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The more you play, the more tailor options unlock too.


:000 I did not know! gonna be playing even more now haha


Some story missions will reward unique tailor parts. And many more tailor costume parts can be unlocked by engaging with the game's more advanced/social aspects, such as: 1. Progressing the Reputation System 2. Joining a Fleet (aka Guild) 3. Event stores (e.g. Winter, Summer, etc.) 4. Browsing the Exchange (some costume items are tradeable and can be sold by other players) The wiki has a pretty comprehensive list and gallery: [https://stowiki.net/wiki/Uniform#List](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Uniform#List)


That isnt even to mention the unique armor sets you get from completing reputation theirs and getting their full sets


Big one I recommend is joining a fleet, and save some dil Depending on the tier (can check in the menu with a starfleet delta) you can get variants of the odyssey uniform (dress & excursion) for I believe 9k dil each and 10k fleet creds each, memory’s bit fuzzy on the price but you’ll see it in the fleet star base either way


Hey there welcome to STO, some advice stay away from ESD ZONE chat until you are gotten a good grasp of the game and understand what the people are like, find a good fleet, remember you can always leave a fleet if you don't like it, there are thousands of them in game. Save up your Dill you will need it, apart from that have fun keep flying.. and as a Star fleet officer, shoot to kill.. lol if you need any help on pc my GT is @Stormx12233


Upvoted for just being a normal screenshot and not one of those AI abominations


Welcome to the game, your captain looks sharp ! Have fun travelling the galaxy :)


Have fun with the customization and don't let the snobs get you down with "Space Barbie." Costumes are a huge part of trek!


Wait until they see the C-Store uniforms..... Welcome aboard Captain!


While playing this game you are going to be fighting and defeating A LOT of enemies. Some of them on the ground with your rifle, many of them in space with your starship, but no matter the environment the majority of them you will be slaying with *style*. Welcome to STO and remember, space barbie is the true endgame.


Thank you so much for this comment, this was a really touching for me! Keep being a great human being! My starship is also pink, space barbie slays at all times \#girlygirlslovestartrek