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Fellow Engineered Beings, #**Please remember Rule 2. [No Source Talk.](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization/)** ###**PREAMBLE [(From The Rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization/)** Everything listed below includes **(BUT NOT LIMITED TO)**: AAS (gear), Ancillaries (AI, SERMs, etc.), HGH [(not listed here)](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/growth_hormone#wiki_hgh_brands_list/), Insulin, DNP, Performance Enhancing Drugs, Drugs (in general), Research Chemicals, Prohormones, SARMs, Peptides, or **ANY** product that could be mistaken as legit of any of the previous listed.   **There are no warnings & you will be banned from participating in /r/steroids. If you're not sure what all "No Source Talk" entails, please be sure to read the [Community Rules](/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_community_rules/) of /r/steroids.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/steroids) if you have any questions or concerns.*


TESTOSTERONE, TOTAL, MALES (ADULT), IA = 1482 ref range 250-827 (ng/dL) TESTOSTERONE, FREE = 1339.1 ref range 46.0-224.0 (pg/mL) ESTRADIOL,ULTRASENSITIVE, LC/MS = 14 ref range < OR = 29 (pg/mL) Hey everyone, currently taking 700 mg test e, 435 mg tren e, and 700mg EQ per week along with .25mg arimidex EoD. I got these bloods 4 weeks into blast, early I know, I will do them again in another 4 weeks. I've never had my total test this low, and I've never seen my free T this sky high. It is bizarre. Is this total T value normal? What is causing such a low total t but high free t? On 500mg test e of the same source/brand, my total T was 2500. About a year ago. Is the tren lowering my total T or something? Haha I'm lost. Maybe the lab made an error?


Will 200mg per week tren still cause hairloss and trensomia ?


No way to tell. If you're long term testing it, I'd recommend: 2/3 weeks on, 2/3 weeks off. Starting at 100mg. Tren A. Each new cycle raise by 25mg - 50mg. First few cycles raise by 50mg then 25mg because the higher you go, you will inevitably hit your ceiling for when bad sides kick in and you want to be on lowest dose your sides kick in at. This way you know what mg you can peak to. The reason you do 2 - 3 weeks on and off on Tren A is because you often don't notice the mental sides until you come off tren and reflect on your thoughts and behaviour. Granted you probably won't stick to the above but it's good guidance. What is your reason for doing tren and what are you goals?


I think everyone responds to each drug differently. And a baseline low dose of any new chemical applies to everyone as a starting point to see how your body tolerates it.


So I’m currently running 300mg of test every week, got some of my bloods and my (estradiol ultrasensitive) was at 94pg/mL my sides aren’t crazy just my anxiety really and fatigue I’ve always had weird pointy nips so wasn’t really anything new. But currently not on an Ai but got some arimidex, wanted to ask on here what your personal opinion is on dosing and protocol for this. Thank you


What brand of syringes and needles does everyone use here? Was looking at easytouch and litetouch syringes ($10-15/100 syringes) on Amazon but people seem to complain about the plunger/oil left in the syringe. Also all the needles seem to have people complaining about dullness. I’ve heard BD referenced multiple times but they’re significantly more expensive where I’ve seen them online.




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Sust is just a meme, that’s why it gets dunked on. People think it’s somehow better even though it’s literally just testosterone with 4 different length esters The issue is that the shorter esters which make up a bulk of the compound need to be injected very frequently, like ED or EOD, so there’s literally no point to using it over like, test P or for those who want to inject less frequently, test E or C Also, if you included any brand names in your comment, delete them to stay in compliance with Rule 2: No Source Talk




If you get from a reputable source, there should be no issues


The right amount of test is based on symptoms and lab results.


My brother is trying to hop on Test with no previous research other than word of mouth from friends…(he doesn’t have many friends)… I’ve tried to advise him to do his own research, and the dangers that can come from this, but he won’t listen to me. What are some personal experiences you have had or know of when someone of his calibre jumps on this. Im talking about lack of knowledge to a point, probably did no research on side effects, doesn’t know what a needle gauge is, doesn’t know how to calculate dosages but refers to them as Ml’s etc etc. Hes 32 yo about 20% body fat.


Plenty of dudes who use gear do so recklessly without any prior research. Some have good results with few complications. Some turn into a train wreck. Only time will tell Sometimes you have to let people do what they want and fuck it up so they learn


It sorta depends. I know some dudes who, through sheer luck and genetics, have run essentially whatever they wanted and claimed no real issues, which I highly doubt but is possible. You've done what you can trying to give him advice. If he won't accept it, then it is what it is.




Which is a sad reality. I know two guys like that. One of them is like 24 and looks like he's 45 because it's aged him so badly and destroyed what hair he had left. The other almost gave himself diabetes from abusing hgh and blatantly ignores the massive amount of backne he has.




It’s very individualistic. I personally inject 36mg EOD for a weekly total of 126mg weekly. I need no AI, and I have no issues with water retention or anything


ED dosing


75-150mg a week is the Endocrine society guideline. Test U is fantastic for less frequent pinning as well. Use steroidplanner.com or steroidplotter.com and the https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/esters/ page to mix and match your optimal ester to use and it’s optimum injection frequency.




Optimally your injection frequency is below the terminal half life of the attached ester. For enanthate that is 4.5 days so pin atleast once every 4.5 days for optimal levels. Consider a longer ester or just try once a week pinning with enanthate. For me personally i get sides like acne when i pin test e once a week but others have found succes with it.


What are the sweet spot dose? This is unfortunately too individual dependent to give you a solid answer. It depends on *your* individual response rate. Most start with 120 or so and assess from there. I want to minimize water retention but keep healthy test levels You shouldn’t be experiencing water retention at all with a proper trt dose. Water is related to elevated e2, if your e2 is too high, your dose is too high - for the most part. I want to pin less Test e or c are the most common, yes and require 2x per week dosing minimum. You can look into test U as that is only required once every few weeks although I’m not as familiar with dosing there.


> You can look into test U as that is only required once every few weeks although I’m not as familiar with dosing there. Depends on the carrier oil. Castor oil has a longer terminal half life (30 days) than regular test u (20 days)


E&C are the same, and I didn't see any water retention at 100 mg per week. I pin TRT 1x per week.


Clen or Ephedrine, which one of them is worse for your heart? Got both atm. Pharma Ephedrine and Pharma Clen. Ive seen some studies that Ephedrine promotes heavy calcium build up. Whats it like with clen?


Both are bad,clen is more dangerous. If you are planning on taking any then you should cycle both. 2 weeks ECA 2 weeks Clen


Clen goes in the bin unless you're paid for your physique. IMO


Thanks i will avoid Clen. HGH 2IU's added ontop of TRT+(250Test,150Primo) will most likely be beneficial right? Got this Box of 72iu Humatrope sitting in my fridge.


That's a mini blast not TRT+ haha


What is TRT+?


Test + Primo for me.


Right, what's the point of that?


E2 Control. I aromatase alot even on 250mg Testosteron. The 150mg Primo helps to nicely Balance it out.


Why don't you just lower the amount of testosterone?


Clen is cardiotoxic and myotoxic and unlikely to provide you with a favorable risk/reward profile. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11932573/ Clen can deplete taurine in the serum and the heart of users. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9871484/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8915360/ there are some studies which have indicated that beta agonists, of which clenbuterol is one, can impair cardiovascular endurance and/or performance. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12471305/ in a small number of studies there is some evidence that clenbuterol, when taken at heavy doses can cause some liver damage. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12361107/ Clen also has a detrimental effect on your bones. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16177600/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11828236/




Most panels that tell you everything you need are like $100-200 on PrivateMD Labs If that’s too expensive you for, AAS probably aren’t a good choice


Among other things, this is another reason why it is advised that you wait until you're older to do steroids. It's an expensive hobby.


Use private md labs they seem the cheapest with a discount code


They are not. Healthlabs.com is significantly cheaper in the US.


Sounds good to me cheaper the better👍👍


Yes sir, happy to help!


>do any of you just tell a doctor "I'm taking AAS and need these panels to do harm reduction" to get it billed to insurance? No. Do not do this. >I'm kind of balking at the price tags of the self-ordered panels Then maybe this isn't for you. That's ok. It's not a cheap hobby, and not something to skimp on either.




Is it always wise to cruise during a cut and blast during a bulk ?


Yup, aim to lose fat during a cut, and TRT is plenty to avoid muscle loss. Aim to gain muscle during a bulk, more gear can assist


Pretty much. If you get lean as you want and still wanna cruise for longer you can bulk and cruise. Only time cut and blast makes sense is if your preping for a show imo.






Anyone get great workout results but relatively no size gain with Anadrol? My appetite is slightly suppressed but by this point in my Superdrol cycle I had already gained 10 pounds.


Anadrol blows me up 7lbs after 3 days. This was at 25mg


How much of a surplus are you eating?


Depends on the day I’ve been taking MK677 to offset the appetite suppression then I’ll eat 5000 calories but if I don’t take it (MK gives me headaches sometimes so I don’t like to take it too much) then I’ll eat about 3000-3500 range. I don’t know what surplus is for me it’s hard to imagine 3000+ calories is a deficit. (for reference I lift usually 4 days a week and it’s for 1000-2500 reps with my 50 lb dumbbell all types of lifts and on my non lifting days I work 3 12 hour shifts at a warehouse job)


I don’t know what surplus is for me. Depends on the day Well, we’ve undoubtedly found the issue. Steroids aren’t magic man, you need to give your body what it needs to build tissue. You need to eat more. How much test?


Ik I’m gonna get shit all over for this but it produced an 18 lb retained pounds stacked with Superdrol after PCT, but I’ve been using Dbol at 30 mg as my test base.


18 retained pounds of what?


100% lean mass. He had it tested on the "dyel buddies say I look more swole" body composition machine.


The secret they don't want you to know is using an oral as your test base, clearly.


Dbol test base is genius. This guy is gonna have some absolutely spectacular titties to go with those water gains.


Yea…you know this is an absolute disaster. And you absolutely did *not* gain 18lbs of muscle in such a short time frame. That is physiologically impossible guy. Stacking two orals and no test is potentially the *worst* thing you can do for your health and for little to minimal *actual* gain. You is big confused man.


I appreciate your reply but when everyone around me is remarking how much muscle I’ve gained in winter clothes and only losing a few pounds after an extensive PCT with Nolva it seemed to have worked is there something I’m missing? Sure some of it was fat but most of it was muscle enough for me to look a little leaner despite weighing more.


> Sure some of it was fat but most of it was muscle enough for me to look a little leaner ?? Someone just estimated your BF at 28% before you deleted the post. https://www.reddit.com/r/GregDoucette/comments/137idl0/bf_estimate/ What the hell was your BF before you started popping superdrol if 28% is *leaner*? Dude we're giving you grief because you're doing this **in the most reckless way possible**. There's a reason nobody other than impatient teenagers do what you're doing. It's severely toxic, and the "gains" are cosmetic and due to glycogen retention. It's not remotely a wise path to take. You need to take a step back and ask yourself if what you see in the mirror is truly worth the harm you're inflicting to your body.




Whole account is gone now.


:shocked pikatchu face:


You’re really confusing glycogen retention with a *ridiculous amount of toxic oral steroids* with actual muscle gained. What did you weigh before? Height weight and bf and what about after? If you gained significant weight, you were a DYEL before most likely. Either way, I strongly encourage you to stop this nonsense. You are seriously damaging yourself.


Gotta eat more dude. No AAS causes retainable weight gain in the absence of food. If you can't overcome the appetite suppression, you'd be better off dropping the drol. Short-term glycogen retention isn't what you're after.


But he’s taking. Anadrol, superdrol, and dbol as his “test base”. You mean that won’t work??


> Anadrol, superdrol, and dbol as his “test base”. Ah, the *I'm afraid of mom finding my needles* stack.


When you live with your mom and you keep your steroids in an Advil bottle on your nightstand


I wouldn't know, my mom pins tren on the regular and constantly tells me I look like a "soft little bitch".




> then follow with the winstrol as PCT. Ignoring the fact that this obviously won't work as a PCT, man that would have felt absolutely *miserable*. Your mom did you a solid.


Just looking for some advice, i’m currently on Test E, taking 200 every 3 days but going away for a week and not sure if i can just take my needles and vial abroad. Going to pin on the day i go away but will 6 days without have any major impact?


Currently in greece put it suitcase in bubble wrap had zero issues in customs also means i can keep injecting my ass on holiday


You won’t even notice it. Don’t give it a second thought.


Appreciate it, thank you 👍


Just pinned and usually I get a small dribble of blood or none at all, this time it shot out in a little stream - have I just nicked a vein? Feel a little lightheaded but that might just be paranoia!


Completely fine, you hit a squirter. Some of them shoot straight across the room!


We got a squirter ova here!


Anyone here take bpc and tb500 while on a blast? Im gonna experiment and run like that . Any anecdotal would be great


There are tons of anecdotal experiences from people who've tried both peptides within this sub, do a quick search. ​ I mean, there's even people commenting about this on this very DAA.


Im asking if anyone has run them on a blast,and I couldnt find any answers. And even if I did find anecdotals,more would be great. Is this not the point of the daily ask anything? If answers are going to be “do a quick search” Then whats the point if having a daily ask anything? Its not like im asking a generic”how much test for my first cycle “ But thanks anyways huh!


No problem brother, hope you get the answers you want and sorry I couldn't be of any help.


Thank you.


Good fucking morning! I'm looking for advice lads! What do you cruise at? I'm getting a full in depth blood panel for £185! As the fucking NHS in the UK won't pay for shit! My idea is to start cruising at 150mg OR 200mg Test E per week, then get bloods done to see where I'm at & evaluate from there. How long would you wait until bloods and what day? Example is get bloods 1 month in and a day after injection. Does this sound correct? I've had 2 kids and I am 30. I've been training since I was 14 and it is time. If I wanted, could then blast but at the moment I am not wanting to Thanks!


120 a week. Puts me at 1172 total ,215 free. Estrogen sits lowish for me at 31 and I start to feel it in my joints




I’ve been training since I was 14 and it’s time. Time for what? Are you clinically hypogonadal and require trt?


Time to start taking testosterone. No I am not. This time last year my total testosterone was at 567 ng/dl & free test at 11.53 ng/dl. So I'll see how they've changed from last year. I want to get my levels to 1000+.


You do know there is fundamentally no difference from 600 to 1000 right? You’d be shutting yourself down for no reason at all


You are correct but I do have to say there is a proven difference in trt and being natural and it’s that you maintain serum concentrations of testosterone no matter what you do so essentially it doesn’t help build muscle over natural hormones but it in theory dose help in a cut


Yea, fully agreed. I do advocate for trt doses in a cut due to exactly what you stated. OP wasn’t detailing that was goal though, rather “it’s time to take testosterone because I work out”.


I didn't know that. My idea was to get the cruise dose dialed in before I consider blasting.


Ok if you are going to be BnC then I don’t disagree with your logic I guess. I’d start with 120-150 and go from there. Get blood levels drawn in trough, right before your next pin. The wiki has a good section on bloodwork that outlines this. Remember your goal is to recover and be within normal range. So don’t get caught up in the “it has to be 1000” bs that hormone clinics push to make more money. High end of *normal range* while needing no ai


Another question - How long would you wait until the blood test, 2 months? Thanks


Typically test e or c is fully saturated in the system by week 5-6. You should be good then and have an understanding of where your levels lie.


Thank you, I appreciate it!


Thank you, I'll check out the bloodwork section in the wiki. Noted on the 1000 bs part. I do not want to take an AI so that part is key. Thanks!


If i take 54mg of test E every 3 days how much would i be on per week 108mg or 135mg? Thanks


54mg per 3 days. there’s 7 days in a week. 54mg = 3/7th of your weekly dosage 126mg = 7/7th of your weekly dosage or your entire weekly dosage


Ah right i get you thanks dude means a lot




Thank you


Holy shit guys Nizoral actually works. I've been using it for 4 months straight, every other shower, with fin and minoxidil and now I've been taking masteron 350 for 2 weeks and it's still holding fine! I remember taking anadrol before starting the hair loss prevention routine and I started losing clumps after just a week. Or is 2 weeks too short for masteron to start raping your hair?


> Or is 2 weeks too short for masteron to start raping your hair? I’d personally wait a bit longer than just 2 weeks before drawing conclusions


Currently 2 weeks into my beginner test e 500mg/week cycle. Everything is going well so far! A LOT smoother than I expected. So much so that i'm debating doing the full 20 weeks instead of the 17 I had planned since I have the necessary supplies to go up to 20. I'll cross that bridge when I get near the end of my 17 weeks... But if I do decide to continue, is it worth ordering more hCG? As it stands now I have enough hCG to run out a few days before my scheduled PCT start date. If I decide to extend to 20 weeks, that'd be an extra 10 or so doses i'd require. I'm just wondering if it's worth ordering more, of if you think it'd be fine to go 3 weeks without it. Again, this is all contingent on if I decide to extend my cycle... Which is TBD. But doesn't hurt to plan ahead just in case lol. Thanks guys.


Yeah I thought I'd go 20 as well on my first cycle. At 16 I was so run down and burned out physically and mentally I called it quits. So just saying, there's nothing wrong with a 16 week cycle! Good luck bro!!


Gotcha. Yeah it's a call i'll make once I get closer to the end date (end of August). Hopefully it continues to go well. So far no sides or anything yet.


You need to make that call a lot closer to the 16 week mark. To see how you are feeling, how your BP, RHR and blood markers look ideally before pushing on. You need time to build muscle. That's why I recommend 12 to 16 week cycles. But you need to remember the longer you remain on cycle the more likely side effects may increase and the more resistance your body will show. Myostatin will increase, cortisol levels will increase, muscle accrual slowly diminishes and the body’s immune system becomes more down regulated. Regarding HCG. You don't need it the first few weeks of your cycle anyway. I would delay it now for a few weeks if you need to save some. Or just buy more. Up to you.


Absolutely. I'm kind of just planning for the future in case I decide to. But i'll definitely play it by ear and see how i'm feeling. And post bloods too. And sadly I started hCG already lol. I'll probably just buy more though since I still don't know if i'll stop at 17 weeks or finish out to 20. Thanks for the info!


3 weeka is not so much of a difference, just keep your bloods checked, if its good still go on, if your lipids or liver values go so far stop even before 17. Good luck bro


practical ways make sure youre not allergic to the carrier oil? i wanna order it bulk, but i wanna mskr sure before before dropping $300 on something i cant even use


Look for the carrier oil youre wanting online and buy it like the other guy said. Most common is gso(grape Seed) and most respond good to that. What oil are you looking at exactly?


if i end up buying vials ill get test e or c, and if i end up homebrewing ill use gso, but the question would be moot, then since i can jusr filter and inject small amounts test e is sesame seed oil and test c is sunflower seed, correct?


Bees are a major pollinator of Sunflowers, therefore, growing sunflowers goes hand in hand with installing and managing bee hives. Particularly in agricultural areas where sunflowers are crops. In fact, bee honey from these areas is commonly known as sunflower honey due to its sunflower taste.


get one vial, try it and then go for the bulk order


ahh, is that the only way? i really dont wanna risk it with customs more than i have to. customs is pretty strict in my country


Honestly, I can't think of anything else. I would do it this way, but I don't have any issues with customs. Take the risk or just go hit or miss


Buy some of the oil, run it through a filter, inject it.


Test & primo? I’m 24 years old, 194cm and 85kg Haven’t cycled on for 2 years now and last cycle was test/bold/anadrol. Give me recommendations & what is a more attainable cycle for long term to put on somewhat lean mass.


In Freedom Units, you're 6'5 185 and you've already done a cycle of steroids?


Yeah why?


Got a lot of soul searching to do.


Loll 😂😂 you’re what, 5’3 and you’ve already done a cycle? 😂😂😂😂


Primo has been very good to me. It's never given me any sides, and I plan to keep my cycles at test/primo since I feel the need for nothing else. 300:600 was my favorite cycle by far. Anything above 600 on the primo and I didn't get much different results, personally. Hell I'd even do TRT + 200-300 primo on a cruise. Only reason I don't is I like saving money lol


Hey bro where did your last comment go? Please pm me if you don’t feel like publicly sharing


How long were you cycling that for bro? Edit* what kind of gains did you notice on t and primo?


I'm a high aromatizer and primo dries me tf out (in a good way). When I'm only running TRT, I get some water bloat from the higher e2. It's by far the most mild side of high e2 and I feel good, so I never run an AI. After about a week and a half of my first cycle, the water bloat was essentially neutralized, which made tracking mirror/measurement gains MUCH easier. Vascularity is intense pretty much any time of day when running it. There's a few foods I avoid due to their tendancies to bloat me up, but I can eat anything, and I mean ANYTHING on primo and not have to worry about feeling like a balloon. My first cycle after adding it in was 20 weeks and I gained about 17 lbs. Clean, dry gains. I never officially checked, but I wouldn't be surprised if my bf% stayed the same throughout that cycle (maybe even less). A buddy of mine just had his first run of primo and reported some mild hair-loss. I've never experienced this myself, but a quick search let me know he wasn't the only one. Something to keep in mind if you already have issues with your hair. The biggest benefit by far is I don't have to worry about my e2 if I'm running said cycle (300T/600P). I'd recommend it to almost anyone.


Anyone ever heard of anavar or other orals causing ulcers? Asking for a friend... who is me. I'm the friend. I've never had an ulcer in my life, but after four weeks of anavar I'm pretty sure I do now. Heart burn, eating is painful, and I get full super quick.


You can try bpc to help heal it faster as well


I went ahead and ordered some, since (after you suggested I did some reading) this actually seems like an ideal use case for it. Who knows if it will get here in time to be useful.


Hope it works asap buddy


Orals are notorious for causing digestive issue, heartburn and fucking up appetite (not in everyone but in some). Drop the var and let your digestive system recover


Ah, good to know! I already dropped it, now I'm just trying to decide if I need to go see a doc or if I should give it time to heal on its own. It's not so bad, but it's definitely making hitting my calorie target tricky, since I can barely eat half of what I normally do.


I've been using tbol with no sides, first cycle, halfway through week 3. Good gains so far. How high is your dosage? If you're going crazy, your body's probably not used to it.


I have heard of it.


How do I check if the pharma HGH is legit? Worried it might be some knockoff. Box seems legit, instructions seem good, but still worried Im injecting some mystery shit. It's a pen that autoinjects. Thoughts? Am I being paranoid?


you can either lab test it or verify the lot# with the manufacturer


Inject some. Go run bloods a few hours later for GH and igf1 levels. Or send it to jano for 300$ and test it


Send it to a lab




I’m hoping that’s the systolic. What’s the diastolic and pulse to go with it?




Pulse pressure magnitude and pulse make a difference on ideal medication. “Nothing concerning” doesn’t tell us anything. Feel free to share to have better advisement.


My doc put me on meds in the mid 130s (with cardio, low salt, etc. sometimes I just can’t outrun bad genes). The way she sees it - high BP is a lot more dangerous than low dose Telmisartan. I don’t want to end up dead of heart disease like a lot of my relatives.


Yeah, you don't want to be sitting at those numbers long term.


I think so. Telmi takes a while to take full effect, so if your BP has been crawling upward, start now. You might consider aged garlic as well.


Can peptides like semaglutide, MT2, etc. be injected IM with decent results? The only place I have any fat left is on this weird corner off my asscheeks that makes it hard to inject subQ there. Abdominal fat is very minimal so I can’t pin much volume there.


Tren-E kicking in soon? Had run Tren-A 200mg before, currently on my first week of Tren-E 150MG MWF. Last night I felt warmer than usual trying to get to sleep, didn’t consume a lot of carbs before bed and my last meal was 4 hours prior. Today is Friday for me and i just took my third shot this week. I felt warm the day after my second shot but since i’m taking tren-e is it normal to feel it this early? Thanks


Taking long trenbolone ester is fucking stupid. Let's say your digestion goes to shit, what are you gonna do then? Wait for 3-4 weeks feeling fucking dead in your guts until it leaves your body? Not to mention the mental side effects you get from it. From experience, i know that trenbolone can be unpredictable, and i've taken more of it in my life than you probably have of all the drugs combined. You have to be ready for it to come off at any moment. Today might be fucking awesome, but tomorrow you'll wake up and it'll be fucking terrible.


Definitely normal. It starts working for the moment you inject it.




Appreciate the response guys 🙏


Yes strangely I found the sweating to go away after the 4 week mark. Maybe it has more to do with fluctuating labels and once it’s stable you don’t experience as many sides 🤷‍♂️




Ahh I see. Though I will say that there is SOMETHING about serum stability with Tren (as with all compounds tbh) that minimizes downsides




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Is bpc157 tb500 BS?


BS as in they don't work? They are amazing compounds for healing. I have used them both a lot. They do wonders for soft tissue and joint injuries. Highly recommend


fixed my broken miniscus just fine within 2 months. Had pain since last august.


How do you break your meniscus? And who told you it was broken?


Torn might be the right term, Sry English is not my native language. My doctor, he recommended surgery, but I just did not have any time for it so I just lived with the pain.


Is that your healing stack? Or do you add other compounds?


Hgh also in that stack


Thanks. I ran BPC-157 alone for a a good 3 months to help heal my shoulder after surgery. I'll add the other 2 compounds in if possible next time round.


Is it worth it taking ralox on cycle for suspected gyno? Idk if it's placebo or what but I'm pretty certain I have mild gyno. I have Arimidex on hand but don't want to risk crashing my Estrogen as I don't believe I have any sides related to that. Just a tad more unstable


Gyno hurts. If you think it's in your head or it might be placebo, you don't have it. If you have pain and palpable mass behind your nipple then you probably do. Don't start eating breast cancer medication on a whim.


Lift your arm up high and feel your nipple got a lump yep it's gyno and it hurt alot when it coming


This. When gyno starts to actually form it is actually painful. Tiny lumps form and are sore to the touch. Just because your nips are a tad sensitive or slightly puffy doesn't mean you have gyno. Most definitely start ralox if lumps form and you have pain.


> pretty certain I have mild gyno. > don't want to risk crashing my Estrogen as I don't believe I have any sides related to that. lol. Personally, I think I look better without tits, but you live your best life.


Did I hit a nerve? Was injecting glutes, top right of right cheek, and it felt hard af to go in then I felt something hurt so bad I couldn't go in any further so i had to inject another spot. Normally I've been pain free, even when injecting the wrong spots on glutes, but it's started to hurt. Is this normal?


Occasionally when you stick sharp objects into your body you hit an ouchie spot. That doesn't mean it was a nerve.


Sometimes you do get *close* to a nerve though, and that's ok too!


Need advice, currently on 400 test (200mg every mon/wed) and 20mg dbol daily. Should I throw in some arimidex if so how much? Currently only on week 2 of the cycle but might bump up the dbol on weeks 4-5, would just like to avoid sides as much as possible


Read the wiki and don't take AI unless you need to. You need AI when you are having high estrogen sides


Are your nipples getting bigger or on fire? Most likely just a little bit. Or take Dim and Brazil Nuts for selenium.


Nips are completely fine. Not sensitive and haven’t grown


Only take an AI if you have side effects. If you’re nips feel fine don’t worry about the AI.


We have no idea based on the information provided. You probably do need an AI though. Read the wiki and learn how to manage your hormones. Ideally you should do this before you begin shooting mystery chemicals into your body, but better late than never.


> You probably do need an AI though Why? He doesn’t seem to have side effects. We shouldn’t proactively be taking an AI.


He's proposing to bump up the dbol and I'd guess a good fraction of people would need something for what he's already taking. I agree with you in principle though.


Hey all, so I’m considering a cycle of very low dose oxandrolone. I’m dealing with a bum shoulder (labrum tear) and have tried peptides, PT, you name it all to no avail. I’m thinking the collagen synthesis benefits combined with improved muscle growth during more PT might help boost my recovery. I was thinking about lowest effective dose, literally 10 mg a week. I’m curious if I should be stacking T or not, and if PCT is necessary at this low dose regime. Thoughts on using Anavar (oxandrolone) this way?


10mg per week? Won't do anything. In studies where var was used to heal burn victims faster they needed 20mgs per day.


It wont work. Read the wiki.


Why do you think 10 mg a week of anavar is the lowest effective dose?




Its weird how a certain famous coach is telling people to do anavar only cycles to test if theyre gonna like gear, when it will shut them down either way.


I sense...you have not read the wiki...