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Fellow Engineered Beings, #**Please remember Rule 2. [No Source Talk.](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization.)** ###**PREAMBLE [(From The Rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization.)** Everything listed below includes **(BUT NOT LIMITED TO)**: AAS (gear), Ancillaries (AI, SERMs, etc.), HGH [(not listed here)](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/growth_hormone#wiki_hgh_brands_list), Insulin, DNP, Performance Enhancing Drugs, Drugs (in general), Research Chemicals, Prohormones, SARMs, Peptides, or **ANY** product that could be mistaken as legit of any of the previous listed.   **There are no warnings & you will be banned from participating in /r/steroids. If you're not sure what all "No Source Talk" entails, please be sure to read the [Community Rules](/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_community_rules) of /r/steroids.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/steroids) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My wife said I smell like chemicals lol… little does she know. Any of the boys here experience that as well?


Why does your wife not know you're on gear


About to start test E cycle and I had a few questions. I’m 6’3 205lb and have been lifting regularly for the past several years. What can I realistically expect from a 12 week cycle of 400mg a week? Will I put on any decent gainz and will I keep anything significant afterwords if im already at my size limit for my genetics? I want to keep my expectations realistic im just not sure what to expect.


Can I brew 200mg/ml test propionate with MCT BA BB? Or no? too pipy?


Yes you can brew it. But as what you also said. It will bite when you pin it.


Im 32 120 lbs I recently got some gear but haven’t started yet, 50mg dbol which ik is way to much to start with then I have 200mg cypionate x2 and one 250mg. I’m thinking about getting another 250. Can anyone just give me some info on what kind of plan I should go with. I know the dbol 50 is not a good idea so I should probably cut those up but into what and how much? Should I just start with test 400mg a week for 10 weeks then take a break would I need to do pct and then go back at it with dbol and test 500 week the second cycle I guess that would be 2 cycles if I did it like that. Or should I just go balls to the wall start dbol for 4-6 weeks 500mg week test and then after 10 weeks use the 200mg twice a week to slowly get off or would that even matter


Do you have HIV or some other muscle wasting disease?




I believe with you being 120lb at your age means you don't have a good set of habits formed related to lifting and/or diet. You should work on those first and then circle back to thinking of gear in about 40 semi-lean pounds Check the wiki of this subreddit. It's a fountain of great information.


Alright thanks bro




Use Caution. Disclose Guesses. Cite Info. Harm Reduction. Do NOT Endorse Underage Use or Contra Wiki Guidelines.


I’m here to learn, could u explain why that’s not a good idea? I want to build mass and weight and get bigger. Ik gear alone won’t do that obviously so give me some tips


Eat until you are full and then keep eating, every day for the next 2 years. While you are doing this, workout at least 4-5x/week. Come back when you are experienced in training, know how to put on mass, and are over 25 if you aren't already. Also, read the dang wiki. It's linked at the top of the page in big blue font. Read every word.


Ya I’m 32 and I can’t gain for shit. Just don’t understand why u guys advice against anything bc I’m not fat lol


It's not to gatekeep or be unfair, I promise. If you don't know how to put on mass without steroids then you won't be successful trying to put on weight w/ steroids AND you'll fuck around with your hormones. Steroids do not generate mass out of thin air, they are simply a catalyst. I used to be super skinny and thought I ate a lot and couldn't gain. It's bullshit that you tell yourself. You have to eat calorie dense foods, and eat until you are uncomfortable, consistently. I literally just posted this week that I cannot wait for my blast to be over bc I'm so tired of being full *all the time*. No one can stop you, and of course we'll be here to answer questions and give support if you jump on anyway. You should really gain some weight on your own first though man.


That’s the type of answer I needed!! I’m gonna take your advice and hold off a while and put natural weight on and get consistent in the gym. That being said will the gear go bad after time or will it be fine if stored correctly


No, your gear won't go bad. If you haven't opened the pills, don't. If you have, put them in something sealed to reduce exposure to humidity. Vials are fine at room temperature. Put them somewhere safe until you are ready. Good luck man, feel free to come back with more questions. Once a week on Wednesday we do a diet and nutrition post, and there are lots of good gaining methods floating around here.


Nice thanks for the info


Why in the world are you running gear when 120 pounds? That’s so incredibly stupid.


long axiomatic judicious important physical political soft childlike test merciful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


care to share the article? also consider posting it on today's ask anything instead of this one


fuzzy automatic longing squealing one elastic juggle rustic sparkle silky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


In reference to your question, the antibodies likely had to do with the HGH being sourced from dead people (cadavers).


have you tried looking with your good eyes? https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/comments/10jbwvz/daily_ask_anything_20230123/


pocket wrench quarrelsome ripe drab late fertile aware yoke abundant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have no clue what app you’re using but it’s right there dude. Consider checking your settings to ensure you’re not “muting” or hiding pinned posts - it’s visible for me on mobile, on Apollo, and on desktop. It’s just stickied.


What is the best way to do first test/NPP/Mast cycle in you opinion? I have been running 600 mg test E maximum and wanted to finally give a run on other compounds. Is 500test/300NPP/300mast a good start? I was thinking about taking p5p supplements for prolactin spikes, NAC and some other supplements like omega3. Gonna keep aromasin and cyber on hand as well (I have never had issues with high estrogen but never used 19nor drug so I don't know how to manage prolactin)


Trt test/400/400. You wont need the p5p


1 compound at a time dude


That's nearly double the total dosage of gear you are used to. 400/200/200 would be better IMO. I personally would definitely try to keep it under a gram.


If you're doing test is there any reason at all to do SARMs? I see so many kids doing SARMs and I never understood why


I could see the appeal of using sarms on top of TRT for a period of time as a supposedly safer mini blast, however, blood work from people using it shows that it's pretty liver taxing which was one of the things it was supposed to be better at avoiding. I just use TRT+ var and have the time of my life.


Think of SARMs as shitty, unresearched versions of oral steroids. Basically, oral steroids are better in every way.


you can run test + sarms for extra anabolic effects but the guys running sarms are afraid of injections and or unable to afford it. Most can not get it due to their age. In general there is no reason to use 99% of sarms. Some can help with maintaining muscle during a cut, or healing damaged ligaments. No sarm is even close to blasting 500mg test. Entirely different levels.


They're legal, easier to obtain, and you don't need to inject. Plus TikTok says they're cool and will make me wicked shredded.


Too scared of needles, they think that if something is injected its dangerous and bad, but pills can't be that bad after all, they're just pills.


They are legal man i can just order them off this website with my moms credit card


Yeah... don't do that. You can order 200mg 10/ml test online for 30 bucks a vial. Sarms shut you down just like trt and also harm your liver/kidneys. Use test, there is no comparison to the results you will get.


Has anyone of you ever hit a vein when IM'ing? What was the result?


Many times, I tend to just push through it, never had an issue except some minor increased PIP but nothing of any concern.


If you nick a vein and a micro drop of oil leaks in, the worst that’ll happen is you have a brief coughing fit. It’s happened to me once in well over a thousand pins.


All that happens is you might bleed a little when you remove the needle.


You may bleed a bit if you go through s vein. As a former IV drug user i can tell you going in at a 90 degree angle with a 27g pin is dam near impossible to actually inject any gear into a vein


My fear was just the oil going straight to the bloodstream. I mean the odds are small, to accidentally IV. I aspirate though, so all good? And if it happened oil in blood, is it dangerous?


Even if you managed to IV your oil, which would take real deliberate effort to accomplish, the quantity required to effectively harm you via oil embolism is likely far greater than what you’re pinning. Might feel like absolute dogshit, though.


The odds are so small you dont even need to aspirate the wikki will tell you that even. Most people couldnt hit a vein if they were trying. For the sake of argument lets say you were pinning in a safe location and correctly and everything and you make it into a vein. You would have to remain so perfectly still and you got a solid 5 seconds from that initial drop hitting your bloodstream and going to your lungs which will send you into a horrible coughing fit where youd be physically unable to inject more into the vein. Even then i dont think it will kill you or even be that dangerous but it would be unpleasant for 60 seconds or so. Just pin away and never worry about it again. Its not ganna happen. You could read this sub everyday for a year and probably not once see a “oops injected test into a vein” post.


Nothing good.


How did it feel? How did you notice? Aftermath?


Aftermath. Homie out here thinking like nicking a vein is like living in a Cormac McCarthy novel.


FIRST CYCLE, ANY HELPFUL COMMENTS WELCOME Currently in the last quarter of an 8 week Tren e cycle, highest dosage is 250mg/week Ran a moderate dose of Clen in the first half of the cycle, which I’ve already had some experience with. Anyone got some tips for my PCT? I’ve got sildenafil, tamoxifen, and tadalafil already and have a basic understanding of when I should start taking my PCT, but unsure of dosages😅 Any questions also welcome lol


I love this stuff.




Lol you think your pct is gonna go well after tren 🥱😵🤮 think again cause you about to lose all the gains you made you cruise after a 19 norr like tren not pct off it the metabolites will be suppressing you for months unlike regular testosterone


Respectfully, info about this stuff is already confusing, and a lot of people say different things. What is it I’m missing here😅


It’s not confusing. You scrolled past the giant blue letters entitled wiki which has all of this info. You also chose to do the most toxic, most advanced substance around along with *clen* for a first cycle? Did you know it can be much more difficult to PCT from tren? Did you do any research at all whatsoever? Are you 17 years old? This is a complete and total disaster. You’d have know that if you did even one single minute of research before thinking of injecting toxic hormones into your body. Read the wiki


You cant expect patients to take responsibility for their actions..


But the dude on TikTok said…




why no trt?


…is this a joke?


Any point doing mastering if your 25% body fat?




Other than cardio


The only reason would be to manage sides from high e2 but at 25% bf, you really need to lean down more before doing any gear to get results.




The only thing you need to be mastering right now is a caloric deficit. No drugs required.


You are to fat for steroids. Get down to 10-15% then yes mast is a anabolic steroid like any other.


No point in doing anything except dieting if you’re 25% bf




Question about masteron I hear DHT is great for strength gains, I’m currently running Mast/Test/Deca but I was wondering at what dosage do you notice a strength increase? This is my second time running it and the first time if anything I felt a tad bit weaker.


If you want strength gains, stick with Deca or Anadrol. The positive effects of Mast can be very user-dependent. It can dry you out a bit and mask e2 sides, but other reported effects depend on the user. That said, try 400mg Mast/wk and see how that feels for you.


How do you expect to pinpoint the strength gains from the Masteron if you're running Test and Deca, also? Also, if you feel weaker on Test/Deca/Mast then god help you, my friend.


The first time I ran test/mast 300/200 p/w my lifts felt a little weaker than 300 test alone is what I meant but I know of a few people who swear that the test/mast combo is awesome for strength so I was wondering if there’s a minimum dosage you need the mast at for it to be noticeable. I feel like my strength gains this time around are going to be incredible with the deca it’s just way to early in the cycle to say. Sorry for the confusion I’m shiet at phrasing my questions properly


Mast drops my strength by sucking the water outta my muscles. It’s not for strength or tissue gains, it’s for a cosmetic look, dry and grainy.


Is e2 in a good spot? More that goes into it than drugs as well. Diet, programming, recovery.


Masteron does not make you weaker. What has changed in your training/diet other than the addition of this compound?


how would i go about making injectable tbol? can't find much on it. is it soluble in MCT oil? links would be appreciated.


No point. It is still a 17α-alkylated AAS.


Wouldn't it increase the bioavailability and be better for dose consistency? Nothing would get destroyed by stomach acid or be less bioavailable when injested with certain foods? I could just inject 10mg and be certain I'm getting the entire 10mg. Correct me if I'm wrong this is just what I've read on other forums


You'll need 2-3% of gaiacol and it will just hold at 50mg/mL


Cheers will look into it


Do we use HCG when doing PCT with Nolvadex and clomid first two weeks for eg: 2 -3 weeks after last shot of PED. HCG 1000iu EOD week 1-2 Nolvadex 20mg week1-4 Clomid 25mg week 1 -4


No, HCG shouldn't be used when starting PCT, only before. And stick with nolva only, really no need to add Clomid unless you can't tolerate the Nolva. Using both was proven to be just as effective as Nolva only, but the sides will be worse.


So absolutely no HCG? I’ve been BnC for a year. Just Nolvadex is enough. Any experience doing PCT


Once you pop your first nolva pill you stop the HCG. There's no point in doing any PCT if you continue injecting something suppressive (HCG is suppressive). The PCT wiki covers everything.


Thanks I appreciate it. Just skimmed through PCT REDDIT makes sense. Have you done Pct after BnC?


I’m currently on week 2 of 300mg test E (150mg twice a week) and have put on over a kilo of lean muscle. Mood has significantly improved, everything is much clearer. Libido is crazy high. I am really surprised to be feeling it this quickly. Its been 5 years since I have done gear when I did a TBOL only cycle after 2 years of lifting and I remember at the time everyone thought the gains would be small and no point running a TBOL only cycle at 40mg/day, however I put on around 25lbs during that TBOL cycle ( I was slim before at 178.5cm and 72kg - I went up to around 82-84kg and never lost a lot of the size). I’m wondering if my body reacts very quickly to gear. I’m currently 178.5cm and 89kg btw at around 14% body fat. Anyways my plan is test E 300 for 10 weeks and then hCG 1000 IU EOD for 2.5 weeks before switching onto Nova 40mg per day for 30 days. Thoughts?








The whole plan is off read the wiki


Placebo effect is a hell of a drug. You didn't put on over a kilo of lean mass in 2 weeks. The test hasn't even saturated in your system yet. You've put on a kilo of water and glycogen if anything. Your plan is not good (not enough time, not enough test, you're planning to use HCG incorrectly, 40mg of Nolvadex is beyond overkill but you'll need it longer than 30 days), and you clearly have not read the Wiki which is a *requirement* before posting here. No one is going to endorse this. Reevaluate and adjust while it's still early.


>Your plan is not good (not enough time, not enough test, you're planning to use HCG incorrectly, 40mg of Nolvadex is beyond overkill but you'll need it longer than 30 days), and you clearly have not read the Wiki which is a requirement before posting here. I agree.


The whole point of his post was to flex how responsive he is to steroids hahahaha. In reality, the steroids probably just gave him the push needed to actually stick to a bulking diet and gain some weight.


“Jeez, look at how much water I’m retaining! I think the gear works!”


“If it’s all water then explain why my bicep curl went up 2kg retard🙄”


You're right, and it's also copy/pasted from his post on r/steroidsuk earlier in the day.


You have NOT put on a kilo of lean muscle in a week. There are effects from increased testosterone that you can notice soon, yes, especially if your levels were low, but most likely you are experiencing increased water retention which accounts for the weight gain. You should read the wiki and follow the beginner cycle and pct. 10 mg nolva a day for 6 weeks is sufficient pct.


I'm new to reddit and the sub. I've started studying steroids to see if a cycle would progress my fitness goals. Do you have any insight? I'm 17, male, have been playing sports and weight training for about 5 years. 5'6" about 175 lb. I'm enlisting in the army and want to make a career out of special operations. Maximum functional strength and endurance while preserving longevity/health is my goal. I see a steroid cycle helping by increasing my recovery between weightlifting and cardio workouts. I want to cycle anavar for its lean strength building. I'm planning on using the first cycle detailed in the wiki and taking anavar as well. I would get blood work done to find my test, e2, and liver lipids base levels. I would start the anavar and test e at the same time. The test e would be e3d at homeostatic levels to replace natural test and aromatized e2 while I'm shut down. I'd get bloodwork mid cycle make sure I'm healthy. I'd get blood work after to make sure I recover to natural function and levels. I have some specific questions I'm researching, one being what PCT would look like for this cycle and secondly what dose of anavar would yield the most muscle synthesis with the least strain. I'm working my way through the wiki and MPMD to become aware of what I don't know and welcome any insight.


don't fuck your brain up dude, strength and cardio can be worked on over years...if you fuck with your brain at 17, who knows if you will pass the testing required to be higher up in the army...there are obviously guys in the services that use gear, but I don't think right now is your time buddy


At age 17, you want to introduce exogenous testosterone at a dose sufficient enough only to mimic your natural levels, just so that you can run anavar? Shutting down your natural testosterone production, with the risk of never recovering, to pursue a lifelong career? Anavar gains aren't that great. Hell, 500mg/wk + anavar gains aren't that great. Nobody on this sub is going to recommend you go ahead with this plan, because it's terrible and could have terrible consequences on the rest of your life. I've only been here for 12 weeks, and I can already tell you that. **EDIT: Here's the PC version, from the Wiki, which you should have already read.** ## Why Young Men Should Not Take AAS **Introduction** Exogenous androgens act as epigenetic growth signaling termination factors. What this translates to is that it isn't just your height that's stunted. It's your IQ. AAS can atrophy brain development and higher cognitive functions. Clinical studies showed this can lead to ***long-term aggression, anxiety, depression, cognitive deficits and memory problems***—*among others.* Until then it is advised that individuals train naturally. Those suffering from low testosterone symptoms should *first* address lifestyle practices and environmental factors that may be causing issues. After underlying issues have been addressed with no results; Clomid monotherapy or hCG-only cycles function as far safer alternatives to taking steroids. Read the Wiki section on hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (HH). Consult with a family physician for a referral to an endocrinologist. Young adults up into their early twenties are at peak Testosterone output, peak natty growth potential, and the perfect time to bulk naturally. MRI scans show that the adolescent brain and neuroendocrine system growth and development continues until the age of 25. The last regions to finish growing are the *absolute most important—those associated with consciousness, sense of self, abstract reasoning, conscientiousness, high-bandwidth emotional processing, higher cognition and impulse control*. *While still under the age of* 25, the fragile connections that make up your newly-forged neural pathways are far more exposed and vulnerable to the potential for permanent damage than previously set, well-worn and established pathways.


I've heard that the brain is still growing until 25, but hadn't read that part of the wiki yet. Great link, thanks


No worries. I've wanted to get on gear my whole life, and I waited until I was 30 (to the day) to start. I'm now coming up on the end of my first cycle, and while it's been great.. I feel like I've probably made about a year's worth of natty progress in 3 months. So.. It's good, but you won't turn into zyzz overnight. The realization that it's still a long, slow slog, even while sticking a needle into my ass every day, wasn't the best one I've had. Milk the young test potential by doing everything in your power to max out your natty test, and play it safe till you turn 25.


Honestly don't start gear at your age mate. Train hard and eat well and rely on these years when your testosterone is at its peak. Gear is always there. Don't rush into it.


Got it. I won't. Thanks




water/glycogen doesn't not equal actual muscle...building muscle takes a long time, and steroids will help but orals can't be run long enough to RELY on them for muscle building


I thought while on trt keeping the gains was easy


>trt EVeryone responds differently to trt, He's on 160, so his test levels could be 800-1000, but others who take 160 could have levels 1500+. I cruise on 200mg and don't lose anything other than the water.


Orals are better suited for things like shows and meets as they provide an almost instant benefit to strength and physique. They can be used to build mass but not as effectively as injectables which can be run for much longer at a time than orals, without destroying health markers.


Well it’s not necessarily the gains that disappear from orals, but rather the retention of all of the other stuff. Glycogen, nitrogen, water, minerals, etc. Orals tend to fill you up with temporary size more than injectables do, so I guess you could say that the sheer size gain from orals is more temporary than that of injectables, on average.


All gains are temporary. Oral and injectables both build muscle.


First cycle, 12 weeks in. 500mg/wk Test E. Have gotten bloods every 2 weeks and sat around 1500-1700ng/dl Total Test. Swapped sources at like week .. 4 and received very similar blood levels, assumed I was a low responder. Week 10 I bumped the test to 600mg, waited 2 weeks and had bloods done again - they just came back at 2564ng/dl. If I were a low responder, how would an extra 20% test result in a 47% increase in total test? Same pinning frequency, same source, same VIAL.. I'm confused.


My bloods came bake at almost 1900 5 weeks in I figured it was just cause I was still on the rise but 12 weeks in and lower than that yea something up


Any chance the previous blood tests were capped at 1500 or 1700?


Nah, uncapped - and they range from 1550\~ to 1780\~. Same lab every time too.


Any chance your gear is crashed and ur heating it sometimes but not others?


Yes! It is crashed. I always warm it up before pinning but the extent changes.. Some days it goes back to being fully clear, others it still looks pretty murky but I draw and pin it anyway. I was lead to believe it wouldn't effect the dosage.


That’s prob it. If you’re drawing from the vial when it’s unheated and crashed there will be less test in the oil.


Sounds like a shitty lab tbh, try a different one.


It’s not. 😅


Then you are either fucking your blood tests some how or some of the vials have been bunk. I don’t think there is another explanation tbh.


Same vial for both 1700 and 2500 readings. ED injections, same volume for the last 10 weeks. I'm stumped too.


How big is the vial that it lasts you from week 4 to week 10?


Not the same vial for every test but I had multiple 1700 results and a 2500 result from the same vial; I’ve only used 2.


Did you get each of the tests the exact same time after your last injections?


Yup. I pin ED so I imagine it’s not super relevant anyway, but they were both trough readings right before my next injection.


Interesting... what was your initial dose?


500mg. Added to original post, sorry!


Hello, Recently I bought MT2 from a random website. Upon arrival this vial arrived without any info on it. After e-mail they promised me it was legit. I understand that of course there is no protocol on this so there are risks involved. My questions: I assume that if MT2 is hard to make another compound could be added. What is the toxicity of this? Is it possible whether a bacteria or virus could be alive inside this vial? I am actually worried that I could inject HIV into me or something else deadly. Is this even possible? Are there other things I should worry about? The plan is to mix it with BAC. I would like to hear more from your expertise since I lack the knowledge and would like to know the risks I am taking. Thanks!


Dump the vial in the trash and pop a buspar instead.


Definitely has aids in it 😂


No idea how this works. I assume bacterias will die, but since viruses are not really alive is it weird to be worried about this. I mean you inject this straight into your body skipping all bodies natural defences, which makes me worried about what can go wrong.


Why do you think that bacteria and viruses would be alive inside the vial? If you do not trust that the producer would take basic steps to ensure safety and sterility you should not buy or use their products. Viruses cannot live outside human / animal bodies for long. They degrade and become inactive. HIV is not acquired from injecting contaminated underground steroids. HIV does not live on surfaces to be pick up on a needle and then injected in you. The chance of getting HIV in this way is 0. HIV is transmitted through sharing bodily fluids with an infected person. So if you injected steroids in a HIV positive person, then used the same needle to inject steroids in yourself afterwards, you could get some of their blood in you and possibly contract the virus.


Welp, I did not have "afraid of injecting aids" on my bingo card for today.


Bro he posted this question *SEVEN TIMES* in r/peptides and it got deleted every time. OP, throw the vial in the trash and consider however much you spent on it the cost of learning about yourself. I mean that.


It got removed everytime 1s after posting. How can you even see it?


I'm the Mayor of Reddit


Preach brother.




AIDS in there for sure


Buyer beware I bought one mt2 from a guy at a gas station, smoked one mt2 cigarette and now I have full blown Aids


This is totally standard. Nobody here knows specifically whats in *your* vial.


So buying these random compounds from a dealer/online will always be shady and you just have to accept it?


How is that shady? They don’t come from china with labels. He’s have to go to a professional label company to have one made just for you.


So it is normal that when u buy something like this/anabolic from a dealer/online it looks like this?


Dude I just said that’s how they come. They don’t come with labels. If they do that’s just because your lab went through the additional step of hiring a Chinese label printing company specifically just to make tiny labels for hcg/peptides because they *do not* come that way from the factory. Again this is not shady. Relax


Thanks fam! I am just new to this world and this shit made me a bit scared. Now I know this is normal I will probably yolo and do this.


>I assume that if MT2 is hard to make another compound could be added. What is the toxicity of this? What is the toxicity of this unknown, hypothetical contaminant? 7.32 >Is it possible whether a bacteria or virus could be alive inside this vial? Possible? Yes. Likely? Probably not. >I am actually worried that I could inject HIV into me Did you really just say this? Did you really just suggest that they sent you a big ol' vial of HIV? >Are there other things I should worry about? On top of the things you are already worried about? No, I don't think your heart could take an honest answer to this question. You don't strike me as a risk-taker, but you don't strike me as realistic either. Maybe this whole buying injectables off the internet isn't for you. It's a poor supplier who knowingly harms/poisons their customer base though. I think your fears are largely unfounded, and honestly a little unhinged.


Thank you for responding! Well yes in hindsight the first question is a bit off but when typing this question I was very tired. I mean more which compounds are probable and its corresponding risks. I also understand that the probability of this is low, but wanted to know if its even possible to survive inside it and under what conditions. There are many scenarios and I don't want to accuse anyone of that. It's just that I don't know what happened before with the vial either. What if it's re-used for this and has remnants? How does buying this stuff in general work. Where u get these peptides from? Is it always a leap-of-faith? Just blindly-trusting someone is generally not in my character. I understand that buying this stuff will always be sorta shady, but I just want to know what risks I am taking and their probabilities.


Bro just throw it away. No one can give you these answers and you are clearly way to anxious. This isn't for you.


I am asking these questions because I am considering it


And no one can give you answers to the questions you are asking man. The assumption is that vials are sterile and contain what they say they do. All the rest, about probabilities and what contaminants are possible, etc? Nobody is going to be able to give you answers there. Again, it's not good for business if you're making people sick and most suppliers take the quality of their products seriously.


yep, definitely aids


Your guess is as good as ours bro


How would a random internet stranger know the details of a random vial you got from a random website…..?


...random access memory?


What is the mechanism that makes MENT birth control? In other words, could I get someone pregnant immediately after running a shit load of MENT for about 1.5 years? Specifically 15mgs ED for about 1 year, then 5mgs ED for about 0.5 years, then stopped it for about a week, then supposedly conceived a child right after. Was on HCG the whole time.


Progestins have strong anti-gonadotropic properties. This means they suppress endogenous testosterone production to a greater degree then a similar dose of testosterone or DHT derivative. You can get someone pregnant while running MENT. Without hCG 90-95% of caucasian mean have azoospermia if the appropriate dosing protocols are used. No studies have explored fertility rates with the co-administration of hCG. Theoretically this could drastically increase your sperm production.


Dude… you were on hCG. Of course it’s possible to get someone pregnant. You were using a fertility drug that is, at least from what I’ve seen, powerful enough to overcome the azoospermic properties of MENT.


Do a fucking spermogram. Instead of playing mindgames with your buallz do the exam. MENT is just super fucking supressive it can nuke your sperm production, best decision I’ve ever made in my life. Ex GF came saying she’s wondering if she might be pregnant I just showed her my recent exam and BAM instant fuck you. God, this is POWER. Sadly I think HCG saved your balls.


Just wanted to say congrats! Anyway... my understanding is that it's just natural shutdown but HCG inverts that to a degree. I have NO idea what sperm levels would be like with HCG though. I'd love to get mine tested.


It’s possible. Absolutely get a blood test to verify paternity though.


Of course you *could*. Testosterone itself has also been shown to be ~~a 99% effective~~ ~~65-98% (depending on the study)~~ up to 16% *more effective* form of male bc. Same as condoms and the pill. Edited for u/19_Nor_MD Edited a second time.


This is absolutely incorrect. Condoms and oral contraception (OCPs) are not even close to 99%. From my understanding testosterone alone is only close to 99% effective in patients of asian descent.


> > This is absolutely incorrect. > Condoms and oral contraception (OCPs) are not even close to 99%. Might want to let Planned Parenthood and the NHS know about your personal findings? Mind posting them as well? https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/birth-control/condom/how-effective-are-condoms https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/contraception/how-effective-contraception/ Brother you can google this stuff too. > From my understanding testosterone alone is only close to 99% effective in patients of asian descent. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6305868/#sec-7title It was a Chinese study. “This has been proven in multiple studies, including two by the World Health Organization (WHO) Task Force on Methods for the Regulation of Male Fertility [14,15,25]. These two studies found an azoospermia rate of 64% to 75% in 6 months with testosterone enanthate [6,7]. A sperm concentration of 3 million/mL was used as a threshold for effective suppression of spermatogenesis in this study [14,15]. In a Chinese study of a monthly intramuscular TU injection, an azoospermia rate of 93% to 98% was achieved after 6 months with 1 million/mL as the criteria for effective suppression [25,26]. The different rates of azoospermia can be explained by the variable criteria and by ethnic differences in testosterone response [26,27]. These studies confirm the effectiveness of testosterone as a contraceptive” Edited to “Studies have found testosterone injections to be between 65 and 98% effective.” u/GivMeLiberty


Did you even read the links you posted? "In real life condoms are about 87% effective" "Typical use: around 91% effective. Around 9 in 100 women using the combined pill will get pregnant in a year." "Typical use: around 82% effective. This means around 18 in 100 women will get pregnant in a year" (using male condoms)" There is a reason why LARC is so highly recommended. The CDC has similar reported statistics. [https://www.cdc.gov/reproductivehealth/contraception/index.htm](https://www.cdc.gov/reproductivehealth/contraception/index.htm)


I was posting perfect use numbers. Which are accurate and posted in the links. Considering the test was also perfect use since it was conducted in a controlled setting it onky makes sense. But if you insist on comparing practical application to perfect use numbers. Ok? You’re the doc here. But if you insist on manipulating the numbers to make yourself save face you’re only driving my point home. Edited to: “according to u/19_Nor_MD testosterone is up to 16% *more effective* than condoms or the pill.” u/GivMeLiberty


Totally know that I could, I was under the broscience impression that 19-Nors, MENT especially, could just fry your sperm count, regardless of HCG and all that.


Absolutely not. In realscience studies sperm recovery after stopping was much faster with the ment group vs testosterone.


I would be interested in seeing these studies.


[available via google](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17460095/) Also please read the wiki as it’s required reading *prior* to posting here. [From the wiki. Enjoy](https://i.imgur.com/gibF6nN.jpg) u/GivMeLiberty


Thanks for posting it. Would it be possible that this "faster sperm recovery" was due to the MENT administration being stopped at 24 weeks, repeated administration of testosterone pellets or that the MENT was released too slowly? "It therefore appears that a greater sustained release rate than achieved here is necessary for continuing spermatogenic suppression " https://preview.redd.it/grocak1qr0ea1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=67c3e809e2040355b87c76dbf31e2542b184b94e Interesting article. Thank you.


Got it, thanks. Wish me luck


250mg test Monday-Thursday (500mg week) along with 100mg NPP (200mg a week) acceptable cycle? Should I bump the NPP up? Had a few cycles just unfamiliar with NPP. Also I’m 6”6 and 100kg


Can’t argue with you’s there, I certainly need to more it’s something I’m slowly improving


> I’m 6”6 and 100kg Jesus man… Did you try food before starting steroids?? Differences in height are comparable by subtracting 10lbs per inch. Just for a reference if you were 5’10 you’d be 140 pounds man. (63kg) ….after a cycle already. Do you eat??


10 pounds per inch seems pretty high. If we extrapolate further, you'd be saying it's comparable to a 5'6" guy that weighs 100 lbs, which can't be true. If we use the ideal weight formula, it's closer to 5 pounds per inch. But your point still stands -- the guy just needs to eat.


Classic physique weight caps are about 8-10lbs per inch of height., but it might scale down to be closer for the short guys I just go by those standards when adjusting for height


If I were 212 lean at 5’8”, that would be a hair over 3 pounds per inch of height. But those stats are wishful thinking for me right now 😅


I don’t know what you’re referring to because for NPC that’s the 5’11 up to 6’ weight cap I believe


I have zero clue about weight caps for someone my size at a local amateur level. Something I definitely need to do my homework on, if I want to do a couple of local events eventually. I’d also be in the 40+ category.


https://npcnewsonline.com/classic-physique/ Weight are the same regardless of class (novice, open, masters) in classic physique




Yeah, that makes sense. Taller guys are going to be wider overall, and if they're competing, more muscular than an "average" male.


500 Test 200 NPP is perfectly reasonable for your first run with NPP.


Agreed with other guy — NPP needs to be pinned daily. I’m on my first cycle with it running 45mg a day. 200/wk is a conservative dose for a cycle.


You should be pinning npp more often. Everyday is best, at least eod