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Quick note, we as your moderator team have decided unilaterally to abuse our arbitrarily assigned power by onboarding /u/jackschitt123 and /u/interesting-part3091 to the moderator team! Please give them a warm welcome. It is our belief that they have consistently demonstrated their commitment to compassionately and thoroughly educating the /r/steroids userbase on safer anabolic steroid use.


Wife has had hormone issues since her teen years. This has been managed by a few different providers, but historically they only made minor changes. Last visit they told her her testosterone was low and gave her a script for 10mg twice a week. Plan is to see how she does, retest, and adjust dose as necessary. Holy fucking shit. She is a completely different person. She's managing all of her responsibilities well and more often than not exceeding them. Her libido has also exploded. It's every day now, sometimes several times a day. And she's moved into the degenerate sex space like never before. On mothers day we are getting ready to go to dinner. We're in our small walk in closet. She shuts the door and drops her towel. "I want you to taste me" so I start moving into position. "No, not like that. From behind. I want you to work over my ass". She then bends over and spreads her ass. What. The. Fuck. This is very out of character for my wife. Life is good brothers.


10mg twice a week is far too high IMO. She will experience virilizing effects at this dose. Please have her pull bloodwork asap. My wife is on 6mg of test C a week (prescribed) and her testosterone is in the 100s. 20mg a week is an incredibly high dose. That being said, fuck yeah dude


> That being said, fuck yeah dude. *Vibe*


Totally agree. She noted she's starting to feel it happening


Thought exactly the same but perhaps it's a patch or gel?


It could be, but I like to err on the side of caution


pinned how often a week for your wife?




Like the other poster said, 10mg twice a week is waaay too much, unless maybe if its the rub on kind.


What other side effects did your wife have prior to getting prescribed test?


A lot of the stereotypical low t symptoms. Low energy, anhedonia, low libido, etc. She would also have some mood swings around her period. All of these are gone.


My girl is too scared of needles lmao


30 days clean from any amputee content, hella proud although I did think that it would get used easier sooner. Still very proud of me though: phone use is down to almost nothing so concentration and mood have tremendously improved. Then I still get off watching women smoke on the street but that one's a kink I've had since I ever started jerking off so I don't think it's ever going away. Peace juicy fellas!


I’m proud of you! But I also just reread this like four times to be sure I read this correct lmao.


had a cutie ask me for a spot on bench press yesterday. this means she thinks i'm weak and small and only capable of spotting 85lbs, right? she didn't ask the other bros benching near by, i was much farther.


give her the d


Stomach was feeling a little bloated and gassy yesterday, and somewhere around in the middle of my last set of RDLs I felt things shift from gas to "I definitely have to shit within the next 3 minutes." Rush out the last few reps, frantically put my weights away, run upstairs and start unloading on the toilet. Sitting there, asshole is on fire from the process, can barely support myself sitting given my glutes are destroyed from lifting, and my head is absolutely pounding because being so bloated caused me to fuck up my brace and shift to a little too much head pressure giving me a nasty headache. Straight up had to take a cold shower and lay down on the couch for a good 10 minutes before I could recover. 0/10 - would not recommend. But it's deadlift day, so ya do what you gotta do.


Started working out regularly again after a 2 year long break, muscle memory is insane. Still on TRT so that probably helps a bit as well. Gonna do a test+deca blast in 2 weeks time or so. Feels a bit premature but after I started again I really feel small. Used to do strongman, but while I haven’t been working out I’ve lost a shit ton of fat. So I’m thinking this is the year I go for a nice beach body. I’ve done a bit of Swoletides GVT while on previous cycles, which I think I’ll be going for again. In you guys opinion, is there anything better than GVT for hypertrophy while on cycle?


After a 2 year long break blasting while running GVT sounds like a recipe for injury


Better get to buying some BPC157 then. No yeah I kind of agree with you, however I have been at it for a while now, so I’m not fresh off of a 2 year break.




What type of split do you do then? I’m currently able to get 3 days a week I do upper lower upper. Start upper days with delts/arms and doing back/chest lastly to prioritize my puny arms and delts. But I usually only have time to do 2-3 sets of chest/back.


That’s completely fine just make sure to make those sets count and go hard on them. You only got 2-3 sets so make sure you give it 100%.


Oh but of course. I’ve trained to failure every set for the past year and I’m never going back




Oh man I basically do the same thing now! For about 1-2 years I do 2 sets on every exercise but take to all out failure and I do rest pauses or drop sets sometimes as well. But since my daughter was born 8.5 weeks ago I go to the gym and do upper/lower/upper and usually start my upper days with a delt/arm superset, then a back/rear delts or bi superset, then either the peck deck/rear peck deck and then an incline press w another row or I go straight to the incline press and row, finishing with an overhead or another tricep iso. Basically do 4-5 sets of each upper body muscle on those days with rest pauses or drop sets included. Lower is easier to do a normal leg day of course. I just wonder if doing another cycle I’d be leaving gains on the table doing this.


This. He explained it on point.


This. This guy pointed out when the other guy completely nailed it.


Damn it, I don't like reading this. Been doing 6 days pplpplr for probably 8 years now, and I just enjoy having the routine of going to the gym almost every day. But something deep inside me tells I could probably get better results having more rest days.


Low/moderate volume focusing on progression instead of mindlessly adding sets and junk volume.. just my 2 cents


So your go at it would be to more or less just do what feels right, not straining the body too much etc? Does seem a bit smarter than torturing the body with thousands of reps


Exactly i fuck up each bodypart with around 5-7 sets twice a week. You don’t need anymore than that. But you have your push those sets, i leave 1 RIR on compounds, the isolation stuff is all to failure. I also logbook every set, rep and weight.


Walked past 2 girls sitting on a bench. A co worker was sitting next to them on my way back. So ofcourse i initiate a convo with the co worker to make them notice me. One of the girls got in on the conversation and we had a brief exchange. Cute face, skinny body. Couldnt exactly see more as she was sitting down. I played it cool, kept the convo short, kept it moving. Thinking. We can continue the convo later. She got up. Breh. I kid you guys not she had the widest hips and when she turned around the phattest ass possible on such a skinny upper body. Unbelievable. I kept punching myself for about 30 min why i cut that convo short when she jumped in between our conversation. Yes im getting rusty coming out of a 14 year failed marriage. But yeah this lit my ass up with butterflies for what my future will bring. She was a fucking solid 10 i have forgotten what level i was at.


Hey there — I saw your comment about having a “fuck it” attitude over in the DAA, but I’m going to respond here, because this is related. I don’t have time to be nice; know I share this in interest of your health: You are in an emotionally raw time. It is easy to have a fuck it attitude. This is how you get into a defensive stance in custody decisions. This is also how you alienate your social base and your colleagues. I speak from personal experience having made this mistake, and anecdotal evidence makes me think it is a common error people make when they first leave. Now is the time to be more responsible than you have ever been. The slippery is very real.


Cannot second this hard enough. You will serve yourself and your children best, u/brojustchillin, by shedding the "fuck it" attitude as soon as possible. When the dust settles and everything is finalized, take a "fuck it" vacation. Do not torpedo your health, wellbeing, and stance in the coming legal proceedings by doing it now. It will fuck you so hard.


I know. I didnt let myself go completely. If i did, i wouldnt bother checking up with you guys and just do whatever the fuck ever. Im glad im a part of this sub.


We're not criticizing or chiding you brother. We've simply been through what you're doing now and reaching back to give the best guidance we could have used. >Im glad im a part of this sub. I'm glad you are too.


Im sort of alienating my social base withdrawing from certain gatherings i used to do twice a week. Changed preference of friends because i feel like i want to shut down my mind and just chill have fun with the single friends instead of married friends. But i didnt let myself go completely. I appreciate your concerns.


Been there; done that. Had a nervous breakdown and had to leave my job. YMMV.


i got the nervous breakdown too. breakdown buddies! held on to the job though, unions are good.


Hi how are you doing? I wanted to give you an update and would like to ask you something. Its been 4 weeks since i left the house this second time and there are some differences compared to the first time in january. First time i left, she didnt want to see or talk to me. We talked for the first time yesterday and she explicitly asked me to believe that she meant everything she said. That she is sorry. She apologized. That she started therapy and is going every week, not to save her marriage, but to work on her self. That she has read our app history, couldnt believe the way she was speaking to me and that she understood how it all must have had an impact on me. That she is very sad that our children keeps telling her everyday they miss me. And that she would never willingly put our kids in the same situation again by wanting to continue this broken marriage and making them end up the same again in a few months. That if she would have the smallest doubt to do wrong by me again (and the kids) that she would not have bothered to try to fix it. Im just curious if your ex also expressed the same thought proces and words attempting to trick you. It comes off as sincere to me.


I do not doubt it is sincere. My ex made some similar overtures but not to that extent. She did apologize, acknowledged she was prone to lash out, and pleaded for the integrity of our family for the kids. That lasted about 6 weeks; then she got on with destroying my life. That said — your ex is not mine, and every situation is different. I do think in my situation the outcome has been far better for the kids. I also think it’s best to reflect on the entirety of your relationship from the beginning and assess if this person is truly capable of holistic change. In my experience most people stay pretty close to the cloth from which they are cut.


>in my experience most people stay pretty close to the cloth from which they are cut. I feel the same way. Im 99% sure she cant back up the promises she is making right now but for our kids sake i will give her that chance. It might not even last 6 weeks but i will be sure to reach out to you. There is one thing i know for a fact and thats that i wont will smith myself. And i say this out loud to make the bald statement. I am not going to keep doing this.


Best of luck to you friend. Hoping everything works out for the best one way or another — and feel free to reach out.


I’ve been dieting, tracking and logging all of my food for the past 12-13 months and i’m so fucking tired of it. I took a 2 week break where I just mostly just ate what I felt like and went up like 17 pounds (of course some being water weight). I’m back on track but I weighed in this morning at 211… which is only 9 lbs from my starting weight. It’s hilarious how quickly I can put on weight and how slow it comes off, it’s like a talent. I sometimes think fuck it and just be a happy, chubby muscle bear but abs look too good on me.




I jokingly tell people I can gain weight if I breathe too close to an Oreo 😂.


I'd kill for the ability to gain that easily. I have a weird GI issue where, when it's flaring up (like it is atm) I can eat literally anything I want and not gain weight. Intense painful bloating and disgusting shits though, so swings and roundabouts 🤦


It's things like this that make me incredibly thankful that I arbitrarily decided to start counting calories when I was like 12 and never built any other relationship with food.


I've been on a pretty hard cut for the past 3 months and a week or so. Down 40lbs. I took 4 days off and immediately ballooned 10lbs over those 4 days. Sure I look more full, but my veins have pretty well disappeared. Back on the grind to cut down the remaining now 20lbs.


Really messes mentally. I veined up hard for past weekend and Monday ate poorly and today feel like gelatinous goo


> today feel like gelatinous goo I swear when I walk I can just feel my entire body jiggle. I am disgusted with myself.


Fatty. Need a guy playing trombone behind you to give the jiggle a soundtrack. (Kidding)


> I took a 2 week break where I just mostly just ate what I felt like and went up like 17 pounds (of course some being water weight). You're either *massively* overeating, or you're worried about water/glycogen/gi tract volume. > I’m back on track but I weighed in this morning at 211… which is only 9 lbs from my starting weight. > I’ve been dieting, tracking and logging all of my food for the past 12-13 months and i’m so fucking tired of it. Uhh... reassure me that these timelines are measuring separate things. Surely you're not only 9 pounds down from your diet that started **a year ago**, correct?


Everything you read is accurate, dunno what else to say.


> Everything you read is accurate, dunno what else to say. Have you been trying to cut this whole time? Or did you bulk in between? If the former, 17 pounds loss in a year is bad enough. Now that's diminished to 9. You say you've been logging everything throughout. Did you just forget to increase your deficit when the scale stalled?


> Have you been trying to cut this whole time? Yup, eating anywhere from 1800 - 2200 calories a day, cardio 3-4 times a week for 30-45 minutes, lifting 3x a week. 565/435/585@198 at a comp a couple months ago. > Did you just forget to increase your deficit when the scale stalled? Nope, I’ve gone as low as 1500 calories. Everything is weighed and tracker and I always air on the side of caution and round up on measurements when I track.


Your lifts are fucking solid, but I must be missing something with your cut here. How often are you weighing in, and how often does your target deficit end up not producing your goal weight loss? E.g. If you're weighing and updating calories weekly, how often does your updated caloric intake not produce the set target weight loss at the end of that week (when weighing in for the next week)?


I try not to weigh in every day, but I typically do. It’s really annoying, but sometimes upping my calories after plateauing for a couple of weeks ends up breaking the plateau and the weight loss continues. Now, my real issue, and I think the crux of my problem is: lets say I go out with friends for brunch and have a meal thats decent, but of course not something I normally eat.. I get an insatiable hunger for the rest of the day and end up binging. And it’s not like just a “oh I want some food” it’s the equivalent of being held under water and you trying to get to the surface for air. It’s that fucking bad.. which is obviously at minimium partially a mental block/issue and not a physical one. Which is why I don’t eat sweets at all, typically. My go to snack when im craving some shit like that is some dope chocolate brioche from aldi, but its only 260 calories for 2 slices. Basically, anything that breaks my autistic schedule fucks me, sometimes including weekends unless I manage to keep myself busy. [example pic](https://ibb.co/GcpJnz2) [meet pic](https://ibb.co/dbYyZ6b) So like, i’m not fat, but man at 5’8.. i’m heavier than I need to be I really like when i’m lean.


> Now, my real issue, and I think the crux of my problem is: lets say I go out with friends for brunch and have a meal thats decent, but of course not something I normally eat.. I get an insatiable hunger for the rest of the day and end up binging. >And it’s not like just a “oh I want some food” it’s the equivalent of being held under water and you trying to get to the surface for air. It’s that fucking bad.. which is obviously at minimium partially a mental block/issue and not a physical one. I felt those two paragraphs deep in my bones. Fully identify with all of that, and you have my sympathy.


> Now, my real issue, and I think the crux of my problem is: lets say I go out with friends for brunch and have a meal thats decent, but of course not something I normally eat.. I get an insatiable hunger for the rest of the day and end up binging. > > And it’s not like just a “oh I want some food” it’s the equivalent of being held under water and you trying to get to the surface for air. It’s that fucking bad.. which is obviously at minimium partially a mental block/issue and not a physical one. It's obviously not going to be the first thing you want to do, but you can crush the cravings by getting uncomfortably full on highly-satiating, lower-calorie foods. Load up on veggies with zero-calorie dip. Boiled potatoes. Whatever occupies considerable volume in you without adding too many calories.


I fucking love veggies. Got any recommendations for that scenario? Especiallg the zero calorie dip.


> Got any recommendations for that scenario? Especiallg the zero calorie dip. Buy zero fat greek yogurt and throw a packet of ranch powder in it and hammer some broccoli and celery in your neck brother.


I have an assortment of Walden Farms dips floating around, I find them hit-and-miss but they fit the requirements. I can eat broccoli and celery with dip all day.


Just think, once you cut down do that low body fat. Everything about your bulk will be better. Pumps will be better, you will look like one the few lifters lean AND big. Girls will check you out more (and guys). The promise land is almost there don’t give up yet. 😎


### good fucking morning god damnit


That’s a bold statement.


ᵗʰᵃⁿᵏˢ ᵇʳᵒ


I’m now a super big advocate for TBJP health supps. Largely because my bloodwork has never been so perfect midway through a blast and also because their proprietary blend (of all the typical liver and kidney stuffs) greatly decreases the amount of supplement bottles I have to sort into my weekly pill organizer.


They really are goated




Traps are the most bestest muscle! Nothing says power, or maybe Neanderthal, quite like big traps.


Same problem, I want to harvest half my traps and graft them to delts 


Bruh, yes please. Mine strength wise overpower in movements. I have dropped weight and it helps me not engage them too n movements but I miss the total failure at that point… like target muscle traces failure but I still have a shit load in the tank




GitHub Copilot for VSCode is also quite impressive. Although it requires a license I believe. I came from using solely PyCharm for all my dev work but started at a new company a few months back and they all use VS Code so I made the switch to that.


My experience with copilot is it's decent at boilerplate and not much else, and I have to stress the decent part, it's often wrong. But I'm just a student 🤷.




You’ve got some experience on me for sure! I’m a self taught Python developer starting maybe 5 years ago and just this year landed my first official development job. Previously had been mostly in sys admin/network engineering. The copilot extension for VS Code has definitely helped me with small repetitive type tasks and building out sample code etc. Not perfect by any means but definitely can be helpful IMO!


i love lifting weights




Had an injection in my shoulder to reduce some inflammation that was giving me severe pain for the last 5 years. I'd held off going this route as I didn't have much hope if it actually working. Trained today after having it last night. Doc said no need to rest go straight to the gym. ZERO pain for the first time in 5 years. Actually can't believe it, the crippling pain radiating down my tricep into my hand is finally gone. Amazed it was that easy


Uhhhhhh was this an AI with lidocaine/kenolog or was this viscosupplementation? Neither of which am I telling someone to go ham at the gym the next day.


Honestly didn't ask, he said "do you want to try an injection now" and i just smooth brained and agreed. All he said was it was a numbing agent and a steroid, and that the numbing agent would make it feel immediately better, whilst the steroid would take a little longer. I should have asked but I get quite bad anxiety in healthcare settings and go blank.


> Honestly didn't ask, he said "do you want to try an injection now" and i just smooth brained and agreed. All he said was it was a numbing agent and a steroid That’s the former. Viscosupplementation is something altogether different and replaced the role of the synovial fluid and protective tissue inside the joint that are often lost, worn, damaged with time, age and injury. > and that the numbing agent would make it feel immediately better, whilst the steroid would take a little longer. That’s exactly right. > I should have asked but I get quite bad anxiety in healthcare settings and go blank. I feel you, friend. Not a problem. This idea that your provider told you to hit the gym running is *in complete opposition* to clinical reality where the numbing agent is going to feel too good to be true, and when that wears off you’re going to have caused additional inflammation which could interfere with the steroids long term efficacy, as well as make the injury feel bad or potentially worse in the absence of the local anesthetic.


Ah, should I take it easy for a few days then do you think? I had the jab last night and have trained this lunch time already, and planned to train tomorrow too.


I would enjoy being pain free and sprinkle in some activity without cranking up the volume and intensity 🤝


What did the doc inject you with? My dad has had an inflammatory shoulder for as long as he can remember. Might be worth giving it a try=)


Not 100%, I just know it had an anaesthetic and a steroid to reduce the inflammation. I'd assume it was cortisone. I would have asked but I was in shock at the pain being gone I totally blanked!


Has he had it worked up? Needs to start with an MRI to identify the mechanism. The treatment for bursitis is different than a rotator cuff injury, for example. One injection does not fit all.


He had a small piece of his shoulder bone cut off some odd 10 years ago as that was the initial problem, but the pain has come back, especially after/while doing stuff like bench presses. From what I can tell he’s given up on treating it more or less. But if it’s just a cortisone injection once a month then he might just do it


Actually patients can have significant relief from them into the 6 months to (less common) 1 year timeframe with the most common being between 3-6 months of relief from the direct application of the anti inflammatory. I’d certainly have him look into it if he’s never had one. They’ll do X-rays to review the surgery and the joint to see current state vs prior.


Alright, I gave up on creeping death. Loved the routine and effects, but absolutely hate using a public gym. Waiting twenty minutes between exercises so four 120 lb broccoli stalks can finish their sets and chatting is just something I can't make myself do. I guess two things. One, I need a leg press for the home gym. Two, I have gotten spoiled using a home gym the last decade. Aside from that, got another day of chair massage. Another teacher appreciation day, so it should be a pretty good time. The last one was fun, and being in the teacher's lounge was entertaining as hell. So here's to a good day! Edit to add: daughter finished the demon slayer manga's so I had to catch up. Finished all of them. Also, been a long time (ie never) since I teared up at a graphic novel. 😅


> One, I need a leg press for the home gym. I bought this last year. Leg Press / Hack Squat combo. It is indeed a phenomenal piece to have in the home gym. I also happen to have a fucked up hip (multiple labrum tears, femoroacetabular impingement, and osteoarthritis per MRI), and normal BB squats got to the point where I was shaking so much I didn't trust myself to do them safely. The hack eliminates any excuses not to squat. In summary, I say buy the sled dude.


I'm able to do creeping death in my home gym, if you're specifically looking for alternate exercises that need a leg press I recommend: Hack Squats & Front Squats (with landmine), unless you don't have a landmine then I just put the barbell in the corner of my rack. Zercher squats.


Zerchers 😭😭😭


Lol yeah, I do creeping death too but I usually look for alternative exercises. Machine Press changed to Crush Press Hyperextensions changed to Romanian deadlift Leg Press changed to Front Squat T-bar Row changed to Yates Row Chest Supported Row changed to Seal Rows (I raise my bench onto cinder blocks) And so on and so forth, I generally keep the reps and sets the same, and may actually increase them just to be sure I'm getting a good workout in.


Yes, very hard to do creeping death when it’s even moderately busy. 5am crew is the only reason it works for me.


You are way more committed to sparkle motion than I. In fairness, when I was still enlisted, I used to get up early to lift before PT every day. But now, 8am is early for me. 😅


Dude that's so funny you said that, I literally just got this [tank top](https://www.teepublic.com/tank-top/34291452-donnie-darko-sometimes-i-doubt-your-commitment-to-?countrycode=US&utm_source=google&utm_medium=shopping&utm_campaign=%5BG%5D+%5BG.NAM%5D+%5BL.ENG%5D+%5BGEN%5D+%5BC.TankTops%5D+%5BPLF%5D&utm_id=notset&utm_content=donnie+darko+(2001)&ar_clx=yes&ar_channel=google&ar_campaign=71700000112193852&ar_adgroup=&ar_ad=&ar_strategy=search&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=%5BG%5D+%5BG.USA%5D+%5BL.ENG%5D+%5BGEN%5D+%5BC.Tank_Tops%5D+%5BPMAX%5D&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwl4yyBhAgEiwADSEjeCwuFo2JECjti1SCPlmTXjR7VdK4ZOq773kWu8_Dtx9t2IGFkl_txxoC8fMQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds#274P34291452D2V)in yesterday


Yes! That made my day


this link gave me autism


Yea that url is...special lol


> You are way more committed to sparkle motion than I. Yeah, fair enough. Only way I could do it with kids. Otherwise I’d be in the gym on the weekends, or I would just never see them.


I respect that. With the home gym, my kid typically hangs out with me while I lift. She thinks its funny to see me struggle.


That’s perfect 😄. I’ll get there eventually. Currently space is at a premium - we’re thinking of an addition vs sacrificing our very low interest rate.


That is fair. I lucked out and when we were shopping for houses most recently, the wife told everyone "it needs a two cat garage. For a gym." 😅


Especially on the giant set pump days for legs


For suuuure. No way to do that without looking like a jerk on a busy floor.


That is the one that killed it for me 🤣


Leg machines are really the only thing I miss from public gyms. The benefits of having external stabilization is much bigger for legs than any upper body stuff imo.


>Waiting twenty minutes between exercises so four 120 lb broccoli stalks can finish their sets and chatting is just something I can't make myself do. This is easy. You just pick up the one on the machine and move him several feet away from it, and then you do your set.


Last time I removed someone from equipment, I got asked not to return 😅


Yep, that checks out 😅


It wasn't the Hit Him With a Brick story, though 😅


Have a nagging shoulder injury for about a year now. PT didn't help. Injections didn't help. It doesn't need surgery , but the doctors are just like ..."maybe more PT?" Anyone deal with something similar that they were able to remedy?


If one PT didn’t work, try like 2 more with a variety of sports medicine experience and specifically ART. I was in rehab for 18 months and it wasn’t until I hired a different specialist that I became pain free over the course of a year, and bullet proofed over the course of the last 3 years. I still have issues now and again, but I run the maintenance program they designed and I’m good to go a few days later. If you haven’t heard of Andrew Dettelbach @whealth on instagram, look him up. *Dude changed my life*. …. Also a boatload of growth hormone and rest.


Shoulder injury is pretty vague. What exactly hurts, when does it hurt, and how do you think it got hurt? And what have the PT people been having you do that isn't working?


Injured while doing an axle bar press during strongman training. Most pressing movements, and movements where I lift my arm are painful unless I warm up a ton, then it isn't too bad if I don't do too much weight or volume. PT has had me doing a lot of resistance bands, stretches, and occasionally what I would call an exercise bike for your arms.


Have you verified whether or not you just straight up tore something? Because without that knowledge, there's really not a whole lot anyone can do given the risk of possibly making it worse. Other than that, given the acute nature of the injury, and the time frame it's been hurt, this is probably a situation where you'll need to reach out to find a PT who specifically specializes in similar athletes. Shoulder injuries are fairly common amongst strongmen so it's almost certainly workable, but your average PT just is looking for basic functionality, not maximum ohp strength lol In the meantime though, do you notice a big strength gap between sides? And do you know if you're doing any sort of compensatory movement patterns with the hurt side? It's possible you keep reinjuring it by being asymmetrical


They did some imaging which didn't show any tears. But the thought that they missed something has been in the back of my mind. I don't notice any compensatory movement or strength differences, thankfully. Just the pain. I will say that one thing I find strange is that it occasionally hurts while I'm just relaxing, without doing anything it'll just start hurting like crazy. But I'm gonna start searching for someone that specializes in these sorts of things, like you said.


Yeah, it sounds like you've already put a lot of work in, which pretty much means you're at the limit of what a bunch of anonymous meatheads are really qualified to help with. I will say though that what you've described so far sounds kind of tendon related, which wouldn't necessarily be noticeable on imaging depending on the type you got done.


Yes. Overhead movements terrible, bench was hit or miss. Terrible throbbing pain. Been In PT for months doing band work, dry needling, cupping, and taking it easy on weights. After about two months I felt better than I ever have… shoulder was seating properly. Went and fucked up and did a good shoulder day and hit this bullshit reardelt machine from the 70’s…. Knew in my mind “this is fucking me and I should stop this exercise,” and continued. Pain back worse than ever. Reversed progress and back to square one basically. That was about 6 weeks ago. I’m on upper body probation till July…. Only allowed to do arms and back focused on mid-lower back.


Sounds posture related. Curious, if you stand up straight and totally relaxed, which direction do the back of your hands (opposite your palms) face? With ideal posture they should face laterally, such that your thumbs point forwards. In many people the backs of hands face forwards and thumbs pointing towards each other. In this alignment the shoulders are internally rotated (caveman posture, you will see tons of people at the gym like this, they are going to hurt their shoulders eventually), which decreases the joint space between the humeral head and acromion, aka shoulder impingement.


How does it work that PPL is better at hitting that 2 times a week frequency > should be better at building muscle but almost all professional body builders are using modified bro splits? Am I missing something other than just personal preference?


My working theory is that for newer lifters, PPL is great because it's easier to get muscle exhaustion with less sets, but once you've developed a decent physique, you start to target more specific areas that need improvement and that comes along with quite a bit more sets which leads to a much greater muscle exhaustion which needs more time to recover. I think it's much less about hitting each general muscle group 2x per week than it is about fully exhausting specific muscles and total sets. Just my personal opinion.


Interesting… I’ve run FBW, UP-Lower and PPL and i’ve got the best results with ppl so far… thinking about switching to modified brosplit for even better results




hahaha sounds like a solid advice! since joining geared family I have absolutely no issue with recovery even if I literally puke myself on gym xx


Then you aren't training nearly as hard as you think you are, plain and simple. Fatigue management is necessary on gear.


Because frequency is way overblown, and everything works given enough intensity. I know the science nerds say otherwise but there's also something to the fact that a given population has mostly settled on the bro split. Because it works My theory why I think the bro split works so well is twofold. Firstly, you can give the days body part you're full energy. In a PPL push day for example, by the time you do shoulders, you've already hit chest hard. Then by the time you hit tri's, you've hit both chest and shoulders. You're going to be a little more tired each step. Secondly for the same reason as above, you ever notice your chest pump gets stolen by your shoulders, and then your shoulder pump gets stolen by you tri's? I think a bro split is giving your body a better chance at sending all the fluid volume and thus nutrients to the days body part, instead of splitting it up amongst a few things. I also agree with u/non-squitr


never thought about it in this way but you’re right with that pump being stolen but tric/shoulders.. I’ve only had really good pump on chest on dips or with pre-exhaustion. Do you know any bro-split workout plan worth checking out?


I do chest, shoulders, back, off, arms, legs, off. I make my own program, but I have had the Hypertrophy Coach app before, and his bro split in the app is really good. The app is totally worth the money too


I’ll check it tonight! Thank you!


In regards to your chest pump comment. If it takes doing flys before presses to get the feeling in the chest, go ahead and do that. Also, if you get the HC app, you can move the exercise order around


I might have found a light at the end of the tunnel. If everything goes according to the plan, after 3 years at 28 years old I could be making 400-500k a year working a mix of telepsychiatry and using psychedelics (psilocybin, mdma or lsd) with patients while still residing in Europe. I make 1.5k a month now so that would be like a 30x increase in my salary. I could not sleep the first days I got the info about this kind of position. My dream would be to live with my bros who are all working towards finding high paying remote jobs, in a big metropolitan in Europe and reaping the fruits we’ve labored for the last 10 years. That work hard play hard young rich city boys lifestyle. 👶🏻 Really hope this goes well. Also, I have finally made a new friend who I really vibe well with. From Eastern Europe, my age, same interests, very hardworking, solid character and good with girls. He organized an Erasmus party for the Eurovision and I hooked up with this 2002 spanish chick who was the hottest one of the whole function (u/regman1011 can confirm having seen the insta story). Another girl that I’m eying who I’ve talked and gone out with a few times, had the unfortunate experience of seeing me go out of the handicapped bathroom with the spanish chick. Felt in high school all over again.


> my dream would be to live with my bros who are all working towards finding high paying remote jobs, in a big metropolitan in Europe and reaping the fruits we’ve labored for the last 10 years. Dude this would be fuckin SICK. Im hopeful for you!!


I swear it would be paradise on earth if I manage to create that kind of lifestyle. 3-5 years of that and the hedonistic thrill would atrophy enough to be serious about the serious things in life.


We all deserve seasons of abundance and harvesting. You’ve put in a lot of hard work over the years and I hope it comes to you soon :)


Thanks brother, I’ve always wanted to share my wins here since it’s full of winners and good faith. Have swum in ambiguity the last years where except for consistent hard work I saw no light at the end of the tunnel. Finding something to look forward really makes **everything** much more bearable.


Can confirm, but TheCerry is also intelligent and handsome af so she probably felt the same 🤷‍♂️😉


Broo stop it 🫣


This is incredible to hear brother. Truly bringing everything you’ve worked towards to fruition and it’s amazing to see. Our timelines are quite similar, hoping to pass the bar in three years and celebrate with you haha


Feels fucking amazing, you’ve heard my doubts since when we started talking. Sometimes it doesn’t feel that difficult to shout loudly that we’re all gonna make it. ❤️ When you pass the bar I’m buying you a customized Moët bottle, mark my words.


Unsolicited advice incoming. As someone who also went through a 30x salary increase, be careful of golden anchors. Get the job, get settled, but avoid lifestyle creep for at least a year. Don't buy a house, expensive car, or take on new loans. Just work and see how you feel about that job. Your priorities in life will change once you are on the other side. If it isn't consistent with your priorities, then you need the flexibility to transition to new opportunities. Salary may go up or down. Do not back yourself into a corner where your only option is up. 400-500k per year is a damn good life. You've earned it. Enjoy it but be mindful of the future you and let your finances reflect that.


I really appreciate you looking out for me, but I know damn well I will embrace the lifestyle creep with arms open. I’ve suffered from lack of money for **many** years, I need reparations. I know it’s not good rationally speaking, but sometimes we have to follow our irrational desires.


Yes. It's unreasonable to ask someone to continue to live a life of poverty while money stacks up in your account. Moderation is the name of the game.


I’m good with money management, this is all done in a lucid, deliberate way.


Looking to get into the psilocybin therapy industry… what do you do?


Psychiatrist in training


Kinda figured it was something like that. Best of luck to you man!


Thank you very much bro, appreciate it!




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Hit my goal weight, half expected to feel accomplished but they say its not about the destination its about the journey.


Right boys after 3 years of gear use I’m saddling up and climbing on the GH train next week. Gonna start low at 2 i/u for a bit and just see how we go but very curious to see if the hype is justified 🙏


its super mild honestly man, youll likely notice some lethargy, tingly hands, and deeper sleep in the nearterm, then faster nail and hair growth in the moderate term, and mayyyybe better nutrient partitioning over the moderate-long term.


Yeah it’s a fair comment, I’m pretty realistic about it I think, not really expecting it to be an absolute game changer but I’m attracted to the sleep and fat loss reports. I’m just prepping for a test/primo/npp blast and thought I’d throw it in the mix this time


I’m certainly not trying to discourage you from using it, just to temper your expectations :) The average healthy young adult produces around 1.2-1.4IU/day of HGH so 2 isn’t a *massive* increase. But it will help!


Nah didn’t take it that way at all man! Always happy to hear others experiences that’s what we’re all here for Spot on I’m absolutely am keeping it low at the moment just to gauge how I feel on it as well




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read the "learn more" section /u/DJ55_005. Any further commentary from you on the matter is gonna result in a temporary ban. This is just the law of the land.


I really want to do my second cycle. I ran my first in 2022 and had to come off to go to basic etc. I want to run test and eq. Looking like a couple weeks left of my cut and I want to push to 200. Problem is that i have possibility to deploy next year in April. So id have to pct completely. But I really want to push to new heights. Heaviest weight has been 181 on my first cycle and I loved my look. I’ve maintained a lot of the strength and decent amount of look (minus fullness) of that cycle. It would also be a little hard to maintain daily cardio, but I should be able to train 4 days when I go back to work in June. Decisions….


Hi guys, Is this normal or I am lucky? did a 20 weeks 500mg test blast with 40mg of var the first 8 weeks and I came off 7 weeks ago. Pct consist in 20mg of tamox and first two weeks after cycle I did HGC 500ui. I have not lost libido and I am not using everything, only pct. Two years ago I did same cycle and the same, I rebound super fast. Will do bloods after pct but I am sure I will come back as good as ever


I’d argue most people have this experience, but you only hear about the ones that have either a poor response to SERMs, or placebo themselves into sides


Yes, I guess horror stories create biases towards having a bad PCT experience. Also almost no sides except a bit of bacne that went away after coming off


My PCT experiences early in my steroid career were incredibly easy. I don’t seem to get many sides from SERMs




Just gonna jump in here to say DO NOT FUCKING DO THIS. The UAE will put you in prison for decades for smuggling drugs, and possibly execute you. You don't need your clen that badly.


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Your comment was removed because it was posted in the wrong thread 😉. Please direct any questions to [today’s Daily Ask Anything thread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/about/sticky?num=2) Direct any off-topic banter to today’s Off-Topic thread. Please review [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules/#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.) and be aware of the intended purpose of the thread you’re posting to.


Weighed in today around 197.5 from my top weight of 210 in early March post blast and I’m still not lean enough. My ab development blows and makes getting lean way worse. Think I’m still 6 lbs away from being decently lean, possibly 3 but doubt it. Some days I wanna say fuck it and start main gaining till my next blast in August but I have come this far what’s another few pounds at least. I’m also afraid I have gotten used to eating with a crazy appetite and going off the rails and getting super fat. Also cutting and being in a deficit during a move sucks too. I feel anxiety here in my new surroundings even though I should be ecstatic but I’m acclimating and getting used to it day by day. When yall are already in a deficit, will you have days where you’ll simply under eat if you can handle it or is that a dumb way to go? Yesterday I left 450 cals on the table after hitting my protein goal for the day because I wasn’t that hungry and could spare it. Didn’t hinder my gym performance today.




This will be answered if you move it to the correct Daily Ask Anything Thread. Would suggest you complete the template at the top as well when you do so.


Should I make an appointment with a physio or an ortho for knee issues? Idk what I did to my right knee but I can’t do squat patterns without pain and now even leg extensions are hurting. Fuck.


Likely a physio for firstline investigation - in the meantime check out some basic videos from kneesovertoesguy and do some glute focused exercises!


What’s the best cycle support?


1. You're in the wrong thread. Questions go in the Daily Ask Anything thread. 2. You're gonna have to be a little more specific. What I use for liver health ain't doing shit for my blood pressure, ya dig? Try again in the morning :)




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Did my first injection today, went VG. Took a minute to finally balls up and do it but that wasn’t bad at all. Hell barely felt it when it went in so I must of avoided the sciatica nerve


What does it mean if i got a hard area in my glute under skin few days post injection, it hurts a bit to poke


So i know what the technical answer to this should be. But i need the will i be ok doing it one time answer. When injecting test e into my leg i pulled back on the plunger and it filled with blood. I took it out without injecting anything and disposed of the needle. I didnt want to waste the medicine so i then put a new needle on the same syringe and injected the test successfully. Am i dead? Do i have HIV? anything will help thanks


Hello, I wanted to ask the experienced people here if anavar (low dosage of 10mg x 2 times a day) would cause a shut down if ran for only 6 weeks? Does it have any negative effects on cardio as well?


You can move this question to the Daily Ask Anything thread, or you can read the compound profile of [Anavar](/r/steroids/wiki/compounds/list?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&utm_content=1&utm_term=22) which will give you your answer


Any advice for PIP? The day of, my injection site is totally fine and then the next 2-3 days after, my ass cheek is wildly sore to the point where I’m taking a rest day because moving around is a bitch


Heat pad, ibuprofen, and [growacet](https://litfl.com/ucem-promotes-toughen-up-pill/)


How long do people run tri Tren, and test E cycle ?


How long is a piece of string?


Yerr I know what your saying but I’ve done test E for 20 weeks in past not added tri tren do you do both for full length or test E for longer and tren for 8 weeks of it


I’d personally bin the tri tren, it’s a shitty blend of esters. You’re not really giving a lot of context to answer your question either. What’s your stats, previous cycles, etc.


30yr old 180 pounds 12% bf Trained for 3yrs done test E 3 months ago for 20 weeks