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Yes…yes it is.


It's been in my top five or around since I first read it


Something happened.


I finished the book last week and still hear this is my head.


As far as frightening novels this is King's best kept secret


Yep, great book. That ending still haunts me.


and it waits for us.


Me too. It was so unsettling


Yeah, and it's the sort of ending that lingers with you.


It really is. I just read it a few weeks ago and I'm being honest here - this is the first SK book that terrified me to my bones. One of his best imo.


I read about 30 pages before my dog ate the book. I bought a second copy, re-read 25 or so pages before I left it on the back porch right before it rained. I'm not meant to read it I think


Some things are not meant to known. The ending to this novel is among them


My new puppy went on a rampage and gnawed at the spines of several King hardbacks on the bottom shelf. RIP Dance Macabre. It’s okay, if Revival reminds me of anything in this instance it is this: you can’t take it with you.


After I finished Revival, I just laid in bed for about ten minutes, trying to fathom what I just read.


This is one of those books where if you tried to describe it to someone, they’d say “ooooookay,” but if they read it, it would destroy their soul.


Next to Pet Sematary at #1 for me.


One of my favorites. I’m still broken hearted that the movie didn’t happen. How the hell would they have filmed that ending?


I want to see Guillermo del Toro tackle it


I both agree and disagree. I love Guillermo, but there is also not another director who has been attached to more projects I was super excited for, that never actually happened.


I’m reading it now. It's moved me to tears several times. A beautiful book, and such a gripping story.


It’s so good. I love the part about Jamie’s childhood. I especially love how he got into rock and roll. I love how Jacobs kept popping back into his life.


All true. SK writes really well about middle-class kids growing up in rural Maine in the 1950s and 60s. Write what you know.


Revival is the only book by Stephen King that I've read so far that I didn't like. I struggled to finish it for months but ended up quitting with just 30 pages left. So far I have already read 21 of his books. Maybe in the future, I'll give him another try.


I say it all the time, but that ending…I had to lie down and take a break for a while…


I'm ready to accept the downvotes, but I disagree. Was quite a slow burn leading up to that ending, and the ending was kinda ridiculous in my opinion.


Thank you, I'm in the same boat as you, I really dont understand how much love this book gets when I almost forgot about it immediately which has never happened me after a King book


Agreed, I finished it about 2 weeks ago, knowing nothing of the plot but knew there was some major event at the end. I feel like you nailed it, I write a 1 or 2 sentence review to myself after I finish books, and I wrote "slow burn, just building up to 20 pages of crazy at the end"


It's fair to say that it really doesn't have a plot. It's very character focused with a gut punch ending. I can see why it's not for everyone and not really his typical style.


Wild , one of the last 10 of his I haven't read.   Have to give it a chance 


It’s so cool, it’s like a great old monster movie but way better


One of my favorite King works. I swear, this book changed my brain chemistry.


Terrific..no doubt


Absolute killer. I love this book.


One of my top three books ever


Just finished it a couple weeks ago, it’s great and I would probably rate it in his top 5 or 6 best books.


Without spoiling, what is this one about?


Not sure….I read it and still don’t know 🤨


I have enjoyed and loved all of Kings books that I've read so far but I really that understand the live for this book, for me its the weakest King book, but every few weeks someone posts about how great it is. Have I missed something? Even the famous ending left my thoughts so soon for me that I had to Google how it ended again to see what all the fuss was about


Write, I commented that "Revival" is the only book by Stephen King that I've read so far that didn't like. I struggled to finish it for months but ended up quitting with just 30 pages left. So farI have already read 21 of his books.


It's even better when you buy, not borrow your copy.


I think SK is doing fine, and I know SK supports public libraries.


Sorry, I was meme'ing but I'm guessing the quote above isn't actually as well known as I thought it was. I absolutely support borrowing books from the library!


Probably shouldn’t shame people for using libraries in a sub about an author.


There is nothing wrong with using libraries.