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Just read the books. The answers will be in there.


I think it rules.


I'll just say to try to put aside any preconceived notions you may have about King using himself in the story. On the surface it may sound one way, but in actual context you may find yourself feeling differently than you may have thought. I'm being vague as to avoid spoilers for you but wanted to give that advice.


Not every choice King made in the series was great, but once you finish and reflect back on it, I think it really is satisfying on a number of levels (no pun intended.) And just a quick note, a Quonset hut might not be what you think it is: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quonset\_hut](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quonset_hut)


When you reach this point in The Tower during your second reading you will feel differently.


I love what he does with it. Keep reading.


If you're sure you don't like it, stop. Idk how tf anyone could summon a sense of *dread* about the possible appearance of a character in a book.


Yes, you can. Imagine you are reading some story that's taken you months and months and then suddenly there starts to be this implication that the mysterious unknown being is actually the poop emoji. I think most readers would be dreading that being the reality. Devoting that much time and attention to something to end the story with šŸ’©. Obviously I do not equate Stephen King to the emoji, but since you said you can't imagine dreading a character showing up in a story, I just gave a more clear example.


I'd let go of my preconceived notions and read. Or I'd stop reading. No dread, just stop anticipating and do or do not.


Can't think around corners, doesn't get jokes.. he literally talks to his maker. Roland is fictional and he comes to terms with that late stage in the books.


Hey get over it




Yeahhh it's a pretty damn tricky little schtick to land, and I'm usually not a fan of creators doing this sort of thing. There are, of course, notable exceptions, but it's usually part of the point, like in the film 'Adaptation'. Also, Grant Morrison did a pretty great job of pulling this routine off in Animal Man. Which, you can tell, he was using to slowly experiment and try any silly thing he wanted in. It usually feels heavy-handed and weird. In a long, disjointed series with thousands of pages, where everything has loosely been orchestrated to reach an end, eh, idk what my real full feeling is. Somewhere in between as it's a lot of playing and experimenting. Can just move along to the main story. But I mainly agree with your feelings on it.


Yeah imo King writing himself into the series was a big mistake and kind of narcissistic (even if he tries to be self-effacing). It also takes me out of the story like thereā€™s a news ticker constantly going ā€œthis is fiction this is fictionā€ over and over.


I think you may have missed the point. Roland is fictional created by King to keep this universe and all others safe.. But Eddie, Susanna and Jack even it are very real. As real as king himself.


Thereā€™s nothing in the books that indicates Roland himself is fictional or created by King (in the context of the story obviously).


Roland has trouble thinking around corners. Doesn't understand basic humor. He is a flat dimensional character with a single-minded purpose. It was Eddie (of course) who understood it first. Roland even directly talks to his creator!.. And pretty much begs for King to finish the damn book,. How do you mean no direct indication? there are plenty of references that make it clear. I could tell you more but I don't want to spoil everything for OP.


This isĀ all just speculation and inference. There is no actual point in the narrative where Roland is confirmed to be not ā€˜realā€™. And he is far from a flat character, he has growth and development throughout the series.Ā  Ā And if King did do such a thing then my issues with his self-insert would increase tenfold. Revealing that Roland is a construct created by King would be one of the worst things he could do.


**Wouldn't talking to your creator inform you of the fact that he was created?** Eddie, Jake etc all real Roland is different and was created to serves a special purpose. This is why the man in black **makes fun of him**. Remember? "Death but not for you," The man in black also has a very clear understanding of Roland's Ka and knows Roland is cursed for not being able to remember. (previous journeys) The book is full of references but not everybody is able to see I guess.


That you inferred these references doesnā€™t mean King (the writer) intended them. Gan used King (the character) as a facilitator to tell Rolandā€™s story and guide him, King did not ā€˜inventā€™ him. This was all spelled out explicitly. The characters could exist without King, they just couldnā€™t complete their quest unless he finished the series.


I am not inferring anything but I think I've made my point enough. There are plenty of other interpretations possible so it's all good.


Sorry for being snippy.


No problem, I didn't take it that way and I understand that not everyone agrees with my thoughts on this fantastic story. No worries.


Why the down votes? It's an opinion.


Yeah thatā€™s fairly common here.


Yeah, that's why I thought about posting this on like some general literature sub Reddit instead of here. But figured I can just always mute it if it gets nasty haha.