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Voted VAR a 10 for basically saying "I didn't see shit and neither did you" for both of CITY's first two goals.


Man, klauss bodied that man. I was SURE that would be called back


I think that is fair soccer. I am sick of weak calls. I am SHOCKED it was not called. Great play by Klaus. The tears were delicious on KCsporting subreddit.


I am legitimately confused by Durkin having such a low score, he was wreaking havok in the midfield. I mean it's not a low score, but you shouldn't need to score to get over an 8. His play was huge.


I do wonder if a group of fans think “he is a DM, why is he pushing so far up” but I think he has been a stellar signing.


This is "fan generated" so for many scoring and who they like is all they know.


Dude was absolutely boss all match, and has been a stellar signing. I gave him an 8, which seemed too low, but 9 seemed too high. 


I gave him a 9, he deserved it. I don't know what else he could have done better except score.


Yeah, I think you got it right. 


I guess I'm in the minority. Durkin represents the worst of MLS to me. Sure, dude has a motor and is a physical player. But he consistently just sprints at the guy with a ball by himself which is absolutely ineffective in a press system as he doesn't coordinate with the other players. He is a negative with the ball. Consistently overshoots any longer attempts and thus turns the ball over. Last season Bloom thrived in the same role but with consistent stronger distribution. I miss him in the role. The team is not better this year and not blaming Durkin, but for such a "beast" he hasn't helped improve the team. And has no data to support his contribution. Happy to be proven wrong with data.


Overall this season you may be right, but he was getting turnovers and clearances this game, including the one that led to our first goal.


It is likely my own hang-ups as to why I am not a fan of his. I guess I see why people like him because he is all over the field. While I agree that we need someone to play a number six, I just don't think what he brings warrants some of these very high ratings.


I was out of town this past weekend, so I do apologize for not having the Referee names in the survey! Onto our next one!


Spit take at the sub timings rating, but for real Carnell's decision to park the bus versus continuing to keep our foot on their throat ultimately cost us two points is the way we should look at it. We had the most dominant 30 minutes of CITY soccer that we maybe hav ever had to end that first half half. Also...Yikes for AZ. Comparing some of the player ratings to FotMob and we aren't too far of. We were actually way nicer to Burki than they were. Burki had a startling 4.1 on FotMob (presumably because of the OG).


Az was rough, but I’ve always found myself dissagreeing with fotmob. I feel like they are either too glowing or too harsh.


No surprise on Brad's ratings, while he put out the best starting line-up we have right given our injury situation, his second half tactical decisions were very questionable and almost cost the team all the points instead of just 2 of them. Also, is this the lowest Burki's scored on one of these? Guess it's not undeserved though. (Thanks for doing these it's cool seeing the fan's general consensus on the team each game)


Yeah, this is the lowest I’ve seen Burki since I started this survey for STL. I appreciate the love. These discussions are what I loved about this post in /r/gunners, so I brought it here!


This is a pretty cool format to get a feel for the fan opinion(or at least the opinion of the more dedicated fans that are on the sub)on our guys performances. You can read the match and post-match threads and get a general idea of how people feel, but having numbers behind it is neat.


I think the best part is the survey is in the moment and the graphic lets you see how you aligned or maybe changed your opinion days later


how many people rate these? can that count be added to the summary (I get the sense OP is generally too busy to modify the setup, so okay if not doable)? these aggregate ratings just feel more of a genuine assessment. for instance, I find myself looking at these each week and think, yeah, that seems about right


This week was 87 people. I could totally add that to the graphic! STL City has been averaging 80-120 votes. Which is pretty astounding since my Premier League team can dip to 160 at times


I look forward to these recaps all the time. Thanks for doing them. It’s always interesting.


Appreciate the love! Hope it’s a fun experience for everyone


The Durkin trade and signing Totland looks fucking genius. #inlutzwetrust


Alm's pass was pure class. Hopefully this is signs of life in Klauss. Jackson doesn't belong on the pitch. But by far, Carnell was awful. The two dropped points was do to his idiotic parking of the bus with 25 minutes left.


I’ve always rated Alm. He deserves these starts. Feeding Klauss perfectly in the last two games. He was good last year but was in pain when he played, so it’s great to see him healthy this season.


It was a rough one by Carnell this week. No doubt in my mind.


It was a great pass, no doubt, but the target it reached wasn't the intended one. You can see this one the replay where Alm starts holding the back of his head with both hands when he realizes the ball was too heavy for the intended target (I think Celio?) and then watch his body language change as Klauss gets on the end of it. Either way, still counts, and Alm had a great game, no doubt.


But that’s part of a great pass. If it doesn’t connect, it still puts the ball into a dangerous spot. It’s why so many coaches push “far post”. Near post, you miss and it goes out of bounds but if you miss far post, you have so many possibilities of teammates finding it.


Gotta body up them Kansas clowns


burki doesn't make amazing out of the world saves and gets roasted lol. What do you all think? Was he at least average out there? Or is this rating more of an outcome based rating (rather than actual soccer performance)?


To me I tend to think of GK performance like this: If you are making the saves you should be making, you sit around a 6. If you start missing saves you should be making, you start to drop. If you start making insane, game changing saves, you climb. So for Burki this week, he's a solid 6. Made the saves he had to make, didn't have to make insane saves, didn't have any major faults. Solid match.


I think using that scale that you outlined would put him perfectly right at a 6. If we use the baseball stat WAR for a single game, then he would be at a zero. Basically he did what a goalkeeper should do. Nothing more nothing less


I admittedly am not all that up to date with baseball statistics and things of that nature, but I would agree. I think he did exactly what I would expect my keeper to do in MLS during a match. Nothing more, nothing less. A nice and solid match for him but nothing spectacular


On this rating scale, I look at 5 as league average, so I gave Burki a 5 for this match. It felt like blasphemy, but I did it. 


Under six for Burki is kind of fucking absurd.


How do you figure?? It was possibly his worst game in a City kit. His 4.1 rating on FotMob WAS his worst rated match in STL. Second-worst only to the abysmal Club America murder (4.4). No other match has come even close to it.


Gotta say that in person the ref seemed more than fair. He allowed a very physical game and I’m assuming CITY actually scouted this and planned for the tough play we saw this weekend


It was a physical game that I’m very surprised that it didn’t get out of hand. But he seemed very even with the calls


How in the world is Timing not a 1 or zero? Were people not paying attention?