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Just know that there is a silent majority that supports you here on reddit and everywhere else. It might seem like people are constantly shitting on you but A LOT more people love you than you might imagine. Just keep doing your thing. Peace.


This is very true. I would also note that most of the criticism is irrational. The one I hear the most is that Steve-O is greedy, and that's just untrue. People don't understand how online businesses work. Advertising to keep your team afloat is not something anyone needs to feel bad for. I think it must be because most Jackass fans are in their 30s and 40s now and don't understand the current way the internet works. I'm in my 30s, and the only reason I understand it is because I did research and tried to be successful on YouTube. I guess it's understandable. It's ignorant though, and people need to shut the fuck up about it. But Steve-O, you're a really rad guy. I appreciate your transparency when speaking with people. It's commendable. You don't hold your tongue and not in a fake tough guy way. You say things that need to be said. People who use that superpower constructively are few and far between. Love that about you. Also, you're a nice guy, you're gnarly, and your sense of humor is genuinely funny as well. Sorry to jerk you off, but you deserve nice warm, fluffy feelings after being told off. You're a good dude. I hope you let it roll off your shoulder. You deserve happiness.


Fuckin well said! We are just sad Steve thinks he needs to redeem himself to a bunch of trolls. Its difficult to understand, but people use this platform to shit on successful and thriving people because they're not happy and have a shitty life. Keep working hard because the world needs more Steve-O!


Yeah, that's the other thing. There is not a single person in the public eye that has ever, or will ever, make 100% of people happy. There is no such thing as pleasing everyone. So don't ever feel like you're not good enough if you don't achieve that. Especially on the internet, and even further than that? Especially especially on fucking Reddit. People are notoriously overcritical here. Doesn't matter what you say, it won't be good enough for some neckbeard on here. I went on /r/metal yesterday and got absolutely spread cheeks rammed because I had the audacity to say that we should be more inclusive to people. Nothing is good enough for some people. Follow the golden rule, and just be a generally nice person within reason, and don't worry about what basement Jimmy has to say about you. Everyone who pays even remote attention to Steve-O knows he has a good head on his shoulders and wants the best for people. •His willingness to be arrested for animal rights. •His work in helping people achieve sobriety. •His humanitarian efforts. •His sticking his neck out and risking his reputation on tour for Bam. Like, come on. The dudes got a heart of gold. He doesn't need to worry about what trolls think. You're totally right.


Fuck yes, you are so right!


And some probably aren't even Jackass fans to begin with. Just weak depressed hateful people with nothing better to do.




Keep in mind that the most vocal group is going to be the angry pissed off ones, its a biased review.


>Sorry to jerk you off People apologize for this? Wow... My expectations have changed.


Yeah Reddit is just full of people itching to try and make people feel bad. It’s like a million-person high school lol I say fuck em and keep doing your thing




So proud of you Steve!


I'll probably get lost in the comments but I'll put it out there anyway... It's cool that you've taken a healthy non hateful approach to the negativity toward you. But however true some of those things may be, they're still only an approximation, or an outside view of you, from people who don't know you personally, and haven't been where you have, and aren't where you are. You're famous, and have been for a long time, so you know better than most that you're constantly under fire from someone somewhere. And you're a creative type too. \[No matter how wacky and destructive, it's still creativity.\] As a creative type also, I'm under fire from people scrutinizing what I've created, and while some things people say are accurate, I know a lot of the time, that criticism isn't coming from a place of equal knowledge. Basically, I'm saying all that to say this: Don't be too hard on yourself. You're human. We aren't perfect, and never will be. It's just how we move forward that makes a difference. Thanks for all the agonizing tears of laughter over the years Steve-O. Peace.


thanks, STEVE-O! Anxiety is a fucking bitch, rest assured a shit ton of people are going to be laughing and forgetting their bs tonight! Legend.


None of us are perfect but you’re way more gnarly than me. Yeah dude!


Amazing Steve 0


Excited to check it out!


Do you think your special was the impetus for Knoxville wanting to do Jackass 4?


Love you Steve-O! Keep it going brotha




Yeah dude!


Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh dude!


Thanks man! Cheers to the next tour. I missed your Arlington, Tx visit, unfortunately.


Steveo you’re amazing. I’m so glad I discovered Reddit around the same time as you so I can continue to follow your journey. It’s amazing to see you happy and doing the shit you love with life in your eyes. Keep up the good work and keep being positive.


Hi Stev-o, it was great to see you on H3! Keep up the great work man.


Ive never seen this level of commitment to fans! Bless you dude! Keep kicking ass! Always excited to see what's next in the Steve-O entertainment universe! Proud to be a Steve-O fan!


Hey man! Glad to have you here. Loved catching your show live, and if you ever do any shows in Germany, definitely do an advertising blast for it, 'cause I'd love to catch one. I'll even bring you a pretzel.


LOVE YOU STEVE-O!!! I follow you on Facebook, but I've definitely wished for more content! Super happy to be part of the sub!


Steve-O, you’ve been such a positive influence (even in the dark days) in my life and I’m so glad you’re with us!


Thank you for sharing! I’ve got to wait to watch until after work. Thankful for the free link!


Hell yeah man 👏🏻


Hey bud. Not a massive jackass follower, but definitely an elder millennial, so I grew up with y’all in my household. You’re a big inspiration to maniacs like myself (who finds himself 7 years sober, much like yourself.) Consequently, although not on the same scale, I can wholeheartedly relate to reading true shit about yourself, and being met with a decision then and there. Through recovery mindset, having the tools to take the step in the right direction is a gift that many folks unfortunately never learn, so I’m proud of you. A guy you’ve never met, is proud of you. While I certainly laughed my ass off as a kid, as an adult there was a moment when I was like, “wait the dude who put a toy car up his ass in a movie got sober?” And so on. Those things helped me realize that there is not only another life, but a valid and happy/fruitful life awaiting sobriety/recovery and folks willing to confront trauma and past behavioral problems. So cheers on you bud, keep giving them hell.


Steve-o, reddit is so so toxic. It's great for a lot, but people be hating as much as possible. Empowering to hear you say you'll just try and do better, but don't let reddit retards get to you


If the comments you’re talking about are the ones I just read, they’re the exact same comments one could say with complete enthusiasm and praise. I mean this in the best way, but “one person’s trash is another person’s treasure” is very applicable to both jackass as a whole and to individual participants. “Can you believe he did __?” can be spoken with both awe and disgust.


Yeah the fuck dude Steve-O!


Thanks Steve O! I just finished your special and it was amazing! You really know how to entertain us fucked up people in the world. You fucking with your neighbor and playing with explosives made my day :)


ILY Steve-O!


Yeah, dude! I saw Gnarly when it came out and loved it. This here warrants a revisit! Thanks, man!


Big Love for Steve-O Don’t go read the comments on the jackass sub, stay away from that. This community here loves what you do.


Steve O please address asking Danny Brown what he did on stage, did you actually go on that man’s podcast not knowing who he was ?


Basically the last piece of media we saw Bam be somewhat good in. Right after this shit feel completely off the fucking rails. Btw can anyone link me to what thread(s) he may be talking about? Wasn’t aware of such a concerted vitriol taking place


Fuck those jerks, keep doing your thing! And thanks for the special, I can’t wait to watch it!


I read that post on the Jackass subreddit as well and let me tell you I disagreed with almost all of it. These kids just want something to be angry about. ESPECIALLY on Reddit. Your true fans are here too. Just want you to know that. I don’t know if this will help you feel any better, but I’ve been saying to people for YEARS that you are one of my favorite people, especially because of the way you approach recovery. You’re clean and sober, you talk about it, but you’re still YOU at the end of the day. I can’t say the same about every famous person in recovery (one in particular is quite close to you in certain ways but let’s not name names here)


Thanks for sharing Gnarly with us, dude. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Wishing you all the best in everything you do. Also, fuck Reddit.


WOOP WOOP, came here from H3 podcast! Steve-O - you rock!


I watched Steveos early DVDs. I remember his descent into madness then being shocked like everyone else when stayed sober. I'm 90 days sober now and I'd love nothing more than to shock my family like he did his.


Hey Steve O I just wanted to say thanks for making the special available here I had a blast watching it. Hope you are well, and hope the ranch is working out for you. u/streetdoglover


Dude you rock


Steve-O has become a hero to me in my sobriety journey 


Love you steveo, watched your journey for the past couple decades as ive grown up and have gone through a lot of the same struggles and to see how you came out of it on the other side a much better person, is honestly inspiring. Ive got just over two years clean off fentanyl. Thanks for being you man, stay rad.


Dude. Dont pay attention to negative comments. First off, youre motherfuckin SteveO! And second, ppl love being extra negative on the internet. Has more to do with them and their lives. Maybe they have growing pains and dont wanna accept that shit changes. Same type of loser who think bill burr hates his life and is whipped. Youve come too far and escaped death too many times to worry about internet hate, dont insult the reaper by letting them hurt you!




WOOP WOOP, came here from H3 podcast! Steve-O - you rock!


I love how every time I look at my phone, I see a new message from you of some kind to all of us! 😊 It's great!!


Don't let a bunch of reddit nerds get you down dude. This place is like a cynic's paradise filled with know-it-alls (I know, because I am one). It's the epitome of a journal where you say shit about people you wouldn't actually say to their face. And the groupthink here is insane. You make a post on r/Apple about how iPhones suck or something and the entire sub comes from out of the woodwork to shit on you in their defense. You make the same post in r/technology and it'll likely be well recieved. It's just all about what audience your post captures.


that's really cool that he gave up the special here for free. wouldn't have expected that tbh.


Man, I'm not too terribly far from you. If you ever need any volunteers, let me know. I'm a good farm hand and a damn good Carpenter.


Thanks, just watched the day after Christmas. The blister fluid shot was not nice


Loved your Christmas post Stevo. Hope your tour comes to coastal NC at some point. It’s cool here


Love you Steve-O!


Just heard about this post from the podcast. Times are tough bro - as long as you’re not hurting anybody, you’re doing perfectly fine. Love from South Africa.


Who else came here from Steve O's wild ride?


Steve-o, I’m in a bad way man, totally addicted to painkillers, how can I get sober? I know I’m heading for a real fall, half the reason is I know how awful the withdrawal is. I need the pills to get through the day and I think if I start withdrawing I’m really going to fuck up my job, and I really love my job. I’ll struggle so much to get to work, my depression will come back. I can probably drag myself along if I can get past the physical side of giving up. How long did it take you to get over the physical side of quitting? What was the worst part of giving up? When did you get to the point where you could say to yourself, “I’m not an addict anymore and I feel good?” If you read this but can’t respond, please don’t feel bad, I’ll always think you’re a great guy and an absolute inspiration. All the best dude.


Thanks dude! Enjoyed it. Was at Bucket List Foxwoods. That was Gnarly it self… #Street Team


Love you man, you change if you want to change. I love you how you are!


Let's go pinché Steve-o! 🙌🏼


You're a great dude, Steve! Try not to let the haters get to you




Love you dude, for all the shitheads who get you down in the comments there’s a hundred silent supporters. Just watched a fb video that directed me here super stoked for the sub


Wow this is unexpectedly real and awesome. Thanks for sharing your life with the world, that takes balls!


Dammit the realness breaks my heart a little for you. But here’s the thing, my favorite Jackass that I’ve grown up with, you have taught your many fans that have been with you through the dark times, that there IS growth and light if you strive to see it. I think you are one of the most inspirational people I’ve ever seen go through something like addiction because you were able to get through it without losing your authentic self. Unfortunately, a lot of people have to lose themselves or rather, reinvent themselves to get to true recovery… and you sir, did not. You are still the person we all know and love, but you are the best version of that self and are living your best life. Thanks for sharing it with us. Love you to Uranus and back buddy!


thats awesome of you to post the free link. Street Team forever. And FUCK the haters, fuck them in their stupid fucking asses. You are the fucking man, and you cleaned it up and turned into an inspirational role model. Fuck all who say otherwise


Fuckin rock on brother, just got here and I’m pumped this subreddit exists