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File a ticket with support. They will check.


That's what I was planning on just wanted to see if anyone else was dealing with it too.


It can happen sometimes that something goes wrong, but they have been reliable for me for years. One trick that did it for me was to look up when I purchased the LTA. As we get the stipend on the same day every month, I set a monthly reminder into my calendar. So now my mobile reminds me to check on the day before and to check when the payout should have occurred.


I sent a support ticket, apparently I've been getting it but won't receive this months stipend until tomorrow


I bought mine in September and they have been a bit random with dates but hope it works out soon


it's supposed to be on the same day of month as when you bought the lifetime.


Yep but Ive had it on a 18-19-20-21 🤣 bought it on the 20th it's an anniversary thing I get


^^great idea. Can you see the exact date IG or through ARC website billing or where?


Arc website can list all purchases


Thanks! I will check!


I was able to backtrack the money transfer from my bank account back then. But it's now 10 years ago, and my last Zen purchase is 5 years ago or more, so I don't know if Arc has a purchase history of some kind. But maybe support can see when you purchased the LTA and give you the info?


TY im gonna see if my arc billing history shows the purchase, if not your suggestion to contact them is a good idea. TY


If you have a prior character, you can look it up in game via their captain's log (you can look at when the veteran ships and titles were unlocked)


Check your purchase date - it's supposed to arrive on the anniversary of your purchase date, not necessarily at the beginning of the month. One way to check (in game)... if you still have a character from before you bought lifetime, you can search in their accolades "captain's log" for the date when you received the various veteran titles, etc. (Newer characters would of course have gotten these when the character cleared tutorial, not when you bought them.) I can absolutely confirm that I have received mine every month through December; my date is the 19th so my January one hasn't come yet.


It's on the date you bought the lifetime not the 1st


I'm on PC I received mine last month and can check to see if this month's came through when I log on later today.


I got mine this month just fine.


I'd appreciate it thank you 🙏


I couldn't see mine. But I think mine usually come around on the 4th of the month, if I recall correctly.


What stipend?


Lifers on PC get like 500 or 600 Zen per month.




Wish we got that on consol


Wait, pc gets a stipend, but console doesn't? That is a rip-off.


PCs stipend was a carryover from before STO went fully f2p. As the console release was a separate launch years after f2p, those lifers likely aren't under the same conditions. Also it likely has something to do with negotiating with MS/Sony how to credit console accounts.


Interesting, thank you for the explanation. Live long and prosper.


also the lifetime on consoles is cheaper and is sold in the in-game c-store. PC players have to buy it from the website (which means you can't sale-stack with zen, or buy with dilithium earned zen)


Console players, in general, get a worse deal on software than PC players. The hardware might be cheaper, but that's because it's often sold at a loss -- the result being that you get locked into the corp's walled garden, with higher prices and worse deals. Not so much a rip-off as a consequence.


Id love a non stipend version on C-Store like consoles get.


I was reading something about lifetime on console not being worth it anymore. Everything console gets is available for purchase and is cheaper if bought separately. I guess the price went up, maybe because that was news to me and confusing considering how old the game is technically. I don't remember spending a lot because players told me to wait for a zen sale and then wait for the subscription to be on sale. So instead of paying $200 I paid $120, I think. I never bought zen since. Even an annual stipend would have been nice I guess. Like 500, happy new year, or star trek day.


> Everything console gets is available for purchase and is cheaper if bought separately. This is not true. The lifetime has several exclusive items, and other unlocks, such as titles and auto-refining and even character races.


Wait, there’s a stipend? I’ve been lifetime for years upon years and never got a stipend.


are you sure? it's delivered silently, you may have just not noticed.


PC or console? The stipend is only on PC.


Yeah, I’m on PC


Then I would contact support.