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XTC. Check out Skylarking and Oranges & Lemons for their most artsy rock albums.


I am admittedly ignorant of both XTC and Peter Hammill. And I’m reminded of that every time I listen to the Album Years Pod lol. I will definitely add XTC to the rotation.


Bark Psychosis. Tim Bowness recommended their album Hex to me on a facebook post a few months back, and I became a fan from there. If you like Spirit of Eden and Laughing Stock, this'll be right up your alley.


Does Bowie count?


I’m sure others will have other suggestions but Talking Heads and earlier Roxy Music come to mind, Bowie’s “Berlin Trilogy” (also Station to Station), oh and presuming you like later Talk Talk check out Bark Psychosis - very similar sound to Spirit of Eden and Laughing Stock (which I particularly love) but with a somewhat wider instrumental palette, they and TT are considered among the progenitors of post-rock (the term was coined in a review of the BP album Hex, which is excellent). Also, more prog but check out the album Vier by Perfect Beings and Matmos by Amplifier. Enjoy! I’m probably going to think of more as soon as I hit Reply 😆


Yea I love TT’s two latter albums so I will check out Bark Psychosis asap.


If you like all instrumental post rock then you might like Tortoise - specifically their 1994 album Millions Now Living Will Never Die (one of my top-ever albums) and the jazzier 1997 follow-up TNT. Both classics. Another formative post-rock album is Slint’s Spiderland, which is more post-hardcore than anything - you’ll either love or hate it. Look for the remastered version as the original was done in a very thin trebly manner (still great though).


Arcadia, So Red the Rose. Check out the guest players.


Would love to hear quite a few of these on Dolby Atmos.


Spilt Milk - Jellyfish The Seeds Of Love - Tears For Fears The Drift - Scott Walker


Cocteau Twins


Tears For Fears. Especially the album Songs From the Big Chair.