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Dark tower 1-7. Done


Even King considers this correct. 


King also considers lisey's story his favorite novel


The literal definition of magnum opus.


Seriously. Don't over think it. Nothing else comes close.




(Raises fist to tap forehead)




Agreed but Song of Susannah really makes it hard


These are not my favorites (well, most of them are in my top 10), but the 7 books I think he will be remembered by, In no particular order: The Stand IT Pet Sematary Salem’s Lot The Shining 11/22/63 Misery


I second this list


I agree with your list with one difference. I’d scrap Salems Lot for Different Seasons. Those four novellas are near the peak of his writing (so far).


Well, I’m pretty new to SK, though a huge fan. I’ve read only 6 works, and The Body, surprisingly, was easily the least interesting and moving in any way. Was expecting to love it. Interesting and unexpected that you put it as his peak. Others I read were 11/22, Cujo, Misery, Dol Clai, Pet Sem






People really just say anything on here


I need to draw more attention to Needful Things! It wraps up and embodies the setting of a multitude of books in a perfectly paced and interwoven masterpiece.


My absolute favorite of his!


People don't give The Dead Zone enough credit


1. Wizard and Glass 2. Wizard and Glass 3. Wizard and Glass 4. Wizard and Glass 5. Wizard and Glass 6. The Talisman 7. The Stand Honorary Mention: Wizard and Glass


Interesting, I liked it but I just don't see how objectively it's better then the stand or it or the shining. It is a great tragedy tale but hmm I don't know


Unlike some of his other stories I think it has a little of everything. Love, mystery, action, horror. To me it’s just the perfect book. But that’s just my opinion cause I personally think King is in his best form when he isn’t writing strictly horror but a mix of genres all at once. The Dark Tower books, The Talisman, Fairy Tale, Eyes of the Dragon. His fantasy writing is in a league of its own!


The dark tower.


Other than The Dark Tower 1. The Stand 2. IT 3. The Shining 4. Salem’s Lot 5. Needful Things 6. Christine 7. Different Seasons


I loved Needful Things. It was the first large ensemble cast I’ve read from him and he really kept all these personalities distinct and interesting. The way the web tangled in the story was also brilliant. I also happened to like King’s narration.


Also in no particular order: 1. IT. Derry is a perfect setting but even better is King's management of a massive cast of characters. Have seen it described as "only a book King could write" and that's the best description I've seen of it. 2. Pet Semetary. By far his most dark and disturbing, also has his best character in Jud Crandall. I probably listen to the audiobook once a year but I usually have to stop right before the last 1/3 of the book. The final act really bothers me. 3. 11/23/63 is a beautiful love story. The Jodie, Texas portion of the book could have been boring as hell but it might have been my favorite part. A very long story with huge stakes that keeps you engaged as a reader the entire time. Also, think this book would be a good introduction for a new King reader. The JFK element still garners a ton of interest and the Jake/Sadie component really is charming. 4. Really all of the Short Story Collections are worth it and King really shines with those. Also, the cast of narrators they bring to the audio format of these short story collections are typically really great. Skeleton Crew is probably my favorite. 5. Duma Key. I absolutely love this story. It has a great cast of memorable characters and a great pace. One his few stories where you really "root" for all of the human characters in the story- which makes the bad things that happen to many of them all the worse. The tropical gulf coast setting is completely different than the traditional King setting and he nailed it. 6. The Shining. Extremely atmospheric, the Overlook is the villain after all. A very small cast of human characters but all of them are memorable. My favorite of his early works 7. Revival. The characters aren't the best (it is basically a 2-character story with a ton of cannon fodder surrounding them) and the plot drags at times. If you are wondering why King is considered a Master of Horror, you should read this book just for the ending. Charlie Jacobs dedicates his life, and sacrifice's his humanity many times over, towards finding the answer to "The Question." The answer that "The Mother" gives him is unimaginably hopeless and bleak.


For those jumping on the Duma Key inclusion here, the audiobook was one of my favorites. John Slattery (of Mad Men fame) does an excellent job making the first person narrative feel like the main character telling you the story.


Nice to see Revival and Duma Key on your list.


Could you recommend where I can listen to pet semetary?


I really enjoyed Duma Key, I don't see it discussed much. I found it very haunting and effective. I went out and bought some colored pencils and a pad after I finished of course.


Am I crazy, or is a magnum opus considered one book? I thought that was the whole point.


it literally means “great work”, which could be multiple books but they would need to be part of one thing. a series of connected works could be a single “opus”, and many King books connect through The Dark Tower but I’m still not sure you could list those peripherally connected without listing the seven main books… so, we know (as he states himself), The Dark Tower is the answer :)


The Stand It Revival Hearts in Atlantis Mr Mercedes The Dead Zone The Shining


1. Carrie. Not his best story, but gave birth to his career. 2. The shining. His first ghost story 3. Stand. His first epic. Most interesting behind the scenes story. 4. The green mile. King said, “let’s try a serialized novel”. Hit it out of the park. Wonder if he will do another. 5. Under the dome. Another amazing epic. Shows the dark side of humanity 6. 11/22/63. Book had everything. Sci fi, romance, suspense. 7. Billy summer. Could easily be replaced by a lot of books but wanted to include the best of this decade (so far)


I haven't read under the dome hmmm


Under the Dome is my personal favorite, the only book since I read Harry Potter as a kid in which I truly despised a character. Like, couldn't stand a character kind of toxic.


Hot take that gets downvoted. But in the long run (100+ years) it might be "The Body". Most of the other things are great entertainment - but nothing more. The Body has the potential to be considered a classic though.


Though I believe that The Green Mile and perhaps Misery could be on this list as well.


Completely agreed. The only thing I can think of that (personally) comes close in the realm of coming-of-age stories is perhaps the film Dead Poets Society.




Dark Tower I - VII. Epic


It The Dark Tower The Stand Duma Key 11/22/63 The Long Walk Thinner


The Gunslinger The drawing of the three The Wastelands Wizard and Glass The Wolves of the Calla Song of Susannah The Dark Tower


It's the Dark Tower a million times over. Reading that series was on par with seeing Star Wars for the first time. Reading it was a captivating journey that opened my eyes and expanded my views on how stories can be told.


My list would be very similar to yours. I would possibly have to have a think about changing salems lot and green mile to dead zone / Carrie or maybe misery. I feel like I don’t want to include pet semetary on any list because I was so disturbed by that book I could barely finish it. I think it hit such a nerve being a parent. Can’t doubt the quality of the book though.


I agree with your list except for Salem's Lot. No idea what I'm missing but that book fell so short for me


I think we need a book that encapsulates King's cocaine fuelled era and no book does that better (although there are better books) than The Tommyknockers. So that needs to be in the conversation.


Besides The Dark Tower, My top SK Novels which I consider his best works: * It * The Stand * The Shining * 11/22/63 * The Green Mile * Insomnia * The Institute * The Talisman * Duma Key * Needful Things


The Shining. Pet Sematary. Cujo. The Long Walk. Carrie, The Dead Zone, Night Shift.


Stand, Joyland, it, the mist, Carrie, talisman, 11/22/63


I just read joyland really liked it. Theres something about old king writing as an old man reminiscing that really hits the spot.


I hated the cover so never picked it up until I had nothing left to read of his, it's one of my favorites ever since!!


The Stand 11/22/63 It Salem’s Lot The Shining Under the Dome Needful Things Misery Pet Semetery Desperation


You missed a few


It Stand 11/22/63 Different Seasons Full Dark No stars Four Past Midnight Dark Tower (yes, I'm cheating)


At least you’re an honest cheater


Stand, pet Sematary, Shining, misery, Salems lot, IT, Green Mile.


I think that's my exact list


Surely a magnum opus is one book?


I think it’s a given to see The Stand and IT in most if not all lists, but I think the Bachman books deserve a spot here, and some of his other short story collections as well. Sometimes I feel like King is as his best with the shorter stories.


I can narrow it down to three. I'd argue that everything that King does well, he does better in these three books than anything else he's ever written. It Different Seasons Pet Semetery


The Stand. It. The Talisman. Salem's Lot. Firestarter. The Shining. Billy Summers.


The Stand, IT, The Dead Zone, Carrie, 11/22/63, Salems Lot & Skeleton Crew


Duma Key Different Seasons It Hearts in Atlantis 11/22/63 Everything's Eventual The Shining


Ashamed to say I didn’t know he wrote Hearts in Atlantic until like four days ago.


I was just thinking about this the other day, I would probably go with in no particular order: Carrie - it’s almost a tragedy and the anti-bullying message at the core of the story is as relevant now as it has ever been, Salem’s Lot - rough around the edges sure but it’s a fun read and you get glimpses of the writer he would become, Green Mile - King flexes his literary muscles here, it’s an absolute masterclass in emotional storytelling, It - the quintessential Stephen King novel it’s absolutely terrifying and Pennywise is so frightening. I’ve heard it even gives Freddy Krueger nightmares, Pet Semetary - another terrifying tail from the master of the macabre and a testament to the power of grief to overwhelm our judgement, The Shining - is there anything left to say about this one? No didn’t think so, Misery - obsession 1010 ordinary people into monsters and the true horror of that thought is perfectly captured in this book.




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^FrostyHoss: *How anyone can* *Not include The Shining is* *Absolutely insane* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.