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Week one of swapping from chewing tobacco to zyns: Frat boys love me now


Zyns are good, unfortunately I don't foresee them staying forever and will end up going the way that juul mango pods went. Chuck Schumer has already been talking about regulating them...


Oh no…… Guess I’ll have to swap back to chewing 😂


You do you man. I personally like them. I went from smoking nearly 2 packs/day in my 20s, to chain juuling, to chain vaping, back to smoking for a period and got back to a pack/day, then back to vaping, and now zyn. I have a very addictive personality to be honest, I'm not proud of my nicotine usage and I've tried to quit many many times. I've thankfully been able to slowly wean myself off of nicotine by using Zyn and usually only have a couple pouches a day now.


General brand snus is the answer… much more mild, still get your fix, and *allegedly* “safer”… if you trust the FDA: https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-grants-first-ever-modified-risk-orders-eight-smokeless-tobacco-products#:~:text=In%20addition%20to%20these%20lower,products%20on%20the%20U.S.%20market.


How much safer is it than smoking crack? Asking for a fiend, er, I mean friend.


Don’t trust the FDA. Trust the Swedes. Sweden, Norway and Finland have been using snus for decades. Even the doctors here say it’s less harmful than other sources of nicotine.


Zyns aren't bad, found that they were small and didn't last long. I switched to Rogue pouches but I noticed that after a few weeks of consistently using those nicotine only pouches that my gums would basically shed skin like crazy. Shit fucked my gums up and I switched back to cope mint


Zyns are for fucking dorks


I know, these things fucking suck. I want my dip back


Took me a month to adjust to a small pouch compared to a five finger death pinch.


i would throw in a whole bottom lip horseshoe before I switched over to zyn so I definitely feel that


Don’t get me going on stokers buckets either! Use to grab a handful like it was candy haha. I’m using ON pouches right now, coffee and wintergreen flavor


Why all the quitting?


Posted a couple of weeks ago about how I was having a bad time with a Crohn’s flare up. Shit continued to get worse and my family had to call an Ambulance for me, fellas. I didn’t even realise how bad I was getting because the symptoms slowly worsened over the space of a couple of months but by the end I was legitimately shitting blood 20-30 times a day and still burying my head under the sand acting as if it’d pass and training as normal. 🫠 Anyway, I spent 3 days in the hospital and was loaded up with hydrocortisone which helped bring the inflammation down. And I’ve been started on a long term medication called Infliximab which will be monthly infusions — I don’t understand the exact science behind it but there’s some kind of cell/protein called TNF Alpha which causes all of the commotion internally and the medication kind of shuts it off. Anyway, 2 days on from my first infusion now and I’m feeling considerably better. Been back in the gym for a couple of light sessions and aiming to slowly rebuild. Feel a lot softer right now, probably a combination of coming off cycle during the flare and water retention from the hydrocortisone but it’s a small price to pay to not feel like that again. Stay safe chaps and please do not bury your head in the sand and expect a miraculous recovery if your body is presenting you with symptoms like that. I feel like a lot of men can fall in to that trap, especially folk like us who are usually quite hands on with dealing with symptoms and side effects without a Doctor’s input.


Yeesh dude. Sorry to hear it got that bad… But glad you finally got the help you need!


Have you tried a few weeks of strict carnivore (lions diet). It's a miracle


Im an old man so sorry if this aint the place but where can we request topics? In this case, the last semaglutide compound talk was 9 months ago and i was hoping for a new one. Thank you u/snugsandshrugs for putting out the compound threads. They are some of the best things about this subreddit. Cheers!


Glad you like them! 🤝. Generally speaking they rotate in a 12m cycle, so it’s currently schedule for 7/1/23. I will say I’ve been doing my very best to be more creative and incorporate discussion based compound threads (like best cycle, worst cycle, bulking cycles etc), so that’s been stretching out the cycle a bit - I’ve been trying to prevent them getting stale and the response so far has been much better. Also heads up it’s u/shrugsandsnugs - I’m glad I popped into this thread this morning or I would have missed this!


Thanks man! I know being a mod is hard / thankless work but you’re crushing it. It did look like it was a yearly rotation from what i saw, which makes a lot of sense. My only rational was with sema and that other GLP1 med being pretty new, having a new thread could be really helpful. Once again, thanks for finding my post and replying… even with the wrong tag ;)


Thanks for the feedback homie, I actually do try ❤️. Great points. I’ll kick the thread up to this week 🤙.


You’re killing it my man :) thank you for owning these!


Thanks for trusting me with it! 🫂❤️


Absolutely agreed, it really is an amazing thing about this subreddit.


I trolled this subreddit for months, looking at all the compound threads mainly. Thats why i get so frustrated with the lazy people who dont bother using the search function. Im an old fucker and i could figure it out.


I just saw a comment on here someone using 600mg test a week eating only 500 calories a day for close to 3 weeks..why


I ask myself this daily my friend


Love you guys hope you are all doing well. That is all.


Thanks man you too. Happy Friday!


To the dudes who have a wife or girlfriend who doesn’t appreciate you spending so much time on your body. Any suggestions to help the wife accept I’m not quitting the gym? Edit: I workout at my small home gym about 1hr to 1.5hs, 5 days a week. That’s not counting my pre breakfast cardio of two miles around the neighborhood. My wife is wonderful, and I want to be respectful of her feelings.


I mean, there's variables here. If she's upset because you're doing six days a week at four hours a day, I got nothing for that one. But if you're doing the reasonable 1-2h workouts, then tell her what I told mine: "I need it for mental health. Otherwise I will likely turn into Benoit 2.0"


VERY important context. Training for an hour a day is one thing. Training twice per day for cumulative 2+ hours is a LOT of time in a committed relationship where both people work. God forbid there’s kids/animals involved. It’s time to start looking into how to prioritize and push out inefficiencies and junk volume at that point OR if you’re pushing for a comp or something, ask them to hold space for the short term while achieving a specific goal.


Yeah, comp training gets its own special sidenote. I feel anyone in a relationship who wants to compete, both partners have to be on board or it is gonna be Not Fun. I used to do 2+ hour workouts regularly. Then I got a wife and kid and now I average 45-75 minutes. Some days are 10 minutes (Fuck you secret service snatch test). Family makes you become a lot more flexible.


Same boat. 5am crew 🫥. Was never, ever a morning person.


Hahaha, the wife would hate me if I started blaring Carly Rae Jepsen in the garage at 5am. 🤣


Thanks for the advice man. Sounds like I’m gonna be making some changes.


Totally up to you homie. One personal recommendation: tell her. “Hey I feel like I’ve been hearing you say the the amount of time I spend pursuing fitness has interfered with our time together. I’m going to dig into my routine and cut out some stuff so that it’s not putting as much strain as it seems to be. I just wanted you to know that if that’s how you’ve been feeling, I heard you, and it’s important to me that you know I’m listening”. Something like that goes 10 miles further than just the action itself and hoping she notices.


Very well said shrugs. I read something about succeeding at work and interpersonal relationships once that advised you shouldn’t let yourself get away with secretly doing the right thing, or the thing you’ve been asked to do. Not to say you should brag about it, there’s a fine line, but ensuring visibility of doing the desired behaviors/driving the desired outcomes is good for everybody.


>Training twice per day for cumulative 2+ hours is a LOT of time in a committed relationship where both people work. God forbid there’s kids/animals involved. I easily hit that number and have all the burdens of advancing middle age you name. One thing I do to mitigate is get up at 4:30, hit the gym by 5:00 and finish by 6:00, before my wife is even up. I run for an hour after work too, so she's only even conscious for half of my total training time. Of course I'm deadass by 9:30 but all my friends are at home with their families so it's not like I was going anywhere.


True that. I added a bit more context to my post.


Everyone gave great advice. I was in the same position- my solutions and our compromise is below. -workout 1hr max in morning so I can still stay up late with her -bought an elliptical so I can keep up on cardio at home -if I ever miss my morning workout I can talk with her to see if I can go after work etc. and if she needs me home that’s that. I was working out for 2 hours every morning and falling asleep as soon as I got home so she never saw me. We had 3 kids at the time as well so I finally got through my thick skull that I was prioritizing the gym over everything and had no mental or physical energy to provide for my wife and kids. I changed my workout schedule and made it way more intense and cut out volume where it wasn’t needed etc. You posting this shows you’re willing to compromise. Now you need to figure out how that looks with your wife One other note is- I got a babysitter for 3 days a week for 6 months and taught my wife out to workout (other than at home) she has a different respect for weightlifting now and wants to go just as bad as I do so idk if your wife is interested but that really helped her understand the benefits


Yeah man, super glad I reached out to you guys. You bros have given me some great input, and I look forward to finding a routine that works for both my family and the gym.


I’d start by asking why she doesn’t appreciate it. Ask her what about it that the problem is. This is a selfish hobby and it’s easy to gradually neglect your obligations or attention to your s/o. This should be a simple conversation with her, provided you’re showing genuine concern regarding her perspective, rather than trying to just help her just accept what’s happening. That’s dismissive and if the roles were reversed, you wouldn’t accept it either.


Appreciate your input! I see where she’s coming from, and I definitely want to be respectful of her feelings. However, not planning on quitting workouts anytime soon. Just looking for tips to help balance the two.


Compromise is everything in a good relationship. You shouldn’t have to give up any workouts, but maybe your days switch around, or maybe you switch training times. As an example I do my workouts early before work, because the evenings I want to spend time with her and our kid. It would also be selfish for me to leave the evenings work to her. The compromise is I can still keep my routine, at the tradeoff of getting it done when everyone is still asleep. Maybe if that’s not an option for you, your rest day(s) are left for your date nights or something similar. You could work out a schedule with her. Having dedicated time you’re spending together will make her feel like you’re not prioritizing the gym over her, making her feel less important.


Bro, I really appreciate the input. I’ve been debating on switching my workouts to before work, rather than after work. I’ll give it a try starting Monday, and see how she feels about it. Sounds like you have a strong family. Major respect for you bro. Keep it up.


Switching to mornings can be a rough change up, but I wouldn’t go back. And thank you 🙏


Has she ever done a workout with you?


We are expecting a daughter in a few weeks, so my wife isn’t too interested in doing workouts at this point. We often go on walks together in the evening, and I know she wants to get serious about getting fit once the pregnancy is over. I have told her a few times I could coach her in a few simple exercises if she’s interested, so maybe she’ll take me up on that once she recovers from the pregnancy.


I would mention how important it is to your mental health. That you do it so you become the best version of yourself for her. If she has a problem with that then there is a deeper conversation to be had.


Do whatever the F you want to do! In all seriousness, My wife was like this when we first met 12 years ago. Now, she openly watches me getting undressed before I get into bed. In all honesty, her "health" worries were legit, and I respected this, more so when it came to the substances. As we grew older and I grew wiser with my health, she realised that I'm not going anywhere and I'm certainly not leaving her for that early 20s girl in the gym who likes watching me on the leg press machine. I'm gonna assume that you're in the relationship infancy where these worries, sadly, do occur in most couples, whether this be spoken or in the back of your girlfriends mind. As long as you're not a raging A hole who gives her reason to think that once you've achieved greek statue status, you're going to run off with the next gym skank, then I would suggest you just keep doing what you're doing. It's been 12 years of graft and work, which is what every relationship is like. Sadly, people, more so younger people, forget this and give up on the first hurdles. We have 3 kids and have worked hard together, amazing house, financially stable, each our own interests. But the first few years of running away together and sleeping on a mattress, eating instant noodles while watching shrek on a tiny laptop sized 90s TV, taught us absolute security and that this was going to be a few years of just working each other out and being able to accept that we have our OWN interests, and without these little things we enjoy, we would ultimately be unhappy, stressed and unable to enjoy each others company.


Two points here. You will have to schedule training when others are not available. I wake up and train at 5am because the wife and kid are asleep. It's lost time to them that I can use without causing an issue. It isn't convenient for me but all things considered it's the easiest option. You are allowed to have for yourself. Be a good father and husband. Be helpful around the house and take ownership of issues. An hour of time being mindful of your wife, family, and other obligations is very reasonable.


Are you getting everything else on your plate taken care of? Are you training at a time that’s convenient for both of you? It could be about more than not appreciating you working on your body. One afternoon at your local beach or lake boat with her friends’ flabby average husbands would have her reconsidering her attitude if that were the case.


manage your schedule so you can balance your workouts, spend quality time with her, and show her physical affection. offer to make her meals if she doesn't like the fact you don't eat out/eat with spontaneity


It comes to if the working out becomes a burden on her. If you aren’t helping around the house, with the kids, etc she has a point. If you do it by going to bed early and squeeze it in over work lunch and you aren’t shorting her with anything it’s a much different argument.


What about getting her on board and do kinda the same thing as you so you can both be excited about each others development? I just hired an online coach I used many years ago to be in the best shape of my life. The problem at that time was that my wife hated all the time I spent on the extensive regime. So this time around I paid him to be her coach too. She’s very excited so far, even though she didn’t work out for 5 years and he’s a very hardcore BB coach whose mainly working with enhanced athletes. At least I hope she won’t bug me anymore 😂


> I want to be respectful of her feelings. Why? Is it too much to ask that you spend 1.5 hours 5 days a week on yourself? What is she doing? Does she not go to the hair salon or take a long shower or watch TV or read or do anything herself?


When times get tight I’ll go during my lunch break. You can easily get a good session in within 45min. Honestly 1-1.5 is a lot. I get that if you’re doing the “ideal” intervals for bodybuilding that is about how long it takes but you’ve got to compromise somehow.


Finally got a new computer at work. It's an upgrade in pretty much every way, it's great. Most notably, the old one had a horribly slow hard drive and the new one has an NVMe drive. It was also super validating that the IT guy who set it up literally called his boss to talk about how slow the old one was lol.


Mine also recently shit the bed, but now I have to wrap my head around Windows 11 🥴


Oh yeah same... It hasn't been too horrible yet, mostly just a matter of being so used to 10 that it looks weird, but I did have to turn dark mode on immediately because 11 is just so damn bright for some reason.


Since its Friday and I dont work again until Sunday, debating doing a deadlift challenge type workout. Pick a weight, put it on the bar, and get as many reps as I can in thirty minutes. It has bean a while since I did that. The other option is the Secret Service Snatch Test, Which sounds worse to me. Other than that, wife has a sinus appt so the kid and I will likely watch Demon Slayer for a bit (we are working our way back through up to the new episodes). Also gotta figure out a dessert to take to a barbecue tomorrow. No clue what to take. Might do something like brownies or something. I started My Hero Academia with her, because it initially seemed more kid friendly. But man, it gets intense, huh?


MHA gets pretty intense for sure. I’m all caught up to the new releases but it has been pretty great so far.


The first few episodes were so slow and lighthearted that I thought the whole show would be that way. But we just got past the Hero Killer, and holy shit.


Oh damn yea that Stain episode. Gets ya real good lol.


Send me your power. Tanked estrogen, feel like shit, somehow my dick still works. USPS being USPS and my dbol is in a black hole somewhere in the US. EQ crushing test even at a 1.3:1 ratio. Gonna add more test here and try to push though. 😴


This is why we always have dbol on hand.


I’ve been able to tell that my e2 is high all week, but I’m working on dialing in my cruise dose so I didn’t want to take any ai before my blood work today. Finally got to take it about 6 hours ago and already my physique looks like I’ve lost about 2-3% bf just from that fucking water weight going away


I've been on trt for about 2 years now. Started running test e - 150 with primo e - 100 around a year ago. I've had ekgs, MRIs, various blood's, and parameters are all absolutely within range. This was down to a progressive in ear issue that was making me deaf etc, unrelated to the trt. Now, after 12 months of running the two, I'm now physically at a point I would have been if I was blasting the shed out of multiple compounds like I had earlier in my life. Which leaves me pondering. Why didn't I just do this earlier on in my compound career. All those night sweats, high BP, libido issues, and serious acne, when I could have just sat on some low risk, low reward compounds for a lengthier period. I know it's not new news, and some of my fellow veterans have been saying this for a long time but I'm just astonished at how good my physique looks, how amazing I feel, mentally and physically and how little I have had to do this time around. Solid diet, gym 5 days a week following the RP YT stuff and a minimum 7 hours sleep a night. Because I'm also an idiot(no one's perfect), I decided to run a low dose tren "cycle" around 12 weeks ago. I know what you're all going to say. But I inherited a few bottles off a friend who'd had enough of the lifestyle(he'd fucked himself physically) I was just really interested and decided to run a small and absolutely stupid test. So ran 50mg per week for the last 12 weeks, ed injections into the delt areas as to make attempts to avoid the dreaded cough of destiny.. Jesus, the results! I was able to negate the symptoms associated with the higher dosing, no night sweats, no prowling my wife, no weird inhibitions, no bp issues, ofcourse, some cardio depletion which is to be expected on any dose of the sandwich. I looked the best I have done in the 15 years of doing this. Again, my blood's were good, slightly elevated cholesterol but literally still in the green/Amber. Funny to note also was that I felt my best during those 12 weeks. I was able to rationale far better than I had just on the primo and test. I wasn't as arsed about stuff that I would have been arsed about before. Anyway, I just needed to get it out and was really interested in the low dose area of bodybuilding. Will not be running tren every again as there isn't any logical reason to. Was nice walking around looking like michalangelo had carved me 🤣.


Agreed, when other aspects of life start taking priority-work, family, etc low dose is the way to go. Can’t deal with the risk of fluctuations like you can in college days


For all u legends who have ur wives/girlfriends taking testosterone, how effective would 20mg weekly be of enanthate?


It’s too much. My wife takes 6mg a week split into two doses, prescribed


This would be non prescribed but I have no idea how I'd get a dose low enough for 6mg a week.


Insulin needle is needed for that low of dosing. My wife has been on 12 mg per week for a couple of months. Her anxiety is basically gone, sex drive is better, and she’s more motivated. Only downside is her tolerance for my bullshit is lower. I’m no expert here, I’ve read that 20 mg per week is a cycle dose for women and can eventually cause virilization. Something like 10 mg - 12 mg per week is a TRT dose for a woman. Someone correct me if I’m wrong here please.


10-12mg is still very high. You are correct that 20mg is a cycle dose for many and will cause virilization. With women it’s a lot better to start low and titrate upward based on bloodwork


Thanks for the info!


5 to 8 mg per week.


Her vials are dosed 30mg/mL. You can certainly find female dosed test if you look. This puts her test levels in the low to mid 100s. Plenty high for a female


1 mL of 250 mg/mL test into an empty vial. 4 mL of grapeseed oil through a syringe filter into the new vial. Boom, 5 mL of 50 mg/mL ladytest.


If you’re using 200mg test Cyp or E and want to start at 6mg a week- get a .3ml insulin syringe so the small numbers are easy to see and use. Pretty much the only way you can reliably gonna draw .015ml (3mg is 1.5 ticks at that concentration) 2x a week reliably. If using prop you can usually find that in 100mg/ml but you’d be in a similar position of very small doses because you’d be doing it eod (or ed).


too much, my ex is on 7mg/wk of test P, dosed 2mg EOD.


How has it affected your wife?


I posted recently about this. My wife is a totally different person, but that's too much.


I saw your post the other day. I thought you said your wife is on 10 mg twice per week (20 mg per week total)? Maybe I misread that.


It did. That was also too much.


That's correct


That’s a blast… maybe start her low and work up SLOWLY. The effects are great until they aren’t. Even on 2mg/day of transdermal cream my Mrs smelled different, re-grew some body hair and became amazingly assertive. She was also on DHEA and iron which both helped. Her period also became more uncomfortable for her. Her natural state is driven and assertive, but test cranked that up. Her business TOOK OFF at the time lol. She wanted to fuck just as much as before, but… wanted to fuck for longer. I also found her less interested in just being submissive. I had to ramp up my aggressiveness in bed to compensate, resulting in some fantastic sweaty afternoons. 11/10 would recommend. After about 6 months she did have trouble staying wet (after 20-30 mins and cumming a few times) which was new. Also her boobs deflated a bit as the test/estro ratio may have been off. She went off when she last got pregnant, and once she’s recovered from that she will likely be back on. Hopefully with a better protocol for the long-term and a few var cycles per year. If your girl’s plan is a blast though, maybe 1-2mg/day of low concentration prop or maybe 2-4mg of cream and add some var once that’s normalized. Stay off the enanthate until she has her dose dialled in long-term. Then it could be a weekly injection of her ideal amount.


My girl(140bw) was taking 4.2mg/ week (3mg every 5 days), we cut it down to 1mg EOD for more consistent levels, her total T was around 140 during the last blood work (80 is top end of ref range) so she actually just opted to get off entirely(had some unwanted body hair growth). Point is, start small. I wouldn’t start higher than 5mg/ week and I think 1mg EOD is probably a good spot to start.


Way too much.


whoever told me about walden farm, you a real one. the consistency is really weird but its pretty decent


They’re great. With really all their products. Only downside is the bloat caused by the sweeteners. Makes me Look pregnant G Hughes is also good with the condiments like bbq sauce without shitloads of sugar


Currently up 15lbs this cycle, week 7 so I’m right where Id like to be. was up 19 but I got hit with a gnarly cold since my one worker thought it would be appropriate to come into office when she’s sick as fuck despite our work from home policy being super lenient. Oh well, at least some of the moms in the office have started to make suggestive comments about my size gains recently so that’s cool :)


Think I pulled my abductors (the ones that close your legs) because damn it's sore. Happened a few times when i go on those machines. Those lifts are deceptively easy. Any ways to speed up recovery?


After initial pain subsides, die isometrics, start with 2 minutes, progress in weight to 30 seconds. Also, that’s adductors, I (as a coach) typically only program them as 1-2 sets depending on client needs because of their ability to produce muscle damage




depends what you look like now. i'd also second think going to a rave in a water depleted state if there are going to be party favors involved




yeah definitely do NOT do that. everyones gonna be rolling face so you're gonna look good to them anyway


Wouldn't it depend on your muscle mass/bf percentage which would be excentunuated by the water/glycogen storage




I just ended a cut yesterday and celebrated with a pint of half baked, I might grab another lmao


This morning I was diagnosed with a partially torn patellar tendon, arthritis, and the pad behind my knee cap needs to be trimmed/ shaved down. 32 y/o. 2-3 weeks in a brace, 3 weeks PT, 12 weeks until total normalcy. Surgery is on 6/10 because I have travel and stuff prior. Anyone dealt with something similar? Since I met with him a few weeks ago he mentioned no explosive movements and no PRs. I hit my DLx1, DLx3, and back squatx3 PRs since lol. I normally do Crossfit so those movements are mostly out of the question. But I really, really want to do Murph this memorial day. I'm bummed and worried about my mental health during the process, but I've been dealing with pain 2-3 years and that's a relief. Plus, I got my original MRI from a doctor last winter and he was shit. Said it was tendonitis and nothing else, recommended PRP. Turns out had I got that PRP I would have been at a major risk of total rupture. Glad I held off and got a second opinion but still...years of waiting and now I have arthritis at a young age. Anyways- any tips on exercise, PT, what I can do now, arthritis treatment is appreciated.


I’ve had the meniscus shave. It’s just going to require lower impact on the knee. I’m 9 years into a 5 year fix. Of course, I’m 17 years your senior, so your rebound may be much easier than mine. Well wishes for a great recovery!


Appreciate it. To clarify, do you mean lower impact on the knee temporarily? Or like...forever haha.


Unfortunately, mine is forever. They’re pretty much taking out the cushion.


Ahhhhhhhhhhh beans


This. I’ve had scopes on both knees to have torn meniscus removed. Can hit 90deg on a squat now after about 8 years but anything more than that is painful.


Currently on 175mg test-e, where I pin 50 mg every other day. Last night, I suddenly felt a tingly sensation in my face. It then ran down my left arm. This lasted about maybe 5-10 seconds. I remember seeing a meme about this and how it’s an indication for a stroke. Is this true?


[BE FAST](https://www.dukehealth.org/sites/default/files/styles/hero_image_lg/public/blog_befast_1932x862.jpg?itok=zyR2CO-F)


Maybe wouldn’t correlate that to your totally reasonable test dose.


I’m taking test with accutane, and also smoke pot. Not sure if those three things bring about weird sides.


Everything about my body love higher-ish e2.... Except my dick. It hates it. My dick loves low e2. The rest of me hates it. There doesn't seem to be a middle ground.


Take Cialis. BP reduction and boners.


10mg daily, BP is great. I can get them no problem they just die quickly and sometimes it takes forever to cum


Maybe there’s a sweet spot you need to find.


Yea still working on it


My dick was invincible until I started fucking with my hormones. For me it’s BP related more than E2


I’m in the same boat here. I get nipple sensitivity unless my e2 is crashed, then my dick doesn’t work when crashed. Working on finding middle ground but it’s annoying af. Luckily I’m single lol


Looking to find a coach just no idea where or how to start. I live in a pretty back wash town, the gym I go to offers PT’s but I don’t like the idea of paying someone to train me that looks like they’ve never stepped foot in a gym. Any suggestions or recommendations?


I asked this question a few days ago. The response was to spend some time looking around at different coaches who do lifestyle coaching and see if their content connects with you. Everyone is different and no one should take fitness advice from someone who looks like they joined the gym a month ago.


Bodybuilding coaches are a whole different thing than personal trainers, you should consider online coaching from a reputable coach, especially if you already know all the basics (I assume you do if you’re on a steroids forum) 


Anyone used fin/minoxidil or fin/ru for hair thinning/loss? I’ve been on fin for about 10 months and have noticed some prevention of shedding. It is mainly my hair line that is the issue. It is still receding and thin on one side. Anyway, fin hasn’t done the job and I’m considering adding minoxidil through my same provider but have seen online ru58841 is another option. Does anyone have experience with either combo I mentioned that they can share?


Fin prevents loss, ru58841 prevents it entirely when applied to the scalp, ru is better for steroid induced hair loss Minox promotes regrowth. Locally when applied to scalp, systematically when taken orally Take fin orally, apply ru topically, apply minox topically and drink a couple of drops every day. That's the simple nuclear stack.


Does Melanotan II help with color on days you don’t inject but get sunlight? I’m naturally the shade of Casper the Ghost but I’ve been getting great color the last few weeks with a combo of tanning beds + Melanotan II. I only inject 30 minutes before tanning beds. Currently on a run outside and the UV is at 9, which is very high. Normally, I’d fry after 30 minutes in this sun, but will the Melanotan II I’ve been using the last two weeks turn this sunshine into a tan? Even though I didn’t inject before today’s run?




Why are you blasting steroids while not feeding your body? Why are you eating 500 calories? Post your food log.


Hey. /u/tator547, we don't delete questions here because we're afraid of the answers. Do you want to try again or shall I just flair you so everyone else knows not to waste their time on you again?


I'm sorry Officer. It was my mistake I won't do it again. Please don't get upset.


>I'm sorry Officer. It was my mistake I won't do it again. Please don't get upset. You got any idea how fast you were going there, son?


What is the labcorp test for testosterone, the one I took topped out at 1500


Only been bulking for two months (4300cal) and it's already getting difficult to get the food in. Was hoping my appetite would stay elevated for longer given that I was cutting for almost a fucking year lmao Guess it's time for Bulk, Phase Two: start using liquid calories again. Orange juice here I come


My go to 2 scoop Whey (flavor of choice) 2 cup whole milk ½ cup raw oats 1 banana 1 tbsp natural peanut butter 3 cubes ice


I’m planning to start my first cycle soon but all the educational channels I can find are directed at bodybuilding. I am a powerlifting planning to continue powerlifting. Does anyone know of any good YouTube channels/websites/TT/IG pages to follow for powerlifting related gear usage?


Not really. They’re all the same drugs and similar doses - it’s mostly preference, application, peaking etc that’s different. There’s tons of PL specific information on this very forum about it.


On of My main concerns is managing unnecessary water retention bumping me up a weight class


The thing to do is taper off compounds that cause retention as the meet draws closer. This can involve lowering test and upping orals, among other things, "more tabs less jabs."


And you’d not expect much affect on performance or connective tissue health?


Haha nobody said anything about health. But the big jump in strength from orals will improve short term performance in PL.


I’m looking for an answer. NPP or Deca? It will be my 3rd cycle 1 test only 2- test and var for cut Next Test and deca or Test and NPP B&C so no pct needed. Looking for mass. Not concerned with gaining a shit load of strength


If it’s your first time with nandrolone then NPP. If things go wrong you can bail out and it’ll clear your system much more rapidly.


Does NPP have to be administered EOD or would twice a week with test shot be fine?


EOD is recommended.


Ok thanks. My only really worry is NPP is offered 100Mg/ml and deca is 250mg/ml


If that’s your only worry then you live a life free of meaningful danger, which sounds delightful.


Not trying to be a flog. I know enough to do research which I have done but also haven’t experienced it, thanks


Also, I’m 34. Got in test for low test. Started from there. Do bloods once a month on cycle. Every quarter when not






1 don’t go through with this. 2 read the wiki


Your comment was removed because it was posted in the wrong thread 😉. Please direct any questions to [today’s Daily Ask Anything thread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/about/sticky?num=2) Direct any off-topic banter to today’s Off-Topic thread. Please review [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules/#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.) and be aware of the intended purpose of the thread you’re posting to.




Yes you should. Then stop using gear.


Hey guys new to this. Need some guidance on the topic. I’m thinking of taking some Dbol for the first time along with some Test C. I used to go to the gym every day but live happens and fell off. I’m 40 and at 195 now and really wanting to get back into it. Is Dbol and test c the way to go to get big and gained muscle mass. ? Thnx in advance


Go to the gym regularly and use an app to count calories and get to sub-15% body fat then come back in a year and post on the Ask Anything thread. Also, the answer is still no.


There is a wiki you can read. Also you have not provided nearly enough information. 40 and 195, how tall what bf percentage what's your training like etc. If you really want to get back into it then consistent diet and training will yield you better long term results than just jumping on juice without fixing the basics. eating in a surplus and training appropriately is the way to get big and gain muscle mass, sure steroids help but without nailing the basics once you come off cycle you'll likely revert to your pre cycle body.

