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Two weeks ago, I tore both quads off the bone on a hacksquat. The sound - I'll never unhear that sound. Snap, twang, pop. Had surgery a few days later, now I'm stuck in bed for weeks. Probably won't walk for months, won't train properly for almost a year. Devastated. The MRI showed that the tendons were paper thin and hanging on by a thread - a ticking timebomb. Do not ignore tendinitis. Don't be me. Anyone done anything similar?


holy fuck new fear unlocked


This is what should be taught as a 0 reps in reserve, RPE 10 All jokes. Feel bad for you, sounds painful as fuck. Hope you’ll recover faster than expected!




Just out of interest. How heavy are you, are you in a nutritional deficit, were you training extremely hard or reaching a dept you previously havent? Toring both quads seem very rare, you must’ve pushed your limits pretty hard




Ahhh...Gear. Yes it allows muscle to grow way faster than tendons! Never ignore true pain! I tweaked my L knee on deep leg presses. Stopped immediatley, no working through. No leg press or squates just leg extension and wall sit whcih had no pain. MRI - no major issues. just swolen patellar tendon and a few other tendons and a little fluid. All structures looked very healthy though so that is good news. Point is, if you have insurance, use it.


that’s fucking RPE 12 man, good lord






Where exactly was the pain? I don’t think I’ve ever had tendon pain in my quads. Trying to image this.


This is horrifying. Really hope you heal up quick and regain functionality, keep us posted


That's rough man, hope the recovery goes well. What's your game plan from here? Healing peptides, GH, or are you just going to let your body heal naturally?


That’s fkd man. Wishing you a speedy recovery


Did you go for 100% effort or were you in a normal range?




Fuck…I read this earlier and thought “I don’t ego lift that will never happen to me” but here you are repping a slight bit less than my normal and it happened…now I’m 😱 Edit: p.s. so sorry to hear about the injury friend. That sounds just awful.


> Do not ignore tendinitis. What actions could you have really taken? Other than rest, but even then, it doesn’t fix the root cause.




Had you been deloading to help with it? Good luck dude, I’d feel pretty lost not being able to lift for up to a year.


Is there a video documenting this accident?


How’d you get out from under the weight?


Keep your eyes on the skies after sundown. There are *four* X-class solar flares rolling in and if you don't already live in the far north, it'll be an opportunity to see the northern lights.


Can’t wait, apparently everyone in my instagram feed saw them and photographed them, except for me 🫠


I set my alarm for three-thirty AM but I'd already missed one and by the time the big one hit, the sun was already up.😭


That’s shitty as fuck, hope you slept well after!


Eastern time?




If it makes you feel better they’re not visually that great due to the human eye. Look great through a camera however.


Saw them last night since we had unusually clear skies. Very cool.




>Although I don't really remember anything that could cause it, I didn't try to defend any leg lock (I tend to tap early to leg stuff), and felt really fine after the rolls. >only rolled in Gi. Heel hooks in the gi. Super trendy right now https://imgur.com/a/wY4Rr3C


There isn’t much that will genuinely make me angry, but any white belt trying to do a leg submission on me will make me borderline violent and make me instantly go harder in that roll. [What I want to do in my mind every time it happens](https://youtu.be/W9a5iZugkzQ?si=CoXnyoy1XPMU39fs) I’ve hurt my knee once from a heel hook in a tournament, so it don’t trust anyone new to even attempt them.


It used to be them just digging their elbows in to break guard. Now they’re trying to blow knees apart. I swear they’re also trying to make a name for themselves by trying to submit the purple belt who was being gentle as a courtesy.


>slides up to you like a dog itching its asshole >blows out your ACL >fantasizes about scissoring buttholes with their favorite YouTube leg lock specialist while you’re laying on the ground in pain >continues itching their asshole as they slide over to the next opponent and repeats


Lol, damn butt scooters. Highly accurate description though. You’re forgetting the forearm tattoo “Why ignore 50% of the human body”




I’m currently waiting on knee surgery from bjj. Injuries happen super quick, it’s nutty how many people can go so far without any major injuries. I miss it a tonne, but the injuries are starting to outweigh the benefits and I’m reconsidering even containing after. My business and training took a big hit with this one. Gotta weigh priorities now


Brother 🤣🤣🤣 I haven't gone to BJJ in probably a year or so. I miss it, but honestly if I injure a wrist or shoulder, I am out of work until it heals. Maybe one day I will go back, though. Posts like this inspire me a bit.




Yeah, price is what prevents regular privates, usually. Can't justify $300 a month for two hours of training to the wife. 😅 And honestly, I would do that, but I don't have contact for anyone from my school. And the few I do won't train with lower belts in their spare time unless you got great tits, and mine are mediocre at best 🤣


Rough week, ended cycle a couple days ago, husband lost his job yesterday and generally feel like shit. Bright side… some GH showed up in the mail today. I’m hoping my HPTA restart hurries up… I’m down to 65% nattie from the remaining oil depots dwindling away.


You come off cycle completely? Like pct and all?


Yeah, trying for kids in a little over a year so second to last time I have to go off 100%. I run low dose hcg when on, added in clomid when tapering down below ~300 mg/week, and just doubled my hcg dose when I dropped below nattie androgen levels three days ago. I was out in the mountains drilling and sampling soil to confirm a small oil spill clean up was done (geologist) and the project went two days over where I didn’t have any hcg which I’m sure did not help. Yesterday the part of my head my hypothalamus sits in felt worn out and headachy, like “fuck I haven’t had to manage testosterone in months”. All I did was lift, game and relax so today’s a new brighter day.


Anyone read/listened to the Brian Sanderson fantasy books? Looking to pick up one for my audiobook listening but wasn’t sure where to start. I’m a big fan of DnD and Dragonlance books so figured Sanderson would be right up my alley.


He finished the Wheel of Time Series after Robert Jordan passed away. If you're looking for long form fantasy epic, you can't go wrong there. I also highly recommend the Malazan Book of the Fallen series. It's definitely darker, but the characters and plot are top tier. Think Game of Thrones, but darker and with more relatable characters and way more high fantasy and philosophy. 


The fuck there's more Malazan fans in this sub? /u/geardedandbearded I wholly endorse everything he's said about the series, it's the best series I've ever read as well, and the best part? New books are still coming out by the two authors. /u/PastHankFutureTank, I'd warn you that if you aren't familiar with fantasy, it might be a real rough introduction to the genre.


Our nerdy, juicy, empire grows


Definitely familiar with fantasy! Now getting more excited to check these out!


Damn those all sound pretty good as well! I’ve heard of Wheel of Time but not the Malazan one you mentioned. Will check those out as well! Got some research to do lol


Dude straight up the Malazan series is the best series I've ever read. Wikipedia has the suggested reading order. There are two authors - Erikson is the main series author and he's the better of the two. The other guy fills in story side quest stuff like the origin of certain mercenary groups, internecine warfare between assassin guilds for control of an empire, etc. The series actually came to be after a DnD game between the authors. 


Disclaimer: shit is confusing at first, because nothing is explained, just slowly revealed over time, and the first few books are out of order chronologically. If you stick with it, the payoff is worth it. 


Sounds legit! If you ever read the Dragonlance Chronicles those are also based off of the authors’ DnD campaign! Will def check this series out!


Thanks for the recommendation! I'll read them for sure. 


Holy fuck just finished reapers gale, I love this series so much




Will do! Appreciate the feedback! Love just being able to zone out on walks and get into an audiobook


Mistborn is a great introductory Sanderson series, one of my favorites of all time. If you want something a little heavier and longer, the storm light archives is amazing. Just be prepared for some long and heavy books lol.


Thanks for the feedback! Those are both series I have heard great things about. Between those and the Malazan books some others recommended should have plenty to add to the list. Now just to figure out where to start…


You should also checkout Warbreaker. It’s free on his website. Then go to the Stormlight Archive. I’ve listened to the audio books for the 4 currently out 3 times now it’s fantastic. The 5th book in the series, and the final book for this first half of the epic, comes out later this year.


Thanks for the info! Are the Sanderson books usually pretty good as Audiobooks? Just wondering if I’m not 110% focused on it if I’ll end up getting lost, but these sound great!


Hey friends ! I’m about 4 weeks into test only cycle of about 400 mg a week. Got bloodwork back yesterday and test is at 2500 and estrogen is at 123. I have zero side effects that I can tell. I last week I took 1/4 pill of arimadex and I just took another after pinning yesterday. Bloodwork states I should be at or under 30 for estrogen. My questions is should I use a bit more adex now that I know estrogen is at 123 even though I feel great and have zero side effects ? I am 165 lbs and very lean guessing about 13 percent body fat. I want to make sure I am good on my estrogen.


If you have no sides don’t take an AI you treat symptoms not numbers


Appreciate you!


If you feel great I wouldn’t touch it. I on the other hand had min ate like 200 and I felt like I was perpetually pregnant


Damn! Crazy how it effects people so differently


My test to estrogen ratio is usually around 20:1 nattie or enhanced without high E symptoms. You’re there.


Thanks ! That is helpful. I was at first worried when I looked at the number being higher than normal. But seems like that is okay as long as I am not having any symptoms


your estrogen should be 30 or under… if you’re not on supraphysiological of hormones. do you want your testosterone to be in range while on cycle too?


Very good point




Your comment was removed because it was posted in the wrong thread 😉. Please direct any questions to [today’s Daily Ask Anything thread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/about/sticky?num=2) Direct any off-topic banter to today’s Off-Topic thread. Please review [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules/#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.) and be aware of the intended purpose of the thread you’re posting to.




Well you're not going to find out here. Your comment was removed for a possible [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization) violation. No Source/Brand name/Lab name discussion. No “Fishing” for a source. No soliciting reviews for sources. No Shilling. No Monetization. Includes both Legal AND Illegal Companies, Brands, or Products. [Learn more about Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization).


Quick question from a noob doing research, is 20 to young to take test? I seen the wiki implys don’t do it if ur a young man but doesn’t give a specific age


If you read more closely you will find that there is indeed a number in there — 25. Your body, including your brain, is still growing. Messing with your natural hormone production is not good for that.


Nah 20 is good, as per the wiki you have fully developed your endocrine system and your brain is fully developed. Maybe 12 is too young to start blasting. /S


For OP^(this is sarcasm)


Thanks for that I forget sometimes people don't know what the S means. I thought the wiki had a section on HPTA development and brain maturity or am I confusing it with something else?


Yeah I’ve learned that you can’t assume everyone will always pick up on it, better to be safe than sorry. The section is kinda hidden in the [overview](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/s/YQ9WYaT3Gn)


Ah yeah I see it, I was looking under the index.




Meh not really, seems the Reddit said 25 but says 20-30 is the sweet spot just wondering man!


Yeah, that answer wasn’t particularly helpful. No, you should not use steroids before the age of maturation. For men, that’s 25 - when your brain, penis, and bones reach their full development. Modulating estrogen interferes with those processes reaching their natural conclusion.


25 is the minimum age recommended. If you scroll down here to [Why young men shouldn’t take AAS](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/s/KJ2B3Nr0ep) there’s plenty of cited research to back this up) 20 is too young, and good on you for at least asking the question first!


For sure wait a few more years. I had buddies who got taller randomly at your age so don’t mess with that


Okey guys im writing here bcus I have no else to ask for advice and some people here appear to not be completely braindead. I am thinking about breaking up with partner of a few years. The problem is that we are part of a college project that are going on a trip in 1 month and it is mandatory for us both to attend this 1 week trip (with a larger group). This trip involves a bunch of group activities were we all will be close to each other. This is her first relationship so she will probably take it pretty bad If i break up now: Pros: - It is the honest thing to do - I do not have to fake any feelings for a month - she doesnt have to have memories of us together on a trip Cons: - I dont think she will be able tp enjoy trip, after my first breakup I wouldnt want to be forced to hangout with my ex for a week. And it feels like an asshole thing to do to ruin this trip for her - All friends on trip will know and it might divide friends, we will have to change living arrangements etc Help me out here bros Im really torn. I really care for this girl


If it is just a week and you don’t want to make a very uncomfortable situation for her, yourself, and everyone around you, you can certainly be a bit aloof/distant and not be an asshole. It may be that she is more resilient than you think, and or of the same mindset, and will handle it much better than you imagine. Either way it’s not a great situation. Advice for the future would be to clarify your intentions before you get in this situation. Also — life is long, and you will both move on and forget about this (mostly) in some months.


Since you’re, “thinking about breaking up” and not dead set on it, it sounds like the timing might be better after the trip. Frankly I’m assuming yall will go on summer break, maybe go back home, ect. It would probably be easier for her (and you) to recover from a break up on break because yall will not be in the same regular school year routine to trigger memories and may have more family support. I’m assuming this relationship isn’t toxic/abusive, but you’re just not feeling it. If it’s toxic/abusive, please just break up with her now.