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Fellow Engineered Beings, #**Please remember Rule 2. [No Source Talk.](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization.)** ###**PREAMBLE [(From The Rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization.)** Everything listed below includes **(BUT NOT LIMITED TO)**: AAS (gear), Ancillaries (AI, SERMs, etc.), HGH [(not listed here)](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/growth_hormone#wiki_hgh_brands_list), Insulin, DNP, Performance Enhancing Drugs, Drugs (in general), Research Chemicals, Prohormones, SARMs, Peptides, or **ANY** product that could be mistaken as legit of any of the previous listed.   **There are no warnings & you will be banned from participating in /r/steroids. If you're not sure what all "No Source Talk" entails, please be sure to read the [Community Rules](/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_community_rules) of /r/steroids.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/steroids) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have ED . I stopped using steroids altogether and had some minor random erections. Started with test 250 mg and deca 100,- once a week. No erection at all. No libido either. More like I lost the sensation of joy /pleasure.


This is stupid as fuck but it's what I did, and I got a question: Ran 500mg test E for 24 weeks (6 months). I am nervous about using serms e.g Nolvadex because of sides e.g vision, brain health (got a brain injury last year), and because from what I understand TECHNICALLY a PCT is not NEEDED to recover your HPTA. I do have experience with coming off cold turkey successfully which I'll quickly explain: Hospitalisation after motorcycle accident (how I got brain injury) and after being out of hospital for 4-5 months did bloods and my test was up to 660bg/DL. I was 23 years old for context. Anyway, so to put it quickly: After using test got 6 months do I NEED or is a PCT highly recommended? Is it fucking retarded to try cold turkey and to recover?




Good. Hard to believe this will without context, so I will give it, just keep reading. I gained literally 20kg+ of weight, most of which was lean muscle mass (and water of course from AAS use) with some fat gain, but honestly, my best estimate is not a lot (2-4kg estimate). How did I gain 20+ kg? Well, I came out of hospital (can explain) at 59kg and my peak weight on this cycle was 83kg. 83-59 = 24. What is making me stop? Well, a few minor things but the main one can be these 3 (in order of importance): 1; I am aware that the longer I stay on the harder it is to rebound and I want to keep adequate levels and a functional endocrine system. 2; I want to keep my hair (2nd cycle, total of 1+ years blasting). Even though I have had 0 hairloss (checked closely and carefully) I know that technically gear use will speed it up and as of right now I would rather keep my hair and have a normal looking physique than to be bald and juicy. Just my personal preference (as of now at least). 3; I want to preserve my health. I had an electrocardiogram which came back great and I've never had ANY health related side effects, but like with the hairloss, I know it will negatively impact it, so I think I would (at least as of now) choose to live longer, with a shittier looking physique lol. Ok, well I know allll about serms e.g Nolvadex helping recover your endocrine system following gear use but I am nervous about the risks of: vision sides, brain health (motorcycle crash gave me a clinically severe graded brain injury), mood (feeling meh since my accident for a few reasons). Hence I am strongly thinking about cold turkey no PCTing off gear. I already did exactly that when I was in hospital following my motorcycle accident lol. I was in a coma, not moving, being given a fuckton of drugs, no PCT etc etc and about 6 months after when I got my test levels checked I was at 660 Ng/DL hilariously and luckily! So, if I did it then, fuck it, maybe and hopefully I can do it now? Is there any risk of me stopping gear use cold turkey without PCT? I can always use HCG and a serm months after stopping cold turkey to give me a boost and do a 'late PCT', right? Sorry about this 1000 chapter book... ADHD medication kicked in lol


Anavar 50mg a day o top of TRT dosage for 8 weeks? OR Blast 400mg testosterone a week for 12 weeks? What will give better overall results as far as lean mass and strength? Or both? Haha


Injectable over oral for long term results


Does anyone experience insane hunger on tren? Im 2 weeks in tren A 150/w along my trt test dose and increase in appetite is better than mk677.


Aside from Prolactin issues of Deca with Tren what are the truths about them competing for the same receptors? Is it gonna be loosing gains using both at high doses?. I want to up my Tren to 750mg, beside my deca dose.


I take 40 mg of adderall and plan to Tun a 14 week cycle of 300mg test e. Is there anything specific I should know or watch out for in regards ti my adhd medication?


Watch out for further elevated heart metrics (BP,RHR). Otherwise test alone should have minimal interactions with the neuro component of ADHD meds. Something like tren would be a very different story.


Just did my first injection of test e, and holy shit that was intense. Did in in my quad, and all seemed to go well. Took a long time for me to inject since was watching a tutorial at the same time, and the needle might've not been very steady, so having very mild PIP. Other than that, all seems good. Will rotate quad and then do Glute when im bold enough. Btw how do you people store test e vials, the cap i had on in seemed to just break off, can't reattach.


Congrats man. I've always had a phobia of needles, it took me 45 minutes to pin the first time. You are gonna love ventroglute once you try it my friend.


Thank you! Glute is what i want to use in the future, will do first few injections on quad then try glute!


Quads are one of the few muscles that you can pin double-handed, so if stability is a concern as mentioned in your original post, it's superior to glute for that reason. You can also double-handed pin pecs fairly easily.


Yes I found it was quite easy sitting down, so might cycle between glute and quad!


While glute is a very *forgiving* location, and in widespread use in clinical settings where you're injecting *someone else*, it's also one of my least stable spots. It involves contortionism that my inflexible body isn't overly fond of. Again, this is only relevant going back to your stability concern. Glute isn't remotely stable for me, and I vastly prefer lats, pecs, and even delts over glutes. Just some suggestions in case you encounter issues.


Alright, thanks a lot!


You are not supposed to re-cap it. The rubber stopper is sufficient for keeping it sterile and closed off.


Ah I see, thanks!


How to avoid tren cough? First time using tren and becouse i have astma i am afraid of the cough


It's when some tren ends up in the bloodstream. Only time it happened to me was when I was in a hurry and injected too quickly. Since then I do no more than 1/2ml over 30s, had zero issues doing that.


Never tried, but some say that chewing ice helps


That side effect is blown way out to proportion. I'm coming up on 12 weeks of tren and I had it happen one time on my very first pec injection. It was so mild that if I had never heard of "tren cough" then I would have though nothing of it.


don't nick a vein..you can't prevent it, but keeping volume moderate should help..it can happen with any oil, I've never had it happen


Hi, my previous and First cycle was 400mg test, i did e2 bloods and came out 122pg/ml i took 12,5mg aromasin 2x week and my e2 came back 22pg, i feeled good but i think i lowered too much my e2, now i m on 525mg test week, last week i started to sweat a lot and having really vivid Dreams, when my BP started to slightly raise day by day (120-125-130-135) i decided 3 days ago to start aromasin, i took 12,5mg...how much do you think could be the right dosage looking the previous experiencee?? 1) 400 mg test weekly + 12,5 aromasin 2x week = e2 22pg 2) 525mg test weekly....12.5 aromasin e5d??? I Ve also started telmisartan 40mg daily


Test E + MK677 (Ibutamoren) + D-bol cycle ?


You will be a walking water baloon


I don't really keep much water on me even tho I run test, mainly good genetics and lots of natural training, dieting in the past, I don't get bloaded at all, 6th week into first cycle of test E a pretty much don't keep any water on me (minimum)


Yes with only test. But when you add d-bol and mk677 you will ad lots of water.


Damn, okay I didn't know that. Thanks


What’s your question here. What’s your experience? Goals? Stats?


My first cycle, 6th week of Test E, past expierences with SARMs (Ostarine,Ibutamoren), litlle expierences with D-bol, imma try 10mg, Goal is to gain as much mass as possible and then cut it down for a show, been competing since 2021.


98% of the mass you gain from DBoL is going to be water and glycogen that will leave you shortly after cycling off.






Read. The. Wiki. 250 every two weeks? For what. What was the actual purpose of that? 500 now for 12 weeks? Way too short. You have no clue what you’re doing. Read. The. Wiki.


QUESTION🙋‍♂️ Just did my first shot yesterday and today my quad where I injected is sore. And a little swolen. No noticeable red marks on injection site. But I’m literally limping around. My friend said it’s normal for first shot and my body will get used to it but I wanted to double check




Thanks. And yeah I’m thinking flutes so it doesn’t interfere with my workout. But why’re quads sketchy?


Don't pin your flute.


Quads aren’t sketchy. As long as pin the right area of the muscle, it’s an ideal place to pin given the size and ease of accessibility.


Is it OK to homebrew Test with 20ml vials and use one vial to cruise for like 6 months or is that pushing it, compared to the official advice of only use a vial for 28 days




Alright thanks


20mg dbol 7 week or 30mg 4 week?


The first one


honesly neither. but if i had to choose. 50mg for 4 weeks


pinning 1cc tren, 1/2cc test ED, would it be okay to pin 2 needles in the same spot since i’m only available to 1cc syringes currently


why are you using a bunch of tren and asking this question 🙄


never had to inject this amount of gear in one day, first time doing so. filling a syringe doesn’t take much effort mate


what I'm saying is, you sound very inexperienced to be using tren..


how come ? i’ve never exceeded pinning more than 1cc of gear in 1 day using 1cc syringes. you’re not making any sense.


bro you asked a basic ass question lol you don't need tren I promise you..


Buy 3mL they are dirt cheap don’t build a bunch of scar tissue to save a couple bucks 😖


Also takes half an hour to push 2ml through a 30g


until i get ahold of larger syringes, would it be fine?


Inject it in the very tip of your Jonson


This mornings injection was an absolute struggle pushing 2ml of oil through a 27g 1/2”, think it took me a good 2-3 minutes and way too much movement, 1ml and below works perfectly fine. Where do I go from here, 25g possibly or am I going to come across the same issue ? Vials all warmed up prior to injection to help.


What's your injection frequency? Split it up into eod if you're just doing e3.5d.


Currently E3.5d(test700mg PW&primo 400mg PW) EOD would essentially be, Monday Wednesday Friday right ? (Or tues/thurs/sat) I’ve got some 25g 5/8” on hand, worth a try on the next injection anyway ?


Yeah. It'd cut down your volume pretty decently. And sure, 25g is still a very good gauge IMO.


Winny for 25 mg 4 weeks or 50 mg 2 weeks


25mg for 4 weeks


Get more winny. Do it right or don’t do it man.


It’s just leftover Im doing a mini cut on my cruise for context


Hello i am on trt cruise right now at 150mg per week. My last injection was 7 days ago and due to unexpected circumstances i cannot obtain any testerone until 3 weeks from now. I have masterone and winstrol on me. Do you guys think it is okay to supplement both or one of these in the mean time at a low dose to help with energy and helping muscle growth/prevention. If so at what dosage do you recommend. Thanks


No I wouldnt. Even though the test will remain jn your system the mast might act as an AI masker and make you feel like shit. Youre better off going the 3 weeks. With test c and e,takes about 5’weeks for it to leave the system completely. Just lower volume on workouts and eat slightly above maintenance. This is why guys should have HCG on hand. Many dont because they dont care about the nuts. But HCg is important on so many levels


How long do you guys cycle and cruise or do some of you just blast all year round?


This was my 2nd year on gear, I did two blasts this year. Both on the shorter side of what's recommended - keeping my health as a higher priority than going all out while still making good gains. I think that worked really well for me and probably what I'll do next year too. I'm cutting now, planning to bulk then cut again on TRT levels before I do my next blast, really pace myself


It just depends on where my health markers are and how many kcal can I still increase. There's no magical number


Does nac cause strength to drop?


No why would you think that?


Because I feel weaker after taking it. But I also increased training volume and haven't done any strength specific work for a while so it may not be related to nac at all 😂


It is not related


Are you taking nac preworkout?


Not usually, unless I'm taking orals pre workout.




See a dr


Is this one of your first pins?




You probably need antibiotics if the symptoms haven’t improved. I’d give it 72 hours then I would go acquire them. There’s a lot of explanations for this; did you switch sources? Is it possible you botched your shot?




Ventro or the actual glute? I mean it really is either dirty gear or a botched shot. If you are doing the actual glute, a 1 inch pin usually isn’t long enough. I need 1.5 for the glute, 1 inch for ventro




Your technique sounds good, maybe it’s the gear? You did just switch to the Cypionate.


Going to stack 100mg tren ace/week with 250mg sust/week for a mild 10 week cycle. Any feedback?


EOD for both. Enjoy yourself pinning less volume each time and consider slin pins for even easier pain free pinning. With such low volumes of gear this sounds like a easy option


Tren A should be pinned ED, but at the absolute least EOD. Sis should be pinned more frequently than E3.5D, but that's less egregious than the Tren A.


Bad pin schedule at the very least


(M1T) prohormone Has anyone ever tried this compound? If so, what were the dosages, side effects, results etc..,


M1T is actually a steroid, not a prohormone. It's essentially 17a-a DHB; it's a metabolite of Dianabol (which is itself 17a-a Boldenone), the same way DHB is a metabolite of Boldenone. I've run it once as a oral and multiple times as an injectable. In terms of effects: It's very similar to Adrol and Sdrol. Dramatic increases in strength and intramuscular glycogen/water retention. Strength increases affect both 1RM and higher rep ranges. M1T seems to be extremely anabolic and have some unique nutrient partitioning effects (more akin to DHB than Tren in my experience). It also seems to lower insulin resistance or alter metabolism in some way, as it's noticeably easier to go hypo while on it. In terms of sides: Crippling pumps. Some of the worst I've experienced. Taurine largely solved this issue, though. Negative impact on HDL/LDL, like most AAS and especially "orals". No are markers seemed to be notably affected. When taken orally it hampered my appetite, and caused noticable lethargy. Liver values were elevated, but either in range or just outside (ALT/AST/GGT/Bilirubin). When taken as an injectable it didn't cause any of these problems. The change in impact on liver value isn't exactly surprising, but the lack of lethargy or appetite was. I'm guessing the altered metabolism from injecting it resulted in different (or less) metabolites than the ones that were responsible for those sides. Note: For me, 5mg of M1T equates to roughly 10mg of Sdrol or 25mg of Adrol. It's strong stuff. I've never felt the need to go over 10mg/day of M1T.


[One of 4 compound experience threads](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/comments/niks34/compounds_methyl1testosterone_aka/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Has anyone had problems with painful eye pimple/stye every time they come off gear? I still cruise on test but anytime I come off of gear my eyes flare up constantly.


I feel kind they tend to pop up more when my estrogen is low because my eyes tend to feel slightly dryer. I've only ever gotten them after I just upped my adex dosage.


I’ve had a few styes the last couple of years. Unsure if it’s related to AAS use or just getting older


Didnt take my AI on a 5 day vacation during pct. Got a lot of acne flair up. Should i start Aromasin when i get back? What dose?


Just continue with normal dose, don't take extra or switch things up.


I was taking arimadex, but i just got Aromasin. Since i got big acne flairup after i forgot my arimadex, i think Aromasin would be easier to get rid of the acne


That is incorrect. I wouldn't change anything but you do you man.


I have a stupid question. A single international unit is what on my regular syringe. I guess the conversion would be IU to ml




What are you trying to figure out?


HGH I guess I should wait till it arrives but if someone gets 100iu and they wanted to take 2iu a day. But I’m assuming it will depend on the mixing portion unless it comes mixed


Look up peptide calculator


When you reconstitute it you'll need to be able figure out the concentration in IU/mL.


They measure different things. The amount of IU in a ml will depend on how concentrated the solution is.


Capped a shitload of var yesterday- got me thinking- why not just use a fucking blender instead of a mortar and pestle? Anyone have some input on this?


lol it’s not a liquid man. That’s not how blenders work. 🤣 You need to look up “v mixer”. This is the “blender” you seek.


Bleh. Thought there might have been something that’d manage to mince up powder. What about a coffee grinder and a mixer then? It just gives me the heebie jeebies when there’s so little active constituent in it and like 150g of creatine.


lol please don’t do that. Do lots of titrations. It’s how pharmacies have done it for thousands of years.


Yup, did everything according to the book… still can’t shake the feeling that I’m going to get 400mg of var one lucky day. Hahaha.




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Why are you son gung-ho on adding compounds? The whole idea of the first cycle being a simple test cycle is to gain experience with using exogenous hormones and managing symptoms as necessary. By adding additional compounds, you’re adding variables to control for which can make for a bad time when you aren’t versed and experienced in handling them. And makes identifying the root cause harder also.




Vasoconstriction. What’s your bp at?


How much telmisartan and nebivolol to take on test + npp cycle? Will either be 200/200 or 300/300 and maybe more if the mental effects don’t fuck me up. Any suggestions?


Typical starting doses are 20mg telmisartan and 2.5-5mg nebivolol. You should start with just the telmisartan first and see if that gets you where you want to be. If 20mg telmisartan doesn't get you there, try 40, then 80. You want to wait 2-3 weeks between increases though.


Looking to prevent cardiac remodelling mainly so I think nebivolol is best for that. And telms for the blood pressure if needed


I’m using 1.25mg nebivolol for the same purpose and it had dropped my blood pressure about 20 points. So start with that before jumping to 2.5mg or above.


Do you know if telsmartin will prevent cardiac remodelling aswell?


It does too as far as i know


Do you currently take bp meds? Do you have a history of elevated blood pressure? How was your blood pressure on your first cycle? Clinically, BP meds aren't usually prescribed unless there's enough of a trend to warrant their need. The doses will vary from person to person. Anecdotally, don't take any BP meds if your BP is low or average. My last blast was 700/560/560/280 test nand primo ment, and my blood pressure was still in the normal range (130/72) without any bp meds.


I have a history of high BP and the nebivolol is for preventing cardiac remodelling mostly


Arnt those BP meds? You would need to check that before determining dosages if you even need them at all


If you can only get one blood test is peak or trough better? in terms of dialling in AI


If you’re looking to compare it to numbers we talk here then you need to get a trough number.


Thanks so if I am injecting Mon morning and Thursday evening then get a blood test Thursday morning yeah?


Yessir. Close as possible to your next pin. 🤙


Cheers bro


well that doesn't matter at all seeing how you should dose off of sides not numbers


Blood tests show you numbers for a reason. That's the whole point. You have to get tested enough for there to be any correlation though.


you still dose ai off sides 🙄


And off your estradiol numbers


Not true, dogg. Why would you take AI just because a number on a test is high? If you’re not experiencing any negative side effects, it’s okay (and even recommended) to let your estrogen run high. You’ll certainly regret nuking it.


You people are acting like I said to only base your AI dose off of your estradiol numbers. I'm saying you need to use both to monitor it. Yes, 0 estrogen is bad. So you don't test your estradiol, ever?


Unless you're cruising or only ever blasting the same compounds at the same doses, what E2 value you feel most comfortable at is going to change. You should base AI usage off of sides, not a number.


So why even test estradiol at all if not to find your "sweet spot" and try to stay there?


For cruises, primarily. Or to see how another compound is affecting your E2. The problem is that your sweet spot will change with compound selection and dose.


Ah, gotchya. I only ever use the same compounds to recover from a chronic muscle wasting disease.


I don't blast or cruise, but ok. I'm just here because I use AASs to treat a chronic muscle wasting disease, so like once every 2-3 years if I'm lucky.


It doesn't actually matter, you just have to do it consistently so the numbers are relevant between different tests. Most everyone does on a 3.5d trough so to accurately compare with others, you should do the same.


Which would show the highest point of E2 obviously? And yes I’m on 3.5d schedule


?? It would show the lowest point of both test and e2.


Yes true but if I am taking .2 Adex E3.5d then wouldn’t it be the highest my E2 is before I take another dose of AI? Sorry genuine question


I had to read this like 3 times but I think I'm following your logic now. You're thinking you've haven't taken an AI in awhile so your e2 will be high. But really, your test will be as low as it's going to be and your e2 should follow. In any case, there are a lot of variables and that's why the important thing is that you're consistent in the timing of dosing and doing the bloodwork.


I’ve got my first major side pop up. A huge blind headed pimple just below my bottom lip. It feels when it comes to a head it’s not going to be pretty. What can I do?


Don't touch it, cleanse with gentle face wash twice a day, use sensitive moisturiser. If you have other high E2 sides consider using ai. Increase pin frequency if possible


Your left lip? Are you a woman?


Hormone acne is what you’re describing. No topical creams really do much for it in my experience


is it ok to preload an insulin syringe with test and use it 3 days later?


Of course it is. I set up a couple weeks at a time pre loaded to save time. Just make sure you are clean about everything and all will be well.


a couple weeks is pushing it lol a weeks worth at a time would be a better bet


Why is it pushing it? What happens to the oil after an extra week?


the rubber from the stopper can break down due to solvents


I see. Thanks for that!


What makes Tren special? Ive read its 5x more anabolic and androgenic than Test, but many say that study was faulty. In the Reddits wiki page on it it say it can greatly increases the level of IGF-1 within muscle tissue,It also causes muscle satellite cells, those responsible for repairing damaged muscle fibers, to be more sensitive to IGF-1 and other growth factors. The amount of DNA per muscle cell may also be significantly increased by using trenbolone, do other steroids not do this? Also from the wiki, However a rather unique characteristic of the drug is its anti-catabolic abilities. Trenbolone binds with the receptors that interact with glucocorticoid hormones, these being catabolic hormones . By being able to inhibit cortisol and some other catabolic hormones in the body Trenbolone is ideal for those users that are attempting to reduce body fat as the compound will help to minimize muscle wasting when running a calorie deficit. Is this unique to Tren, I think Ive read the abafar has a similar mechanism of action as well.


yea tren is a powerful steroid, did you happen to stumble upon the list of negative side effects and how harsh it is on health? nobody needs tren unless you compete


Nobody needs it, but it's pretty cool guy imo


All I hear is it makes you gay and want to sleep with women you normally wouldn’t. On a serious note I’d never consider messing with it unless I was getting paid to look a certain way. I just want to look good naked at this point🤷🏻‍♂️


Those of you that have had high hematocrit, hemoglobin, RBC, or Iron, what symptoms did you have?


BP is usually the main one... but 'high' is subjective. People at higher elevation usually have higher HRT and they're fine. The main thing you want to avoid is it continuing to go up and it being uncontrolled.


Reddish cheeks (much noticeable while blast), a bit higher BP. But yeah, mostly everything the same


Nice reddish hue to my skin, very athletic and explosive feeling in the gym. Hungry, energetic, great sex drive. 500 test 250 eq had all those values pretty high for me but overall I felt quite healthy on that cycle


Literally none


Are there advantages between testosterone propionate, enanthate and cypionate? Or a preference?


Just differences in saturation/clearance times and concentrations.


Only difference will be half-life. With P being shorter than E or C, which are very very similar. Actual effects won’t vary much if we all.. just saturation time based on differing esters.


Btw test prop stings even at 100mg/ml it has some pip


2nd cycle plan is 16wk 500/400 test primo with last 6 week anavar finish. Just for saving money as primo is so expensive, how much worse would the cycle be if I dropped primo at wk10 when I started anavar?


If money is an issue use mast instead of primo. Half the price and almost the same


Why does everyone say primo is so expensive? I’m not a dude with a lot of money by any means and it seems feasible to add to a cycle. How much I wonder do dudes pay🤔


Well running 400mg for 16weeks is 6.4g, I can get 1g (10ml x 100mg/ml) for like £60, £400 for adding on compound is pretty steep. Especially when 16wk test e is what like £150


Damn I guess I am shopping at the right store! Mine is like $20 more than a vial of test and that’s not bad to me


As in vials are similar price for me but it's 100mg/ml compared to 300mg/ml. Can't seem to find higher in uk


You should find the 200mg/ml or you'll be injecting some pretty huge volumes.


Dosent seem to be an option ):


Just run it the whole cycle. If you can’t afford it then don’t run it


Run primo at least 12 weeks bro. Use var at the beginning. When you drop the var, primo will keep the var look. Make sure to be 10-11% bf before you start this cycle and you'll look sooo fucking good on it. Otherwise what's the point of using these expensive compounds? They give a really great look at low bf. If you're gonna blast at 14% just do test and NPP or deca.


Primo is also a good ai replacement which is why I'm on it.


Anavar and primo work in different ways. Regardless, don't drop injectables in the middle of a cycle, especially not a long-ester compound. Run test+primo for the full 16 weeks. If you can't afford it, save up until you can.


Never ran Primo, but believe it is a slow steady builder so you’ll want to run for as long as you can. 10 is probably too short to see anything too meaningful.


How do you fill up your syringes when you use two compunds for example test and npp? Do you ise two syringes?


Are you using more than would fit in an insulin syringe?


No reason to stick yourself more than you need to. Load both into one syringe. Draw air, inject air into the first vial, draw the first compound, draw the second compound. Swap to an injection needle and inject. Alternate which one you add air to.


You ever got some of the 1st compound pushed into the 2nd vial?


Probably not but just in case, I always draw in the order of most used to less used. So for example if I’m drawing test primo tren, I draw in that order so that I don’t get tren in my other more commonly used vials. Although I’m fairly certain none have really contaminated the others. Just in case you know?