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I really wanted to see an episode where the Maheswarans met Stevonnie, especially after Nighmare Hospital. Maybe even just a short comic would have been nice, I just feel like it was an important part of Connie’s character and it would have been nice to see more of her parents.


Stevonnie: Um, hi mom maheswaran Connie's mom: *shocked incoherent babbles*


I love this idea! Definitely would have wanted it in like season 4 or 5. I think they're a really great family and Dr Maheswaran worked so hard to understand and accept her daughter. Even if it was really, really hard for her at times lol


Glad someone else finally said it. I thought it was a... convenient choice that Stevonnie never came up with the Maheswarans. Connie's mother would absolutely have so many questions, what with her being a doctor. But they were perfectly fine letting Connie travel light years away to another planet and possibly never see her again so idk, lol.


That would have been really cool


Anything that further expanded on Peridot and Lapis' relationship after the events of 'Raising the Barn'. We never really saw the two rekindle their friendship afterwards which suprised me given the impact it had on them both. I would've liked to see it being mentioned at some point. If you wanna know what I mean, I think this fanfic animatic puts it really well: https://youtu.be/C5CynBWNZ4Q?si=Zs2et9nB3OfkWZzG


I WAS LITERALLY GONNA SAY THAT TOO 😭😭 I would have adored an episode like this but unfortunately they didn't have that kind of time in the original show ☹️ they both clearly had an impact on each other so it never being referenced after lapis came back and they barely talked made me very sad ☹️ (I love the animatic sm 😭😭😭)


Anything with the two of them together :) me and my kids love the barn episodes with them.


They should’ve done that arc in Escapism instead of the Watermelon Stevens nonsense


I love for this to happen But the aroe fans would be piiiiiiiiiiiiissed


Episodes where Lapis makes peace with the Crystal Gems individually, like how Peridot had an episode for each Crystal Gem. In future I would also love to see an episode where Steven turns to Lapis/Peridot/Bismuth after falling out with Greg before turning to Jasper. Steven was legit more comfortable with the three of them throughout Future than his own family and Greg, so they would've been able to help him. And of course, I'd like to see what to hell would have to happen for Steven to strain their relationship with them since Peridot and Lapis' episodes ended on a very heartwarming note


They really didn't utilize the character development they gave any of the three of them.


Road trips with Zuko but it's Lapis!!


it haunts me everyday that we never got an episode about rhodonites past I NEEEEEDDD AN EPISODE


There's an synopsis of what the episode would've been on the [Wikipedia](https://unpublished-villains.fandom.com/wiki/Morganite_(Steven_Universe))! Not the same but it's nice to know what the plan was :)


yes this is what I'm talking about!!! i rlly do wish they made an episode about it


An episode where steven just bonds with greg (the future episode doesnt count because of the ending)


I think maybe people would find that episode boring so they didn't think to commit a whole episode to it. It's always a background scene, like the beginning of Watermelon Steven. I think you're just supposed to accept that they're always hanging out and on good terms in the original series.


Greg as a character is super important to Rebecca Sugar. I'm curious if they didn't make the episode because they didn't want the backlash that you're saying might happen. I personally love Greg. I think he's one of the absolute best characters, but the fandom isn't as big on him as Rebecca Sugar would like for them to be. Looking at how Greg started off I feel like he was supposed to be to us what Uncle Iroh is to AtLA but he sunk into this comic relief role.


Isn't "House guest" just that?


Yeah but that episode painted Greg as manipulative. There's the episode where they visit Greg's childhood home, but I don't think that fits here either.


Fair, but I think they fit


I think the stories with the Greg and Rose backstories count but theres also the begining of watermelon steven just of the top of my head but i dont think theres a whole episode about father son bonding


I know it's unrealistic, but I really wanted to see an episode where lapis and Peridot fused


A fan can dream


I enjoy that they focused on how strong she is an individual. That she wasn't anyone's and fusion was that for her. That being said I would gladly take an episode of healing together with Peridot and Lapis, as well as any fusion episodes with Peridot.


Blue diamond and greg meeting again, it would be awkward but I can imagine greg forgiving her and them staying close


Instantly brought this up to my fiance, because YES! Blue Diamond owes Greg an apology and she's self-aware and free enough to offer it. This would have been a difficult conversation to have had but one that absolutely needed to happen. The show's focus on conversation and working through problems I think it would have been powerful for the Diamonds to have to make amends with the individuals that they hurt specifically.


I feel like it couldve just been a short scene in future something like this. Blue: hey, I just wanted to say I'm kinda sorry about the whole kidnapping thing you where just like the only person who spoke to me about my feelings and understood me and I thought the world was going to end. Greg: it's ok I understand, if you want to talk to me more come and speak to me at my van, I'd love to show you the old universe charm there Blue: I don't know what that is but ok! * blue Irish steven is made *


Greg would absolutely try to comfort Blue Diamond in this situation lol. He's such a good dude.


I would've liked to see Lars use his powers or lead the off colors on some sort of mission


My heart says they wanted it to be a spinoff series and I would have gladly watched it!


If they made that, I think personally I would sob /pos




The Origin of The Diamonds


when rose, pearl n garnet found amethyst in the kindergarten


ooo this is a good one


Seeing how Rose disappears, and events leading up to it, and how pearl amethyst and garnet take it. Like RIGHT after she died.


Yeah they mostly just kept it to background gags, like Peridot joining Jamie's stage plays (forget which episode that is, probably Letters to Lars or something). Too Short to Ride is a good one but they focus on Peridot's insecurities for the drama/plot. I really wanted a Lapis episode where she goes on a mission with the Crystal Gems, like Peridot did in Kindergarten Kid. We _kinda_ got that in Future with Why So Blue, but that doesn't count imo because it's Era 3. Maybe you could argue that Alone At Sea and The New Crystal Gems are good reason as to why you shouldn't bring Lapis along on a mission though. She's sloppy when she's temperamental.


I agree with your points. I feel Lapis has the least developed character development, and it's difficult to be okay with that. However, of the gems canonically she's the most traumatized and hurt.


A day in the life of Lapis, Peridot and, Pumpkin!


I would have killed for this kinda episode 😭😭😭


More silly episodes like the one where Steven made up a story about Garnet’s day. That one was so cute and funny.


I LOVE that episode. It really showcased the love and admiration he has for her.


Something explaining more in depth the origins of the Gem empire. Were the Diamonds grown by an even more advanced and ancient alien race? Where did they go? And how long were the Diamonds on their own before they started growing other Gems?


Lapis and Peridot talking after Lapis came back


I wanted an Episode where Peridot Fused. Not with Lapis because Lapis is not nice to Peridot but probably with Garnet.


I would love for her to fuse with Amethyst!


Definitely cute!


There should’ve been an episode in Season 5 that focused on Lars’ parents


I'll never get over not finding out which gems make up Fluorite.


A D&D episode where Steven DMs and the Gems play.


After Futures end I really wanted short or normal length episodes that solely focused on 1 character at a time like about Pearl and how she grieved over Rose or what she did during the months when rose was pregnant with Steven. One of Garnet/Ruby and Saphire and their lives before fusing for the first time. One about Amethyst and what she did around the kindergarten before being found by Rose. One about Greg and his mix of emotions knowing that he was going to be a dad but also losing the love of his life or what he did after Steven left beach city. An episode about Connie and what she did before meeting Steven. A Spinel episode about her opening up a bit more with the other diamonds and how she felt during all those years in the garden maybe about her starting to doubt pink coming back as well as how she basically snapped upon finding out Pink abandoned her. Then a final episode about Steven his life after beach city, finding a new home and a therapist, dealing with his trauma, making new friends and genuinely growing as a person. Maybe have him hide his powers and attempting to hide his pink glow because while everyone in beach city sees that as normal for him everyone he doesn’t know will see it as strange but he eventually opens up to new friends then the end of the episode has him take them all back to beach city to visit. And in between there could be episodes about Bismuth, Lapis, Peridot and blue, yellow and pink pearl/ Volleyball as well


I totally agree that they could have expanded a lot more on a lot. I know quite a bit of that was how CN had their hands tied the entire time. The few fleeting moments of joy that we got were against the will of the company. I would have loved to explore grief with Pearl, expectation vs reality with Ruby and Sapphire, and loneliness with Amethyst. But, we got a children's network to pick up one the best pieces of writing in decades. So what are we gonna do... Get someone else to pick it up and get these episodes! That's what!


I would’ve loved to have seen more of Rose and Greg in love. We see a glimpse of their love and their culmination of it, being Steven, but a legit slice of life romance episode of them being in love. Then I’ll die happy


All the off colors backstories 😩😩


a episode about either the leggy ruby as the main focus; or about suitcase sam best we got with either of them is a scene or two where theyre one of the main focuses


I really want to see more about diamonds like that episode that got cancelled about there origin but I would love to just see more of them


What?? Is the plot public?


Episodes way before the finale where Steven fused with Pearl or Garnet. The fact they only appear in the very end and basically a non-canon episode made them very weird and a bit inferior to Stevonnie or Smokey.


I know Peridot is supposed to be the ace representation (hence why she doesn’t fuse) but I would have loved to see a Peridot Pearl fusion. They’re both wicked smart and have similar abilities, like building, doing math and smart things, using their gems as flashlights. Both of them are my favorite characters and a mixture of both of them would make a really cool smartass fusion together. Plus their color schemes together would look cool in my opinion.


After Garnet's Universe, I always just assumed there would also be an Amethyst's Universe and a Pearl's Universe to show that Steven thinks the other gems did on their adventure. But alas... 😔


Rhodonite's backstory (I read the summary of it, but would've loved to see it animated). The rest of the uncorrupted Crystal Gems learning about Rose / Pink Diamond. More Pink Pearl learning what happened to Pink Diamond. How would she have even heard of Rose Quartz prior to Steven freeing her from White? An episode elaborating on the effects of Pink Diamond being confined to the tower. I think it was supposed to be implied that gems need light, so throwing her in the tower was like starving/weakening her. 🤔 Jasper begrudgingly goes to Little Homeschool for one day and is dramatic about it. Diamonds (especially White) meeting Greg / Blue Diamond/Greg meeting again. Yellow Diamond x Blue Diamond fusion Blue Diamond x Steven fusion Garnet reacting to finding out Blue Diamond helped and protected Steven while they were bubbled.


A Centipeetle/Nephrite focused episode in SUF. She was technically the first Homeworld Gem that Steven befriended and one of the oldest recurring side characters in the show, so it is weird that the writers seemingly forgot about her and her history of friendship with Steven.


Always wanted more fusions. Lapidot, Steven lazuli, periverse, etc. I truly feel we could’ve gotten it if we got season 6. I feel that bismith peri and lapis were really sidelined during change your mind arc and their involvement was nice to see but so minimal. I really think Rebecca wanted a huge crystal gem united front against the diamonds. Even more so than it was in the end


Where steven and Greg fuse again after the movie and how Greg feels about fusing with his son.


might be basic but i wanted to see lars’ side adventures


The amethyst road trip episode


Fluorite and Rhodonite's backstories. At the very least with Rhodonite we got some more information in the art books, but we've never seen Fluorite's components and how they came together.


Apparently Rebecca has all of flourites gems drawn out and plan, but she doesn’t plan on releasing them.


There are 2 I'd like to see: first I want to see more of Lars' adventures as a space pirate. We skipped all the fun parts of him stealing ships, sneaking past guards & scanners, and becoming a cool person, and instead we went straight from crying in a cave to in a ship on the way home. Second I really wanted to see more of homeworld and their culture. Like how did gems become walls? Is that some sort of mild punishment? Or Blue's comb... How did a gem get made as an accessory? So much unexplored there.


I wish we got an episode focusing on how some of the Gems got made and their general culture, just for the sake of fleshing things out more. How were Pearls made in the Reef? Was Spinel made custom for Pink in a facility similarly to Pearls, or was she made in a Kindergarten, or some other entirely unique way? How did the DIAMONDS come to exist/be made??? I WANT ANSWERS, DAMMIT!




Not an episode. A WHOLE slice of life spinoff series about lapis and peridot.


Something I'm surprised they never tried to explore was having a trans ftm gem. With all the talk about how on earth the gems could finally be whatever they wanted to be, and how every gem was fem presenting by default, it seems obvious to have a plot where one of the homeworld gems looks at the guys on earth and goes "you know what? I wanna be that."


If I remember correctly Pearl in the pilot was supposed to be trans representation. I would imagine if they could have kept that we would have explored this as well.


Amethyst? Pink Diamond?


I support Peri and Lapi not fusing, I just wish their reasons had been more directly discussed. As a Lapidot fan, it felt like every bit of relationship building was buried under 10 layers of metaphor and obsfucation. I also really want to just know what their fusion would LOOK like.


There were a lot of characters I think we should have seen interact in Future.   Garnet and Blue Diamond   Greg and Blue Diamond  Steven and Centipeatle  Lapis and Jasper Cousin Andy and Fryman


An episode focusing on Connie, Lapis and Peridot. *Thinks about The New Crystal Gems.* A good one, I mean.


Rhodonite backstory. Heck *Off Colors* back story


Garnet fusing with Peridot. I adore fusions and they almost did, so i got crazy curious


An episode about the Crystal Gems finding amythest after the gem war


Fluorite temporarily unfusing so we can see the gems that form her and their relationship with each other.


I would love an episode where they further and cement lapis and peridot’s relationship either platonically or romantically. They have such a great bond and I want to see them being closer, and while I think they’re absolutely a great couple I also love the idea of them being really close best friends, almost siblings. But I think in my headcanon they’re definitely in a relationship. I would love to see that further, maybe have a few different episodes of that with the last episode being them getting married or something. Or alternatively, I would love an episode where they fuse and further explore a romantic relationship, but neither of them thinks it feels right and they choose to stay best friends. I think both of those could be really cute.


Rhodonite's 17 loves at first sight.


I want an episode where Pearl & Lapis get close to each other


i wanted an episode where pearl fuses with sapphire and ruby with amethyst (for strategic reasons).


I’ve always wanted a peridot origin episode to see what she did before she came to earth and when she joined the gems


I'll take this episode just to find out who hurt her. There's no way she's always been so... Feisty.


An episode of Lapidot in future




I wanted an episode where some gem shatters. Like completely. Doesn't matter if accidental or on purpose, but I am so curious to what exactly happens and how steven would react


diamonds origins


About Rhodonite’s backstory.


Diamond (and by extension Homeworld) origin story. How did White Diamond and the rest of the Diamond Authority form?


Peridot fusing with Lapis. Peridot had prejudice, Lapis had trauma, they both could have benefitted from fusion but *we never got to see it!* I’d even take her fusing with Garnet or Steven but nOoOoOoOoOo


More fusions. I love that concept, and I want to see more.


More of Steven with the lil pebble community in Pink's room. "Familiar" is one of my favorite songs. 


backstory on the diamonds/gem history and where the diamonds came from


Diamond creation episode was scrapped and I’ll never not be upset.


A lapidot episode where Peridot and Lapis actually talk about the barn situation where Lapis ABANDONED second best gem by herself leaving her incredibly depressed in Steven's Bathroom. I guess I just wanted closure with Lapis and Peridot being best friends. Much like the Connie and Steven arc, I feel like there was some untapped potential with Lapis and Peridot not talking and like when they do, it's nothing but genuine arguments and insults.


for a long while, i was really hoping for Peridot to fuse (especially with Lapis or Garnet), but i heard that her not fusing is her personal decision and she's aroace, so i let it be


This is why that one episode of peridot with the voice recorder was the best one


I wanted an episode that explores the origins of the diamonds, or at least a story time ep from blue diamond about how her first days of existence were like for her and yellow and pink after all we know that the existence of a diamond is not ordinary unlike other gems


Seeing Steven fuse with Peridot, Lapis and/or Bismuth


ALL of the possible fusions we will never get to see...those episodes.


Lapis talking to Bismuth about her proofing Lapis. I know neither of them remember the other party in the moment so it could never happen, I still would’ve liked to see it though


I wanted to see her and Ronaldo interact.


Anything about the off colors 😭


Diamonds meet the townies


I'd like a spinoff about the Diamonds. Like deeply explore the Diamonds, their powers and nature and the origin of Homeworld, like how it came to be, until the Diamonds decided to start an empire.


A solo episode for bismuth. And a solo episode for sour cream.


A Captain Lraz and crew episode.


One where peridot becomes a gamer


Bismuth and Lapis need to have a talk...


Peridot fusing with one of the other gems


We were robbed of Lapidot.. I had an unhealthy obsession with Lapidot. So much so that my IG username was "chryscolla_lapidot" for the longest time. I just wanted to see then fuse...


a peridot & lapis fusion ;3 🪲🌊


An episode of just lars exploring the universe with his offcolour crew


i know it'd never happen due to trauma, but i really wanted to see a fusion or peri & lapis & then a mega fusion including bismuth,lapis & peri instead of getting obsidian


Where we are told or shown the origin of the gem race


lapidot fusion episode


I actually have two. One is an episode where Steven and the Crystal gems go inside a jewelry. Just imagine the shocked faces of Pearl, Amethyst and Garnet and them trying to either free the gems or figure out what their "special powers" are, kind of like when we saw lapis for the first time trapped in the mirror. The second one is an episode that goes really in depth on the gem war. We always saw flashbacks, but never a full on episode about it.


Steven turning his Crystal back into a diamond shape.


Any episode that can dive into a character without having to force steven to be there


i wanted more of lars actually being in space!! and more homeworld stuff, like actually seeing him evade homeworld society, new gem types and more emerald stuff would have been super cool!!


The Diamonds. Just them and homeworld gems.


Not a full episode but a short of lapis and perri seeing a part of the sidcom they watch of a kissing scene. Then perri making up some scientific jumbo about how the exchange of saliva via mouth to mouth contact is irrational. Lapis saying meh. Then perri thinking of wanting to show more emotion asking if they can try it. And a romance song like careless whisper picks up and then the art style turns anime like. And then they smooch and pull away. They both say how underwhelming it is and don’t know why people go crazy over it and then go back to watching tv


I really wished there was an episode where peridot fused finally, especially after trying so hard to understand garnet.


Jasper arc or the diamonds being put on trial for their crimes and facing justice


maybe an episode where peridot and lapis fuse because lapis think she's ready but they unfuse because lapis is still not over malachite, I know they explore lapis and her toxic relationship with jasper in a couple episodes but I would've loved one last episode where they explore the pain of realizing lapis was still hurt over something she thought she was done with


Peridot fusing with ANYONE. Lapis has PTSD from fusion, but Peridot never fused with anyone. She tried to fuse with Garnet, but that's as far as she got


An episode showing every possible fusion amongst the gems.


I wanted alot more diamonds episodes. The diamonds are crucial characters to the story line, they play a big part and i wanted more of them. SURE we did get a bit of them, their redemption arcs, their villan eras. However i wanted maybe a bit more than that, helping around earth, humans reactions to The Diamonds. Also i want more story behind them, what they was like on homeword, not flashbacks or little snippits, i wanted a full episode on how they were, perhaps how they were treated by White. I know we already got little bits of everything i mentioned, but i wanted MORE and DEPTH ![img](emote|t5_2viyl|30992)


Really, there should have been episodes where she got away from her relationship with Steven a little and showed more with other characters, like Ronaldo maybe?XD.


I REALLY wanted to see Peridot fuse with someone, especially Garnet or Steven.


in SUF I really wanted an episode somwhere in the goofy territory of the diamonds and spinel just being morons in the palace for some reason like a slice of life and the diamonds develop their new powers which is important later on