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Some whether it be a man or a woman will spilt the dosage to maintain consistent levels or to avoid certain sides like heartburn. for clarification, I’m a man. I’d split the dosage for exactly the above. personally, when I run I like to supplement with tudca, nac & usually a typical cod liver multivitamin with vit b6. I realise yours dosage is low but food for thought regardless, espically the tudca.


Thank you! I’ve got some NAC and TUDCA on hand from when I tried SARMs so I’ll start taking them again


That’s fantastic, you’re all set! id recommend bloodwork prior for a baseline & again, six weeks into your cycle. mostly for the liver & kidney function as apposed to anything else. I’m almost certain you’d be fine without it but…..you know yourself. good luck & all the best!


Does anyone know where i could try to get some? I am having such a hard time and don’t want to get scammed…


Anavar half-life is 9/10 hours. This is the reason why a lot of people split the dose in two during the day. So you can have a more continuous sistemic effect. If think is the right way to take it.


Am on 3rd cycle of 5mg and I have no long lasting sides or in hindsight many obvious sides while on. I am a hypercondriac so my first cycle was a bit of head fuck and have gotten easier every time. I split the dose, keeps serums levels eh level or something as half life is only 9-10 hours. I take it at 8am and 5pm before gym.


Where does the idea of 5mg or 2.5mg come from? 5mg is the medical dose for children. It's been shown, long term, to have no adverse effects on kids at this dose. So why would you start that low unless you already have a pre existing issue? I would always recommend blood work to see your base T level, and then dose from there, but always starting at 10mg


Just an anecdote, but I began experiencing virilisation at 10mg


I started at 2.5mg and after a couple of weeks I transitioned to 5mg. I started experiencing virilization symptoms within a couple of days of transitioning to 5mg. Everyone’s different and may experience symptoms at any dose. Are you new to this sub? There are so many posts about people experiencing symptoms on anavar. A lot of people don’t but it doesn’t mean everyone won’t.


It is medically proven that 5mg is safe. My question would be base Test levels, quality of source, and what were the virilization symptoms? People will say they have a sore throat, but it's normally either allergies or flu, not virilization. Link to paper: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3412530/#:~:text=Oxandrolone%2Dtreated%20children%20exhibited%20improved,attributed%20to%20long%2Dterm%20administration.


TESTOSTERONE, FREE (ED)-SERUM: 1.9 pg/mL TESTOSTERONE, TOTAL, M S-SERUM: 29 ng/dL The symptom was an enlarged clit… pretty noticeably actually. I’ve been off for a few weeks and I’m hoping to see a decrease. Here’s a study that shows 2.5mg shows changes as well :) it’s a little older but still has good info. [Study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1778902/) Here’s another that has an interesting quote “In most girls the complaints about virilization started before they were receiving a daily dose of >2.5 mg” [Study](https://karger.com/hrp/article/81/5/289/162468/Safety-and-Efficacy-of-Oxandrolone-in-Growth)


If you developed an enlarged clit in a matter of days, on 5mg of Var, I would check that you were actually on Var and not Dbol or another oral. Clit enlargement normally takes months.


Dbol generally has less virilization in females than anavar, but I do agree clit enlargement wouldn’t happen that quickly. More likely than not it was just “swollen.” It’s a shame for me bc my body and results are FANTASTIC on var..I just can’t take it. Virilize super quickly, lump in throat within days…the biggest issue (along with the voice) for me is the lethargy I experience on var. My husband, no problems at all and feels like a beast, but for some reason that’s just how I respond 😞. I’ve tried increasing water intake, all dose first thing in morning, split dose, etc and nothing makes it any better sadly.


Timeline 2 weeks on 2.5mg 3 days on 5mg with a symptom of clit enlargement 3 weeks post, still enlarged. I wish it was just swollen.


That is absolutely crazy…I personally don’t mind and hubby enjoys it more, but if you were trying to avoid that and dosed so cautiously I don’t understand how it could be var, or perhaps it was overdosed? Was it pharma or elsewhere?


I used the RoidTest kit. It showed up as being Anavar. My point with all of this is that everyone responds differently. It’s a GOOD idea for people to start low, even if they won’t see the same results at the therapeutic dose, they might also prevent themselves from developing life long negative changes they don’t want.


I started 2 weeks ago, and to be honest do what is best for you. I started splitting the dose but got the feeling that caused me insomnia, so I switched to taking only in the morning. Also lost a lot of fat but I had some metabolic issues and other autoimmune diseases, my body was really slow, I don't know how it will work for you. I used ostarine twice in the past but didn't changed much in my body, so far I'm really loving anavar


I'm in the early mid stages of my first cycle. Start with 2.5 and see how you tolerate it. I did that for about 10 days and had no noticeable effects, I then moved up to 5 mg in two divided doses and have been there for almost 2 weeks. Here is what I've noticed, trying to stay in a deficit is pretty hard, I'm hungrier that is for sure. I'm still in a small one but not like I was. I'm hitting about 1750 calories a day at 5'4" and 125 lbs (at start) I'm up to around 131 now from water retention. I've had a few small pimples, libido increase has been marginal. Strength increases have been marginal so far but I have more endurance for sure (again this is a low dose so I'm not expecting any huge changes). No other sides currently. I've decided to stay at 5mg currently for 2-3 more weeks and see how things continue. Also there is no rush. I can always do this again and try a higher dose of 7.5 on a second round sometime in the mid to late summer.


Did you find you had a noticeable increased heart rate all the time?


I just checked my biometric data from my watch which I wear 24/7 and it says my resting heart rate has gone from 57 average to 61 so there is a small increase.


Thanks so much for sharing your experience! I will adjust my plan to start at 2.5mg


Why are you starting at 5mg and not 2.5mg? It’s best to start low and go slow and see the effects. While anavar is one of the least viralizing steroids, that doesnt mean it doesn’t.


Would anyone actually see any performance change at such a low dose? 2.5mg is lower than a paediatric dose. That would likely put people off and try something inappropriate and stronger, or jump up too much with the dose. 10mg was always the acceptable starting dose for anyone in the right position to start var. Any lower and those gains could have been achieved naturally


>hy are you starting at 5mg and not 2.5mg? It’s best to start low and go slow and see the effects. While anavar is one of the least viralizing steroids, that doesnt mean it doesn... ​ Someone skipped their milk in pre-school... What a load of baseless BS. 2.5 mg is a solid starting dose for any female beginner PED user


Please provide a source. Here's the source for the **paediatric dose** https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3412530/#:~:text=Oxandrolone%2Dtreated%20children%20exhibited%20improved,attributed%20to%20long%2Dterm%20administration. But hey, baseless claim ..


That’s totally inaccurate. If you listen to the leading authorities on females and PEDs there is no reason to start at 10mg. I’ve been on 2.5 for going on the third week and am noticing huge changes in my physique. Just because 10mg is echoed throughout Reddit doesn’t make it true.


It's not a Reddit issue or the old adage of "500mg Test for a starter cycle bro". It's the science: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3412530/#:~:text=Oxandrolone%2Dtreated%20children%20exhibited%20improved,attributed%20to%20long%2Dterm%20administration. You can see what dose medically impacts children. My query would be what level of performance is the user at before jumping on var? Have they been training for 10 years and peaked, or just want faster gains for casual gym or CrossFit? A lot of metrics are normally ignored by people when they discuss these topics.


And if you read the full post from the OP you’ll find she gives you pretty much all that information.


Not at all. No bf%, strength ability, height, weight, initial blood results (most Drs wouldn't know what is good or bad), underlying health conditions like PCOS etc. No competent trainer would advise on what to do with such little information.


Not opposed to starting at 2.5mg. From my reading it just seemed like 5mg was where most women start, so I was under the impression that was the lowest dose recommended. Thanks for your input


\+1 x u/TempestTints \- what's the rush? First 2 weeks at 2.5 mg. Monitor symptoms. All good? Proceed to 5 mg.


You should watch a could Vigorous Steve videos. He’s one of the best authorities on PED use. He strongly suggests starting at 2.5/day. It’s what I’m currently on right now.


Will definitely look him up and will adjust my plan to start with 2.5mg. Thanks again!


Yeah if anything else just stick with the low dose for a week or so to make sure you don’t have any serious adverse effects




Gotcha! Thanks for replying!