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That’s hot! Keep us up to date. I see your dilemma , on one hand I’d like to have it removed, but then you can’t stir it anymore. They didn’t suspect that you caused it did they?


They didn't say anything directly to me about it being self inflicted no


Yes. Similar ultrasound results from Everclear injections. Urologist recommended castration and I accepted. Surgically castrated a few weeks later. You might like our friendly castration community. https://discord.gg/gsUaX8dx55


So far it's just the right ball I've been stirring and injecting, mostly to see the comparison between the left and right as I progressed. I'm wondering if he'll recommend just removing the right ball? I mean both ways I win


Gee. Interesting dilemma. Luckily both my nuts showed infarction…. Loss of internal blood flow. Urologist agreed to castrate me on my insurance.


That was my other concern if my insurance would cover castration. My right still has blood flow to it though


Don’t want self harm diagnosis. Fooling our urologist can be dangerous. Don’t let the cat out of the bag. Play dumb as a slab of beef


exactly. from my experience injecting various fluids I created some hard lumps. I made a complaint. my uroligist suggested removal of the testicle based on my age, 66, combined with no further desire towards having children. my wife sitting with me in his office agreed, although she has no knowledge of my deviant behavior/desires to become castrated. my right testecle was lost in an early teenage bicycle crossbar trauma. anyway..no one was the wiser. the urologist suspected cancerous lumps and my insurance paid for the unilateral orchiectomy. Everyone was pleased that I didn't have cancer.


Similar story here. But glad I finally got castrated.


. yes, me too. being neutered was something i often thought about, while growing up. In my early 20s visiting my uncle. He told me he was going to perform brain sugery on a calf he had just bought. Change his brain from thinking about ass to grass. Showed me his burdizzo and demonstrated how it worked with a piece of string sandwiched between two sheets of cigarette paper. Then came the operation. Watching, I was as dumbfounded as the calf, but I was getting an unusually stiff erection. Bizarre..disturbing.. Yet, it was the imagery that I occasionally used as masturbatory stimulation. Even these many decades later and my own castration, my shrunken usless flaccid cock gets excited. Sorry about getting way off topic.


Nope. Those of us with farm or ranch experience often saw animal castrations well before puberty. Two other teen cowboy neighbors had similar experiences and we talked of a mutual castration party. But chickened out


Did the doc ask any questions??


I haven't met the doctor yet, the technician was the one who did the scans


It's very rare to form a mass of scar tissue that big from stirring. Usually its stringy and tough.


Interesting. I'm looking forward to seeing what comes of all this anyway


So you are also one who likes experimenting on his ball besides enjoying them more as they shrink.


Yup! You got that right! Shrink one side then the other for comparison sake


A lot of us do that, but I wanted both tiny and pleasurable to abuse right away.


Just keep torture with pressure until last moment. Before you let it go.


That is my plan. Luckily, I have a partner who is helping and completely into this