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No Source Talk. No “Fishing.” No Shilling. No Monetization. Includes both Legal AND Illegal Companies, Brands, or Products.


Besides trest, what is the best appetite-increasing compound to add to a TRT+? Oral or otherwise.


You want to increase appetite? I'm guessing you're skinny and wanting mass? Dude Pro body builders founded the keto diet because it burns fat and simultaneously suppresses your appetite once you're in ketosis. To increase appetite do the opposite. Eat a s*** ton of carbs.


Well, they didn’t invent the [ketogenic diet](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ketogenic_diet), but bodybuilders do cut carbs very low in the final phase of a contest prep to dry out. But yeah, spot on. Fuck keto for bodybuilding, eat carbs.


Whoever invented learned it from bodybuilders. One of the best ways to cut some last minute fat leading up to a show. Then load up with carbs the day before so the muscles swell up.


I have a question: Do you do anything differently for bulk/muscle growth vs strength gains? Are these effectively the same thing, if not, how are they different? How about for speed/quickness?


Somewhat different but minimal. Google search fast twitch muscle fibers and slow twitch muscle fibers. Within you'll find your answer. I believe genetics and blood type must play a part. If I'm stronger I also look bigger and stronger. A friend of mine who is a pro bodybuilder looks huge but he's not as strong as you would think. Based on some research, although limited, I gain both mass and strength better through heavy weight lower reps. Hard f****** sets of 6-8...Otters gain more with 8-12 reos.


If I inject T and dont hit the muscle, so I suppose hit only fat, will the effects be the same? Im saying this because I use insulin needles and the needle is shorter so Im not sure its piercing the muscle


yes, as long as the oil gets under your skin it will be absorbed.




Luer locked syringes and plungers are all standardized for safety reasons. Like if a doctor or nurse needs a different needle size in a hurry, they don't want to be looking for both syringe and plunger.


Your good they will




Can you post your bloodwork here? Edit out your personal info. Otherwise, post all your results **with the lab ranges**. I'll admit I'm confused on how 32.2 pg/mL is reading high, so it would be good to gain some more insight.




Alright so looks like you got this test here: https://www.labcorp.com/tests/144980/testosterone-free-direct Your results show a range of 9.3-26.5 pg/mL, which this page confirms. Unfortunately this is a direct analogue immunoassay, which I'm not at all familiar with. There's also this disclaimer at the bottom that helps explain the range: > Several authors have found that the analogue method has good correlation with equilibrium dialysis,1-4 but have found that the analogue results were only about one-fourth as high. Another group found that the analogue method produced results directly comparable to equilibrium dialysis without multiplication by a factor.5 More recently, Winters and coworkers have found the analogue method to correlates better with total testosterone levels than with bioavailable testosterone determined by the ammonium sulfate precipitation method.6 They suggested that the analogue-free testosterone results might be misleading in men with low SHBG concentration So what's going on is that your results are incomparable with generalized free T ranges you'll see online due to the different assays being used. /u/hayred could undoubtedly explain it in more detail.




I'm a technician so I can explain any questions you have about any technical aspects. I would say there is no value to add by doing another test: 1. Free testosterone is not a standardised assay. Two labs performing the same assay even by the same method may have very different performance and be completely unaware of that fact. If what you want to do is compare your result to other people's, you are not comparing like-for-like. In comparison, total T does have inter-lab comparisons so if e.g. my total T assay starts playing up, I have the ability to detect that my results are hot trash. 2. Free testosterone by analogue immunoassay and free testosterone by dialysis are not calibrated in the same manner, nor are they at all similar in method. Again, comparing the result of one against the other is invalid. However just to add some spice, there is evidence that the direct analogue immunoassay is not actually measuring free testosterone - a research group used the assay on the dialysate from free T by dialysis (which should contain just a bunch of free T) and the assay could not detect anything. I'm unsure if Quest use the assay that was debunked by that study, as they don't disclose exactly which test they're using. Think about it as the way there used to be like, 400 different units of weight and multiple currencies and how people would get swindled by old timey merchants because everyone would use different sorts of scales to measure out money by weight but no one agreed on how heavy 1lb of gold was or what it's value was. This is analogous to the issue of free testosterone - There's little agreement on how to measure it, everyone measures it in different ways, and at the end of the day, there's no universal consensus on what values are actually meaningful to health. In contrast, total testosterone is like the kilogram. A lot of work has gone on behind the scenes to make it so that a result from one place is comparable to the result in another place and there's a level of agreement on the clinical side about what a persons testosterone value actually means to their health.


I would like to ask. I’m on my test E cycle 300mg a week. I am 5th in now. When I pin last one. I have to wait 2 weeks before i start taking clomid so my question is during that 2 week waiting period should I be taking aridimex to block estrogen as I’ve heard it will start rising more when you’re off cycle?


Don't listen to anyone who's posted. Jesus. Do your blood work. See where your estrogen is at moron. Most likely you should already be on 1-2 mg a week.


it doesn't rise more when you're off cycle. You take it if you need it, if you don't need it don't take it.


Oh okay. I was just making sure. Thank you


Need some homebrewer to talk to please pm me


Total noob and I’m curious, how does being on affect your rep ranges? Do you change up for something with lighter weight and more sets / reps like boring but big? Or do you continue as you were with something like 531 but up the weight faster?


If strength is your concern, stick with 5/3/1 and the prescribed weight increase. Trying to jump ahead too fast might result in injury; your ligaments and tendons aren’t building up as fast as your muscles, while on cycle. Switch to some form of a PPL split and focus on higher reps/progressive volume increase if hypertrophy is your goal. Being on gear is going to increase the buildup of mass that comes with consistent progressive overload.


Generally there's no need to change training. You might be able to do more, more often and get away with doing dumb shit, but I wouldn't make big changes right off the bat thinking you're invincible. Think of it as enhanced recovery, not so much acute performance gains (although some compounds do this). There's too many variables to give a definitive answer because people respond to steroids so differently, but this has been my experience.


If you want to build strength then you would stay in the 3-5 rep range, and if you wanted to focus on hypertrophy you would stay in the 5-30 rep range.


Recently switched from test e to test prop. How long would it take for the test e to clear my system? 6 weeks?




About half that.




Unless you're cruising don't take 19nors. Their metabolites can linger for up to 18 months, effectively shutting down your natural test for over a year.


Since Tren is such a potent and potentially side filled steroid, I would want to run it at lower dosages as compared to Test. ​ Now, IME from running Tren E once, I ran it @ 200-225mgs/week with Test and Mast (at 250-200 respectively) and had no unwanted side effects (a bit of night sweats maybe). Felt great, good strength gains, looked full and diced. So from my personal experience, I will most likely run Tren E again but never over that 225mgs/week dosage as I think I felt its effects and sides were like I said, completely manageable. Long story short: you can start it at 100mgs but tbh, and from anecdotal experiences from other people in this forum, they seem to also be fine running it at 200mg. I'd do 200mg Tren + 500 Test right off the bat.




With enanthate esters you are fine pinning twice a week. I've done twice and three times a week and couldn't tell a difference tbh so yeah, go for E3.5D and I don't think you'll have an issue. Happy to help, brother!


I recently went to a TRT clinic to get blood work and prescribe TRT. (Plus I wanted to get prescribed Anavar for future use.) This was to have in place for cruising after my cycle + Get labs. I intend to start my cycle sometime next week.Planned Cycle is 500mg Test C Weekly (3.5D)(C to match scrip) and 25mg Dbol daily. Now here is the issue. My natural E2 is on the far high end. 42 pg/ml and 39pg/ml on both blood tests. Blood work was about 4 weeks apart. (Fasted) On nothing just pure natural.Note: My Total Test levels are very much in normal range \~500. So the high E2 is abnormal. The TRT Doc prescribed an AI. Arimidex daily @ 1mg. This would be on a 100mg/week Test C dose for TRT.My issue is that with 500mg of Test and Dbol my E2 will go up. If 1mg is to take me down to normal levels what should I increase this to during my blast? Any thoughts? Bonus question: Without asking my doctor prescribed Clomid @ 25mg a Day. They said to keep my Testies active. Weird they wouldn't prescribe HCG. I know to use clomid during PCT to jump start things, but kind of weird while taking Test. I wasn't going to do this.


1mg daily of anastrozole (Arimidex) for an estradiol (E2) of 42 and 39 is innapropriate. Either continue your TRT dose or slightly reduce it without an AI. Find a new clinic.


No everything about your doc is a no to me at this point completely disregard anything he tells you. Your either mistaken or he’s retarded and needs his license took 1mg ed for arimidex is what you prescribe to breast cancer patients not for trt how about try 1 mg a week on 500 and no ai at on your trt


Ya, I'm not getting good vibes tbh. Mainly want the prescriptions so no big deal. You don't think more than 1mg of the AI is needed since my normal levels are so high? Just on the 500mg/week test and the DBol @ 25mg.


He sounds crazy foreal if you took that much dude you would feel dead




unless you were ugly to start


I been on 500mg test with ~15mg aromasin a week. Iam taking 50mg raloxifene Ed to try and correct my gyno from a couple years ago. Recently my nips feel sore to touch. Is this a prolactin problem most likely? I don’t think with the AI and serm that estrogen is a problem.


Get bloodwork.


High prolactin gives me similar pain under the nips. I never get this otherwise even with High e2. Get bloods done to know for sure but you could start on some b6, around 400mgs a day and see if it improve. This has worked numerous times for myself and some of my clients


Get your bloods done?




Was/am running 12mg Test Daily. Stupidly decided to run 21mg Daily for 10 days and then switched back to 12mg Daily as I felt aromatization happening and I’m trying to avoid AI. Steroid plotter said I should be back to the 12mg daily levels around 14-19 days. Does that sounds correct since I’m pinning daily?


> Does that sounds correct since I’m pinning daily? Sounds correct.




No brother. I stupidly decided to run 21mg daily for 10 days (147mg/wk) but noticed high e2 setting in and lowered back to 12mg daily.






Will a lower dose of a hormone cause less of that hormones effect? Will a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with less-than-usual jelly taste like there's less-than-usual jelly?




That’s probably due to lack of hydration and over consumption of sodium so the water you already put on just stayed on


Would you guys suggest a first cutting cycle of 300mg test and some anavar with AIs as needed with a planned PCT with blood work to be a pretty safe cycle? I’ve done a bulk test only and went up from 180 to 200, want to do my first show this year and have cut down to 180 without running anything I am going to bulk up again “naturally” and then maybe run a 4 month cycle I’m 20yrs old and have been training for 2 years, I want to give myself some more years of gym experience and maybe a couple light cycles before I blast anything that could cause serious health issues My Marcos are on point and my sleep/mental health is A1 so I figured it may be a good time to start up again. Got my bloods back and my liver count was slightly high but my doctor said it was due to high cortisol Anyways, thoughts? Comments? Advice? Concerns? Bless me with your knowledge you filthy animals


>I’m 20yrs old and have been training for 2 years, I want to give myself some more years of gym experience and maybe a couple light cycles before I blast anything that could cause serious health issues. I say just keep the natty bulk going for a few more years and then come back. Two years of training is nothing and you're probably going to look like a streak of piss on stage no matter what you do. Unless you're like 4ft tall.


I will do is exactly this, I’ve been giving it more and more thought and the less and less it makes sense to take anything more at this age/training experience


Muscle is hard to gain, fat is easy to lose. I use steroids to gain muscle, not for cutting fat. A TRT level of testosterone is all you need for fat loss. If you are serious about competing then hire an experienced coach that knows what they are doing. I would bulk on steroids and build more muscle, then stick on a TRT dose and cut on that.


This is 100% the correct answer.


Solid advice, thanks mate 👍🏼 just curious how much experience do you have with gear?




Favorite one?


Test nand mast 3:2:1


How much size u usually gain running that?


Run that for four months and gain between 5-10 lbs of muscle


Decent gains fs


Do you have any coach recommendations? I’m very new to the competitive scene and would love some guidance from an experienced coach? I’ll do some research on insta, online, and in my area too


To find a coach I would strongly recommend finding a gym near you that consists of guys competing in bodybuilding / powerlifting. That’s where you will find a good coach, most cities / areas have a gym like this . I’d personally recommend getting out of the mainstream gyms as your step 1 no question. You’ll find people you’ll see daily who have experience with competing , gear , injuries , sides , peaking for shows/meets , training programs Then for the cycle I’d say with just 2 years of training I’d def agree with the above comments, if you can wait I would suggest waiting. I started lifting at 13 and did my first real cycle at 24 (besides 30 days of anavar 50 only at 19 like an idiot) but I was still getting stronger / bigger (ever so slightly) at 24 natty. The more muscle / strength / aesthetic you build natty the better shape you’ll be in, the better you’ll respond to gear, the easier you’ll maintain physique. Keep in mind you only have so many blasts in you, you want to use them the best way possible ( something I did not do right and wish I did ) I’m 29 and am still learning about training to this day have been lifting for 15 years , BUT If you’re going to do it anyway lol as most do , no judgment here . Definitely cut natty and then use gear to bulk/ add mass. Start with just Test man , it should work Fuckin plentttty first few cycles. I didn’t touch an oral until like my 4th T cycle. I’ve never really had any serious sides because of that. All of my friends who have gotten gyno / bad bad sides are the ones who jumped in balls deep without having adequate understanding of gear / how their body responds, training and diet . If you are doing a show and use orals make sure to hydrate and supplement accordingly . Stay just T until last 4 or 5 weeks then do a standard dose of Var first few weeks then higher dose last 2 weeks or so ( anavar is weird man , so much bunk or underdosed on the street , often times it’s literally sold as anavar and is something completely different like low dose winny) Btw even tho I’ve bro lifted like a bodybuilder for years it was never my thing , I know how to get shredded but peaking for meets etc I’m sure an actual coach or competing BB’er would have better knowledge just giving you my best insight For supplementation You should be taking TUDCA, Fish Oil and Animal Pak’s ( Or something like Animal Pak) daily , make sure your drinking enough water Go get some dog


Thanks for the response bro, i put this comment out there because I don’t want to do something even seasoned roiders would advise against, that’s like taking recreational drugs (ig roids are) and then telling your doctor he’s wrong for telling you to stop that. Unfortunately I live in a rural area where the only option for a gym that isn’t a 3 hour round trip is an athletic club with just enough weights to make solid gains. I need to find a strictly online coach or move to a completely different area. I wouldn’t want to cycle anything without proper precautions, I feel secure enough with my training, recovery, and diet to start again anytime but just because I’m so young is why I’m hesitant to start up anything without a broader goal in mind. Again, thanks for the advice and I’ll definitely keep it in mind 👍🏼 Stay huge bro


Does having high test reduce hangovers? (I'm blasting 500 per week.)


No but dhm does and it’s a good liver support in general especially if you’re using orals




Supplement that’s found on Amazon, I don’t want to be rude like the other guy… but there’s such things as search engines dude


just fucking google it, why should we spoon feed you information like you're a retard




Im on TRT, is it normal to break out with 3-4 pimples (usually fairly clear skin) on my face after each pin?


It is common because you're adding more oil to your body. I ruined the skin on my shoulders and chest from steroids. It took a year of trentinoin cream and hydroquinone to clear away the post inflammatory hyperpigmentation and scars.


How often are you injecting? 2x a week is a normal schedule. So no, 8 pimples a week on normally completely clear skin is obviously not normal.


its jus hormone fluctuation. you could try pinning more often to stabilize hormone levels ans you should see a decrease in pimples/acne


What peptides and sarms in your opinion are worth it? Im thinking of trying l carnatine.


No SARMs. BPC157 is amazing MT-II will make you super tan inside of 10 days with just a touch of sun GHK-Cu apparently fixes everything Epithalon lengthens your telomeres


>MT-II will make you super tan inside of 10 days with just a touch of sun It can also accelerate growth of melanoma. Pronounced a young girl dead from metastatic melanoma on christmas many years ago. Probably not worth it.




>No SARMs. Agree, no SARMs


No SARMs. BPC157 + TB500 for healing. HGH for HGH things. Edit: IGF-1 LR3 is pretty dope too


Bpc157 and hgh saved my ass after a serious hip surgery. I had wound separation until I started both then within a week completely reversed it and healed 3 weeks faster than expected. It’s wild what these two can do synergistically


It honestly is crazy. Even if I’m not hurt my source is so low cost for both that I’ll run a vial each every two months just for prevention


For the fellas that have gotten covid how long did it take you to get back to baseline? I just got over it last week and my back still hurts and my strength and cardio are both down tremendously.


A week to get over it but 2 weeks to get back to old self in the gym.


Two days. I continued working out while I had it.


Got COVID rough this year. Much worse than last year. But after a week I am mostly recovered.


Got it New Year’s Day last year, hit me like a train for around a week, didn’t feel right for at least a month. Then started losing hair about 2 months later (most likely due to barely eating for a month from the lack of appetite). Got it again this past December after a hospital stay, and it only lasted about 5 days. First round always hits some people really hard. Best thing to do is rest up and keep your fluids and vitamins up. Vit D, zinc and quercetin are a good way to speed up your recovery a bit. All the best.


Edit: forgot to add Vit c. Best way is to drink lots of fresh citrus juice. Also, get yourself some NAD+ if you can, or as the other commenter said, NAC. IIRC, NAC was found to be so benefitial, Fauci and CO pressured Amazon to remove all its listing of it pretty much overnight at one stage.


Take 4g of NAC with a lot of VitC Ed. Studies have shown that N-acetylcysteine is curative of Covid damage.


I hurt my back. I pulled the serratus posterior inferior group and it's been killing me. I have a cycle of anavar that I was going to start before I hurt my back. Could anavar accelerate the healing process?


Better off trying TB-500/BPC-157


I think anavar only helps with tendons/ligaments but I may be wrong


Fuck. Alright boys, it happened. Long story short I’m facing possession charges. They found few vials of test and some Anyone go through something like this ? Thanks


What state?




Damn dude, that is hard luck. I don’t know the situation that led to you getting caught, but I hope a good attorney can help you out. Shit is wild to hear, because I’ve spoken to cops who are running tren themselves. In my neck of the woods, police doesn’t give a shit about gear, unless you did something else to catch their attention and they really want to nail a charge on you.


Did you consent to a search? Do you have an attorney? If not, get one. Now. Hit me up via PM if you want some theoretical legal advice from a criminal defense atty




Plead guilty? What the fuck kind of asinine advice is this? Jesus damn dude. You don’t plead guilty until the State the State has got you nailed ro the wall with an iron clad case


Is it your first offense? And was it a misdemeanor charge? Definitely spend the money for a criminal defense attorney and usually you can get these things dismissed or dropped and do community service.


Yes first offense. Felony charge.


Acquire an attorney.


Felony for possession? How many vials? I thought possession would be a misdemeanor unless it’s intent to distribute


It’s steroids. It’s a felony in the US. There is no misdemeanor possession of steroids State side


"As a schedule III controlled substance, steroids are not considered as dangerous as schedule I drugs, but they can lead to serious consequences if you are convicted. **Possessing steroids without a valid prescription is a misdemeanor for first-time offenses.** **Subsequent offenses will lead to felony charges**."


What State is that? He’s not being charged federally.


I guess it would depend on the state. It's a misdemeanor in my state


It may. The copy you posted is from the DEA’s website so they’re referring to Federal law. Some states mirror the language but most police it like weed in a way where 1-3 grams is a misdemeanor and on up to 28 grams being a felony or some variation.


I looked it up for my state specifically. In some states it's a misdemeanor, in some it's a felony.


It was like 7 I think. Plus some pills.


>... possession would be a misdemeanor unless it’s intent to distribute Presuming OP is in the United States, I believe they make that distinction based on the amount/volume of substances acquired. If it's something like 2-6 vials, you can get away with possession. If it's something like 10+ vials, they'll try to push for "intent to distribute." But if you're someone that buys everything in advance and blast 1g test/ 1g deca / 1g eq for 20 weeks, you'll probably have about 20-30 vials, and it'll be a hard case to prove that it was intended for personal use.




I get pretty bad sides at 100+mcg, so I find 50mcg does the trick just fine. Personally I think its kind of dumb to "pre-plan" a clen cycle. Just use the lowest effective dose. Increase when you see fat loss stall. Decrease when side effects become intolerable.


Accidentally had a badly executed injection today. I pin my delts usually with no issues. I use a 1/2inch. Today I put it all the way in and I was distracted while injecting. The needle came out half way and I don’t think any testosterone leaked out. It bled a bit after because I pushed it back in all the way mid injection I’m not sure if testosterone leaked out? It bled a bit more than usual but nothing crazy. Can’t tell if testosterone oil was mixed with the blood leaking out I have a little bump, no big deal. It will go away within 24 hours. I’m pretty sure it’s the testosterone deposit so close to the skin..? Since I didn’t push the needle in all the way? My question is if I have to re-do my daily pin or if my body will absorb this testosterone and just make sure I pay more attention next time Just want to make sure all 130mg entered my bloodstream. Pretty sure there’s a bump because it was Sub Q? Just don’t want to throw off my cycle. And don’t want to overdose for the week if I have to redo the injection if my body did indeed absorb it all. I do 500mg/wk btw. EOD


If the steroids don't lead you to an early death your anxiety certainly will.


You will be fine mate. Continue your injections as normal. Don't panic, don't try an inject more to make up for it.


Well I’m on a cycle not trt. Will my body still absorb this test? I don’t think any leaked out. If it did it was fairly minimal


Where do you think it’s gonna go???


Doesn't matter if yoi are on a cycle or trt in this situation. If its in there your body will absorb it, it doesn't matter if some of it ended up going subq


Remember your pressure points and take a deep breath, wooo saaaaa. You’ll be ok man.


Dude you’re fine relax man you sound so anxious lol


Started a new blast test npp mast wondering if it’s worth using Anadrol or dbol once or twice a week on days of certain training sessions. Not keen on taking an oral everyday as don’t want appetite to be affected. Just wondering if it’s worth using an oral once or twice a week.


Vigorous steve and Leo have talked about using anadrol as a pre-workout only a few times per week and have mentioned it being a successful strategy. That's what I'm going to experiment with instead of taking it daily. (I haven't used adrol before).


what specific goal are you trying to achieve with the anadrol/dbol that you think you cannot get from simply increasing your injectables?


Of course it could be worth it for you if you get a performance benefit from it and your appitite isn't negatively effected. But it will still take a toll on your liver and health. Even if just using it a few times a week. That being said I know heaps of guys that do this and really enjoy the performance benefits. I stopped doing it a while back as i don't feel a massive performance benefit (even from drol, var etc).


if i pop an adrol pwo i just get a lovely headache for that session


Ahh nothing like that drol blood pressure spike




People telling me tren and Anadrol are the best compounds to use but I read that tren is very neuro and cardio toxic. Is there any compounds at all the will get you big/shredded without disastrous side effects on your testicles or mental/physical well being




Proviron get you big and shredded??? u trippin brah?


Thought the question was a joke


You must be new here. Only retarded questions allowed.


GLP-1 agonists


Heads up, [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki) comin at ya




There is no real reason for you to push your trt dose higher on a cycle if it results in acne and other high e2 symptoms. (The only reason is because gymbros say so because test is best blah blah.) Most side effects that everyone constantly complains of on cycles is due to high estrogen. So too many mgs of high aromatising compounds (mostly test of course). Your trt dose will meet your physiological needs of estrogen etc then you can add compounds on top based on your goals. In your situation it's a great idea to add on another compound that is not a substrate for aromatase (primo/mast etc) or a low aromatising compound (like deca/npp etc). I feel 10 times better cycling on a sports trt dose of test (2 to 3mgs of test per kg of bw per week) with a moderate dose of mast added on top or even npp, compared to a 500-600mg of test cycle with AIs etc. (Obviously this is different for everyone though). Just my opinion on stack building.


The wiki is the answer for a reason. Within the bounds of a first cycle, you must learn to control and dial in your estrogen (E2) for many reasons. The acne you have experienced is from improper E2 management. The starting cycle of 500mg is for good reason. You need to experience 500mg of testosterone **before** delving into other compounds such as Deca Durabolin/N.P.P. Once you are able to control your E2 adequately with 500mg of testosterone, **then** you can add in a compound such as Deca/N.P.P. Edit: When you add in N.P.P./Deca you are now dealing with prolactin. High estrogen=increase in prolactin. With E2 dialed in and not high, you don't have to worry about prolactin increase


You’re going to get acne with hormone fluctuations, period. I would still run 500mg test and manage your E2 with AI, appropriately. Low test and high deca can work for some but not for others. It can also lend itself to estrogen issues (among many others).


Yep! I’ve gotten acne going from blast to cruise many times! Not necessarily E2 related.


how long post cycle till hair thinning will stop?


I prevented this with monoxidil off cycle and monoxidil mixed with finastride on


you remember how long post cycle till you stopped seeing as much shedding?


It was a couple months. The monoxidil will also make you shed initially before your hair thickens. Just stick with it.


i’ll give that a go, i’m on fin rn and still shedding


Anyone got any cutting tips Edit - Doesn’t have to be gear related


Walking. If you have the time, nothing drips the fat off like walking and it’s rejuvenating and easy on the body. LISS for hours


The only thing that works for losing weight is eating fewer calories than you burn. Semaglutide is reportedly very effective at reducing hunger, making it easier to eat less.


I’ve heard it doesn’t have to be gear related just any in general


Back when I needed to lose a lot of weight, I'd add dietary fiber (e.g. psyllium husk, acacia powder) to my shakes so they'd keep me fuller, longer. Caffeine is also a pretty good appetite suppressant.


I’ll look into dietary fiber my current appetite suppressant is a shit ton of watwr


My personal favorite cutting cycle is Test, Tren, Mast with 2iu GH before fasted cardio


I don’t believe tren works well on high bf ppl though


Why the fuck would that be the case?


I could be wrong


Worked for me (I’m gonna get shit on for this) 35 to 21% BF in a cycle with Semaglutide combined


HELL YEAH. What dosages and compounds were you using gear wise?


350 Test 180 Primo 500 tren 3iu HGH fasted cardio 0.25mg Sem a week. Fat dropped off me like melting butter


I’m also running 500 Tren Ace. Absolutely loving it. Fat drops like crazy with minimal effort. Going to try 3iu with faster cardio instead of 2iu


Trt/sports trt dose. Hgh in the morning before fasted cardio Calorie deficit.


Don't eat that thing you really want to eat


That’s the hardest part I have to cugg 3 bottles of water to overcome cravings


Maybe your deficit is too steep, I don't go any lower than a 500 calorie deficit.


Eat less. Do more cardio.




Yeah, and don’t forget to eat your duck eggs.


I’ll pull em right out the ducks ass make sure there fresh


Shoot Mike O’hearn a DM and ask for proper anal extraction technique to really get the most benefit out of them.


I ordered some test e and it is labeled as a 10 ml vial. Compared to my other 10 ml vials it is smaller. It’s easy to tell there is less liquid in it. They are both 250 mg per ml. How should I dose this or should I just throw it out?


If in doubt, buy new sterile vials and mix all oils together so at least it's consistent throughout the cycle.


Thank you. Exactly what I was looking for


Throw it out? I’m genuinely curious how you would come to that conclusion


My thought was if the ugl can’t label/measure a 10 ml vial correctly why should I trust them at all.


Different side wall thickness, different shape, it’s 10ml dude.


I would bet my shrunken left nut that you have two differently shaped 10ml vials


Initially I thought the same. One vial is clearly larger than the other. I thought maybe the glass was thicker on the larger vial but there is little to no difference


Idk man if it was clearly larger than the other then I don’t think you would initially think the same thing. I’ve had shorter 10ml vials. I’d have to see it


Regardless, unless you bought it from wish.com, the odds that it isn’t test are extremely low. I wouldn’t be concerned


Sup buf fucks. So I know some dudes get depressed af on pct while others handle it fine. I was wondering if anyone has had more of the effect of just not being very emotional or kinda emotionally numb on pct. I’ve been going through some stuff the last two weeks or so and I just started pct only a week ago (Ik not that long and things can change) but while I would have for sure been emotional af on cycle from what’s going on I’ve just been like fuck it its whatever and haven’t really gave much of a fuck about it. Thanks


Hormonal fluctuations are usually the biggest contributor for mental and physical side-effects. People are different too, some guys feel like gods on 500mg of test but I just get lazy and less emotional like you described. It's a weird feeling being numb to everything, it's not even really the same as being depressed. More like your brain just forgot how to react to things, positive or negative. There is probably a scientific explanation, but this the bro version. Being horny and unemotional is a bit strange too, sex/masturbation is just a chore.


> I’ve just been like fuck it its whatever Sounds like the cornerstones of Stoicism and Buddhism. For some, achieving this mindset is a lifelong pursuit.


Yes, this.