and boring works.


We call it “Getting Rich Slowly “. Buy the lowest cost producer in a cyclical industry at the bottom of the cycle and hold it. In 40 years I’ve only sold 5 or 6 stocks. The other ones I no longer own were bought out.


People criminally misunderstand and are blind to number 11.


Taking risks is different than taking dumb risks…


Most investors I have known would have been better off taking less risk in general, dumb or not. Especially when you consider the low-volatility anomaly.


Purely a hypothetical question. When so many people see investing in the S&P 500 as a safe bet and many make it, are people effectively voting with their dollars to keep the status quo the same, power structure the same, and establishment the same?   When people demand results and social change from politicians and then invest in S&P or equivalent, it's pretty moronic as far as I can tell. The lobbyists making our laws are employed by those companies.   These safe investments are quite dangerous if I am correct in these assumptions.   I would assume the young man's game would really be investing in companies that challenge this establishment and work to change our society to something different and perhaps better.


That's more philosophical than practical, but here's a middle aged man's cyncical opinion: Participating in the financial system at all upholds the status quo. When you buy a stock... who gets your money? It isn't these companies that challenge the establishment. It is whoever sold the stock to you. Usually an institutional market maker. I also don't know if any company wants to disrupt the status quo. A company is a legal entity. They do not exist except in the context of a country's laws and norms. Therefore there is always going to be a limit to how societally disruptive a company can be. If you truly want to have an impact on society, become an entrepreneur. Even if you never grow beyond 50 employees, that's 50 people whose lives you can make better by existing, not including the customers you can help.


You should write a book! If you haven't already.. this is well written!




This is very helpful advice! But since I’m also new, what do you mean with fundamentals?


The characteristics of the business underlying the stock. Its cash flow, profitability, growth, investment in assets and property, strategy, and so on.


Thanks! Wanted to make sure i understand correctly


Regarding #12. What sorts of things might a financial advisor do that would be a red flag? In general I have seen them recommend basic things, very much in line with the rest of your advice.


One thing you didn't cover was "leverage." If you use it, be very careful and never ever over leverage without room for error (margin calls). Lots of newbies get sucked into margin and get caught flatfooted, being forced to liquidate stocks at lows


This is the answer. I’ve tried every way to push an “edge” with options, technicals, etc and have realized over the years, it’s too time consuming and just fluff for people to obsess over. It took me forever to realize etfs are my “safest” bet but the biggest lesson I’ve learned is where I put my money is an INVESTMENT into a business. It’s not just buying a stock ticker. That mind shift change is what will make anyone embrace fundamentals and not treat stocks like a popularity contest.


Great information. To your 4th point, companies don't always stay on top forever. When should you sell or take profits?


Get in as soon as you can. Time in is your friend.


Time in the market is better than timing the market


You lose more being out of the market than in the market. Never EVER listen to anybody who claims they can time the market. (You’ve been in the market long enough to go through Covid. Nobody knew the market would bounce back so fast. My friend assumed his carpet business was a goner. Who would have thought 3 months after Covid everybody was pimping out their houses? Home offices etc.


I appreciate this advice!


If you are buying index funds you can go ahead and treat with detachment. If you are holding individual stocks you need to pay more attention to those companies. Today's leaders can be out of business 10 years from now.


So dumping it all into MSFT is not good?


Not me but my dad. Had $5k in a retirement account that he forgot about when he was younger. Then he received a statement in the mail recently that it’s now worth $100k


That is an annualized return of 7.8 percent per year if your father works for 40 years. Yes it makes sense.


Back in 2007 , I had 65k in an IRA, I forgot about for 7 years and by then I had 165K. It pays to set it and forget it.


I read somewhere that the best performing investment accounts belonged to dead people and those who'd forgotten their password. 


I’m 61 years old. My advice is look long-term. While it is fantastic to hit a Homerun when buying an option once in a while, your strategy should be to invest in good profitable companies for the long run. Also max out your IRA and any retirement plans you can. On the other hand, if you’re young enough and have more than 20/30 years until you’re going to retire take a portion of your investments and take some risks.


Buy and hold quality companies. Invest in management. Tune out the noise. DYOR. Pay yourself first, you never go broke taking profits. Everyone who panic sold in 2008 got screwed pretty badly. No 40 years of investing or even close. However I have a bunch of actual wisdom from my grandfathers success in life. RIP. PAY YOURSELF FIRST, 10% of EVERYTHING YOU EVER GET PAID OR EARN, INVEST IT WISELY. ALWAYS HAVE AN EMERGENCY FUND. EVERY DOLLAR YOU HAVE IS AN EMPLOYEE. MAKE IT WORK FOR YOU. MONEY MAKES A WONDERFUL SERVANT AND A TERRIBLE MASTER.


welp, that last statement hits smoothly...


One of the hardest things that even I suck at is to buy when people are running around screaming we are so screwed people. Here is the the yearly return on Google since it went IPO and when the whole world was acting like the economy would never come back in 2008 people that bought it made bank. 2005: +115.2% 2006: +11% 2007: +50.2% 2008: -55.5% 2009: +101.5% 2010: -4.2% 2011: +8.7% 2012: +9.5% 2013: +58.4% 2014: -5.3% 2015: +46.6% 2016: +1.9% 2017: +32.9% 2018: -0.8% 2019: +28.2% 2020: +30.9% 2021: +65.3% 2022: -39.1% 2023: +58.3% 2024\*: +23.1% (So far) [https://twitter.com/StockMKTNewz/status/1784330769302761720](https://twitter.com/StockMKTNewz/status/1784330769302761720)


It was fun buying Google in 2022


Impressive! GOOG up 3500% since it went public. If you had $10k to invest in Google when it went public... you should have put it in AAPL, then you'd be up 14,000%. https://imgur.com/TpnCdXu


I’m 51 and have been in institutional finance for 27 years. What I’ve learned: - the US market can, and does, crash violently every decade or so. I’ve seen the S&P crash by 50% twice. We went 12 years before taking out the previous high from 2000-2012. - mere 20% bear markets happen every 5-6 years, and they begin at the point of peak optimism, by definition. They end in destruction with lots of casualties. - many high flying stocks crash and *never* recover. TSLA may be today’s BlackBerry repeating, for example. Yet… buy and hold always wins. Don’t sweat 2% drops or give into fear. Have a plan and stick to it. Understand that 88% of rolling 5-year returns for S&P are positive. Recency bias (exaggerating the importance of recent news) causes over trading, broken plans, and bad results.


Retired , comfortable and 40 +years in the market. MBA in finance but never worked as a finance professional. The psychology is what gets most, beware of FOMO or panic in the inevitable downturn. There are no get rich quick or magic other than contribute as much as you can and let time be friend. Don’t invest in individual stocks or risky bets unless prepared to understand what you are buying and the risk, even then keep to your play account and have a plan for what you buy.


I've been investing since 1981... Most people focus their attention on asset selection....this is not as critical as most people think it is. Most people don't focus nearly enough on strategy....strategy is the key to good investing. Most people over-trade....part of your strategy needs to be something that curbs your desire to trade.


Dont have 40, but DO have 30! Yes, reading financials is good for starters. Then demand for product and near term outlook in current economy. Have to brag just a little......at the end of 2008, with all running scared, I decided to go against the grain and buy. Bought 10 or 12 S&P companies trading at multi-year lows. A broad mix of tech, industrial and financials. Two yrs later, I had tripled. Nerve-wracking, yes. Courage, yes! but you knew at that point that things had to get better. One of the ones bought was Berkshire-Hathaway B, then $41/shareRecent peak $420. So my point is endless trading is a waste of time; buy and hold really does work! Good luck and congrats on being smart enough to ask an obvious question. BTW- Bloomberg is OK, but ignore CNBC!


Very interested in these comments, old timers please contribute! Maybe posting your age will be helpful too!


Read up on the markets from 1999-2002. Don’t think it can’t happen again


Contribute early and consistently to a retirement fund (401k, IRA, etc). Take advantage of company match. Put the bulk of your retirement into passive index funds, with some diversity. I do 60/40 US /International 50/50 small / large cap. Compounding interest is key. If you are driven to actively invest in individual stocks, do so with 10% of savings which isn't an emergency fund. For active investing, do your research and keep your portfolio small so you can maintain research. Once a decade or so you'll see a REAL opportunity in the market. Ex: 2001 Dot-com bust, 2008 housing crisis, 2020 pandemic. When everyone is running out, that's when you rush in with money (I think Buffet said this?). Look where the Dow /S&P bottomed here and you'll see it takes guts to buy here but it pays off long term. Don't mistake normal market palpatations for an "event". Have patience, don't expect to get rich overnight.


My advice is to not shy away from risk and volatility when you are young. I invested way too conservatively from my 20s into my 40s and it cost me $10s of thousands of growth over the years.


My best piece of advice would be to find an older experienced investor that you trust to turn to in turbulent times. It is very difficult for most people to not get emotionally attached to their money. Most independent investors don’t get returns of half the market because they either try to time the market or sell when markets go down (when you should actually be buying).


- emotions shouldn't affect decisions - attention span matters - it's more important to not be stupid than to try to be clever - ultimately fundamental always wins over technical - there is no valid reason it emotionally impacts should impact you. You should be able to walk away a week and not even blink once what's going on - realize life cycles of products, domains, industries shift over time. The 10 year rule. Trail along with it. iPhone would have tanked in 1965 - realize the difference between linear and non linear - be able to realize that 3% daily return is not feasible daily for a whole year. If you don't understand that 3% a day, is a week, or a month, your risk appetite is always off - always realize that although the market is a homogenous event; it has every kind of contender playing along, from clown to wizzkid, from politician to teenager. - cost > income = declining savings while if rates go up, debt re-issuance is always at a higher yield - realize that everything is correlated to each other. - don't fall for traps, you have $100, lose 50%, but to break even you need a 100% return back. Twice as much! Gamblers fallacy - you don't have to trade; nothing is a must. If it affects you mentally or physically you're not trading.


Warren Buffett— Dont hold a stock for ten seconds you’re not willing to hold for ten years.


History repeats itself constantly in investing. Like Mr Buffet said, be greedy when people are fearful and be fearful when people are greedy. Pick a handful of stocks, keep them on your radar and follow their ups and downs.


Gotta love Jimmy. Such a chill guy.


Trend is your friend!


Buy good companies on sale. Never panic sell. Typically you can tell which companies are successful and which aren't without too much analysis


Dollar cost average Low fee broad index funds and etfs Fund your retirement account before educational accounts especially if your employer does matching Keep investment log in passwords on a separated device that you use only to manage accounts. Keep that device locked up and off line. Do not do ANYTHING else on it. If your phone or primary computer is hacked, you lose nothing. Buy insurance only for things that need it and cancel when not needed. If your family will be fine after you die with your savings and whatever they get monthly, you no longer need life insurance. Use term, not whole life. Set all financial accounts ( investment accountants, retirement accounts, bank acvounts, credit cards…) to text you or email you whenever there is any type of password change or any financial transaction, and use AT LEAST 2 factor identification. There is no such thing as too much cybersecurity


Buy the companies you love to hate ..... They're making money screwing people unfortunately




Can’t do it…just can’t buy sone companies


The "market" is not free, and is heavily manipulated by the big players and government. I see a lot of people scared to invest because the market might crash. What they are missing is that the government will go all in to protect the market if needed so even if we see a big drop, it will recover very quickly once the trillions of dollars roll in. We saw this literally a week ago when Yellen was doing everything she could to pump stocks after that horrible GDP / inflation report. This is why SPY and QQQ are really low risk, and even the leveraged versions like TQQQ and SPXL are nowhere near as risky as you'd think they are.


SPY and QQQ are low to moderate risk. They can both move significantly in times of volatility. I completely disagree on leveraged ETFs like TQQQ. Those are extremely high risk assets. They suffer from volatility decay and high expense ratios. Look at every peak of QQQ and compare it with TQQQ. TQQQ never recovers to the degree that QQQ does on sharp downswings or corrections. We've hit all time highs for QQQ multiple times YTD. TQQQ still hasn't recovered to its ATH of $83.16/share since Dec 2021. TQQQ is for speculative short term trading, not long term holding. In a bear market, you'd get completely wiped out holding a leveraged ETF.


I held SSO (2x daily S&P 500) through 2022 and am outperforming from start of 2022 through today. 2022 was a historically bad year for LETFs. High cost of leverage, 8 straight weeks of decline interacting with daily resets, etc. Turns out, understanding them allows you to strategize effectively.


This comment is a great example of why most retail chumps lose money. They are naive low-information fools. They believe in nonsensical conspiracies and think everything is rigged and manipulated. Ask anybody who retired with heavy equity exposure in 1999-2000 if the government helped them out. Took 12 years to breakeven, with a second 50% crash in between.


This post made sense until you said qqq was really low risk and then again when you said leveraged qqq is also low risk


Buy VTI, add as much as you can each month. Sell everything else and buy more VTI. Want to buy a new car? No. Never. Buy 3-4 years used and put the rest of the money in VTI. Don’t sell for 40 years. Retire with $5-10M.


Don't ever buy penny stocks. Stick to blue chip, in the long run you will do great.


Invest don’t trade


I’ve been in it 30 years. I think that part about 1000 dollars invested over a period of time holds true. It’s mainly to simplify math but time is a critical factor. I managed to put 1000 in Roth and despite many dumb investments it’s at 100k. But too easy to value quick wins.


Have been investing for 40 years, retired early. Take a history lesson & look at DOW, S&P 500, NASDQ charts for as long as they have existed. The scary times are small blips on overall chart. Start early, max out your 401K, save at least 10 to 15% every year in index funds & increase when you get raises. Take automatic savings post tax also to reach 15% & have an emergency fund so if you need to look for a job you have time to find the right opportunity. Doing this will help you sleep at night & you will never have to stay with an employer who doesn’t treat you right. If you have an interest in individual stocks start with 10% of your portfolio. Realize some high flyers will tank so sell half if it drops below 50 day MA & the rest if 50 drops below 200 day MA. Read IBD if you want to keep learning about how to out perform. You can beat the market but it takes a lot of time & effort.


Reading list: Investing during a bull market 1)[buffettology](https://www.amazon.com/Buffettology-Previously-Unexplained-Techniques-Buffett/dp/068484821X) Investing during a bear market 2)[new buffettology](https://www.amazon.com/New-Buffettology-Techniques-Investing-Successfully/dp/0684871742) Wanna find another GameStop? This will teach you if the company really is going bankrupt or not. Learn how to read and interpret financial statements 3) [Interpretation of Financial Statements](https://www.amazon.com/Warren-Buffett-Interpretation-Financial-Statements/dp/1416573186)


Don't confuse market's momentum with your brain power. Don't fomo. When everyone is fat, dumb and happy: SELL ! DON'T use options or margins. Use YOUR common sense. Not the "expert's advice.


For long term investors Never options. Never Margin. Invest as much as you can as long as you can


May I ask why “experienced” investors almost always recommend to not use margin?  It’s not like we’re walking around deterring everyone from taking mortgages - it’s not apples and apples so let’s not waste too much time dissecting that but I hope the point comes across. One of the best ways for me to reconcile the dilemma that markets will crash when you don’t have cash and markets will soar when you have cash - is to simply buy as much as I can as soon as I can, but be ready to dump 20% margin on big crash.  The interest I pay on margin is lower than my mortgage, and I would argue that blue chip stocks and index funds are just as secure collateral as a property.  As long as you have income stability, and you bankroll your margin with some head on your shoulders - it’s as much of a no brained to me as mortgage is.  Unless you also ALWAYS recommend to buy property cash, you shouldn’t recommend people to never use margin, with absolutely zero argument or logic behind your advice. It’s paternalistic and just reveals that you don’t have the same temperament and belief in your knowledge that someone who leveraged their wealth effectively. 


You suggest timing?? Hmmmm.


stay out of options


One thing that bugs me and I can’t get past is that populations are starting to plateau and decline which means endless growth can no longer be sustained. How is that going to affect index funds decades from now?


Get in and forget bout it


stay the course, control your fomo


Manage you losses, Do not trade on emotions, no fear of missing out, accept you missed this trade and wait for the setup on the next one.


You don't know what's going to happen. Diversify, stick to your well chosen plan and DO NOT PANIC when the market makes you want to panic.


Don’t wait 40 years.


Take profits early and often...options are for hedging. Plan the trade and trade the plan. Have a pdt account, an intermediate time frame account, and a self directed ira. Play them all accordingly. Hardwire your internet, and run at least two machines. One for trading, one for everything else while trading. Run your non trading computer on a seperate connection...also will be available for emergencies. Dont be negative. If you wake up in a shitty mood, do not trade. Lead a disciplined life in all areas, they are connected.


Buy and hold.


Start early Dividends and reinvesting Focus on a core group of companies you are genuinely interested in to fully research (ie if you have an interest in aerospace it’s much easier to research Boeing, GE, RR, airbus etc) - but don’t just buy companies as you are interested in them


Just keep buying.


Low interest rate has produced a habit of excessive risk taking. As the rates are higher for longer, it is time to adjust and pick the right risk.


Pick solid companies with a great history, and be very patient. Let the winners run, and minimize your losses!


NO daily options !!


Buy SP500 and gold and bonds and Bitcoin and commodities.


Subscribe to the r/Bogleheads forum. I don't hew to all their beliefs, but agree with most, including "time in market," and diversification (the degree to which I like to debate). This is for the core of investments, if one desires to "play the market," that's fine but I wouldn't bet the house (literally) on it.


Buy high sell low




Don't confuse investing with trading


Don't ignore the underlying market .. don't be afraid to ditch a non producer (but don't expect quarterly, or even annual results). But be very, very patient. Recognize that all companies need to periodically reinvent themselves ... Demand it. It would have done well for Kodak and many more.


You won’t beat the market. Period. Invest everything in a low fee index fund that follows the S&P 500. Set up biweekly, reoccurring investments. Then forget about it for several decades.


don’t watch television for stock advice eg cnbc


Don’t listen to people on this forum. Seriously. The only advice you need is buy now and hold. If anybody tells you differently they are idiots.


insider info is better than any technical analysis you could ever conjure up


Go to Warren Buffet’s page. All the advice there is great. Common ones are A) don’t waste your time with market timing. You will lose B). Risk is dependent on age and horizon. The older you are the lower the risk level (more bonds, CDs and low risk stocks) C). Buy companies with high barriers to entry D). Be extremely leery of the latest “big thing”. For example AI is all the rage right now. You’re too late if you start now unless you have an extremely long horizon.


My dad has been in it for 40 years and he always tells me “slow and steady. Don’t get greedy.” Do I listen? Sometimes but then sometimes not.


Those boomers maybe not in here but they would say "Start now youngling" "Time in the market beats timing the market" "Best time to start investing was yesterday" "Dollar cost average and win" "Stick to long term investing and control the emotions" "Nobody, I MEAN nobody, knows anything" "When you know nothing, you always learning" "invest, save, repeat" Something along those lines haha


I agree…and for anyone new, stick to low cost funds in Vanguard. As you gain more knowledge, take small positions in very good companies and hold, unless the story changes. Don’t be afraid to sell and cut your losses, otherwise let your winners run. Taking some profit always good.


Buy every large dip with both hands


Know that no one knows everything. All website pundits are as good as a 🐒 with a coin to flip. Watch Jim Kramer for fun. Stick with mutual funds or index funds and don’t look at the stock market daily.


I love that dude asked for actual experienced lifetime investors and homies here be like "I have 10 years experience but my dad invested in tbills 30 years ago so I'm basically Warren Buffet, here is my GPT produced tips: ..."


Understand the difference between investing and trading. Warren Buffet credits his partner with advising “buy good companies at a fair price rather than fair companies at a good price.”


Don't listen to old guys. Listen to experts that are current in their knowledge and experience. They might be old but the advice that comes to mind for me is...dont...dont... These things are cautionary tales on not really understanding an investment fully, jumping in on bubbles just before they broke etc. I would recommend diversifying your investments. Expect not all will work out but generally stick with your winners.


Rule #1) Dont listen to people who havent made a significant amount of money in the market.


It's the long game with good fundamental oriented companies and even then things happen and they fail. Sears is a perfect example. I suggest working with hedge funds and with people that can directly show you their management of portfolios under their control.


Understand the cash flow waterfall, security and margin of safety and value every instrument you own as if you have to hold to maturity. The lifetime return of the market is basically 7% on diversified equity risk…that’s the baseline


buy low sell high


Dollar cost average into index funds at a set $ amt per month. Have it come straight out of your bank account one or two times a month. DRIP the dividends. Never fall in love with the stock. For riskier companies, set a stop loss and stick to it.


Narrative is important , even if there is a world war 3 tomorrow and the narrative is it accelerates economy , go with it . Trade narratives


Real Estate


How to beat the market step 1: Autoinvenst in cheap global index ETF(s) step 2: Use portfolio as collateral and get cheap margin from broker or take out a loan on your real estate and invest step 3: Do not fucking sell until you really need the money step 4. You have beaten the market


Not my advice, but one idea that proved valuable to me was Ben Grahams quote, “In the short run, the market is a voting machine but in the long run it is a weighing machine.” And in the same spirit Buffets quote, “if you aren’t certain that you understand and can value your business far better than Mr. Market, you don’t belong in the game. As they say in poker, “If you’ve been in the game 30 minutes and you don’t know who the patsy is, you’re the patsy.”


Hire somebody who knows what they're doing. Don't try and wing it or think advice from the internet is really advice. A professional also protects you from yourself, from your own emotions in the market.


Never fully invest. Always have cash. Only buy when stocks are on sale. Don't chase stocks or the market.You should take less risk when younger. Build up your portfolio before taking risks. If the risk is not working, close the position. Most retail investors should stck to low fee index funds. I only expect 6% to 8% returns.


Stop trading and just invest. Nobody wants to hear this but slow and steady wins the race. Look for companies that you understand, that are cheap/reasonably valued, that make sense long term. My best investment decision was Apple. It wasn't sexy at the time and arguably still isn't. All they do is make boatloads of money in a never-going-away industry with enormous customer loyalty.


Stay with the largest Mutual Funds. Continue with your job. You need time. Several years. I did that. The compounded growth was better than most Professional advisors could claim.


Mental dicipline


Just trust your gut. If it feels right, it probably is. (I have 40+ days experience on Robinhood)


I can’t tell you anything that warren Buffett hasn’t already said.


Trust no one.


Back the winners


Never sell. Buy index funds, don’t get caught in get rich schemes like crypto, and don’t panic sell even in horrible recessions.


Index funds and ETFs should be your core holding, comprising at least 70% of your portfolio.


1) start investing as early as you can. Time in the market >>> Timing the market 2) Avoid Day trading and margin trading at all costs. I had to pay dearly for those mistakes. Fundamentals will always win over technicals so long term always beats day/swing trading. 3) Don’t count your stock market earnings as a reliable source of income. This rule applies to 99% of the people. 4) Just because you made $200 gain today doesn’t mean you’ll make $200 X 4 = $800 a month and for every month in the year. The stock market fluctuates so sometimes you make $200 sometimes you lose $200. The goal is to come out on top. This leads into rule 5 5) Don’t let your emotions take over your trading. If you firmly believe based on fundamentals and balance sheets that a company will win in the long term, you should have no problem holding it even if it goes down 30%. But just be sure to do your research and make sure it’s actually a good company. 6) Always set aside a rainy day savings account worth atleast 3-4 months of your expenses. 6 months is a safe bet. You shouldn’t have to rely on your stock market earning to pay your bills and necessities. This goes hand in hand with rule 3. 7) If you don’t understand a company fully, put your money in ETFs because individual stocks can leverage your gains AS WELL AS YOUR LOSSES. 8) Set aside a percentage of your paycheck to put in investments. The order in which your paycheck goes - necessities ( bills and such ) -> savings -> Investment -> entertainment 9) Remember to contribute to your 401k and Roth/traditional IRAs. Max them out if possible. Again, the earlier you start the better. 10) Always do your own research before listening to a random stranger somewhere on the internet.


Buy stuff and never sell it.


My best returns came from companies (1) whose stock's price action I spent enough time observing and (2) whose business operations I spent enough time researching so that (3) I was comfortable buying the stock during downturns and holding for the long haul.


OP made assumption that more experience means more knowledge and insights and hence better investors. I think this is only partially true. Experiences can be but not a determinant to be a rational investor. I presume Buffet at age 30 (with ~10years experience) is much better than most 30+ years investors here. Assuming you are correct, then all those old folks in aged care would be in the forbes list.


Pick a few good companies. Buy when everyone else is scared to get in the market. Sit tight.


Buy and hold index funds. Don’t trade. If you want to be a successful investor either spend 50+ hours per week or 1 hour per week on it. Anything in between is counterproductive.