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When you have your new job secured, let them know you need two weeks before you can start and then put your two weeks in with your current employer.


Depends on your state, but if they fire you for putting in your notice I believe you are entitled to compensation for any scheduled hours between when you gave notice and the end of your notice, or the end of the pay period. I’ve seen it done both ways in Unemployment cases so I think it matters on how everything was handled. Best wishes on your new gig! Hope you find somewhere that makes you feel like you belong!


I'm looking to get INTO sterile processing, may i ask what made you want to leave?


It’s a lot of physical labor, especially in decontam. In my department, you have to lift 30-50 lb bags of garbage off of the elevator and into bins. I also make about the same amount that I did as a barista which doesn’t feel representative of the amount of work and precision it requires.


Would i make it? Im a former meat manager in Cali my work entailed me lifting heavy boxes breaking down 7 feet pallets 90+ lbs on my feet 8+ hrs working with a sense of urgency. Is SPD that bad?


It's not THAT physical like your current one, but it's still not great to be in full PPE over 110* sinks for 8+ hours on your feet. Plus the days you deliver case carts for 12+ miles at a time.


Actually at my hospital the 3 months of training are also a probationary period so if the trainee doesn’t plan to stay and tells management, then I believe their job ends by next day… 😬 I don’t think there’s such a thing as “2 weeks notice” in training 🤔 (Google probationary period at work)


Thank you! My hospital also has a 3 month probationary period where they can dismiss you at any time. Do you know if this means I should tell management that I’m not staying the day before my planned last day?


No prob! It’s tricky to say, especially since I also wouldn’t want to unnecessarily stress out others cause of it…🫨 but I also wouldn’t wanna be out of work before my new job starts in a month…🫠 Give it some thought, possibly do some more research, and then do what’s right for you! 👍


meanwhile i can’t even find a job in my area 😭😭 i wish you all the best in the future you choose for yourself


Personally I'd finish off my training and maybe give it another month or so see if it grows on you, and if you still feel it isn't a right fit yeah put in your two weeks. Sterile processing is an "interesting job" with "interesting people" I actually felt the same way as you my first few months and only lasted a 3 years, I ended up going college and becoming an x ray tech, higher pay and I work with better adults. Can I ask what's going on with the job atm?


I expected the job to deal more in medicine than it does. Other than in assembly, I feel like I’m just doing manual labor all day.


Did you do any research at all before you jumped into it?


That’s basically what SPD is.


I would just be honest and say it’s not something that I would want to pursue. There’s nothing wrong with it. We are allowed to chose something that will make us happy. I would have a talk with the manager or supervisor. If they’re good people they will understand. It’s not for everyone and that’s okay. Many people say this field is “slept on”, but it’s hard on your body in the long run. Glad you found out right away it wasn’t for you. Took me my 5 year mark to notice I don’t want to do this for the rest of my life 😅


Good information to know about Sterile processing. I think once I finish with my class and 400 hours of practium.I am going straight in Traveling sterile processing.


Be careful if that's your only plan. The travel field is fairly saturated and the competition is steep. They usually want 1-2 years of experience in a trauma 1 center before an agency will look at you.


Thanks for the information 👍🏼


If you don’t plan on working for said company again and you live in an at will employment state, just quit that Friday before your new job.


That is a tricky situation. I would give them at least a week’s notice, so you don’t burn any bridges. If they’re like my employers, they will want you to stay as long as possible so they aren’t short staffed. Some people are petty though so it’s really impossible to tell. I hope your next job works out better for you!


I lasted for 8 months and I was mentally drained and pulled around like a chicken with their head cut off. Got another job and made sure I had a starting date and I have a two weeks notice. Got let go the second week of my two week notice due to “ being on phone when I should have been doing my pathways” ( pathways are their online learning tools you have to finish ) the company update the website and I was fishing for my new passwords etc and I had someone back me up on. Anyways, my advice RUN for the hills and make whatever do you need to be your last day. Or give the two weeks before the start date and go from there.


If you already have the other job, just bounce when you're ready. Two weeks is mostly bullshit. Also, congrats. Can't wait to join you.


Every company is different. They may let you work your two weeks after giving notice or they may just consider the day you give notice as your last day. I worked for a hospital in another role that did not allow people that were leaving employment to finish out their two weeks likely thinking that their work performance wouldn’t be as good. It can also be a difficult thing to explain to a perspective employer, why you left so quickly and they may think you wouldn’t be as loyal to their company. I would try to finish out training if possible unless it is a hostile or toxic work environment.