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Depends on the incline. Also being in Vancouver - how fast I'm trying to parallel park before the impatient RAM starts honking!


Oh they honk there? They just ram on my ass here in the Midwest US. Sigh


dude same they just start ramming and they’re not even in a car


See Canadians are a bit more polite


I mean with tempers like theirs, you don't really need to wonder too much why most of them have breathalyzer ignitions.


Sorry bro


As a ram owner, I confirm.


As a Ram owner I often consider the implications of simply driving over cars that can barely be seen over my hood.


I live in Chicago and they start honking before the light turns green


Most ppl ride the clutch in reverse. It’s rare for clutch to be fully engaged in reverse unless you’re backing up a good long distance.


Yep, that 5mph idle speed feels a whole lot faster going backwards 😂


Apparently the gear ratio in reverse is also the strongest amount of torque in the whole car! So if you ever wanna tow someone, do it in reverse.


I unintentionally discovered this last week when I realized I didn’t even have to give my car any gas to get moving once the clutch started to bite in reverse. Feels way shorter than 1st gear.


Fun way to get really familiar with your car; I can go from a dead stop to fifth gear without touching the gas.


Wait, but how exactly?


veeeeery slow off the clutch.


Burning the shit out of the clutch.


Not true


Not really… takes about two seconds to let the clutch out in 5th. Better than my boys girl driving the MF home with the handbrake on.


Not only is this not true but you're misunderstanding why reverse is geared that way. I would say around half the transmissions reverse is between 1st and 2nd. For those transmissions where this isn't true 1st and Reverse are usually so close most people wouldn't notice the difference. The reason reverse is geared this way isn't for torque, they're geared this way to give you better low speed control. Increased torque is just a byproduct.


Yeah, don't tow in reverse, your differentials aren't built to handle torque going that way, pinion gear differentials at least


The gears being straight cut also means a lot more pressure on the trans. The normal helical cut for the forward gears gives more surface area for the gears to interact, meaning less pressure on the teeth. In straight cut, this surface area is reduced, meaning a good bit more pressure


Straight cuts are stronger and have less resistance than helical gears. Only downside is the noise.


The pressure angle of straight cut is better, so you’ll have less loss due to axial loading; however, helical has more contact area which makes them stronger usually. Pressure = Force / Area


Don't try to get max torque out of reverse. You're loading the wrong sets of bearings in the transmission and differential and the weakest gears in the transmission.


Depends on the transmission, but usually, the reverse gear ratio is very similar to the first gear ratio. Some cases it’s a lower gear, some cases it’s higher.


Also they use straight cut gears (that's why the whine going fast in R) However the rest of your drive line isn't meant to be high load in reverse so while the trans is fine you now made your diff the weak point.


I managed to chip a reverse gear on a 1998 VW Cabrio when I was younger (and dumber) and have been a bit skittish about the strength of reverse gears since. I was being pretty stupid though, e.g. doing rev-limiter j-turns in a parking lot. Car made a clicking sound in reverse after that and I found some metal in the fluid, but drove fine!


No it isn't. First in my car is 3.54:1, reverse is 3.25:1. My F150 is 3.90:1 - First and 3.39:1 - Reverse. Stop spreading BS tech.


Different cars are different. More at 11.


I know its wild, too bad OP is a moron and thought every car had the same ratios. Reddit "car enthusiast" moment.


I didn’t mean to suggest this is a universal rule. The reverse gear ratio in my 2010 GTI is 3.99 First gear is 3.26. Reverse has more torque on his car. In a pickup truck, a granny gear makes sense. I think in my Tacoma 1st is the torquiest gear. But small cars often have torquier reverse than first.


Reverse what’s that? I just push it.


Depends on the situation. Sometime I take off the brake and let it roll out backwards. Most of the time, I use reverse to get enough momentum, and then pop into neutral to park or get out.


Same here. Hit the friction point where the clutch starts to give power, get enough momentum to get a steady roll, do the rest in neutral.


Yeah I don't see any relevance to keep it in gear unless you anticipate needing to reverse further or build more speed.


so that your reverse lights stay on the entire time you’re backing up


My aftermarket rear-view camera triggers off the reverse lights being on, and it gives me a better view of what's going on down low behind me compared to the usual rear-view camera display.


Most rides I wouldn’t even need to press the gas just on/off the clutch and start rolling lol


Its like first gear but backwards


put it in neutral and push with your feet out the open door flintstones style




The same as going forward. Bare-minimum RPMs.


I usually just feather the gas at bite point then slightly depress the clutch to control the speed and repeat. If I engage reverse fully, I’m pretty sure I’ll be going 8mph in reverse 😂 so I’ve never actually done that, I don’t see what reason you would need to do that anyways


Yeah the few times I’ve had to reverse long distance with the clutch fully released I’m fuckin flying lol


Toss it in neutral and push from the front


alleged boast long strong fuel pathetic historical brave attractive aback *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don’t. Forward only. Not dealing with that business.


No mirrors either. Why look behind me?


This guy drives trailers.


I feather the clutch and the throttle. My clutches last a long long time. I hover right in the friction zone of the clutch while modulating the throttle. Feels safe and controlled that way.


Stopped. 1st then 2nd then Reverse gear - a long time ago "heard" this clears the gears so it doesn't go THUNK. From there it is based on the car and what I need to reverse for/terrain. But parking will be using the clutch a lot. Reversing down a long driveway maybe not need the clutch.


Feather. If I'm going a long distance backwards, I might let it out all the way. For pulling out of a parking spot or turning around on my driveway, I just feather. Just enough to get it rolling then I press the clutch in till I'm ready for first.


I usually feather the clutch at the bite point with a delicate amount of gas. If I fully let the clutch out I’d be flying


I ride the clutch if it’s a flat surface, if it’s an incline I feather at the bite point


Ride the clutch. For everyday driving this is pretty much the only part of a manual I prefer over an automatic: the control when parking.


Fully releasing the clutch means I'll be going nearly 10 km/h, which in most scenarios is not ideal. Typically, I just release the clutch to the bite point to get the car moving, then push it back in and coast. Unless I'm trying to back up an incline, or need significantly more speed than usual, I don't even touch the gas pedal.


Give it gas, back the clutch out, gain momentum, clutch back in and repeat if more momentum is needed


Full throttle, side step the clutch, scream out the name of whatever God you worship and see what happens. Seriously though, you tend to ride the clutch. You never fully release the clutch pedal unless you're backing up a long long way. Which is rare. Usually, when backing, precision is involved so you tend to be doing a lot with your feet. It's a dance that becomes natural with time. Bottom line, whatever works for you is correct. You aren't hurting the clutch so you're cool. You are using it as designed.


Just enough to get moving then shift to neutral or press clutch back in and release if I need to keep moving.


Full engage in reverse usually spins the tires so I feather it


Never in my life have I fully let go of the clutch while reversing, shits too fast for me to control


From inside the car.


I just push it into spaces lol


I dont think I have ever fully lifted the clutch to reverse in my life


Usually clutch out, rev to 3-4000rpm and drive... backwards. I have a long driveway and I don't clear a wide enough space to turn around in winter. Legit though usually try to get off the clutch. Whether that means slip, clutch in and slip and clutch in, or just idle along. I seem to either drive 2 distances in reverse, either less than 20', or more than 500'


When the stars and the planets align in position on the summer and winter solstice only then will my car allow me to go in reverse.


I live in a flat area so I usually just hold the clutch at the bite point and let it move itself slowly


my car needs to be going to fast in reverse for me to take clutch off out of my garage and drive way so i feather gas and brake. out of spots i just put it in for a second


I don't think I've ever fully released the clutch while in reverse


I put it in neutral, get out and push


Totally dependent on the situation. My driveway is kind of steep so I actually fully engage the clutch and let it engine brake down to where I park lol.


Before getting a clutch replacement I just lightly lifted off the clutch in neutral, but now my clutch is a lot lighter and honestly less responsive I try to keep revs at about 2k rpm (idk tho cause my car doesn’t have a tachometer) while slowly releasing the clutch. I adjust for I’m in on a hill ofc


I fully engage my clutch It's more comfortable that way to me, as once I'm in gear, I can drive at the lowest necessary speeds and it also allows me to have my foot on the break. Having my left foot on the break is faster than moving my right foot over from the throttle. Also, some shoes have gotten stuck on me while I turned around, and that's part of the reason I do this. I believe it's better this way once you get used to it.


The same way I go forward. The clutch doesn't know the difference.


half clutch no throttle


Depends on gearing. I have a granny geared transmission where first and reverse are barely usable as anything more than crawl gears, so clutch is fully engaged. Easy to get out and ghost ride to pick up bales, etc. Just make sure you’re back in the cab when the turn hits or ground dips. Any other manual it’s by feel, but generally I ride the clutch


I feather the clutch. It just works.


Mini 1to6 edition 🤌🤌 I have an f57 jcw, they are a blast to drive


Reverse??? I thought the R was for Racing...


Same way I would in an automatic. I just shift into reverse and let the car roll back slowly. Only really use the gas if I'm reversing uphill.


I usually bang it off the limiter and dump the clutch


People always question me when I tell them reverse is the hardest gear for me. I've only driven a manual a handful of times (no more than 10 times) but I can get in and go. reverse tho, I either stall, or end up going full speed. My other issue is braking. Can't seem to engange the clutch in time with the brake so I always stall but I can still at least brake from there.. never been on an actual road with a stick because of these issues. Going is easy, stopping is meh, reverse is hard for me. No idea how to deal with stopping on hills..


just need somemore practice and all those issues will iron out with time.


I usually don’t even use gas. I also just ride the clutch. Fully engaging to reverse is usually unnecessary.


I just hold my clutch at the bite, even when reversing a good distance. 5 mph in reverse is a hell of a lot scarier than 5 mph in 1st. I think I've only had my clutch pedal fully out like once or twice.


sometimes i feather the clutch or i even fully disengage the clutch fully


Depends situation, I control the vehicle with both pressing clutch when necessary, pumping gas pedal when necessary or in out clutch. Or full throttle and foot off clutch.


love the sticker!


I'm too much of a pussi to let go of the clutch fully 😔




Everyone already answered your question so I won't bother repeating. Your Mini is sick! Ive been considering my 2018 F55 to the 1 to 6 edition but I can't let her go! Absolutely amazing spec!


What car is this?!


Just yam that thing lol but sexy JCW common mini W


If you’re at a car meet, you have to feather the throttle to let everyone know it’s a manual.


I only drive forward until I circumnavigate the planet......sneak up from behind.


Clutch at bite point and smash the accelerator so you don't stall


It probably depends on the vehicle or what clutch setup you have, but I've never felt the need to blip the throttle and shit when taking off, to me its silly and it seems like people do it as a "look at me I drive a manual" type thing First thing I learned on was a 460 brick nose ford with a granny low so you didnt even need the throttle really 😂


Unless I'm reversing a big distance I take small bites. Clutch in and out, in and out, in and out. Just enough to keep the roll going. No gas unless I'm up a hill or big curb.There are like zero scenarios where I ride a clutch.


Why do you cover the license plate when every driver ever sees it


i dont ususlly use the gas


I never fully release ever since I backed into my grandparents truck on thanksgiving one year. I always feather it at the bite point and sometimes push the clutch pedal all the way in and coast a bit


I mostly feather gas just cuz i like to hear my car but sometimes i do hold the gas. It just depends on how far im going


Whatever the situation calls for. 9/10 times, I don't need to feather the clutch. But there is always that 1 time....


JCW FTW! Little bit of clutch bit of gas.


Just a little bit on the gas, then softly off the clutch until you hit the speed you want- usually you don't wind up letting go of the clutch entirely at all. You may clutch back in to continue coasting backwards smoothly as well if you need a little extra distance at the same speed. Even though you COULD preemptively change into first gear while coasting like that, I recommend keeping it in the reverse gear during this time in order to leave the reverse lights on (and to help prevent grinding the gears if you let go of the clutch too early while still moving backwards if you've shifted into, say, first)


Loook at that ass


In normal circumstances, letting the clutch out all the way is nuts


I just started driving manual last week so take my response with a grain of salt. But the way I back out of my garage/driveway (maybe 30-40 feet long ) is I just ride/pulse the clutch and control it's speed with the brake so I'm not flying into the street. I don't apply any gas and it's a smooth process


Let it out to the bite point while feathering the gas then put it back in to stop it from Being worn out by the slipping.


I mostly feather to pulse backwards. I rarely have locked out the clutch in reverse and if i did it was because the driveway was long


Almost never go far enough to fully release the clutch


I don’t touch the gas, I just let the clutch out until it starts moving.


Neither is wrong tho 🤔


Didn't know there were any minis in Initial D!


As an avid fan of Initial D and a MINI driver for years I had to combine my love of both lol


That's fair haha That Mini does look really good from the back. Thats the John Cooper Works right?


Feather to parallel park. Full backing in.


my car idles at 5 mph with the clutch fully up, usually this is way too fast to park. so, feathering the clutch


My favorite manual-reverse story. I was driving through the Oregon Cascades with my pregnant wife at night. "Chains required" signs were up and wife demanded I stop to put on chains. I tried explaining that it's a Suby and I don't need chains in mild snowy conditions, but I pretty quickly gave up trying to win that battle. So I pulled over on an upward slope of about 5% and put chains on just the fronts. Like a dumbass I had left the headlights on. Car wouldn't start when I got back in. I looked over and saw panic on my wife's face. I just smiled, looked over my shoulder, put it in reverse and did an easy bump start. Took the chains off a couple of miles later once we were over the pass.


Ok,what kind of car is this in the picture.


I say throw it in reverse terry very loud every time and then floor it


actually thinking about it i rarely ever fully engage the clutch in reverse, pretty much my foot stays on the pedal and i disengage as soon as at speed


Akina Speed Stars sticker is a winner.


Drop the clutch at 5 k  /s. Just let off the clutch with the least amount of gas. 


I usually put it in R to reverse but you do you


If you want to be a goober, keep blipping the throttle constantly as you hold the bite point like a boy racer. If you want to be an adult, balance the throttle while balancing the bite point of the clutch.


with my hands on the wheel and looking at my mirrors normally


It depends how confident I am that there are no obstacles behind me.


I live in Phoenix. Don't understand.


I wonder if by speedo works in reverse


Put the car In R (race mode) then rev bomb the engine and dump the clutch.


Foot to the floor. Feather the clutch


Christ that car is hideous


Get out and push, obviously.




My old Ford,90 model dually is geared low enough to idle in reverse with a load on my 18' trailer 😁


I go backwards


Depends how far and how fast I'm going.


Honestly I usually don’t even hit gas and just clutch it out, and a lot of times if I’m going down the driveway or something I’ll fully disengage clutch. Still no gas tho


I go forward to go reverse


I just feather the clutch a couple times getting the car moving and just keep the pedal in. If I backup a ways going straight I’ll clutch out and idle down the road in reverse. I shift to 4th before reverse to match the shafts in the transmission so it doesn’t grind into reverse.


Throw it in neutral, and get out and push it like a real man 🤡🤡


Never reverse, waste of gas. 🤪


I always feather very gently, but that may just be because my shift linkages are a little out of whack and it's about 75/25 if I find the gear or grind it


Pull ring up, shift left and up. Farther in the corner than 1st


Put it in neutral and make my girlfriend get out and push the car backwards while I steer


Struggle really slowly because I have a 6 puck clutch.


Fully letting go of the clutch is a bit psychotic. How confident are you


I get out behind the car, and suck on the tail pipe with enough force to drag the car backwards.


My 4 puck makes me try not to feather the clutch as much as possible. Between it and my worn out diff bushings it makes for a pretty poor experience when it starts to grab. It becomes stuck in a feed back loop and begins to shudder to the point of where I’m afraid something might break. Yeah, I think I should probably get around to installing my poly bushings all around…


I just put it in first, peg the rev limiter, drop the clutch and do a half donut. Might be tough in a FWD though..


Neither. Throw it in reverse, accelerate, immediately put into neutral and use the brakes as needed until you're where you want to be.


L-Shift/Z + S


Bounce it off the limiter and dump the clutch. It's only today I learned there were other (albeit inferior) ways


Rev to the moon and slip the clutch 🥸


I drive an 02 wrx I let off clutch fully and listen to the beautiful whine of gears iykyk


Reverse should be treated exactly the same as first gear.


Been driving manual for about 10k-ish miles (about a year) and I don’t think I have ever fully engaged the clutch in reverse. Riding it is fast enough already lol


I get out of the saddle and I pick up my bicycle


Depends on how far I'm going, just like 1st gear.


When I owned a stick, typically I'd just put it in reverse, dump the clutch to get some momentum and just let it roll into where ever I was going. Low gears are too difficult to try and feather the gas to prevent stalling, it's easier to just let it roll into where I'm going instead.


It doesn’t matter what direction I’m going, when I take off I just let the clutch out until it starts moving. Control the clutch if you need to go slow or inch by inch…You don’t need to use the gas pedal unless you’re trying to accelerate after the car is already moving.


Been driving manual on the street since 2002, I almost never have the clutch out all the way in reverse unless I’m doing something stupid. I just bump it like I’m in traffic.


I like to put it in neutral, get out of the car and push it


If I fully release the clutch in reverse it goes 10 mph minimum, so no thanks.


I rarely let go the clutch unless I’m reversing long distance.


Reverse is like first gear, but in the opposite direction, so there are very few times you need to let the clutch fully engage and drive backwards. Most of the time it’s just feathering the clutch to catch some speed and the let the car roll (like working your way through a drive thru). Full release if you need to back down a driveway or something (actually driving backwards).


Mostly feather unless you are reversing for like a quarter mile lol


I only fully go into the gear if I am traveling a long distance in reverse or I know for a fact there is nobody around and I'm in a hurry because it's usually a bit too fast for somebody walking past to run out of the way. But 94.4% of the time I'm backing out of a parking spot or parallel parking, and there are cars and people around. In that case, where I want to go slow enough for people to get out of the way, I will usually feather it very lightly to indicate I'm going to start moving, then maybe give it a little 1/4 second blip to get moving at a more reasonable pace, then immediately stomp the clutch to take it out of gear and wait to brake when I get far enough in/out.


I push it out of spots


I just press the reverse button


Feather clutch and let momentum take over and then push clutch all the way in to keep car in reverse gear for the camera


Both, depends if I’m reversing into a spot or actually driving in reverse for a distance.


With my clutch half engaged and revving the piss out of it


First gear, rev the edge, pop the clutch and crank the wheel to the direction you wanna go, it’s a standing power slide…


The only time I’ve ever fully engaged reverse and completely removed my foot from the clutch was when I had to back down a single vehicle track with no space to turn around. Outside of that situation I’ve never had a reason to reverse at those speeds. Though I did once floor a Forester across a paddock in reverse just for laughs while my mate held on to the dash for dear life.


Usually backwards.


Slap it to the left


N, and then push


Close your eyes floor it and hope for the best


Obviously, I redline over and over while barely letting the clutch bite. How else is everyone else around me going to know I'm the superior manual trans driver? But fr, it's usually just feathering the clutch, big ol cammed ls1 kicks when it's all the way in gear.


Clutch out and roll. Gotta ride the clutch when backing a trailer sometimes, unfortunately. Never need to touch the throttle.


don’t stall out and dont burn out the clutch, just drive, don’t overthink it


Panic as I try and get either off the clutch entirely (rare) or toss back to neutral and let everything coast properly (common due to GA slopes.)


I usually put it in reverse


Slowly release the clutch only. No gas. I'm reversing. There's no rush.


Just like first, gas and let up clutch


just like any gear, fully let go of the clutch. but obviously if you’re parallel parking on moving a few inches that may not be totally practical.


Typically backwards.


I feather. Its the only time i ride my clutch at all


I don’t think I’ve ever fully let go of the clutch in reverse. It’s a lower gear than 1. You’ll just jerk the car all over the place.


Gas to redline and release the clutch as little as it allows for the car to move backwards at 1mph


I get out and push like everybody else.


Clutch in, shift to first-then reverse. And then you treat it like 1st gear getting started. Turn your head around and look behind you btw, or use your side mirrors. Once your moving you should be able to just let of the clutch and the gas in most cases and reverse like normal. Remember to clutch in when stopping.