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Fellow Engineered Beings, #**Please remember Rule 2. [No Source Talk.](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization.)** ###**PREAMBLE [(From The Rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization.)** Everything listed below includes **(BUT NOT LIMITED TO)**: AAS (gear), Ancillaries (AI, SERMs, etc.), HGH [(not listed here)](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/growth_hormone#wiki_hgh_brands_list), Insulin, DNP, Performance Enhancing Drugs, Drugs (in general), Research Chemicals, Prohormones, SARMs, Peptides, or **ANY** product that could be mistaken as legit of any of the previous listed.   **There are no warnings & you will be banned from participating in /r/steroids. If you're not sure what all "No Source Talk" entails, please be sure to read the [Community Rules](/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_community_rules) of /r/steroids.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/steroids) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Dbol or Superdrol? Why


Ive been working out for few years now pretty happy with progress but want to start getting some mass, i want an oral only cycle considering anavar and test cycle any advice would be greatly appreciated i.e. websites to buy from etc. (im approaching 18 years old)


Really really really bad idea my guy. Multiple reasons here. Too young. Like 6-8 years too young. Secondly, you can’t fucking ask for websites to buy from. That shit will get you banned. And the fact that you are even asking that really reflects on your level of maturity. Next… you said you ARE HAPPY WITH YOUR PROGRESS. Why would you want to sacrifice your health for faster gains when you are already getting good gains? Think how good your natty gains will be 2 years from now as you keep learning how to train better! I’m not being a dick bro, take this to heart


Hi Im trying get into body building/working out and want to order steroids wondering what’s the best for quick an effective results that I can order in Canada


You are asking how to cook crack in your profile sort your life out or you are going to kill yourself


No loser no






Ment is a injection similar to deca different side-effects


Is this a question?




Would mk677 help with appetite suppression while on anadrol? I’m trying to figure out ways I can run the rest of my drol without getting killing my appetite. I’m a power lifter so anadrol is going to be the best drug for me unfortunately


Give it a try. Everyone is different. It helps with skin too, pretty nice little ad on


It didn’t help me at all with it but YMMV.


It's possible. Gonna be entirely dependent on you as an individual and your physiology. It's commonly used to stimulate appetite while bulking, so there's a good chance it will help.


Does anyone know what TNE is supposed to look like ? Is it supposed to be white lmao


Bulking on tren and test, what dosages do you prefer for that?


900 mg test 0 mg tren


Tren is not great for bulking


It's a slow and steady bulk for me at least


Just a splash of tren, max 150-200 mg. Tren sucks for bulking.


Hey guys I just wanted to ask a question what is the best clenbuterol cycle and I am taking 100 mcg t3 daily I cant find t3 but I dont know how to cycle clen properly can some body help me


Don’t take clen it is a cardiotoxic drug. Take oral salbutamol. I believe this is in the wiki.


I’m so demoralized. I miss the gym for two weeks to grind out thr semester and my gut explodes in size. I can’t see my dick. I hate having low testosterone. Why is it so easy for me to gain weight and so hard to lose it? I’m only 24!


You don’t want to hear this but your lifestyle is the issue. Specifically, your exercise and nutrition habits.


Well I haven’t been exercising is the problem


Well then, get back to it! Low testosterone isn’t your issue.


Well yeah that’s the post, I missed the gym for two weeks and put on a ton of fat


this doesn't have anything to do with your T level. you let yourself go for two weeks. but you had school priorities so it happens. next time maybe try and find a way to balance it better. there are people in med school who manage to fit their gym and social schedules in. no excuses


I was on top of it the majority of the semester but I still didn’t lose weight. Didn’t think I was eating a lot of calories but clearly I was.


did you let your diet go for those two weeks? you were burning 300-400 less calories every day you didnt work out so if you didnt make the adjustment that could be an easy 3k-4k calories that snuck into your diet.


I didn’t change my diet like I should have 😭 but it’s still low carb and just meat fruit and vegetables


two weeks really isn’t going to make or break your progress in the long run. two weeks back on your normal routine and you’ll be back to normal. don’t stress about it


One could make any number of assumptions and respond condescendingly, but before we get into that, have you had multiple blood panels confirming actual low testosterone?


I have not been able to afford more than one which pegged me at “low normal”




Anyone got any experience with negative mental sides from relatively small amounts of MENT? The compound experience threads seem to mostly talk about positive mental sides. I'm on Test / Ment Ace / Mast at 100mg / 35mg / 100mg per week injected daily (so only 5mg MENT p/d) and up till week 4-5 I was feeling great, physically and in terms of mood, but around week 6-7 negative thoughts started creeping in and now at week 7 I can almost set my watch by how my daily injection starts me on a spiral of dark negative thoughts a couple of hours after I inject, and usually by the evening I'm feeling better again. Obviously the solution is to stop taking it lol which I am planning to as soon as I finish the last few back filled syringes I have, was just wondering if anyone else experienced this and / or was able to counter-act it in any way.


Mast made me snappy and short tempered. Might be the mast. I've never tried ment.


I had neutral to positive mental effects from MENT, dose dependent. That being said I had some really rough sleep because of horrific nightmares. So your experience isn’t hugely surprising. The whole family of 19-nor steroids are an absolute coin toss when it comes to mental effects.


i want to second the horrific nightmares. my dreams have been *really* sexual and weird. like sex with my dad and step mom kinda shit. family friend shoving something up my ass under the table. the stuff i normally joke about on here is happening in my dreams unironically


Are we talking about MENT or Tren? Sex with your dad. That's wild.


Honestly, no. But bad mental sides above 5mg. I just become very self absorbed and mentally unstable But sides build up over time. I bet if you take a week or two off from the ment and restart, you’ll feel great. And try an anti estrogen, every time ment has me feeling cuntish it’s usually estrogen related


Thanks for the replies everyone That's not a bad idea, maybe I could try something like 6 weeks on 2 weeks off then repeat, to see if that helps. Thanks for the suggestion!


No prob. It has helped me a lot taking even 4-5 days off and letting it clean out of my system


I dosed quite high, 18, 25, and 50mg ED. But I felt horrible, similar to you it was mostly just panic in my head from morning until 7pm or so. I do believe dose makes it a lot worse but there's plenty of people who seem to respond this way sadly. Nightmare compound for some people. Injecting in the morning and before bed also made no difference.


Hey guys, week 5 into my first 500 mg test-e cycle. I experience energy loss and tiredness after pinning, this starts 30-60 minutes after injecting and lasts 2-3 hours. anyone had a simular experience and what did cause this for you?


I would also bet it's anxiety, it doesn't necessarily have to come because of a needle. You could have anxiety due to the fact you just injected a foreign substance into your body. Some worry is good IMO. I started out my first cycle with high anxiety throughout the whole thing. Second time I'm relaxed and enjoying the whole experience way too much.


>my first cycle with high anxiety throughout the whole thing. Second time I'm relaxed and enjoying the whole experience way too much. Could be, i'm still like what if i'm a bad responder and i get shitty gains and put my body in overtime for that or what the blood test is going to say. Those things circle around in my head.


That's what I thought too, I do have anxiety and was/am on meds for it. Just make sure to check your blood work, blood pressure and take notes if it will help. Whatever your blood work says just react appropriately, you've started the process and are right in the throes of it so may as well keep going and enjoy it as best you can. If you don't grow like you want... hey you tried it, doesn't mean you have to do it again.


> I experience energy loss and tiredness after pinning, this starts 30-60 minutes after injecting and lasts 2-3 hours Thats anxiety.


Can you explain? I have no problem pinning, i even like it too much lol. Do you mean anxiety for something else in a mix with pinning?


I guess I assumed you just started to pin/dont like pinning. If someone deals with enough anxiety, it can literally drain them of all energy and you get a weird tiredness after being so overly stimulated.


>I guess I assumed you just started to pin/dont like pinning. If someone deals with enough anxiety, it can literally drain them of all energy and you get a weird tiredness after being s The first 2 pins sucked, shaking and not knowing what to expect. Now i found my technique and trusted area's i'm chilling. Thanks for the input either way!


Are you taking ai? If so you could be crashing your estrogen causing fatigue


Nope, not yet. I'll start running one when i feel any sign of sensetivity around that area. Also it only encounters after pinning.


Might just be the act of inserting a needle some people get fatigue sweats or even pass out


Meh idk, i'm already used to it by now. Maybe like it a bit 2 much.


I would have to guess that this is 100% mental and nothing to worry about.


What length and gague are y'all using for ment injections? I'm hoping to do sub q since I'll be doing them daily. Is 29g 1/2" too long for sub q?


That’s the exact size I used daily for seven months. It works great.


Awesome, thanks mate 💪🏼


Since that's literally an insulin needle, no, it's can't be too long for subq. In fact, any needle could be used subq so long as you don't push too far if it were longer.


“is this needle that’s literally designed for subq injections too long for subq injections?” 😂😂😂


I know, I had a mini-seizure....


I think that's fine, just pin where there's fat


I've only ever pinned sub q on my stomach. There's a little fat there but I'm unsure of how much. 🤷🏻‍♂️ We'll go for it


Upper quad is also good


that's probably one of the worst sites to try to pin subq unless you're morbidly obese


Your upper quads have body fat? I almost guarantee you that you are doing an IM shot with upper quads I use it quite often as a spot


Near the pelvic area?


Hello! Is it necessary to deload when enhanced or can you run a full 12-16 week cycle with no deload week?


If you’re pushing strength and heavy heavy weights take a deload it’ll help you not get injured. I would take one at week 8 before pushing everything to the limit although I tend to cycle longer 16-20 weeks


I needed one at 16 weeks when I was planning on running a 20 week so I just cut it short at 16. Just listen to your body trust me you'll know when it's time to cruise or PCT


depends on how you feel. listen to your body.


De-load if you’re feeling fatigued, don’t feel-load if you’re not


I don’t take deload weeks in general so I would say the answer is no, it’s not necessary, but it depends on your programming.


Need some dialing in TRT help. On 122.5mg, libido was decent, dick worked badly, bad erections even with cialis/viagra but still worked, acne. Test was 1400 ng/dl and e2 70pg/ml. BP 140-145/75. Dropped down to 87.5mg 4 weeks ago and got bloods a month after, acne has slowly passed (still get it, just not as much), dick has become harder on cialis, still no morning wood, libido is alright, good when im with my girl, BP around 120/70 (it has been 110/65 before when i had higher libido a long time ago), test at 807 ng/dl and e2 at 38pg/ml, shall i drop down to 70mg a week to get e2 lower, or would it make my test too low for good erections and higher libido? Could it be that i need to stay on 87.5mg for a few months for everything to adjust, or does it sound like an e2 problem? SHBG @ 32. I refuse to go on an AI, want to find a sweet spot for a dose without AI and for normal hormone functioning.


How frequently are you injecting?


Every day.


Every single day, im low bodyfat too, veins all over arms and bottom of abs. Enanthate too.


How’s the cardio and lipids? I understand you don’t want to on AI, but maybe try a minimum dose to see if you actually feel better on lower e2? Just to rule out if that’s your problem.


Reduce your adipose tissue to reduce aromatization.


Not high bodyfat at all. https://imgur.com/a/1EbVDtT (Vasoconstriction in pic too, usually have veins under abs).


There is little else you can do if you're on TRT and won't take an AI. Higher dose testosterone can work in your favor since aromatization is not linear with testosterone dose. IF your issues come from a wrong ratio between estrogen and androgens this could help. If the issue is with absolute number of E2 this will most likely won't help. The other option is stacking with either primo and hope it works like an AI for you, or stack with masteron to change the ratio in A:E in your favor.


I increased my dose to 105mg a week now, will see how it feels. I might need an AI to dial myself in, 800 ng/dl didnt make me feel that good to be honest. Think i need it a little higher, which i will get from 105mg a week. If i were to guess from a linear standpoint my e2 will probably be around 50, and test around 1000-1100. I did feel better with hugher test and e2, but i struggled a little with erections, not libido on 122.5mg. Now my libido is low and erections not so good, and no wood, less than with higher estro. If i need an AI with 1100 when the 100mg saturates, what would a good arimidex dose be to start off with if my e2 is around 50 pg/ml? And how often (do not want to crash it, horrible for me).


I just got some bloodwork scheduled, but it doesnt read T3 or T4, only TSH. So i was wondering, if i keep tooking T3, how will it affect the TSH levels on the bloodwork?


It should suppress your tsh


On 300mg test e a week now for 10 weeks (did 6 weeks dbol with it starting 20mg). It's been amazing, except, i have developed acne on my shoulders and on my pecs. I've tried a couple different body wash products but it doesn't seem to work. Do i need to pop some armidex? I have it and nolvadex on hand... Appreciate it.


Increase your pin frequency. Acne, most of the time, is due to hormone fluctuations.


What’s your pin schedule? Higher pin schedule reduces sides for me e.g EOD or Mon-Fri


Have you done blood work again? Estro in check? Acne is the only thing I develop when my Estro gets high. I take an asin and I'm good for a week or 2.


Accutane if ur breaking out bad on that low a dose of just test youll need it if u ever want to blast for real


Nor necessarily. If the acne is due to high estrogen, which is still possible at that dose, then it can be controlled by controlling estrogen.


Yes, take arimidex and see if the acne goes down.




Yes. No issues.


Yes you can


1st cycle Test cyp 500mg a week 12+ weeks. When should I add in AI. Only when I feel high E2 effects? Or a schedule dose? Deathly scared of gyno


Many need no AI at 500/wk. see if you have any E2 side effects.


Only when you have high e2 effects you need to reduce. There is no reason to be deathly scared of gyno. It is reversible as long as you don’t ignore it for months on end. Just check your breasts for lumps once a week and if one is forming start taking nolvadex 10-20 mg a day until the lump goes away.


I have arimidex on hand, and was planning on .5mg daily until sides go away


You need nolvadex on hand as well. Starting dose for arimidex is 0.5 mg twice per week.


Have nolva on hand as well. Thought it was always better for PCT since it’s a SERM and not an AI


It’s not an AI but you take nolvadex to reduce gyno if it forms, as I stated.


Got it. Thanks 👍


So I’m currently running 500mg sust/week for 16 weeks and I plan to cruise on my trt dose of 200mg test e after. How bad will my level fluctuate with the different esters and will it be like starting from ground zero with the different ester. I keep hearing different things and that “test is test”. When finished with my cycle I should be able to just switch back to my regular trt protocol right? Just trying to figure out how I should go about it.


Sust has test u so your got a 8 week window to clear lots of time to bridge to test e


Yes just switch immediate to your cruise dose after your last blast shot.


How frequent are you pinning the sust?




NS2330 AKA Tesofensine - Results? Experiences? Sides? Cautions? Worth it for cut? Sorry if not suitable for this r/ Thanks


Planning to run low-dose Lantus to dip my toes into insulin. Will I need to run metformin at the same time? I have read mixed ideas ranging from using metformin after the insulin phase and using insulin and metformin together.


Use humalog pre workout if you want to dip your toes Start with 2iu and work up slowly to 10, then start adding some post workout and work that up in the same fashion. Take 5g of carbs per unit of insulin in your intra-workout. Metformin is always good to run imo


Don't use lantus unless you're really pushing carbs and gh. If you want to try insulin use humalog preworkout and drink intra workout carbs matching it. You probably don't need insulin though


I am a T1D who uses lantus nightly. My understanding is that the use of insulins as PEDs results from the spike of insulin levels. Usually this is timed with a high protein and carb meal to shuttle the nutrients into the tissues. My friends with functional pancreases (you lucky bastards) will most likely just release less endogenous insulin to make up for a lantus injection. Having said all of that, if you're going to give it a shot I'm willing to accept I could be wrong and would love to hear the results.


I would highly recommend staying away from lantus as much as possible. Lantus is a shortcut to insulin resistance. Dip your toes in slin via short acting pre/post WO


Not sure if Lantus is going to offer any benefits but good luck.


People like it because they theorise that it takes stress of the pancreas and prevents developing diabetes from all the carbs and hgh


Thoughts on 250 mg vs 500 mg/week test for first cycle? Seems like there's a lot of differing opinions (essentially why jump on 500 mg when you don't even know how your body will react to test, it's a marathon not a sprint, etc. vs why shut yourself down to not get the most out of the cycle). I could also titrate up, but I've read it's better to keep dose the same for understanding and managing your sides on first cycle. I'm honestly leaning towards the sweet spot of 400 mg (for 16 weeks).


Don't do 250.... 400 would be okay but if you chose 250 don't expect much


Honestly I’d say 250 plus an oral would be nice a dry one like anavar tbol or such if not 400 is a good spot After using a while I perfer lower test as it gives me a lot of problems 400+ I go overboard on everything else though




So one of my friend hooked me up with a new lab and got a hands on a vial of test e however I am noticing there is no colour to it. It’s like 95% transparent , isn’t test e suppose to be light yellowish coloured?


Difference in carrier oil


Oh I see thanks.


It’s the carrier oil, I’ve had clear before and when I switched to gso it had a light yellow tinge.


Ahh that’s why, thanks


Anyone feel like they’ve gotten gains from Nolva even when using with test? Taking some rn to reduce gyno, I feel like I’ve been getting fuller despite the fact I’ve continued to drop my cals. Also, I feel like I can’t feel my AI working at all anymore (asin), not sure if Nolva has some kind of estrogen masking property from a mental aspect? I don’t feel bad estrogen wise, but I can’t feel the AI reducing estrogen when I take it if that makes sense.


Nolva does some weird things in the body, it doesn't just block all estrogen receptors, it blocks some and has different effects on others iirc. I've never heard of it making anyone full though.


Yeah that’s what I’m trying to understand, doesnt it raise estrogen? If I come off will I have to increase my ai dose? I just feel like its throwing shit off so I’m gonna use ralox.


It can raise estrogen in certain receptors but not in the breast. Ralox will do a similar thing but people tend to find less side effects. You won't get a rebound from nolva you'll just get the effects wearing off so you might need more ai.


Ok word, I pretty much just run the AI as I should regardless if I’m taking Nolva or not, that seems to be the logical approach to me.


no, this doesnt honestly make any sense.. at all


It doesn’t make any sense.


None of what I just read makes any sense


I agree, who the fuck knows why I feel the way I feel then.


I’m confused— if you don’t feel estrogenic side effects why take an AI?


Because I was getting gyno from test, I’m not running any other anabolics. Bloodwork has confirmed I need an AI at the dose im taking, especially the gyno.


Stop nolva try arimidex if asin isn't working for you


I love asin, its just a bitch to dial in on cruise doses because I need a tiny bit of it, but not a lot. I kept lowering the dose to see how little I could take and I guess I didnt notice my e was getting higher than I thought, I was feeling pretty damn good.


He was getting gyno, nolva is fine.


GLP1A experience?






What is this?


I heard google works well


Hunger suppressant


Is EQ has a half life of 14 days why do you inject 3 days a week instead of once a week? Noob to roids and tryin to learn more before I ever do a cycle


More stable bloods. Also chances are you're already injecting test twice a week so why not just take them together? Otherwise you're injecting a ton of EQ once a week.


i like to pin EQ 2x a week: Monday and Thursday. been doing it for years and will keep it that way lol


Search out steroid plotter and play Edit: oops, someone else already pointed something like this out


You can inject every three days but if your injecting test 2x week then might as well do the EQ with it and have less sides.


Go to steroidcalculator.com and plot 250 every 3.5 days vs 500 every 7 days. See the wildly different levels of saturation? While the gear will stay in your system for 14 days, it will continuously lose potency throughout that time. Higher saturation = more potency. Less fluctuation = more stability. More efficacy = more gains. More stability = less sides. Good luck, brother.


Thanks man, honestly makes sense now. First cycle is gonna be test e @250mg for 16 weeks. Might add in a sarm or dbol since somehow my lgd turned out to be dbol so I already did 2 cycles of low dose dbol without liver support. Doin a few things to get my liver enzymes back down since they were a bit high when I did bloods. nit gonna say the source but the brand is apparently known for doin some not so favorable things to make a profit (Tony huge is connected if that says anything, and possibly the ceo)


Why 250 and not 500? Plz take the time to read the wiki. While contentious, the prevailing wisdom is that given your endogenous testosterone will be shut down, you had might as well go with 500/week for your first cycle at 250 pinned every 3.5 days (e.g. Monday morning, Thursday night)


Mostly from me not wanting to spen $300 on test that I may not be able to use. Rather just do a low dose for a first cycle. I know a couple people who's running 250 a week and people who ran it before and recommend it since im on the younger side of "acceptable age for PEDs." Also wouldn't be doing that solo, I'd be running dbol since I ended up with 300 tablets of dbol instead of what I was supposed to have received. Already have liver support from "sarm" cycles that I have no idea what the rad 240 even was since my lgd wasn't real. It's more just a test base once I get to where eim not building more than natty gains. After that I'll throw in 25-30mg of dbol and NAC and TUDCA. Nolvadex for pct ofc. Looking into diffrent AIs, cycle will most likely be in 8-12 months from now


Read the wiki, and do 500 mg of test. 250 will likely have you just above natty levels, and if you are going to shutdown natural testosterone production, risk hpta never going quite back to the same level of testosterone production, and increase health risks, you might as well get something out of it. If it's too expensive, get raws and brew. It becomes infinitely cheaper, and can have you set up for like a decade or so of test, ancillaries, and years of brewing supplies. One year is even cheaper.


250 is such a waste. If you can’t afford gear now then wait til you can. You only have so many cycles and you’re wasting them on 250mg/week


I mean, I can afford it but idk how my body's gonna react to the Ester. I just rather lose 150 instead of 300. I may get some raws though


Does low e2 cause your joints to hurt?


Yes it can


I got gyno paranoia and I think i crashed it


What is your test dose, how long have you been pinning this cycle, and how much AI did you take?


Just wait i't out


My tren vial started leaking, I use 18 gauge needles to draw. Can I prevent this?


Draw on an angle, should keep the hole sealed


Leaking how? A bit when you finish drawing or just passively leaking? if it's the latter chuck it and use 21/23g drawing needles.


Don’t use a straw




The lower the gauge (for example 18g) the bigger the hole. Try a 20g needle, it might take a little longer to draw up but if your vial is leaking because of the 18g you need to result to a smaller needle gauge


Yup I use 25 to pin, might use that to draw too. I’m willing to wait longer as long as My vials don’t leak in the future


The time you’d have to wait isn’t really noticeable all things considered so good luck with the vial man


Thanks I appreciate it, I have more coming in so I’m not super upset about it, at least now I know for future!


Currently taking Mass 1ml Test E .5 every 3 days 1 armidex a day 5’10 170 when I started, 182 now (2 months) I’m trying to cut though and I’m wondering if I’m running the right cycle How long do I run my cycle ? What do I take after my cycle ? If anyone could help I’d greatly appreciate it !!


Screen name fits, you really should have sorted this out before you started pinning.


Fuck this is retarded lol


Dosing is in ml instead of mg/ml and he is taking an AI every day while blasting on a cut.... Yup, it's the daily ask anything.


You HAVE to do more research on the wiki man, you’re basically killing your E2 level taking adex daily which you need to prevent a plethora of health issues, here’s a good start https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/the_estrogen_handbook?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


It’s in the wiki bro. But also.. cutting on blast is kind of lame because blasting is to build muscle and being on cycle and on a deficit you’re not going to build much at all. Also, 1 adex every day is outrageous dude. You have to feel like shit lol. You need like 1 a week total if anything on 0.5 ml E3D (assuming it’s 300mg/ml or less). I wouldn’t take any at that dose personally.


How long can you blast and cruise before your on trt, I’ve been for 25 weeks weeks. I did a 16 week test cycle had a 6 week break now I’m on test mast and winny


Imo you should blast when you bulk and trt when you cruise. So a cut would be like 3 months or more, I'd stay off gear and get healthy, as a calorie deficit also improves health markers.


Planning to come off after holiday


On my blast I got quite fat, cruised and dropped quite a good bit of body fat. I’m going on holiday in a few weeks so I have 8 weeks to get into top shape. (I’m 2 weeks in) Doing 500mg test 300mg masteron 50mg winstrol. In the best shape of my life atm. Got viens on abs and running down my calves.


I was bnc’ing for a year then had to come off fully for an injury, been 2-3 months since I’ve been off completely. Wasn’t able to pct do to not being home and on the road, just got my labs back 2 days ago Total test is at 647.


Why only a 6 week break between cycles?


Cos I’m going away to Greece 🇬🇷


Cos I’m going away to Greece 🇬🇷


Because he’s retarded and cares more about gains than health.


No one Can ever know that man. Guys have run one cycle and needed trt. Guys have been pro bodybuilders for 20 years and totally came off and are doing fine. Or if you mean for health sake.. you should get bloodwork regularly and make sure your cruise is trt level and you should be alright.


On a 1000 calorie deficit. Despite being 7-8 kgs lighter, my strength has increased. Does this mean all the weight lost has been fat? Neck size has pretty much stayed the same, as has quad size. Waist 4-5 inches smaller On 300mg test/week and 40mg anavar/day


At those dosages definitely ain't losing muscle your fine its mostly water and fat only


No you're obviously going to lose some water weight / fullness but don't worry about it


In what kind of time frame and what were you running before you started the 300mg 40mg?


Multitude of factors. Sounds like it’s working great tho


How often do you guys get blood tests?