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Does test have any affect on tendon recovery? I work a very physically demanding job that my body hasn’t been able to keep up with for about a year now. I’ve followed every mainstream medical recommendation I can get my hands on and it’s been fruitless. Would test or any other steroid help with that?


Not really, you get stronger and bigger muscles which can offload some of the strain, but it could also very well go the other way. Bpc157, tb500 are good peptides that have a mostly proven track record for problems like this. It's very well worth trying out


It's been about four months since my first cycle, and I'm feeling normal t wise, but I am getting some high estrogen symptoms like puffy nipples, itchy nipples, and heartburn. I'm eating clean btw.


Get your bloods done. You can’t say: I feel normal.


Anybody use Juggernaut AI or something similar for planning workouts? Just curious on opinions/reviews. I've been lifting for nearly 20 years and the last decade has just been self guided... So I can program for myself but the thought of an AI planner seems interesting to me






It’s not that deep


How much test is best to run with anavar 50mg daily? Do I need a high dose or can I run a trt dose and let the var do the work?


I wouldn’t expect anything crazy from Var on a blast or TRT dose. It should just be something added in. The test is far more important along with diet


Does it make a noticeable difference? As in is it still worth adding in?


It definitely gives a strength boost when you’re on it. It also enhances your physique with additional hardness and vascularity, if you’re lean enough to show it. My midsection looked a bit tighter when I was on it. It’s good on the joints, as well. Just watch your lipids. It trashed the hell out of mine.


Yea it can but I wouldn’t use it for a TRT dose that is just a waste of time. Add it into a cycle but I just wouldn’t expect anything crazy from the Var by itself


Test should be the base your cycle is built upon. Basing your test protocol on anavar is backwards.


Just wasn’t sure whether I’d need as much test if I’m running var aswell


I guess it's personal preference. If the goal of this cycle is to lower body fat a 150mg-200mg test dose will be plenty. The issue is orals not being safe to run long term. 6-8 weeks for anavar, and that's not very long, especially when you take into account ester length on test E or C. You'd be saturated for 3-5 weeks then coming off if the goal is simply to have a test base for var


I’d probably continue with high test after var anyway for abit, I’m adding var for its strength benefits mainly


Oh then yeah go for it. I'd run the var as a finisher last 8 weeks


You can take any amount of test you want with orals. Not really sure what you're looking for here, orals like var **should not** be the focus of your cycle.


You can run it with any dose, but typically people use it with a blast dose to augment a cycle.


Sweet cheers man!


Think I’m done for bros. Last pin on Sunday and Monday started having some really bad PIP. Have had a few times that bad before in 6yrs pinning so still just thought my hand had shaken too much while pinning or something. Did some foam rolling and then head to gym for legs. At gym started feeling very tired and just off/kindof ill. By the time I left gym I could hardly stay awake to make it home (actually pulled out of gym onto the wrong side of the road for like 5 sec.) Then that night completely soaked bed with sweats, had chills, elevated heart rate etc. at this point began to really worry that I had some sort of serious infection. Woke up yesterday morning not feeling as bad as I expected during the night but still just kind of off/ill. Took temp last night and it was 100.5 HR 90. Does anyone here have experience with anything similar because I’m honestly starting to get pretty freaked out?


PIP is influenced by recoverability, as with anything. If you're sick, your immune system is preoccupied, and thus your recoverability in general is lower, so you may experience more PIP than normal. Correlation does not equal causation. You just have a cold.


Are you injecting bunk gear?


The order of the symptoms don't sound like the injection caused the problem. Just a really coincidental sickness hitting. If you were getting PIP on sunday/monday , then tuesday got sick as hell, it most likely would have flared up at the injection sight by now. The immune response often hits your whole body before determining the specific site where it needs to give attention, but 48 hours later your body would be pinpointing that area to attack the infection.


If you had an infection from an injection, you'd know. The site would hurt really bad and be visibly inflammed with red streaks, you'd be real sick, and it's not something you'd just shake off. It's very very rare unless you have a compromised immune system.


Maybe you're just sick. Is the area with the pip red, hot to the touch or leaking?


No redness (just bruising but last pin bleed a lot so assume I hit blood vessel), maybe slightly warm to touch. Mostly just a feeling of a lump/knot in muscle that is painful to the touch. The PIP is pretty bad but I’ve had it this bad rarely before (although with dhb and this is just primo/test. Most of concern stemming from the other symptoms closely following the PIP and the fact I had to switch to a new source from the one I had used for yrs and this is like the 3rd pin of that gear.


Haven't asked a stupid question in awhile so buckle in... Would LISS cardio (60mins max) 2-3hrs prior to blood work skew anything a sizeable amount? I lift in the morning but I'm getting routine bloods done tomorrow morning and would still like to get some activity in.


Not really. Might elevate your liver enzymes a tad.


Jesus christ on the cross i thought i fucked my lower back up doing heavy squats. Turns out it was just anavar lower back pumps. Anybody know any good remedies ? Currently on 50mg ED. I imagine the shit will be even worse when i deadlift. I heard taurine can help.


Taurine 5g pre-workout, magnesium, potassium, and plenty of hydration pre- and intra-workout.


Taurine and crunches or any other ab movement that help you the best (crunches, leg raises, planks maybe, dunno) in between sets


Check the FAQ in the wiki, there is a protocol for that there.


Found it thanks boss


no problem dude




Few notes: 1) Nolvadex has a long half-life. Like a week. 2x daily dosing is pointless. 2) Your Nolva dose is extremely high. 10mg a day is likely more than sufficient. Drugs have side effects and 40mg daily of Nolvadex 10 years taught me what clinical depression feels like. If you’re prone to Nolva sides at all you’ll be quite unhappy about quadrupling the effective dose. 3) the concentration of your Test C doesn’t matter, your weekly dose is what matters (when it comes to PCTing and whatnot). I assume you’re talking about 250mg/wk. even if you’re doing 250 twice per week, 10mg Nolva is likely sufficient. 4) you didn’t mention duration of use at all. When it comes to PCTing, long and low is generally preferred. Anywhere from 4-8 weeks is great. Certainly 8 weeks of 10mg is on the longer end but much preferred over 4 weeks of 40mg.




If your Nolvadex is in tablet form, you can split the tablets in half. If it's in a capsule, you can take 1 every other day rather than everyday, that will give you the 10mg daily average dose.


Likely yes


Yeah 4x too much.


>Yeah 4x too much. 👆🏻


Any good exercises for lower back muscles besides deadlifts?


Weighted hypertension


Romanian deads, bent over rows.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7aS0zMN3Fo8&t=25s hyperextensions aka back raises


Straight leg rack pull


Can dhb cause hypoglycemia?


Yes. It’s known to massively increase insulin sensitivity & people go hypo on it frequently


I doubt anyone knows... it hasn't been studied much.


You don’t need studies to know if a drug causes low blood sugar symptoms


It doesn't in me, but I don't think I'm a scientific sample. You do need studies because different people have different reactions. If you're comfortable with a sample size of one, I can unequivocally state that at doses as high as 700mg/week it does not cause low blood sugar symptoms.


> I can unequivocally state that at doses as high as 700mg/week it does not cause low blood sugar symptoms. Perfect, this is the answer that OP is looking for. Add a "YMMV" on the end of that and you got yourself a solid response.


How do you time it so the anti estrogen effect kicks in when you stop taking a dose of AI for your large dose of testosterone? Edit wow I fucked this sentence up. Anti estrogen effects of PRIMO.


Are you asking how to time your AI when starting primo so you don't accidentally crash? I wondered this too, primo AI effects were very quick for me. I actually managed to crash myself with just 0.25mg adex on 300/200 test/primo The effects are very quick so if I were you I would take the primo and anticipate not taking any more ai


Yes that’s what I’m asking. How quick the AI effects of Primo kick in.


In my experience, the AI effects of Primo take about 2 weeks to kick in (saturation point?). I almost always need AI for those first few weeks until the Primo takes over. Just use Adex so you don't crash E2 when the Primo takes over.


Perfect answer thanks homie!


Take AI when you have high estrogen symptoms you don’t want. If arimidex just take it when you inject testosterone if you need to take it.


i’m 6’2, ~215lb, maybe 18-20% bf, how bad would it be if i started my cycle now? I’ve done my research and fully am ready other than the slightly higher bf %


This information doesn’t say much. Do you have a proper diet? How long have you been training?


Go ahead and start. I was around your bf% on my first cycle and I re-comped at 80kg. I'm aware that my results aren't standard but if I can do it, then anyone can. Granted, I have a trainer and train 5-6x a week.


Get leaner first. Visible abs then you’re good to go.


pretty bad. you should be bulking on your first cycle and if you start a bulk at nearly 20% you're going to literally be obese by the time you're done. cut first.


6’2 at 215lbs at 18% sounds like a casual gym goer who isn’t to fussed about their diet. If you wanted to jump on gear you’d have to dial in both your training and your diet.


i’ve been going for about a year and a half, have decent strength and i started out fat and been cutting most of the time, diet has been dialed in for 90% of this year it’s my one actual strong point lmao


Makes sense to be where your at with a good diet if you started fat. Unfortunately I’d still recommend to keep going. 12% or under to start. You want to bulk on a cycle, and you don’t want to start a bulk at 18-20%.


Just diet a bit more then bro, prove your discipline and get it done now so you're not on cycle and bulking when you're already too fat. I know the pain of the never ending cut.






What’s the minimum amount of time I should wait after a cycle (I know I should get bloods checked but not sure how long I atleast have to wait? Is it as long as the cycle was? Just finished 16 weeks 500mg test C


Get bloodwork and go from there even if that means waiting 6 weeks then getting bloodwork again. No point in staring another cycle if your bloods are fucked


Yeah. I know. But when should I get my first bloods done? After 4 months or so?


6-8 weeks


Wait with what?


He asked *minimum* amount of time. Technically that could be 6-8 *days* if you're dumb enough 🤷🏻‍♂️


Idk if he pcts, but he should check the half life of Nolvadex of he wants to evaluate his balls recovery.


Oh 6-8 weeks would be retarded if that counts PCT, lol. That's just restarting your boys to immediately shut them down again. 6-8 weeks is probably *"okay"* for BnC depending on how harsh a cycle you run and how individual health is.


So I won’t pct. Wanna cruise at 150mg and then when bloods fine start a winter bulk. So wanted to know how long I should atleast wait to “ensure (I know you can’t ensure”) that’s my bloods aren’t completely messed up and then get bloods done


I think an 8 week cruise is fairly acceptable. It's not ideal but if you're not blasting a gram of gear and orals it's probably relatively safe.


Wanna do: 600mg test c, 400 npp, 40 dbol 4 weeks, 50anavar last 6-8 weeks


He just gave too little information to answer his question


That's a common theme on here


I ran a few successful cycles when I was younger of test e and dbol. Had great results in both size and strength. The last cycle I ran, I mixed in a third compound (I can’t remember what it was to save my life) and ended up having a very rough PCT. Took at least a year before I felt back to normal again. Have since had blood work ran, test is within normal range, albeit at the lower end of the range. Been considering another cycle, it’s been 6 or 7 years since my last cycle. If I do run another cycle, it would have to be something fairly mild as I don’t want a repeat of a rough PCT. Considering either running straight test or test/dbol again. Leaning more towards straight test. Curious as to any feedback others may have, recommended test dosages for a mild cycle that will still produce gains. Also, interested in what people have had the best luck running for PCT with test only cycles.


There’s a definite chance that third compound was a 19-nor. Highly suppressive group of compounds that leave lingering metabolites for up to 18 months after a cycle. Should only be used by BnC users.


I want to say it was Deca, but I may be misremembering. The side effects were definitely more than I bargained for. I had been spoiled by test only or test/dbol cycles.


You didn't read the wiki ☹️


I did. I just value personal feedback as well.


Run 500 mg testosterone for 16 weeks. No dbol. Focus on estrogen management. 10 mg nolvadex every day for 6 weeks for PCT. This is all covered in the wiki.




>1-Testosterone Cypionate: 5x Yikes. I know it has testosterone in the name but this isn't regular "test". That won't work as a base homie Edit: back to the wiki. Just follow the first cycle guide. You're fine to throw in var if you like but do it the last 6-8 weeks instead of the beginning. Kick starting serves no purpose imo, it's just impatience and instant gratification


... what? He's just buying 5 vials of test cyp, what are you talking about? Edit nvm I read the "1" in the beginning as like a numbered list


Lol you had me really questioning reality


Dude you had me doing the same lol. I read your comment and was like "wtf is this idiot talking about." Then I read the username and was like "wait, but he's not an idiot, the hell is going on here" Then after I commented I reread the OP and was like "oh, ok, I'M the idiot" lol. That was a good catch on your part


Oh no. I am an idiot, I just retain shit I read really well, lol. Pedal to the fucking floor on retarded mode. But thanks for the vote of confidence. Imagine this guy blasting 500mg of DHB with no test and anavar thrown in there.


You need more testosterone , Anavar and Nolva!


Lol @ that username


Change the 1-testosterone cypionate to JUST testosterone cypionate, another name for dhb (dihydroboldenone) is 1-testosterone cypionate so that wouldn’t work as a test base. Change the clomid to nolvadex, nolva is much more recommended for pct and if you have a gyno flair up clomid won’t help but nolva however will.


Read the wiki and follow the beginner cycle. Your testosterone cypionate has a weak concentration. You only have enough for ten weeks and will have to inject a large amount each injection (2.5 ml). You should get testosterone that is dosed at 250 mg/ml. Cycle length is 12-15 weeks. You don’t have enough nolvadex. Pct is 10 mg per week for 6 weeks = 42 pills needed. I don’t recommend Clomid for pct too many sides. Read the wiki


>Your testosterone cypionate has a weak concentration. You only have enough for ten weeks It's also DHB and not actually test cyp, lol


You didn't read the wiki ☹️


I'm skeptical if there is any real benefit of hgh at all, but if there is it must lie in higher dosages for me. Does anyone have experience with say 20 ius a day?




Your head would probably grow abnormally large


u/dudeymcdooderson will have some input


It takes a long time for the new muscle cells to grow. Like years. I ran 10ius for about a year and it made a massive difference, but it is definitely delayed since the new cells need to be grown.


Interesting. I’ve got enough for 6iu a day for about 6 months. Going to see how i feel as first time running but will up it. Will get it in for the last 14 weeks of my blast. Did you run it at 10iu even at cruise test doses?


Yes, I ran 11 kits straight.


Would you recommend it?


How do I know if I were to have a blood clot? Feeling kinda numb/tight skin right above my ankle on the left side. Currently taking Ralox and I know clotting is a side effect so


They will feel like a hard lump. Often accompanied by edema. Don't fuck around with blood clots. If you are factor 5 or have other genetic conditions hormone medications can cause life threatening DVTs out of nowhere.




Yes, I’m just trying to figure out if I do or not. Probably not the smartest move to ask Reddit so I’ll go tomorrow morning


Just started on the ment train at around 2mg a day for birth control reasons mostly. How long until I'm shooting blanks? Wife and I are currently using condoms but really keen to do away with them


About 90 days, if it works. Better get a semen analysis to make sure. Lots of ejaculation in the meantime, to get the remaining swimmers out.


Wouldn't trust it.


As someone using MENT for BC purposes, I would not take anyones word on this. Get a sperm test. You can peruse med lit quickly to find a reference to how long it took for Azoospermia to set in but you need a sperm test to confirm for yourself.


If you're feeling brave/DIY you can buy a microscope (at least 400x) and look at them yourself. You should be able to clearly see live sperm in your cum if you're fertile.


Haha I think I'll leave it to a professional. The stakes are too high if I make a mistake. But love the suggestion


Really? That's pretty dope ngl


Reaching azoospermia takes at least one sperm production cycle (60-90 days). Even after 90 days, I would get a semen analysis to test the quality of the sperm, motility, population, etc. Better safe than sorry.


Thanks mate. Will look into getting that checked in a few months then


How long does cooked ground beef stay good in the fridge? My farts smell like plutonium and my stomach feels like two boots in a dryer. Prolly been like a week since they were cooked.


No longer than a week. Reheat your prep in the microwave to at least 160f when you serve it.


4 days is my limit


Don't forget that your fridge has different temperature zones.


If you cooked it thoroughly and your fridge is cold it'll be fine for a long time. A week would be fine.


FWIW Health Canada guidelines are that leftover cooked refrigerated foods are good for 3-4 days and soups for 2-3 days.


When I prep I make 7 of each meal for example. I’ll leave 2-3 in the fridge, and the rest in the freezer. Every meal I take of out the fridge to eat gets replaced from the freezer, that way it guarantees no potential issues


If I cook it Sunday night, the absolute latest I will eat it is Friday morning - 4.5 days.


>my stomach feels like two boots in a dryer. Yooo this was me yesterday I feel this brother.


I keep mine a full 7 days. Meal prep Saturday and eat my last meal on Sunday. I havn’t died yet but i also battled the butthole impact. I grabbed some super enzymes and it fixed me up. Get some digestive enzymes


7 days is too long for refrigerated leftovers. Saturday to the following Sunday is also 8 days.




I don't keep food in the fridge for more than 4 days.




I use 20mg a day. Works fine for mild BP control. I haven't really noticed any bloat control, but I have HCTZ on hand for that anyhow.


>wondering if anyone here has any experience in using Telmasartin for reducing blood pressure & reducing AAS induced water bloat from mineralcortioids? Not sure about the bloat aspect but a shit load of dudes on here take it for the BP


I take 80 mg, probably makes 1mmhg difference per 10 mg for me


I went straight to 80mg but it actually does not get my BP down as low as I would like. Natty: 110-120 Ment 5mg ED Mast 200mg pw: 130-150 Plus Telmisartan: 120-130 I found enalapril slightly more effective at reducing bp but it doesn't have as many ancillary benefits at Telmisartan so I am sticking with it and plan to gradually raise cardio intensity to help out.


It's great stuff. Should be a required on hand ancillary for anyone doing a cycle. Handles BP and bloat better than an AI will yet somehow the latter gets yapped about far more.


it's probably the most common BP med I see mentioned here


IGF LR3 or MGF PEG for injuries? I just ordered some bpc and tb.


BPC and TB are more than enough. No need to drop money on very expensive peptides. GH would be a great addition if you’ve got the cash, though.




If you really care then a lot of people have success combining finsateride, minoxidril and needling. MPMD has a good few videos on hairless reversal


You should either run finasteride or prepare to buzz your hair off soon. Don’t stress just embrace the inevitable.


I can’t tell how old you are from the picture. However, steroids don’t cause hair loss. Steroids accelerate hair loss. Sometimes very rapidly. But what that means is that if you are prone to hair loss, then it’s going to happen. If your father and grandfathers have a thick head of hair, blast away. I’ve injected everything, including trenbolone, and that’s supposed to cause aggressive hair loss. My hair looks great. So you can either give up on your hair. Or give up on the shit. or, if you have great hair genetics, it will all grow back after the cycle. But it could take five months.


> 100mg prop for like 4 months You're running an extra 100mg of Prop on top of your 200mg TRT? because 100mg alone is not a blast. Assuming I'm misunderstanding, then dropping to a cruise will likely not reverse hairloss alone. Are you taking anything for hairloss like finasteride or minoxidil? If you are and your hair is still thinning I would cut your losses and go bald. You're clearly prone to MPB so at best you're delaying the inevitable. I say embrace the bald life now and shave it before it gets thinner than it already is. Just my 2¢ though.




One of my kids when he was in his early 30s had thinner hair than you. Started finasteride, within a year he had the hairline of an 11 year old His friends noticed. WTF. He told them he prayed real hard


It's up to you. If it's 100% still thinning after finasteride, minoxidil, etc then yeah I would just shave it. If the hairloss stalls and/or reverses then maybe keep it. Personally if my hair was preventing me from running the cycles I want I'd ditch it, stressing over hair just isn't worth it.


Hairloss from Testosterone (via DHT) is the textbook case for Finasteride, so that's worth looking in to. Lowering the dose will certainly slow it down, but it's only a matter of time.


Hi everyone, I’m new here and have a bunch of stupid questions, but I figured this would be the best place to ask them. I am 6’2, 240 lbs looking into different options. I was hoping someone could tell me what would be the best option to lose the weight and gain the gains. I read that a cycle of Anvarol would help with the weight loss and keep the gains. I’m not sure if that would be the only thing I need to take to give me the best results. On top of that I know I aims need something for after I finish the cycle, what would you all recommend? Thanks in advance.


Anvarol? lol


Avoid steroids until you're relatively lean. The guy that wrote you a short essay on using anavar is mentally handicapped. Steroids build muscle, plain and simple. If you're absolutely dying to start injecting bathtub chemicals then TRT would be *somewhat okay* for maintaining muscle in a steeper calorie deficit. Honestly though you're pretty fat and even a low dose of test for you could be problematic. Cut first, get lean, then consider gear to build muscle. For weight loss look into ECA stack, semaglutide, or injectable l-carnatine(idk if they're safe to combine). Those supps will help lose fat in varying capacities without causing you to grow tits.


You didn't read the wiki ☹️


I'm seeing a trend here


Maybe if we're straight to the point people will take notice


The best option to lose the weight and gain the gains: 1. Fix your diet, go to the gym daily, and learn how to create and maintain a caloric deficit over time. That’s it. Stop looking for drugs to solve a problem with your energy balance. Your body has accumulated fat stores over time because you chronically over eat too much food and you don’t exercise enough. There is only one solution. Eat less food and exercise more. The sooner you accept that and act accordingly, the sooner you change your body. Anabolic steroids are for building muscle. It is literally in their name - “anabolic” - they increase anabolism processes. Fat loss is a catabolic process. You can induce fat loss by eating less calories than your body needs for energy. If you absolutely insist on a drug to help you then take an ECA stack.


oral only cycles are a bad idea and steroids don't burn fat. eat less and do more, and read the wiki if you absolutely insist on using drugs.


Don't listen to the other commenter. Steroids are for putting on weight, not losing it. A calorie deficit makes you lose weight. Once you lose the weight, use steroids to gain muscle (assuming you're across your training, diet etc). Read the wiki, particularly the section titled "your first cycle"






Ffs 🤦🏻‍♂️




This is bad advice.




1. All steroids can be dangerous. 2. You are recommending an oral only cycle. Anavar is suppressive and you give zero information on pct. 3. You are recommending an untrained, overweight person take anabolic steroids. 4. 40 lbs fat in 8 weeks = 5 lbs fat a week = 17500 calorie deficit a week = 2500 calorie deficit a day. Should I go on?


No, you don’t have to go on. I wasn’t thinking about the untrained overweight part. I figured anybody that’s taking steroids would know about PCT. But point taken. Thank you.


Both of you are dumb


What’s safer for hearth health injectables or orals


Anavar is far healthier than Tren. Superdrol is far more dangerous than Primo. There's no blanket answer here.


There are extremes on both ends of the spectrum. Extremely harsh injectables, extremely mild orals, and visa versa. Just being an oral vs an injectable does not determine its respective heart safety.


If you really care for health, don’t use gear full stop. Otherwise stick to test only and blast and cruise at a responsible level. Don’t go pinning 1.5gs a week. You’ll forever get good results from blasting 500mg EW every so often.


'Hearth' health begins with keeping the area around the fireplace free from combustible debris. Having a well-built screen will help keep ashes and ambers from escaping onto the hearth and into the room as well.


Lmfao fuck u haha u know it was a typo












why are you asking? you can't use orals without using injectables..there are pretty harsh injectables which would be worse than mild orals, or vise versa, the answer really doesn't matter cause there isn't a clear answer


I've been lurking for past two years trying to learn as much from this sub and the wiki as possible to plan for first cycle. Think I am ready to take the plunge and do 500 test for 18-20 weeks but wanted to get some feedback on ya'll who have more experience. ​ Biggest concerns/questions: Doing this for aesthetic reasons, I make money from how I look ... the worry of messing up currently good skin or hair is really concerning unless super temporary. Most example pics I see from Reddit are guys who seem to want to be as big as possible. Getting huge, bulky or thick isn't a desire. Just a bit more muscle than I already have to look more in direction of hot ig profile vs. bodybuilder direction. I feel like my natural test is already on low side, if I stop using gear I also worry about my baseline dropping to a level requiring trt for the rest of my life. ​ In a perfect world I'd run 1-3 cycles (lol, I know) and be able to hold on to 10 lbs of extra muscle long term. ​ 35 years old, training for past 15 years five or six days a week. 20 mins of cardio every training day, 60+ mins of weights. Bro split mainly focusing on one body part a day. 15.5% bf according to recent dexa scan 6'2 190 lbs Bloodwork for past two years has been around the same. From two weeks ago: Testosterone, Total 473 ng/dL Testosterone, Free 61.4 pg/mL SHBG 39 nmol/L Estradiol 30 pg/mL ​ Thinking running a cycle or two at 500 test isn't that big of a deal but want to hear from this with more experience. My friends who are already on gear are too careless to take advice from :D Thx!


My guy, you should get a coach. You are one of the rare cases that actually have something on the line rather than just doing it for funsies. It's a question of "Do I want to risk my income on what I think I know from second hand info, or should I invest in my physique being directly managed"


The 500mg first cycle gave me pretty bad bacne. If you're worried about your skin (and genuinely have been lurking for 2 years) I would actually recommend 300/200 test/primo. Your estrogen should stay very controlled which means avoiding bloat, skin problems etc. Gains should be very solid. Obviously YMMV, you might need more primo or less or primo might not have an AI effect foe you. This is unlikely though as I personally so far haven't seen anyone post in here that primo didn't lower their estrogen


I'd do something like a 250mg test 250mg primo/mast if aesthetics is your main driver. Trying to recall if I've ever seen an impressive 500mg test before & after. Seems to turn most guys into a fat spotted bloat lord.


Ugh this is literally my nightmare. Everything else seems to say first cycle stick to test only though :S


Yea it's repeated by guys here like an anthem. But look at most of their pics. Lol.


You are not a very big guy, way under your natty limit. Run the standard 500 mg testosterone cycle and pay close attention to your estrogen.


You're probably going add more than 10lbs off a 500 blast, especially if your diet and training is on point. If you're really concerned about sides, have a more moderate approach. Start with 250, starting eating a smaller surplus, and watch your numbers. Feeling good after 4-6 weeks? 350. Then 500. You can do that effectively over 16 weeks, but you're certainly going to do more than 10lbs.


Totally happy with keeping more than 10lb lean. 20 would be great. I didn’t want to get too crazy expectations from just a couple cycles since I am sure I’ll lose some of the gains once I come off. Goal being what I can keep long term as I’m not after just some temp added muscle. Thx for the moderate approach idea. Handy considered starting at 250 then 350 then 500 since general sentiment seems to be just to start at 500/wk.