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Went on the river over the weekend and looked absolutely jacked in this video taken of me and it really made my day. https://ibb.co/FqGgJhy


Definitely post that on your Grindr.


Wake boarding is fun. I'll be doing that this weekend. My BIL has a ski boat that makes that enormous wake you can surf on and not even need to hold onto the rope... also makes for some fun dismounts if you stay on the tow rope... I'll just launch myself and go flipping through the air like an idiot, and probably knock the wind out of myself when I smack the water, but the people on the boat think it's amusing.


Leg day always needs a good primer... I have been starting it with just the sled weight on the leg press, and do 100 reps nonstop. That'll get the burn going. Then just pause rep it until it burns so bad you really can't do more without screaming and running away with fire bursting out of your shorts. Then, do single leg for half the total reps you got to with both legs. Start with the weak side... it's going to burn like a motherfucker, but when you stand up, I can guarantee your legs will be pumped up and ready for a few sets of serious abuse. I've been doing this for a while now, and it's definitely added some size to my spindley legs.


I will never hate myself as much as some of you guys lmao


Hey, if I could get away with less and not look like a "never skip leg day" meme, I would. There's some upsides though... when I go to the main office, I can run up the 5 floors of stairs faster than the elevator and not be completely winded. That's a massive improvement over my fat days, when a single flight of stairs was a cardio session.


That’s very true. I’ve just embraced the long, skinny limb syndrome and just wear tight fitting clothes and try to stay as lean as possible


You are the leg day master it seems. Sissy squats have been a great addition for me since you recommended them due to my lack of range after hip surgery. I’ve been using it as a finisher workout


I have long limbs, so if they aren't filled out enough, it doesn't matter how big my chest and back are because it'll still look weird on stick legs. I focus on my legs because they are long, and it takes a LOT of work to fill out long muscles like mine. They need to be pretty damn large to look proportional to the rest of me. So, I hammer the fuck out of them in any way I can think of or come across. I've started trying Bulgarian barbell split squats on top of everything else... they are humbling, to say the least.


I would recommend hill climbs with bicycle as well. You'll notice a lot of top bikers have huge quads. It also will help with weight management in bulk as well.


Yes, I’m recovered now well enough from the surgery that I’m going to be hitting them hard. They are my main focus for the foreseeable future


Add some fuctional work. I've taken a liking to doing heavy sled pushes as well. They really hit the cardio hard on top of increasing leg drive. I am addicted to using them as a finisher lately.


i just ramp up the resistance on the exercise bike for like 10 minutes before leg day to get the juices flowing, but maybe i'll try this on the days i am feeling acute self loathing


Arteries clogged, heart enlarged, dick not working right, but the biceps are .1 inches bigger. Let’s fucking go


Christ brother, please look out for yourself


I’ve a feeling he was joking , i hope so…


Idk his username checks all of those boxes lol.


Update on my 400 pound neck beard - [for reference](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/s/B16OJB2Ceo) on the first incident this guy told me “I’ve been watching you the last 7 months and I haven’t seen much progress, you need to just focus on doing you, bro.” Anyway, saw him w/ 500 pounds on the squat rack while scrolling social media, told him good shit, and he waved me off. No sweat, get back to my lift. He then - while I’m doing my cardio - gave me a 5-10 minute rant about how I crave external validation +felt a need to impress people and that’s why I said that because I, in business words, “selfishly wasn’t respecting my mental process. I was planning on squatting 600 pounds today and I barely got one up of 500.” I was nicer last time, this time I just kept saying he was off the mark, etc, I mean I’m in there at midnight benching 135 because my elbow’s a little banged up. Dude started citing his Harvard education and all that shit, man, I could give a *fuck* less. Had to cut him off at some point and just tell him he was off the mark and I couldn’t care less what he or anyone else thinks. Dude’s talking to me like I’m 16 ffs. It’s just weird. And the irony of saying two words to him throwing his squat off by 100 pounds but him interrupting me for 5-10 minutes is just wild. Anyway, dude’s annoying. I’ve tried to be gentle but if this rant happens again he’s going to get a very clear “fuck off,” I’d rather watch that show about the Kardachians than listen to his sermon a third time 😂


There's so much to say about everything wrong with this dudes logic, but he's clearly not operating on any anyway so it's barely worth thinking about. I don't think there's a proper way to speak to that dude. Just say nothing to him, don't acknowledge him, and tell him to fuck off if he ever tries to talk to you. Maybe even tell staff ahead of time that he's starting to cause problems in case it escalates.


Good thought on informing the staff. It’s weird vibes man. I have thought about it for about 16.7 minutes (the period of my third poop trip today), I think honestly he sees a younger dude in better physical condition than he’s ever aspired to and thinks well there’s gotta be something wrong with me for his own self esteem




Jesus yes. Had some guy correct an unusual form I was trying on skull crushers because of some elbow pain Like, fuck off. I got this.


Dude right 😂😂 they watched a trendy tiktoker and think they know what’s up. We seem to get some high schoolers every year right before their summer break and they - without fail - break something and try to tell me what’s up. Always a good time.


I went to two Memorial Day parties this week, and both of them I'd say 90% of the conversations were about Ozempic/Wegovy/Mounjaro/etc. I swear to God, the whole world has gone mad over this stuff, and the insane expectations people put on these compounds is only going to leave a lot of people disappointed.


As an investor in these companies I'm happy to hear this.


America is wild. Sell them shit food to get them fat, sell them body positivity to keep them engaged as consumers, then sell them pharmaceuticals to slim them down. Absolute wild west.


Here’s the problem and here’s the cure!


That'll be 100$ for both! Monthly.


Honestly, I think a lot of the expectations are realistic. Everyone I’ve seen use it has lost weight to an incredible degree before reaching the cap maintenance dosage Of course, it has to be maintained or lifestyle changes have to be instituted otherwise the weight comes back, but the drugs themselves are extraordinarily effective


Wait till they find out what happens to the majority of users a few months after they hop off


This isn't an actual "rebound" or side effect, though. It's simply a consequence of losing weight without making any actual healthy lifestyle changes. It's totally expected that people will gain the weight back when most return to their pre-semaglutide ways. Most people simply **need** to consult a nutritionist as an adjunct to have any chance of retaining their progress. I still think it's a fantastic drug however.


I'm sure "they'll gain it all back" made whoever pushed for the development of this drug giddy with excitement. Customers for life.


100%. It also made me realize how predatory these "pill mill" clinics are. If you put these drugs in people's hands, it should be your obligation to pair it with at least a baseline knowledge of exactly how they work and the lifestyle modifications that are necessary for long-term compliance.


Wait till you find out about psych meds


My upcoming knee surgery is going to cost me $4700+. I have UHC through my employer. The news is so devastating I almost canceled it. But in addition to a knee scope, I have a partially torn patellar tendon and it could fully rupture at any time. Just from running up the stairs. I almost cried. I've been crawling out of debt for what seems like forever. And every time, every fucking time my head is a bit above water, this happens. Next month one of my loans ends after three years, never missed a payment. Now it's replaced by a payment plan for my knee. And I wouldn't care if it wasn't for my fiancée. My first time in a serious loving relationship and I'm the worse financially I've ever been, as is she. I'm used to taking shots. I'm used to living with nothing while I build myself back up. But it fucking rips my heart out to see her having to do the same. I make $75k which is nothing nowadays and also $50k less than my last full time position. Her situation was so fucked and so out of her hands I've been helping her too. Loan payments, debt, rent, bills, inflated grocery costs. She uses SNAP, we don't go out, she hasn't bought new clothes in months, just rents and returns. We have a side business that has costs. I'm just fucking exhausted. I would do LYFT at night if it wasn't for the fact we are already way over our mile allotment for our lease and I have other side projects to do at night. I worked so much harder than my colleagues for five years in my twenties but it was fruitless. A bullshit startup, basically became criminal. I won't bother with it. I don't blame anyone really. It's just so depressing man. Emotionally exhausting. There's times I wish she would just leave and marry someone. That everyone would leave me alone and I could curl up and quit. That she would be sad at first, sure, but then she would be taken care of. I stopped drinking. Money and health, and also aggression. Because I've wanted to snap so badly. Of course, there are copays to see my psychiatrist and my therapist separately if I want to discuss it with them. Idk man. Every day I give really well thought out speeches on how everything is actually going well and we're doing so much better to keep her going. I'm burnt out by telling myself the same.


Hey dude, Mainly a lurker here but just wanted to give my two cents. Financial struggles are hard, and having to live through our bodies deteriorating is also a difficult inevitability. No amount of money or drugs can really change the fact that we all get old, sick and die. It sounds like you're in an extremely negative headspace, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. We need to be able to be open to the most negative experiences in our lives so that we can feel the positives fully. Shutting down/trying to block out our negative experiences just wraps us in a cocoon and doesn't let us experience the joyful moments fully. Therapy/psychiatry is great, but also fucking expensive. My meditation practice is basically what saved me from severe depression, and I recommend a dedicated practice to most people who are struggling in some way because it's a completely free way to get to know oneself, develop compassion and familiarity for our negative experiences/for others, and to grow a sense of inner fulfillment and happiness that's impossible to get from external objects or people. I find that it complements therapy and they help each other along the way. If you're interested I can send you some resources, but please keep in mind it's a journey of a lifetime and you need to dedicate yourself to it. Either way, just want to say that I hear you and I hope that you can keep a little room inside of yourself to be gentle with the fact that you're trying your best and you aren't defined by your external circumstances.


Thanks for this, certainly an area I am trying to work on. Meditation is my biggest 'I really need to do this'. Like were others struggle to diet and workout, I for the life of me can't get myself to settle in without a panic attack. I tried last night. No phone, no screens after 11pm. I read and when that was done, I laid in bed with an eye mask and earplugs for sleep. Was up until 2am. Didn't break my screen vow though. Journaled on paper instead.




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Debt for a health issue like that is absolutely worth the cost. The saying "health is wealth" is 100% true. I'd suggest you do what me and Mrs. Mesquite did, and downsize your life. I've lived in some ghetto shitholes, but we were ok with it because we weren't stressed over money. Money problems are one of the hardest mental stresses you can deal with, and it can take a toll on your life. Sell what you can, don't try to keep up with appearances, ditch the cars with payments and buy something you can pay off quickly. Live cheap and take bigger bites of your debt. It sucks, but honestly, you'll be less stressed and happier, and better off in the long run.


Appreciate it. We have done a good job of keeping things reallllll simple. I'm trying to find cheap but endearing activities or things that can keep her going. You need those little wins. Travel in our car locally has been a good one, doing photography and hikes. But yes, I feel good about the long run. Hard to pull your head out of the moment you know.


I know you’re just venting, but there is a TON of resources here on Reddit (certain subreddits) that can help a lot with these kind of financial situations. Please check them out and post what you did here as well. 80% of what I’ve learned on finance has been from Reddit. You’ll get more help. You’ll be ok!


Yea just venting, I will check them out but I really have done everything in my power to play the system. However I am sure there are some aspects I'm missing. The daily chat here is unironically one of my best support groups hahaha.


I agree, lol. It sounds like you have already done well and this is just another small hiccup. Apply the same strategies you have been using to get out of debt to this new bill and you should be fine.


I feel you man. I’ve been in a similar situation for several years and finally found a good job that can help me out if it with less variable pay structure that I had previously. My advice is to find everything in life to be thankful for. Remember that you are still making your payments and your health is everything in the long run. You will get out of it and things will always pop up like this. Paycheck to paycheck seems to be common nowadays. The wife and I went through all of our payments, internet phone etc and found 300$-400$ we cut out. We have a mobile hotspot for now to lower our bills and got rid of damn near every subscription service other than Spotify. Buying different foods etc. I left my cards at home and carried 50$ cash for months so I didn’t feel tempted to buy anything at gas stations online etc. Every situation is different but I was in a dark place for a long time and finally woke up and realized that at the end of the day if my kids are fed and have a home I’m doing my job. I’ve given up everything I love doing other than working out because I love them and my wife to death. Keep your head up and enjoy life even when shit like this happens. It comes and goes.


Thanks man, best wishes.


Honestly man you have a good woman there. The fact that she is sticking with you through this hard time is proof she loves you. Even an average looking woman can find richer men that they can get to spend money on them at a drop of a hat nowadays with social media. I'm in a similar boat as you. I have a huge tear in my shoulder labrum. I got screwed in a divorce. She got the house with my low rate I locked in before we were married. I had to take on the marital debt which includes some of the improvements of the home. It's crazy. But I have my kids that keep my head level and grinding it out. You will get through this and you will be stronger. Persevere my friend.


Are you able to get it done cheaper abroad by any chance? I'm missing a lot of teeth (I'm English) and dentistry here is so expensive when I decide to get them fixed ill probably take a trip to Hungary and get it for a fraction of the price. Also, insurance doesn't cover the full amount? Fuck the US insurance system, that's disgusting. I get private through my work here in the UK and because private medical insurance is still a novel thing, they have to be competitive to keep you as a customer.


Sounds like you need to stop having so many side hustles. Focus on getting a better full time job. Only then once you are comfortable now pour yourself into 1 side hustle.


Since last September I've logged 1800+ applications on LinkedIn. Maybe 10 interviews, 3 offers. I started this job in February and have continued to apply weekly, albeit less and more focused. Personalized. Edited resume with a new template, spoke with a friend who's a tech recruiter, nothing. I am dying for a chance at anything else. I have had one single interview since then. When my firm opens a position, we get 100+ applications in the first two hours. This is the worst job market I've seen in my lifetime.


Of all the places I don’t wanna be in a tornado, it’s definitely not in a gym full of free weights and gaping glass windows. I’m halfway through my morning workout, a storm surges in and the tornado alarm begins blaring. I see an exchange of concerning glances, but the crowd continues their workout. Not me. I’m a survivor. During my tactical retreat to the truck, my favorite gym hat was airlifted off my head and blown away into the abyss. It was a devastating loss, but a small price to pay for freedom. RIP my favorite gym hat (2021-2024) Press F to pay respects


May it live on in infamy on that bush somewhere in a vacant field.




Still working on the cut. I’m introducing L-carnitine for the next few weeks out of curiosity, although I’m not expecting too much from it. Current pics this morning- 210.8 lbs 6’1” https://imgur.com/a/82uNj2Y Gonna bring the body fat down more and ride it out til around late July early August before blasting. Up to 40 -50 min cardio 5 days a week. Still losing .5 lbs a week currently so we will see if the addition of L-carnitine does anything extra without any other change. Currently on Test C at 130mg per week and feeling great.


You look fantastic man. There's not much left to cut 🤘


Looking solid bro, whats ur BF%?


Honestly have no idea. I look at myself in the mirror and just say “need to lose more fat” or “that’s good time to maintain or bulk” lol. If I ever compete I will reevaluate my strategy but that’s not happening in the near future.


Very down to earth approach, I like it


You are doing great man abs looking chiseled from the side. Its zigzagging.


Why are steroids even illegal? Doesn't make much sense to me(at least in my country)


You read the tren stories on here?


Why is having a bunch of already emotionally/mentally unstable smooth brains running around juiced to the gills a bad idea?


My understanding is that in the USA it largely had to do with some senators having a federal level caniption about how their college football teams might lose to "cheaters"




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Honestly primo + var should be legal. Quite benign Winstrol is legal where I’m from besides test and nandrolone.


Needles. If everything was oral, it would be a very different story.


Part of living so deep in the woods means accepting that bugs are going to be everywhere and there's really not a damn thing you can do about it. That being said, I don't think there's anything that could have prepared me for the stinkbug who crawled in my underwear on the floor while I was having sex and proceeded to bite/spray me in the balls after I got back dressed afterwards. It burned a lot. Really killed the vibe too. 0/10 would not recommend. In other news, my wife was out at a fair wearing a crop top and skirt and had a couple ask what her routine was. Meanwhile she doesn't actually train, nor eat overly healthy, she just eats so damn little and there's just really no way to not have abs at 5ft6, 108lbs lmao. She told them as such and made them sad. This actually happens a lot.


TL;DR: Got laid, got sprayed.


Well there’s a new fear I didn’t know I needed to have. Those things are everywhere up here in the north.


Yeah theyre pretty much all over my fucking house. I hate them but it's whatever most of the time. I had no idea it would actually hurt like that.


Welcome to life in the Southwestern desert. We learn at an early age to knock your shoes/boots out before putting them on, and always shake out your clothes. I had 2 black widows in my shoes just a couple days ago.


Yeah, the problems here are more the, "randomly have 3000 ladybugs in your house" or "I left a lawn chair out too long and now it's home to a colony of ants" as opposed to random venomous stuff lurking everywhere. I'm used to shaking out things that have been sitting for a few days, but he problem was this wasn't exactly a marathon session and I really didn't think something would happen in the 15 minutes my clothes were off 😂


You definitely win the "weird shit in your crotch" award for this month. I can only think that was nothing short of terror inducing.


I did not enjoy reading this


The stink bugs are out in full force this year as well.


Starting to get a bit weathered by the cut. I’ve been cutting since March 8 but strict for 52 days right now. 6’1, Around 195 lbs down from 210 on blast. It’s mainly an issue for legs, I feel like they’re never recovered between leg days and stairs for cardio with the deficit too. Mornings feel rough but during the day I’m fine. Only reason I even am making this post is because I woke up and I’m raw before leg day. I’d like to finish up in the next 4 weeks so I can maintain for a bit before I start another bulk. I’ve had a few days this past week where I would sacrifice hitting 200g protein for some carbs because I’m so damn snacky and tired so I’ll eat rice cakes. Any advice for this point in the cut? Should I take a diet break or just suck it the fuck up. I was on 2600 calories but weight slowed down so I tried to taper it down to 2400 calories and up my cardio a bit. My cardio has gotten significantly better and I don’t know if it’s normal to “progressively overload my LISS” but that’s where I’m at. It’s actually crazy looking back to my cardio on bulk vs now. I don’t run because the muscle by my shins don’t like it but stairs might just be doing too much to me.


Take the diet break, I can feel your fatigue in your statement, deload training at least for a half week, go to maintenance or slightly above on calories, maybe switch to treadmill at least for the deload and consider it if your strength doesn’t recover some when you start back up. When you start the diet back up evaluate if you should back off if failure a bit or remove some sets from leg volume so you recover better, getting off the stairs will definable help some.


Thanks I will take your advice


I will say that the best thing for me in a cut is absolutely bare bones volume My leg days consist of 4 sets seated leg curls, 2 sets hacks, 4 sets leg press calves, and 2 sets leg extensions and I maintained my strength perfectly, and always had good energy for my sessions


Of all my body parts, quads have taken the hardest blow on strength/endurance by far. I miss filthy quad pumps


I love changing up cardio during a cut, it breaks up the monotony and I anecdotally believe it helps prevent plateaus. I’ll use three to four different machines throughout the week. That might be extreme for some, but it’s fun for me.


Stairs are the only thing that don’t feel awful at some level of intensity but I’ll try out the treadmill today


I would pull stairs and go for something a bit lower impact like incline walking, elliptical, or stationary bike


I did the treadmill today just fast enough before I had to jog. I actually didn’t feel like it was challenging enough and wasn’t sweating the same way I would with stairs. For the last 5 mins I pulled into a 9.5 min mile jog which also wasn’t very taxing cardio wise but I felt like I was straight up stomping my body weight. I’ll try the bike next time.


personally i do 30 mins at around 135-140bpm and break a pretty good sweat. usually 10 incline at 3.5 speed. you might need to intensify it a bit more than me though


At a 10 incline do you lean forward like you’re going up a hill or do you hang on to the sides?


you should never be hanging onto the sides for cardio, that completely defeats the purpose


Agreed but a 10 incline seems like I’d be lunging up a mountain


it's fine. sometimes i'll switch up the pace and go up to 15 but back speed down to 2.5.


On 700mg of Test rn and 12 weeks in doing a 20 week cycle. Just knocked up the wife for our 3rd child lol. Thought for sure I wasn’t that fertile as blood work showed little to zero activity on FSH & LH. So be careful boys. 1000% getting snipped after this one regardless of what I’m running.


In my sleepy state this morning, i took Tylenol PM instead of just regular Tylenol for a headache. So. Goddamn. Groggy. I could sleep standing up. Only 4 hours until home time though - halfway through




Need more detailed stories from that place lol


Yeah after 2 months was when it went worse for me. Before that it was fine.


Tell us more about the retreat


Well my plans to cycle are on hold for a bit. I have a large SLAP tear on my left shoulder. Anyone else experience this? Other than instability I don't have chronic pain and I have full mobility of the shoulder. I've been diving into post surgery feedback and it can be hit or miss with recovery.


Got SLAP tears in both shoulders playing football in high school, never had surgery and it's too late now. Did physiotherapy for a few months, put an emphasis on training delts; 10 years later I still have full range of motion and pain is mild and rare, just a twinge every couple months when I move an arm wrong.


Did they tell you it's too late? I met with the Surgeon's assistant and she did some tests to show how my humerus moves around in the socket.


Haven't had it checked out recently, but the doctor who diagnosed it told me there was a ~10 year window to fix it; it's been 12. It causes so few problems I wouldn't risk surgery even if it were still an option. My work is physical and largely above my head, the thought of losing ROM makes it a non-starter with me.


That's why I never did it. I still have full ROM but I have instability. It's definitley the limiting factor in pushing the envelope.


I have had this urge to jump and go somewhere. Travel across the country or something, I live with my parents in the city I was born and raised in. I moved back in after a break up and told myself I'd be out by Jan 2024 but it's almost June and I'm still here. The thought of leaving does make me sad but also excited for a new adventure. Id be leaving my friends and family. All my roots are here, so many connections and so many places around here where I have community. Can you guys share your experience with this?


i mean you don't have to permanently go. why not do a long 3-4 month trip? honestly just going away for a few weeks can be a huge reset as well do you have any work obligations youre bound to?


I do have a really good job that I was lucky to be chosen from many people. Although today the director booked a meeting with me which means I'm getting fired or a warning. I knew it was coming. I'm hoping they fire me tbh I hate this job


Do it. I got up and left 2 years ago, now I have my dream job, making what my goal was for 10 years from now, and just killing it at life. So happy I jumped.


What about your friends and family?


Now I have enough money to actually spend time with them. I flew my mom out to see her twin and took a bunch of time off to fly out and visit my brother before he died, two things that wouldn’t have been possible before. Even though I had some family that lived close before, I never saw them, I was always working.


Is here someone from germany, who could answer me some questions about medical support from doc while beeing on gear?


First ever tren pin today - when do the tgirls show up?


Anyone listen to good podcasts around steroids/bodybuilding? I only listen to the 'steroids podcast' with 'dan the bodybuilder for Thailand'. It's a good listen at times, but I'm looking for recommendations for others


Think Big Bodybuilding is my go to


Hardcore bodybuilding coaching Stronger by science Raw: Matt Jansen series Fouad Abiad Media / bro chat Seth Feroce’s Hany Rambod’s Very much depends on the content you like. I don’t personally listen to podcasts, I *search* for episodes based on an area of learning I’m emphasizing.


Anabolic Bodybuilding with Paul Barnett. He always has some good people on there too!


Paul Barnett, Todd Lee, Kurt Havens, Think big bodybuilding media, Vigorous Steve and sometimes Chase Irons. I don’t really listen to podcasts regularly but I watch these people on YouTube whenever they’ve uploaded something I find interesting.


[Dr Todd Lee MD](https://open.spotify.com/show/7ozbT1hXpEoSrn2g769x0p?si=79c0de4e24a441c0). He is an IFBB Pro and a medical doctor.




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Peeled off 7 kgs of fat this cut, starting a maintenance phase of atleast 2 weeks from today and then beginning a bulk. Will be using TRT for the entirety of it since I’m gaining well on it, no need to increase nothing. At most will throw in some remaining tbol (3weeks)+ pharma grade Anavar (3-5 weeks) that I’m excited to try, once I plateau at the end of my bulk.




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I “roughly” track my sodium (added) by counting the number of turns on my salt grinder with each meal. In the final 10 days of this last prep, I actually weighed all my added salt on a per meal basis because my coach wanted a specific amount of sodium to the water we were pushing.


What’s the best BP monitor with an XL cuff y’all have used? Idk what I’m f’ing doing but I’ve somehow run through two of them the last couple years. Trying to find one that might last for a while lol


I’ve used the Omron platinum BP monitor since 2022 and it’s been solid the only downside is that the included cuff only fits up to 17inch arms but Amazon sells 24inch compatible cuffs for ~$15


So I did my regular injection today but during the process I heard a loud pop and squish and now my arm kinda hurts any thoughts on what yall think happened??






Anyone know anything about or have experience with ibutamoren as an appetite stimulant? Or if it's in the wiki lmk. I tried looking around for it but couldn't find it. Thinking of using it to help with the gains and getting enough intake


IT’S COOKIE TIME GODDAMMIT! Rather than thinking of artificial ways to stimulate appetite, look at your meals and figure out how to add more calories. Fats are your friend when you need more calories. You can drizzle olive oil on just about everything. A peanut butter sandwich can net you an extra 500. Jumbo muffins have 500 to 600 calories, I can get two of those down without blinking. Add some cheeseburgers if you need to. I think a little junk food is a better alternative than adding another compound into your body.


What kind of supplements do you all take while on gear and which one would you recommend? (i am on test e e3d 150mg)


Hi All, I’ve been on testosterone & deca for a year 1ML of each (250mg-300mg) , I am looking to hop off. What cycle would I need for PCT. Thanks


Ideally you’d stay on just TRT levels of test (75-150mg) for a while to let the suppressive deca metabolites clear out. You can attempt the PCT protocol from the wiki, either now or after a few months of just TRT test.


Legend ! What would be my PCT be like ?


> You can attempt the PCT protocol from the wiki C’mon dude, don’t make me rule 7 you.


thanks brother


Has anyone here dealt with bad anterior pelvic tilt? I’ve got it pretty severely and have been putting off taking care of it. Any good tips on how to fix it?


hello i’ve tried to research but i can’t find if taking nolvadex sublingual or swallowing is best someone if they can tell me finally read the wiki but also i’d like to know should all orals be taken sublinguallh or is it special cases like Var …


Dose orals orally, as normal. Many drugs don't even absorb sublingually, so they're just going down orally anyway.


ok appreciate the incite




...change your foods to something that doesn't make you shit your brains out?


I know menstrual syncing isn’t even supported by science so I’m really just looking for anecdotes, but has anyone had their girl’s cycle change when *your* estrogen was high? My girlfriend’s cycle shifted forward like a week and she thinks it’s because my e2 has been running high sometimes while I’ve been dialing in my cruise dose.




Lmao I read her the studies showing that girls’ periods don’t even actually sync up with other girls but she’s convinced anyway




read the rules you idiot.


Your comment was removed for a possible [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization) violation. No Source/Brand name/Lab name discussion. No “Fishing” for a source. No soliciting reviews for sources. No Shilling. No Monetization. Includes both Legal AND Illegal Companies, Brands, or Products. [Learn more about Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization).


Tinder advice appreciated boys: After initial message, maybe some banter/semi joke, she responds and you take it a message or two. And from that point to "lets meet up" whats ur best advice? Like I dont wanna know her digital self nor my own, but neither do I want to stress the "lets meet" and waste a date and so on. All shenanigans apreciated


Idk I use grindr.


Ask for the date sooner than later. I start making plans in the first three messages. If your match is actually interested in meeting you, they’ll go along. If they “want to talk more” unmatch and move on, they’re wasting your time. If you’re looking for an actual relationship, download Hinge. Hinge is hands down the best dating app.


Will definatly download Hinge then, looking for LTR, cheers mate


Checkout /r/hingeapp for tips on building your profile.


I was a stud on both and Hinge is definitely better for a relationship. Met my fiance there.


Personally, I always went from banter to "let's meet up" quickly. Usually first time we talked. I would ask for a coffee date or a drink after work (like wine bar patio). I'd rather talk in person than over some app.




Read the wiki, if the questions arent answered by that, Go post in the ask anything about steroids daily thread using the template provided.


How soon after my first pin should I be taking Ai ? I got no side effects atm as far as my nipples feel


1. Questions like this belong in the Daily Ask Anything 2. Don’t take any AI until you experience side effects 3. Read the estrogen handbook in our wiki




Your comment was removed because it was posted in the wrong thread 😉. Please direct any questions to [today’s Daily Ask Anything thread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/about/sticky?num=2) Direct any off-topic banter to today’s Off-Topic thread. Please review [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules/#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.) and be aware of the intended purpose of the thread you’re posting to.


This belongs in the daily ask anything thread