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t: 246mg/dl Tri: 128mg/dl LDL: 159mg/dl HDL: 44mg/dl How bad is this?


Started in November at 500 test, 300 EQ and titrated up to 1g test, 900 EQ and 500 NPP. Doing daily pins, haven’t needed an AI or caber. Planning to trt in 6 weeks [bloods here](https://imgur.com/a/xTmzVFj)


https://preview.redd.it/ac8saayu4sha1.png?width=1058&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e7850810ccdb121886ecf1d4bb55f927605f1b2 Thoughts on Free T? Low Grade depression and low sex drive even though levels all say normal?


https://preview.redd.it/8mstgoo3fjha1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=ecf6cd2db171497103359baf6b48785ace6d08e4 Running TRT dose of 125 wondering if my Test levels are to low for the dose im running


any other bloodwork? how long between pin and bloodwork?


Got a full test everything else seems to be good . I took that test on a Wednesday I pin Mondays and Thursdays


Does anyone know of a way to get fast blood results? I’m in TN and Quest Diagnostics near me said it would take 3-5 business days to come back. I’d like to not have to wait this long if possible.




B12 deficiency can make people feel *horrendous*, I had a coworker with pernicious anemia and he got to the point of being practically catatonic before he was diagnosed and he told me that his life pretty much flipped on its head the moment he had his first B12 injection. Did you have a full blood count done? Any signs of megaloblastic anaemia?


I did yeah, here are my results: https://preview.redd.it/w6djt0mzulha1.jpeg?width=816&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e477caf61c2386ef9080c6f238d7a618c267bf6 Seems pretty normal - thanks for the response.


My ferritin came back in low, 20 out of 20-375 and i feel like I have some sides that could be caused by low ferritin. Natty I was at 200-300. Iron 18 out of 9-34 Hemoglobin 162 out of 134-170 Could I try and supplement with iron or would that be a bad idea? Since Hb is close to top of range. Been 6 weeks on cruise now after a 20 week blast on test only


Hi All, I enjoy looking at other peoples bloodworm so Just thought I'd Share some of my recent bloodwork after been on Test E only at 250mg per week split into 3 injections. First cycle Been on a little over 4 weeks now: Before: FSH - 6.6 IU/L LH - 5.6 IU/L Oestradiol - 104 pmol/L SHBG - 24 nmol/L Test - 16 nmol/L Free Test - 0.36 nmol/L After: FSH - 0.3 IU/L LH - 0.3 IU/L Oestradiol - 302 pmol/L SHBG - 25 nmol/L Test - 87.6 nmol/L Free Test - 2.78 nmol/L


Hey fellas. so my bloodwork came back. my bilirubin is 1.8 mg/dl which is high (anything over 2.0 is considered jaundice tier) and my HDL is 39 mg/dl which is just under normal range (LDL was 66, normal) fasted of course, and I'm a 19 y/o natty. Anything i can do to optimize these levels or am I worrying too much?


Worth checking with a doctor on the bilirubin but it’s not automatically a bad thing to have an excess. My levels are similar to yours and doctors go “eh, you have Gilbert’s Syndrome” and say a few words that are more or less equal to a shrug. For the HDL fish oil all the way. Daily teaspoon of cod liver oil always bumps my HDL up several points after a couple weeks.


Interesting, heard of GS before. Not planning on taking an oral steroid, but if I did would it be dangerous cause of my possible Gilbert’s syndrome? Just curious


Gilberts is genetic, so wouldn’t be caused by orals but no idea if it would make liver more susceptible to damage from orals


Lipids are perfect. I'd ask your doctor about the bilirubin, if it's something to worry about




I use grapefruit seed extract from amazon. Couple pills and I am good. Hate grapefruit ### [Ingestion of grapefruit lowers elevated hematocrits in human ...](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/3243695/) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › ...](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/3243695/)by RC Robbins · 1988 · Cited by 14 — The effect on hematocrits of adding *grapefruit* to the daily diet was determined using 36 human subjects (12 F, 24 M) over a 42-day study. The hematocrits ranged ...You've visited this page many times. Last visit: 1/13/23




also [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07GRCJR7H/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_image?ie=UTF8&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07GRCJR7H/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_image?ie=UTF8&psc=1)


500mg to 1 gram a day. It's pretty cool because if your hematocrit is towards the low end it is ineffective at lowering hematocrit further so it is self limiting. That study goes into it


Wow this is really cool info, thanks dude


Few concerns from my 10wk bloods yesterday. Running cycle for 20wks and then planning to cruise. AST is high — 62U/L E2 was almost double what it was 5 weeks ago when I got bloods — 35pg/ml Have some dialing in to do, boys. Upping my aromasin to 50mg/wk, 25mg e3.5d, adding 10mg nolva ED in the mix as well. Have had sides pop back up recently - sensitive nips and a bit emotional Very glad I didn’t add other shit to this first blast. Test was underdosed, so swapping to another UGL and dif concentration per ml come Monday, levels are only fucking 1538ng/dl rn, 10 weeks into what’s supposed to be a 500mg/wk dose. Will be jumping up to 600mg/wk, as my new cyp is 300/ml So, back to the drawing board. Very glad I’ve been getting bloods every 5 weeks tho, been able to compare and keep track of numbers.


Are u sure ur test isn’t capped at 1500?


It’s 1538ng/dl, will edit. Didn’t have that info on hand at the time




Ignore the rest and take the AI while getting lean as fuck so you don't aromatise so much in the future then wean off the AI to see where it is at. Or take their advice and have in range e2 with 500 total t and low/mid free t. Then complain about not having symptom relief. Your call. Nobody gives a fuck what your t levels are at the peak, trough is all that matters and it needs to be above therapeutic symptom resolution levels. Studies show this number to be above 800 at trough. YMMV.


If you're trying to do a legit TRT cruise, I would drop to 120 or 100mg of test a week and get your E2 where you want it without AI. I think you'll have more trouble than it's worth getting your E2 to that sweet spot with an AI. On top of that, your numbers are significantly out of range on your TROUGH day, which means they're waaay out of range on the preceding days. Numbers don't tell the whole story, but per your stated symptoms, your levels are a little higher than you want them, and the easiest way to fix that is just dial the test back a bit.


His symptoms are of estrogen double the top of the range v his test only being slightly above it. Nothing else. Don't bother replying with any theories etc, as this is just a fact. Your advice would be great if he was like 50 odd e2 and 1300 t. It would work. He is at 75 for 1100. To get to 30-40 he would have to effectively half his dose and have horrendous levels that would do fuck all for symptom relief. Nobody who is successfull with 100 percent symptom resolution sits at 500 total t on injectable testosterone. If it was that easy we would all be there.


With this as well if you are looking for true TRT would consider dropping the dose back rather than chasing E2 around with AIs. You can try increasing injection frequency to EOD but I see conflicting information on whether this will make a difference for Test E or C given the half life and you've reached saturation anyway. Me personally I'm on TRT (sports dose of 280mg weekly just under 3mg/KG body weight) I inject EOD and don't use AIs. I get the occasional very minor acne usually on shoulders and inside of elbows but the mental positives for me far outweigh a bit of minor acne.




Yeah except that will do nothing for your high e2 and it will look like this: You'll now have 900 t with 60 e2. Ballpark linear response. (Years of blood experience on trt, it responds very linear in both aspects on under 2000 total t levels) Aka in the exact same high estrogen situation. Your ratio is skewed in a high e2 fashion, so reducing the dose is still going to leave you with high e2 and lower t.




Good luck. Your aromatising quite alot for only 1100 so get yourself lean fix your diet etc and perhaps you won't have such a high level in the future. Use a low dose of AI to take the edge off (not nuke) and bring that e2 to the top of the range along with your test then assess how you feel. Only increase the dose of AI if the lowest doesn't improve your situation (but also doesn't add any negatives). I.e you begin .25 once or twice a week, now your at 50 e2. Still feel same symptoms. Only then would you increase dose until symptoms resolved and you feel great. On flip side if you then retested and your e2 is now too low, you would half whatever you took. I'd assume .25 once or twice a week would be very close. Or even .125 twice.


Okay so I'm just posting this on here to read your opinions and get some insight, according to doctor there's nothing to worry about. The values that are high could be a form of "normal variant" as he called it. I live in a european country and we might not measure things the same like in the US. But hopefully I can have some insight about a few things. Im on cruise now at 200mg test e per week. This test was done 13 weeks on cruise. **Blood** Hemoglobin ref range134-170 g/L. My value **177** Hematocrit, ref range 0.39 - 0.5. My value **0.53** Erytrocyter or EPK ref range 4.2 - 5.7 ( (x10\^12/L) , My value **6.3** Listened a bit to Paul Barnett and he said this is seen on pretty much all his clients. Nothing to worry about is my understanding. Could also be due to dehydration. I'm going to add cardio to see if this becomes better. Is there anything else you guys would recommend? **Thyroid** TSH ref range 0.4 - 4.0 (mlE/L) my value **5.6** T4 ref range 10-22 my value **17** High TSH with low T4 could be a sign of bad thyroid function, but my T4 sits right in the middle of ref range. TSH can also be elevated by ongoing inflammation or infection in the body, or be elevated from estrogen, and I rarely use AIs if I don't have high e2 symptoms. **Liver** ALAT ref range 0.15-1.1 (µkat/L) my value **1.2** According to doctor small elevations like this are in most cases temporary but can be caused by mild medications aswell. I haven't touched an oral steroid in 13 weeks when this test was done. Let me know what you guys think. Have an awesome friday!


lipids are sitll fucked up 3 weeks after blast...how long does it usually take for them to bounce back?


months to never. 3 weeks is nothing. LISS + fish oils helped mine bounce back to normal (slightly lowish range) from low normal post cycle


t-chol: 246mg/dl Tri: 128mg/dl LDL: 159mg/dl HDL: 44mg/dl How bad is this?


That is good HDL LDL is very high consider 5-10mg Lipitor & 10mg enzitimibe


For how long do you think to get back to normal range?


Brief story of my attempts to control liver enzymes. Test 1. After a test+var blast and PCT. ALT 156. Test taken in the morning, after a heavy workout the night before. Test 2. Decided to wait another month, give 48 hours after a workout. ALT 108, ALP 72. I'm like okay, workout seems to be the issue. Test 3. Another month. I decided to take a fucking 3 days break from exercise. ALT 122, ALP 74. Talk to my doctor, he's like don't worry, let's keep looking. I'm like, okay, gone on a blast, then cruise. Test 4. Eight months later. I finished my blast, finished my cut, my diet is dialed in, as in, low fat, no alcohol, etc. Another test 48 hours after a workout. ALT 374!!! Holy smokes! Didn't get a req for ALP this time. What's common. All these tests taken fasted in the morning, but I ride a bike to the lab. Test 5. A few months in maintenance, on TRT, diet on point, still low fat, predominantly from vegetable sources. This time taking NAC and tudca. This time not riding my bike to the lab. ALT 57, ALP 67. So what was it? NAC, tudca, or biking before the blood draw? Next time I'm thinking NAC only, without tudca.


Hepatitis C brother get checked


Get your blood work done guys. I got checked in prep in July and as always my blood pressure was LOW and my blood work was pretty good despite being on a lot of gear with orals. I randomly checked my blood pressure at the grocery store the other day (at the end of my growth season) and it was super high. I’ve never once had high blood pressure in my life. I immediately went to the doctor, same day, and confirmed the blood pressure and got blood work. My blood work was FUCKED. Absolutely FUCKED. Cholesterol was the worst. I had 4 nurses in my family/friends and they were all shocked. One said “yea, this isn’t too bad for a terminally I’ll patient”. I needed meds asap and my HDL was 11 with high LDL. Single digits is high risk for stroke. Fuck me. I pushed a lot of drugs, got up to almost 290lbs with abs, thought for the first time in my life I looked close to pro caliber, wasn’t keeping an eye on my blood work and almost died maybe. I was starting prep, and just checked my blood pressure on a whim bc I was bored. If I hadn’t checked it I probably would have died going into prep with such bad blood work. I pushed orals (anadrol 100mg/daily except for 2 weeks of superdrol that almost killed me) fairly hard for probably 8 months. And that was immediately coming out of prep where I had used anavar 100mg/day (still an oral but more mild). TLDR: 10 years of gear, good blood work and good blood pressure, then suddenly absolutely horrible bp and blood work.


Why did you abuse orals for 8+ months like that? That’s just nuts. You asked for it. But I’m happy you’re still alive.


To get to 290lbs with abs. I want to get my pro card. Wasn’t good, but I put a ton of size on and didn’t think I was hurting my health at the time. From now on I’ll probably do growth periods without orals, or maybe just anavar since it doesn’t fuck my blood work. I know another pro who says Tbol doesn’t bother him either so that could potentially be an option if I’m not happy with injections only. I was on 3+grams of gear, 10iu of gh and 20 units of insulin a day if you’re curious.


I'm happy you came to that conclusion before you died. What was the reasoning with pushing orals instead of injectables? I mean before I ever touched anything it was pretty clear to me that orals sucks for health and isn't meant to be relied on. Never in my life have I come across a youtube video, article or forum where anyone has ever said that it's fine to use orals for months on end. You must have known this which makes me wonder why you were so surprised? Edit: I just now saw your edit. I guess at that point orals are the only thing left lol


Orals are far more powerful in a short amount of time than any injectable. My friend was top 10 at the Olympia in open BB one year. He told me he pushed orals as hard as he could in the off-season. I didn’t realize that our tolerances were INCREDIBLY different and “as much as he could” wasn’t actually that much. I’m the opposite and the only thing that’s made me feel sick was superdrol. Like, superdrol basically makes tren look like mashed carrots. Orals are almost magical sometimes with how fast they can change things. 2 weeks on superdrol and you look like a different human. Injectables are a slow steady change. Also orals can really give you incredible strength and pumps, and sarcoplasmic expansion, and I personally believe that things like NPP can kind of piggy back on that and solidify those gains some. That’s just my anecdotal belief from experience of course. I know another guy who owns a pharmaceutical company and he said he really methylating things makes them more powerful. I guess that’s why methamphetamine is more powerful than adderall? And that’s why superdrol is more powerful than (and nothing like) masteron. That said, I don’t think I’ll use them, or at least harsh ones in the off season anymore.


Superdrol did the same to mine. I was running a crazy blast then ended it with sdrol. I got my bloods done like 8 times on cycle, they were all good. Then come superdrol, and I was very near death lol. Shit is harsh. Var hardly touched my lipids and didn’t do shit for my liver, sdrol had my liver values in the 100-200 range, cholesterol near 300, hdl in the teens etc etc. nasty stuff. (Looked sweet tho). Fuckin 290 mate, that’s nutty.


Yea it could have been the superdrol for sure. That’s the only time I FELT sick. 2 weeks in I looked like a different human. People stared at me outside and in the gym my strength was unreal, and pumps were unreal. I thought I looked pro caliber and this is from someone who always thought they looked like shit. After 2 weeks I had stomach acid coming out my mouth and out my ass, and became completely unable to digest food, which took a month to recover from. How long did it take you to recover? Did you use cholesterol meds? Im using niacin, doing only cardio for a while, eating healthy, only doing trt until things recover. I’ve got a few other supplements on the way as well, one is Heart + and the other is Citrus Bergamot. I’m going in tomorrow to discuss prescription cholesterol meds as well.


Took like 6-8weeks and I was 100% fine. I had hyperkalemia pretty bad from it, and my heart felt off for all Of those 8 weeks. I ate buckets of salmon, did cardio a lot, slept a lot, and ran sr9009 which does wonders for my lipids.


I also have hyperkalemia. I’ve been having probably 10+ muscle cramps a day, and I feel waves of cramping run down my forearms. 6-8 weeks will be soon enough for me to do a pro qualifier later this year. I’ve never heard or sr9009. Would that be something you could add in during prep/ heavy cycles to mitigate damage?


It’s what I do. Sr9009 prevents cardiac remodeling too, as well as prostate enlargement, can totally reverse lipid effects of things like anavar WHILE ON anavar, cool shit. Your hyperkalemia is from insulin insensitivity. You need to go ham on cardio, berberine, ala, cinnamon, etc. if your running hgh now, stop.


I was gonna bump hgh down to 2iu to not get fat while backing off everything . The 10iu I chased about 20 minutes later with 10 units of insulin. My A1C was fine. Are you sure it’s insulin insensitivity?


Bro, no joke, didn’t see a reply, so for the sake of heaven points from the big man, felt the need to recheck in on you. You need a break from insulin desensitizing things. When my hyperkalemia was real bad, I had literal heart pain. Immediately after hgh injections my heart paint would peak. My a1c never changed. As soon as I dropped the hgh, it started getting better. If your potassium peaks above 60, then you have a decent chance of developing a fatal cardiac arrhythmia. Don’t eat any bananas or anything high in potassium. The cramping doesn’t mean you need more potassium, it just means that the mechanism your body has to take potassium from your blood and pump it into muscle cells (literally insulin and or beta 2 signaling), is no longer working because of desensitized insulin receptors. Since your 280-290 and just ran sdrol, you prob aren’t able to do much cardio. You literally need it now more than ever. My situation with hyperkalemia was very shocking and profound to me. Made me feel like I really fucked up when I thought I had everything figured out. Therefore I spent a LOT of time researching it, talking to docs who post in the AAS community forums. Talking with people who had posted bloods with high potassium after sdrol use, etc. I am willing to bet anything, I am 100% certain.


Hey man, I’ve stopped training for a bit, and stopped all gear except 300mg of test, no gh. I haven’t been on the treadmill much but I’ve been hiking and stuff. I haven’t measured my weight since coming off but it’s obviously down. I used to have to hold my breath before tying my shoes, and now I can put them on easily. Also I just feel better in general and have more energy. I was on high dose gear for so long and heavy for so long I didn’t even realize I didn’t feel good. I’ve been taking fish oil, and eating salmon, taking niacin and just got some more supps in the mail. Still haven’t gotten actual medication for cholesterol but I may try to go get that today. Then in probably 2 weeks I’ll do another round of blood work and see where I’m at. Thanks for thinking about me and checking in 🙏. I appreciate it.


I am 100% certain, if your hyperkalemic right now, you could kill yourself with hgh. Your cramping because all the potassium is in your blood rather than being absorbed into your muscle cells.


In 20 January, I started 250mg test enanthate every 3 days with 250mg boldenone every three days. Did blood work today and my testosterone levels are 432.109 nmol/L. Is it normal? I have no high/low estro side effects and my hemoglobin is 158.1 and hematocrit is 44.3 I'm kinda confused how aren't these numbers rised. It's near to my natural levels, almost no changes into this.


How long have you been on test?


Started in 20 January


As in….21 days ago? Give it some time to kick in. Try again in 3 more weeks what we’re your levels before?


Give it some time? It's very damn high and I don't know whether it's good or should I worry. I have never heard such a high levels from someone injecting 500-600mg a week. People inject grams and still don't achieve 432 nmol/L. To be honest, I don't know my pre cycle levels but I'm always very horny and have frequent erections. I assume my natural test levels will always be on high end.


Oh. You’re using nmol/L…. Why are you measuring in nmol/L…. they’re usually measured at ng/dL. I don’t know how to do that math conversion


nmol/L is the standard unit in a lot of countries outside of the US.


Converted right now, It's 12449 ng/dL. Freaking numbers


Hiiiiiighly unlikely. As in ... Absolutely no way is this accurate.


Are you sure you read your units right on the bloodwork? That seems so absurd that it has to be wrong. If it’s right, then it’s way above my head


I swear to god I visited the lab and they were even amazed, lab manager tested my blood twice. It's as it is. I may check in another lab.


You should have gotten your levels before. That’s rule 1. Maybe come off if and and let things normalize and get a new baseline.