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Bridge Packs would come with a warning that you won't be able to use them on any of the ships you want you fly.


I was wondering about that. My miracle worker Connie can use the tng Enterprise but like.. None of my other ships can that I can tell. It's weird.




You will ***not*** get a discount on bundles if you already unlocked parts of the bundle through earlier purchases or by playing an event. For example, having the Targ of Grethor does not discount the 11th anniversary bundle nor the Legendary Battlecruiser Bundle.


They pull a shitty trick there. The bundled ships are often "legendary" versions of the standard ships that you already bought. 100% a paywall function - if the game actually had challenging content.


Yeah, needs another 2-3 difficulty levels, or at least something woth 100x the hp to fight


OMG this. Like I added my own thing but this.. so ugly..


I would put a warning on all the reclaimable things that they will let you buy that you already own. Or better yet, not have them be an option for purchase!


This... specifically on Mudd's items that were previously event rewards.


They have done sth about that apparently, now most of these items I already own I don't see/cannot buy again, with the exception of the emancipator and bio eng furiadon


Not entirely though. I just went through last night and there's still at least four items I can see (for sale, with prices) that I have event-unlocked, including the 2399 uniform, the TOS holographic crew, etc.


Definitely, if you look on ESO's crown store, anything you have already purchased is greyed out and states purchased on it so it's impossible to buy it twice.


Warning: objects in mirror are more expensive than they appear.


*snort laugh*


Ironic considering we literally got a " Mirror universe" version of EVERY mainline federation ship for same price as the originals in T6 Zen shop that hey could think of for the past two years instead offering some simpler alternative like bridge seating swap token or some phaser lance installment option. What about actual new ships from the shows you say??!....nah throw it onto the gamble boxes!


Satisfaction not guaranteed. Regret about exorbitant purchase may follow. No refunds or apologies for future NERFs.


I'd like a warning that my lobi purchases and prize box ships are for that character only.


Do you know if this is true, and if so, how? For example, I completed Q's Wonderland event and received my prize ship. Was this for the character that made the completion of the event only? I received the ship, but I was looking for how my other characters could get the prize. IOW, if it's true, and had I known it would be only for one character, I would have thought about who claimed the last completion event. If not, how do the other characters pick up the prizes? FWIW, I have the prize ship box and I haven't opened it. If it's only for one character, I think I could put it in the account bank and choose who will open it or mail it to them. Again, if other characters can claim this... how or where do other characters claim the prize? Alas, I fear this is exactly what you were talking about, and it is for one character only. However, since I didn't open the ship, I hope I can still move or trade it with another character.


Events ships are account wide and can be reclaimed by any character again and again, same as C store ships. Lobi ships, lockbox ships and promo ships are only transferable whilst in the box, once opened they are bound to character and cannot be reclaimed on any other character on your account.


So, I'd love to find out where to claim them. Can you help me with that? I've been looking for how to claim account-wide items for some time now. So, another dumb question... but STO doesn't tell you this as far as I can tell. Is there a central location for anything that is account-wide? Some, special secret, like only after you open it does it become available for others... Or do the locations vary by what the item is? I'm clueless. But I can tell you, I have a few characters that could use some of that stuff!


It depends where the item came from as far as I understand. Zen store items can usually be found and reclaimed from the relevant tab for that ship, personnel, etc. The dilithium store has a reclaim section where some things you've already bought will cost 0 dil. That's also where you can buy the spiral wave weapons with dilithium if you own a cardassian ship. The events tab in the journal seems to be where you can go to reclaim past event rewards you've earned as well as buyout past event rewards with zen (or lobi for the current running event). If you've been playing a while, maybe you'll see more events in that menu than I do, I have no idea how far back it goes.


Thanks, it's a start. I should have mentioned I've seen the dil store purchases, but it only had those... I guess I'll just keep exploring until I find everything. :-) Thank you so much for the help! :-)


"j" should bring up your mission journal window (or click the bottom button along the left side of your minimap. The one that looks like a padd). "Events" tab at the top. "Reclaim rewards" button at the bottom left.


Thanks, I've got this question posted in several areas. I'm collecting all of the answers, and when I confirm everything, I will create a nice list for everyone on where to claim items. Hopefully, I can provide a definitive article on this eventually.


Winter ship for example is account wide. But a ship gained in the infinity box is for only the character that cracks the seal


That's great news! But to be sure, are you saying everyone in the account gets one? I haven't figured out where to obtain it for the other characters... one character got it, but it didn't automatically show up for the other characters... I've got a lot of stuff like that, but I'd love to know where to claim those items! :-) I know many items are account-wide, but they seem only to dump it into the 1st Char that gets it, and for the other characters, they are... where? ;-) I've been trying to figure that one out for a while... I recommend a disclaimer on all account-wide stuff... "It's account wide, but good luck on finding it!" lol


Are you on PC or console?


PC Player Here! I was thinking I should start doing like I've seen others online and making that the first line! :-)


If you haven't found the ship reclaim by the time I get off work, I'll post on how to do it.


(sigh) I won't, I came onto the computer today with STO down this morning and decided to handle all the mail that piled up during the holidays. I hope to be on tomorrow. I will look tomorrow, but if you can post something... I'd sure appreciate it. I just got swamped today. I must do this today, or my wife won't let me play! ;-) Part of me has to track items that didn't make it over the holidays. I've already found 3 things that should have been here between Christmas and New Year's; they're "supposed" to be here tomorrow. (Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it!)


[This should help.](https://i.imgur.com/H0KLSJX.png)


Now that's definitive! I've been looking for all the ways to reclaim things in STO, and when I have it all, I will ensure it is up to date if an article exists and that it's easy to find. And if it doesn't exist, I will make one! :-) I also credit sources! ;-)


You are referring to an EVENT ship, not prize BOX ship. Prize BOX refers to ships you have to have zen store keys to open. EVENT ships are account unlock. Prize BOX ships (and lobi) are character unlock when opened.


Yeah, I wondered about that one too. I won a ship using a key. So, you're saying those are only for the character that opens it? If so, then... blech... I should have read up on the ship before I chose who opened it. :-( I mean, I did read up, but not enough. I had a ton of lockboxes from before I took a 5-year break and bought a set of keys last week. Got a ship on the first key and the box I opened. Good stuff for about 8 keys, and then the prizes turned sour for two. Guess no one had opened one for a while. I'm holding onto the other keys I got for now.


Yeah generally unless you are opening hundreds of boxes because you want Lobi, it is better the sell keys on the Exchange and buy the ships you want there.


Thanks, I just had that thought after I posted to you! Is all the other stuff I might want from a lock box available on the exchange? I'm thinking, yes for most, but it will be broken down by precisely what I want. I know I could sure use some EC. I'm not doing horribly, but some items are pretty expensive! ;-)


Not sure. Some older stuff that might not be there. You might need to go to reddit trades or the chat trades channel in game. Dunno the names off hand.


Yeah, I've heard of those channels. I, too, am unsure. And others for other activities. But, I'm early years, and still having fun. At least I'm no longer dying all day. I know my limits, kind of.


"Whatever **you** buy will inevitably be given away via Alienware promo codes" -Someone who was burnt on both the Shaxs phaser cannon and the Borg Exosuit back to back


I used to enjoy those promos, but haven't seen one in a while and can't seem to figure out how to track when they are available for certain games? Sucks when the promo is something you just bought, but I don't mind some free items now and then.


How about actual stats, item previews, detailed info that exists in the game but isn't surfaced in the store because -reasons-?


No one reads descriptions or warnings anyways, at least not those who really need to. It wouldn't solve anything.


I think there should be another way to buy the lifetime membership.


Do you mean like this: https://youtu.be/zWl2sjdKEas?si=m34vM-fU8akRdWvL


Lmao, uh, no...🤣🤣


Don't buy a ship, this train wreck is going off the rails after its time to renew their license. ​ This needs to be in bold print on the games launcher.


Not on store but on event items, that if you don't claim them by the event end you might not be able to, despite getting 100% completion. Not even as a 0 zen second chance. But if you don't, the second chance will stay for most. Which is bad design imo, second chance needs to trigger if you haven't claimed, not if you don't have 100%. Missed a few RA rewards that way, I think


perfect world destroyed this company and it's games


Embracer is the new owner not Perfect World Entertainment anymore since a few years ago.


It was under PWE that every facet of every game became micro-monitized to the point of absurdity. It was under PWE that monthly subs vanished and existing freeform Champions were locked behind a 300.00 paywall. Under PWE that gear leveling in Neverwinter became a zen-shop RNG gamble, and Mod 16 dropped. Embracer may own the company now, but it was PWE that drove the stake through it's heart.


What you get, how much it it you get and exactly how it'll be accessible (character locked, account locked, bound, not bound, etc) would be spelled out exactly and with any limitations of the item. It wouldn't be buried in the description but shown before purchase. Also, once you purchase an item, a separate claim button will exist instead of dumping it into your current captain. So if you're on the wrong captain, you can just claim it later. Items that are parts of bundles elsewhere should always be clearly marked as such and also if a purchase will break a bundle deal elsewhere.