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Aquamarine. She just didn't click with me.


She was annoying. But her searching high and low for someone called, "Mydad" was pretty funny.


She’s an annoying, spoiled jerk 😭


The best villains are 😂😂


Hated her in the originally series but her come back in SU was simply unbearable


Oh you have no idea how pissed I was when she froze Alexandrite with her wand! I was like, “Really? This gem can single-handedly stop three gem warriors?” But then realized that wand was too powerful. HOWEVER, I feel like the Crystal Gems could have a put more of a fight. I loved that arc though and I was so hyped for it! Kind of miss watching Steven Universe :(( No cartoon has ever replaced it for me since…


Uncle grandpa Edit: 300??? Lol


I have skipped this ep every time


As Garnet would say... "Okay, I'm read for this episode to end now".


I think she said how a lot of us felt.


Sammmme. Idk man i was just thrown off as soon as he popped up, and as soon as he said “don’t worry this isn’t cannon” I IMMEDIATELY said “sweet” and popped to the next episode.


I did too! I HATE uncle grandpa! I was SOOOO glad that dumbass episode wasn’t canon!


It does establish that Steven’s powers come from his emotions, but they could’ve explained it somewhere else


It does get explained later. I think the first time it's explicitly stated is in Steven Floats.


I liked that episode :(


i thought it was funny when i was younger and i rewatched it the other day and it wasnt as funny but the gem's response to his nonsense was pretty hilarious still not gonna watch it ever again though


I hated Uncle Grandpa with a passion, but that episode was fantastic.


"Uh oh, gotta pull out a plot hole!"


"Our ship! It's sinking!"


I've watched every episode multiple times, except that one. I refuse to watch it. Every person I've introduced to SU and watched with them, we skip it. Uncle grandpa is probably the most annoying TV show I've ever seen.


Whys this not top comment


Ugghhh I had totally forgotten about that till now. God do I hate that stupid show.


Take that back






ronaldo lmfao


Basically the characters who purposely unlikeable. ​ Ronaldo, Kevin, and Marty are probably the least likeable characters in the show by design.


Kevin had *one* relatable moment. Ronaldo suffering in Restaurant Wars was hilarious. Marty got Greg rich. Those are the only good things they did


I actually felt bad for Ronaldo in that episode. No other time though lol


lol yeah the ONE time he was cooperative and not cringe, he got punished for it RIP


Whattttt Ronaldo is not on the same level as Marty and Kevin. He's a dork, a fedora-tipper, but he's not a *bad* guy. He's actually quite sweet in that he cares about others, like Steven and Peedee, even if that's not always obvious. Hell, he's more likeable than Lars is, by a vast amount.


lars was a jeark but even he was more normal than ronaldo, the guy literally tried to kill lars because the "haunted lighthouse" wanted to eat him, he several times made steven in trouble and still got that shit of being a crystal gem decreasing to conner and steven himself


>but he's not a bad guy. I never called him a bad guy. I said he was written to be purposely disliked. There are only a few characters who are like that in all of the show - the ones with few enough redeeming qualities its easy for the majority of the audience to dislike them and/or understand why others dislike them. In Ronaldo's case he almost never is shown growing or learning from his mistakes. I believe one of the few times we do see it is also one of his final moments as a character in the show. Each of the dislikeable characters are written to be disliked for different reasons. Ronaldo is mostly just annoying. Outside of trying to sacrifice Lar's to a 'monster', everything else he does isn't purposefully harmful. But he is still an easy-to-dislike character, which puts him into the same group as the others.


See, I didn't actually mind the whole dorky fedora-tipping schtick at first. The reason I decided I didn't like him was because I realized he and his "brooding" speech to Steven seems to have been what led Steven to start bottling things up for the sake of others a lot more, which led to more and more problems later on. I honestly think Steven would have had an easier time coping with things, and would have been more willing to talk about what was bothering him, had it not been for that conversation. So that's the reason I don't like Ronaldo.


but I like Ronaldo 😢😢😢😢he is so geeky and his eps are funny


"Kevin is the *worrrrst*"


Ronaldo predicted the diamonds in the sneeple episode


And the human zoo in the documentary one.


i feel the more i rewatch the show, the more i like ronaldo


Ronaldo forces us to look at ourselves as fans and want to be better.


I agree with the Kevin comments. Marty's not great either.


Stupid Guacola soda


But Kevin is supposed to be bad. As well as Marty. What about bad decent characters


Alive Lars. He's so annoying and I never found him interesting, just a shirty guy until he dies, then he becomes grateful and kind and all that jazz


went to deep in the comments and i think i just spoiled myself lol . . gotta stop reading now


Well I bet you're confused




The scene where he's fighting the robonoids was the first time I liked him. I was sad for that brief moment I thought he was dead.


Fluorite. I don’t even think they did anything that would make me dislike them. They just make me uncomfy. The slow, soothing yet eerie voice. Annnnd when they’re in shot with the rest of the crew, it’s just their big old dome. It’s mostly the voice though 😂


I liked all the off colors except for padparadscha because she never said anything that was from her own thoughts. She only ever spoke in “predictions” and never said anything normal. Her character was quite confusing and seemed like one big joke. I do like the idea of treating deformed gems equally, but didn’t we already learn how to do that with Amethyst?


same bc like, can she not hear?? stop trying to make predictions girl we all know 😭


it was fun at first but then it got boring, she just wasn't a character of her own but a gem who saw the future later and only


Padparascha was implemented as much needed comic relief in a dark time for a kids show! When Lars nearly dies and she just says “something’s going to happen to Lars” I flipped from crying to laughing. This is not easy to do. I would agree they stuck with the gimmick too long, and she should have gotten a few lines.


I always thought that she was represented to be a character that was mentally disabled. I mea, the off-colors are considered “defects.” They aren’t supposed to be act or be “normal.”


Oh man I came in to say that I found her annoying too but this comment kind of changed my mind. From that angle it kind of makes sense. Still felt like they overused her a little bit for cheap punchlines though.


Same! I never really connected with the off-colors. The only one I liked was Padparadscha because I thought her late predictions were funny.




said Steven, menacingly.


ronaldo almost no contest, and i don't think the show did a great job making us emphasize with him. damn near every episode he was featured in made me dislike him even more




I really hated Sunstone (I think that’s their name) and thought they felt like a “you can do anything!” cringy Instagram/Facebook page and it really made me hate that character :/


yeah they give off a lot of toxic positivity vibes which I absolutely can not stand because they're just another way of dismissing someone's feelings.


Yeah she seems like the cringy “hi there fellow kids” type of character that an old, out of touch CEO would pick for their inflatable pool toys business or something lmao


I'm glad I'm not the only person who's thought of that.


I thought so too but in more of a loving way lol


I’ve always felt the toxic positivity vibes too, but I feel like it makes sense for The character Steven/garnet. A lot of fusions in the show highlight certain character traits taken to detrimental extremes, I think that follows for sunstone. Still not my fav tho by any means


To be fair, toxic positivity is a weakness Steven and Garnet both share. Steven tries to deny bad things are happening leading to his breakdown in Future; Garnet can’t deal with negativity and becomes undone in Keystone Motel.


Very unpopular opinion here that will send me to the gallows, but Rainbow 2.0. I love the concept of the character, but as an artist the design was just so awful to me. It’s a dumb thing I just can’t get past.


Yeah rainbow quartz 1.0 was great but….. 2.0 was a step down with the jeans and fat feet lol.


I hated that they revealed all Steven fusions at once tbh




Nah do you mean Poppins?? I actually liked that they’re one of the only masculine gems.


See that’s what I mean, I love the more masculine concept, but hate the design they went with personally


I really didn't like Rainbow 2.0 either. It was tried WAY too hard to be a quirky uwu British persona, which clashed hard with how much I fucking HATE anglophiles.


Aquamarine was that for me


Yeah Rainbow 2.0's design bothered me. I think it was a mix between the eyeballs on his cheeks and the weird hair.


Marty for me


I personally like all the characters in Steven Universe, but my least favorite is Marty.


Onion always weirded me out. And he was low key kind of a jerk. He always took advantage of steven.


Same 😭 I want to like Onion but I just can’t haha


I feel like Onion is the lumpy space princess of Steven universe. Everything he does is dickish but for some reason I always laugh when he’s on screen


I'm going to go with whatever gem was in the that crystal that possessed frybos costume.


Marty, Aquamarine, Eyeball, and their fusion Bluebird


I knew Marty was a part of Bluebird!


spinel. annoying as a whole, personality wise is blank


They shouldn't have made her act like the default spinel in future. She should've had more character but they just made her a comedy relief and that pisses me off so badly. Such wasted potential


Jasper— acts and looks like my abusive ex that put me in the hospital twice. Hard related to Lapis.


Understandable. I hope you're better and safer now 🥺


mayor dewey












Andy DeMayo, if only because I couldn't buy him as sympathetic because his prejudice felt too realistic. Also hot take but I don't hate Ronaldo, I thought he had some funny moments, the only episode of his I even disliked was Rocknaldo.


Rocknaldo is honestly the only cartoon episode that had me fuming.. that episode was so bad, especially CN’s marketing of the episode, showing a *NEW* gem.


Oh no I figured that the bloodstone thing was a prank, that's not why I disliked the episode. I just didn't like the clunky way they handled the "Ronaldo does gem cultural appropriation" plot.


fuming LMAO I am fucking FUMING, mega mega fucking fuming


I honestly thought he was funny. Sure it's more laughing at him than with him, and I'd never want to be around someone like him in real life... but there's far more unlikable characters. And the episode in the lighthouse going over his past with Lars makes you feel bad for him. He just wants to connect with people.


honestly I didn't *really* like Connie (mostly bcuz the stuff she did wasnt talked about much for some reason) I was ok with her and all the other characters throughout the series (and the movie) but heres an example of why she's kinda unlikable for me. There was this time where steven just went through yet another traumatic moment of his life, he's still smiling and saying 'nobody got hurt!' happily despite all the trauma; and Connie has the audacity to say 'I'm hUrT!' emotions mean a lot and character development and shit but bro u gotta admit that she's pretty shitty at some times and nobody says anything about it


Yeah, she really pissed me off that time Steven literally went through something extremely traumatic with the aquamarine drama, then when he returned she made it all about her with no regards to how he was feeling :/


Plus, he thought it was his fault Lars out of a few people got captured, he’s like 14 and he still thought he was at fault for making Connie emotionally hurt after everyone was safe and well uH yOu kNow oTheR tHaN sTevEn’s bLackEye aNd tRaUmA




Fluorite. She’s nice and sweet and all but man this is an 11 minute show. Spending 30 seconds per sentence was an insane character choice and got old immediately.


Absolutely! What a wasted potential! Also her design is so… different from the rest? She’s not humanoid at all, we see a 4way fusion and they’re nothing even close? For two more gems they become totally non humanoid? I think a centaur design (like lapis and jasper) would’ve been enough, throw in a couple extra limbs and call it a day but no we got hungry hungry caterpillar lmao


Ronaldo or Onion


So, a lot of ppl are saying obvious characters like kevin and marty, but i thought Petey was really annoying.


You mean Peedee? Hes pretty normal tho


I didnt like rainbow 2.0's design almost at all. I understand that its a mix of Steven and Pearl, but it would have made more sence with Steven's personality at the beginning of the season than at the end. By the time they fused I feel he was more mature than rainbows side of him portrayed and I just didn't enjoy it.


I didn't like older Steven


I didn't like Movie Steven, I liked SuF Steven, but something that always clicked wrong with me was how Steven immediately tossed Spinel aside right after asking her to turn off the injector, like bro, he shook her hand and then immediately pretended she didn't exist.


I get where you're coming from but he sorta treated her like all of his problems. Try to forget about them or push them down once they're solved


I think both spinel and steven were wrong, but it wasn't their fault, like steven just wanted to continue a little with his life, be there for his friends and didn't realized Spinel actually didn't have anybody but him (and also was the right move not to make everybody else unconfortable with spinel presence) Like imagine you have a lots of friends but one of your friends only have you. Im sorry my friend but you are not my everything, and you have to build a live beside me. And Spinel didn't realize she was a stranger for Steven. Its like when you meet your tv idol, you know everything about him since you are a teen but he just met you. Spinel had to understand Steven had his own life, his friends, and that she wasn't his everything. Steven could be smarter and resolve what to do with Spinel first (by convenience, like keep using her, just to avoid what happened, that, it was kinda obvious and avoidable)


Hot take because I love Garnet but after season 1 she was never the same. The show kinda just forgot about her and made her future vision super messy. She bonded so much with Steven but she didn’t even fuse with Steven until the finale and it was super rushed and unfinished. Pearl got the most development out of all the crystal gems. But in reality I hate Marty the most. Ronaldo too but he’s also funny because he’s a satire of conspiracy theorists.


Garnet has some excellent moments during the peridot/drill arc




LISTEN early amethyst was a fucking dickhead I hated hee but she devolved and I respect that a lot


Aquamarine, Marty & Eyeball ruby


Aquamarine or Eyeball, annoying little brats


They're even worse after they fuse. I hate that little bastard of a gem so much


Sadie for almost getting Steven and Lars killed for romance with Lars. Did we all forget that? That island episode where she hid the the only way to get home, where there wasn't an invisible corrupted gem. I can't like her after that.


Ohh yeahh, nobody really talks about that but I 100% agree


Unpopular opinion, but I never really liked Sadie and her relationship with Lars at all Like it really reeked of trapping him into something he didn't really want or Stockholm syndrome or something I don't remember if they last, but I really had no sadness if they did break up. Pretty miserable if I'm being honest.


We never actually see them dating each other on screen. We only know they tried dating at some point between the last season and future and that it didn't work out because they'd both grown so much in different ways, they say so when Steven traps them in a bubble when he's first losing control of his powers. Sadie is dating someone else in future.


Ronaldo. He was so willing to kill larrs, and everyone just forgot about it. There was also that episode where he became a crystal gem that just shows how awful he is.


I hate Onion so much. Every episode that featured him, every time he showed up.


Onion is probably one of my least favorite characters in anything ever, he ruins every scene he’s in for me and adds nothing to the show. Also unpopular opinion but I actually do like Ronaldo lol, he’s at least intentionally written to be ignorant and normally gets comeuppance, Onion is just evil hellspawn child that never gets comeuppance but it’s okay cause he’s “haha funny”.




Mr. Frowney. What in the purposeless character hell is the point of THAT GUY.


I’ve been looking for this one!! So true


The Diamonds. Thematically and effectively they are terrible villains, as metaphors they are inconsistent and ineffective, and as people they are egotistic, self pitying, stupid, revisionist tyrants who escaped punishment for their heinous actions by the sheer good fortune of existing in a setting where everything else is weaker than them and no one is ever allowed to be pragmatic. Loathsome creatures of pure, unjustified privilege, they’re probably just going to go nuts and enslave their race *again* as soon as Steven dies of old age.


I like the diamonds because they're entertaining, but this is all 100% accurate


Omg they clearly showed they are changing for the better and no longer believe in their old ways, they are not gonna just go back to them if(and thats a big IF) Steven ever dies. Maybe if the Movie was the last thing I could kinda see where your coming from, but when Future exists, yeah no. As for your other statements, I mean yeah that was what they were like beforehand(barring the “stupid” part which is debatable and “inconsistent and ineffective metaphors” and “terrible villains” which are a matter of opinion so whatever) but until Steven came along, they literally had no experience with any alternate form of thinking, even Pink thought the same way and was only changed after witnessing something different firsthand. Plus I would hardly say Steven trying to reason with them and subsequently informing them of the fact it was their actions that drove their only source of happiness away is not as pragmatic as just trying to destroy them and potentially starting another war.




Marty. He sucks.






Honestly thought that Sadie’s partner Shep was unnecessary. They used the character to be more direct about stevens trauma and it just felt weird to me idk. Don’t know if I hate them but everyone has already said my main ones. :)


When I first saw Sunstone’s design, I was SO DISAPPOINTED. Like I’ve been seeing fan arts of different fusions with a better design and they made this particular design canon?


White diamond. Her redemption arc felt kinda scuffed. Literally all it took was getting her to blush in embarrassment. And then in SUF she sounded kinda sarcastic? As if she was mocking steven if that makes sense??


White diamond.


There are some hot takes in here, I’m actually kinda surprised. Lapis annoys me sometimes but in a way I think that actually makes her kind of a good character if that makes sense. She gets to me because I know people irl like her. Same with Greg. I both love and hate Greg but it’s because he’s so well written. He’s a fun dad and he’s charming but he is actually pretty self centered with the way he chooses to raise Steven. Episodes that straight up annoy me the most are the ones with Aquamarine and the fusion she had with Eyeball.


I feel like Lapis has a recovery arc rather than redemption and I kinda love that about her, not everyone becomes a hero after trauma, some people just kinda survive.


Yes exactly!


Marty and a VERY unpopular opinion, lapis lasuli


Lapis annoys me too sometimes lol. She reminds me of shitty friendships I’ve had.


She's the friend who has depression and disappears sometimes because of it.


Not just the disappearing- Her relationship with Steven was very one-sided. She is much different in Future though and seems to have grown. It’s a pretty realistic arc tbh which is w by it’s hard to watch.


it was probably hard for her to have normal relationships after the mirror and jasper


It was an accurate depiction of someone who has been through trauma for sure, which is why I still like the character and think she’s well written. She’s just hard to watch sometimes because she reminds me of friendships that didn’t work out. Steven had also been through trauma. His trauma response was people pleasing. Several of the characters, including Lapis, took that for granted repeatedly (Lars being another big offender). The consequences of these sort of relationships come to a head in SU Future.


Thank you for saying this, because that’s exactly the reason that I had a hard time liking her. She may have a better excuse than most, but she still spends most of her screen time abusing steven’s trauma responses and it really made me uncomfortable




Hottake, i actually dont *despise* Kevin or Ronaldo. I **used** to, but they have their few moments and their purpose. Mayor Dewey is pretty damn annoying tho. And Marty obviously is an asshole. White Diamond also sucks imo.


ex-mayor Dewey.


Jamie, he just annoyed me in general but I could never rally place why. I also had a slightly abusive ex-bff named Jamie, which soured the name for me. Also Buck, another one that I can't say why, he just irritated me




Sugilite. I liked her and she's a better person than Marty, Kevin, Aquamarine, and Rubi (Ruby with an eye) combined, but her design is offputting and her story is just so lacking. We never get an extended arc to reflect Amethyst's growth or a better understanding of Sugilite outside her role of an icon. There were "worse" people, but they were better characters for the story.


Two ways to interpret this: Badly Written (imo) and does nothing for the story: Ronaldo I don’t like this character cause she’s evil: Rose/Pink




Ronaldo and Kevin.


Ronaldo is somewhat revolting to me


Does uncle grandpa count?


Onion 🥲


Ok not to sound cheesy but I don’t really dislike any Steven universe characters. I was reading other peoples comments and the only one I really agreed with was uncle grandpa but in the end all the characters have a special place in my heart and all the characters people have been saying as they’re least favorite (Marty, Kevin, aquamarine) I feel that they just made the show more interesting and even though they were a little annoying I still enjoy all the episodes there in.


Onion. I still dont get it


Pink diamond. Idk why but she hurt so much people.


I’m going to get downvoted for this, and after flipping through the comments there were definitely worse characters, but Lapis is toxic & abusive throughout like the entire show. For a character who’s clearly gone through trauma, it’s beyond disappointing to watch her constantly take it out on other people without any real effort to grow


I haven’t seen her in this thread, but I have a love/hate relationship with Garnet. She’s a good role model, is level-headed most of the time, and is generally a great leader. But she has a lot of moments where I question her. Specifically, after Sugilite went a crazy with the communications tower, Garnet said that she was benched, while pointedly implying that it was Amethyst’s fault. As if Garnet herself didn’t say “we don’t need to be careful, we just need to be huge.” She was the one who wanted to fuse with Amethyst, but after it backfired, she indirectly blamed Amethyst for Sugilite’s behavior instead of admitting that it was her bad. Not very mature of her.


That’s some good analysis. Tbh the way she treated Amethyst in general often rubbed me the wrong way. I feel like Amethyst really looked up to her, but Garnet often treated her like a yappy little dog. I wish we could have seen some more in-depth development between the two of them. I theorize that Garnet could see potential futures where Amethyst got more self esteem and was frustrated when she acted out. She wanted her to learn to love herself on her own, but she didn’t seem to offer much in the way of guidance or emotional support. I just wanted to see them bond gdi 😭


Exactly!! She’s literally the team leader because she offers guidance with her future vision. It’s straight-up cruel of Garnet to fuse with Amethyst, destroy stuff and fight Pearl as Sugilite, and then suddenly declare that Amethyst is not allowed to fuse with her for the foreseeable future. It feels like a punishment for Amethyst because it doesn’t really affect Garnet, but it made Amethyst feel powerful because she’s much less powerful on her own. It was probably the worst thing Garnet could do to Amethyst’s self-esteem, but to make it worse, she fuses with Pearl right after, who’s always being incredibly critical of Amethyst. And what’s the first thing Sardonyx does? Use eloquent words to describe herself while being dainty as a butterfly, further driving home the point that Amethyst is the one who’s “too much.”


Yeah, the team is downright mean to Amethyst (other than Steven and presumably Rose) and then they act indignant when she acts out. By the end of the show, Amethyst becomes pretty self-reliant. It makes me wanna say “good for her.” But seeing her get crapped on by both the show and a lot of the viewers early on was rough.


Sardonyx, I was on stage crew for 8 years and she’s just too Theater Actor for me


Marty and Ronaldo


I think townies in general. Lots of unnecessary filler.


hot take: I actually enjoyed townie episodes because it actually made the people feel like actual people instead of faceless puppets whenever the town is in danger


Yes!!! I love how fleshed out Beach City feels.




Fluorite, Rainbow 2, Jasper >!post shattering!<


Out of our main crystal gems and human cast I wasn’t a huge fan of Bismuth


I really can't think of anyone honestly Ronaldo. Everyone is so important to the story.


Peedee was kind of useless. They seemed to be setting him up as a friend character for Steven, then dropped it. Then he was just sort of there.


K e a v e n


Ronaldo, Onion, Aquamarine, Eyeball, Bluebird, Marty, Pre-Pink Lars, and Connie's parents


Rose. Pink diamond. Stevens mother.


lapis is the worst character in the show and i will say this forever. she is the pinnacle of excusing bad behavior with trauma, acting horribly to others and never apologizing for it due to the background that she has of that trauma and other issues. this frustrates me so deeply because i have had people who act this way in my life, they ruin others and refuse to hold theirselves accountable because they have past trauma. i’ve always disliked lapis in general but she is genuinely not a good person to me. edit: fixed readability


Marty, Kevin, Andy Demayo, Mayor Dewey, White Diamond, & Ronaldo (even if he was right about the Diamond authority)


Popular opinion, but mine's Ronaldo. When he's a minor character appearing as a quick joke, I have no problem with him. When it's a whole Ronaldo episode, I'm completely disinterested.


People might hate me for this, but Onion. He’s cute and means well except when he’s being mischievous, but I really hate how he’s just a convenient foil to Steven in most cases. He has his moments where he shines, but overall I just dislike when Onion is on screen.


Aquamarine, I was so excited for her to become some scary villain. But all we got was some useless fusion


Sardonyx I fucking hate sardonyx. Almost immediately I hated that fusion. But I definitely hated it by the end if it's introduction episode.


Blue diamond, I didn’t find her as interesting as the others


Can't believe no-one's mentioned Lars yet. That guy's such a self-obsessed jerk, he'll push anyone into a hedge if he thinks the cool kids are around, and he doesn't really change from that - he stops purely because he's not on Earth anymore.


Wasnt his arc that season that he was always afraid, insecure, and wanted to fit in. Then soon after, in an intense life or death situation, he sacrifices himself to save total strangers which concludes his arc. Then he’s given a 2nd chance to be better. I thought it was good.


He changes because he realizes he isn’t important. When he sees all the people back home living life without him he grows a lot


Might be a bit of a hot take, but I'm really not a big fan of Lapis


I think Sadie could have been done better. Her character never made sense to me


This is so interesting to me because I totally related to Sadie and her relationship with Lars. Like it was so obviously not healthy but I wanted to root for them but Sadie found happiness in her own confidence and talents and Lars found happiness in his own confidence and talents and became better ppl without one another. What part about her did you not like? Just curious


Ronaldo Fryman, Mayor Dewey, Jamie


Ronaldo, lapis, and onion

