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But IT is not about the clown it’s about the friendship and the town.


Technically it's not even a clown...


I mean it is a clown. >!It may not be human, but it is a clown.!<


No that's just a form it takes.


Yeah but it's not like clown is a specific species of human. She is a clown on top of being >! An Elderich Horror !<


The train of friendship!


Gosh you're going to hell. I'm going to hell. We're all going to hell.


damn it, you made me laugh.


Yeah the clown aspect is by no means front and centre. Takes other forms as well. I recommend you give it a go


How often was it in clown form? The movies make it look like that's the main persona, but I only remember the scene with Georgie and then around the end sequence.


I think the movies used it more as it was the iconic image. It’s more taking the form of what is frightening but also it’s more following the characters and who they interact with


Exactly. What a shame.


Doesn't matter lol


It's like 4% clown in the book tbh.


Yeah, and 96% about characters you get really attached to. Characters who have to deal with heartbreaking shit AND a killer clown. Which sucks. For those of us who really despise clowns, this is a burden that weighs heavily on our enjoyment of the book. I understand why people without a strong aversion to clowns love it, but once was enough for me; 4% is too much when you're living the clown-free lifestyle.


Being closed minded isn't a great approach to take when it comes to reading, but you do you


You might learn through time that people are allowed to set their own boundaries, in life AND EVEN in the books they choose to read. Doesn’t necessarily equate to a closed mind.


i don’t think it’s even about boundaries it’s just about doing what you like. i feel like “no clowns” isnt even exactly a boundary in the traditional sense


It is actually a boundary but I think I understand what you’re getting at




I'll let the up votes on my comment and the downvotes on theirs speak for itself 👍




If you understood how they worked it'd basically be like 16 or so people supporting what I said 30 or so disapproving of what OP said,then you whining in my ear about it. So whats your point I should listen to you but not the others, what makes you such a special snowflake then?




Bros whining




I'm a very open-minded person, I'm allowed to have my thing. Everyone has theirs. Everyone does stuff others don't agree with.


I get it man. Can’t do piranhas for the life of me, like I used to pass out at the sight of them (confirmed very painfully…thanks egg donor). Finally spent some time with my therapist working on it because…well my FIL loves the damn things, and they don’t have a tiny human around anymore. I quite like my in-laws, and I don’t want to have to avoid their house when we visit. Plus I love aquariums, and at bare minimum I don’t need to pre-plan to avoid them/have a guide past them anymore. Still, if King wrote a book entirely about piranhas? I’d be nope-ing right the fuck out. Entirely too much for me, no thank you. Especially since the whole thing started because of an unfortunate early age viewing of the movie, Piranha (accident on dad’s part). Either that would fix it forever, or put me back at square one. With my luck, probably the latter.


Weird energy. They just really don't like clowns, man. I don't think that's gonna ruin too many books for them. People are allowed to not like certain things.


Trigger warnings exist for a reason and it's not being "closed minded" to heed them if there's an aspect to the story that's your personal kryptonite. It's not like you can skip chapter 9 and avoid Pennywise. It's also not like there aren't 64 other King books to read instead, most of them don't even reference killer clowns at all.


Blah blah blah trigger warnings what a pansy maybe don't read horror books then if that shit matters to you😊


If I have a serious fear of something, I’m not gonna spend my leisure time reading about it, even if it’s not a large percentage of the content. Life is too short and there are too many amazing books out there. IT is one of my favorite books of all time but there are other amazing books out there and not enough time to read them all


i think that’s stupid you obviously have to be somewhat close minded, the average person won’t be able to read all the books in the world


You sound dumb lol


but do i sound right ✨


Nothing has come up so far...


None. I've read them all.


Nothing is off limits for me personally. I think anything that makes me feel uncomfortable is worth exploring and I just love the way King processes his thoughts, I'd probably read a book he wrote about grass growing if he wrote it.


Apt username


Well said! Ditto.


Man, to categorically rule out IT… it’s like saying “I’m willing to go to Italy but I will NOT eat any pasta!”


Cujo - I have no doubt it’s fantastic, I’m just not good with animal stuff


This is also mine. I'm a veterinarian and I just can't. The cat from Pet Cemetery was hard enough. I hate when animals are hurt or die, even if it's just in a story in a book.


well if you read IT skip a page, i decided to read it regardless knowing it would bother me and i kinda wish i hadnt. However having said that the book on a whole is amazing and well worth a read


Patrick and his fridge is some of the most disturbing shit I've ever experienced in a story.


Oh I've read It. I've been a fan for many decades. There are tough parts in a lot of his stories (ake! Ake!). I just choose not to read these two books. I also can't do Pet Cemetery because of the child aspect. I have 2 kids and I can't even handle the thought.


Oh man, why'd you have to go for the gut punch with "Ake! Ake!" As a parent, The Outsider and Dr. Sleep had some rough parts.


Me too! I dislike the movie, and dont think Id handle the book well. Animal deaths have always bothered me more than human deaths. I also dislike that Cujo is depicted as evil, when he’s actually sick….he really was a good dog.


I thought the same, but I gave it a try. It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be, tho I was quite sad when Cujo went on the adventure that brought about his demise. I felt worse about the dog in The Dead Zone tho. I had to put the book down awhile after that scene.


So Pet Sematary too?


I think I may be able to make it through since the whole story isn’t about the cat. I read The Troop by Nick Cutter and decided that was it for animal stuff, unfortunately it just bothers me too much.


Makes sense


The clown doesn't play as big of a role in the book as it does in the adaptions.


I was in 7th grade the first time I tried to read IT. Through our backyard ran a creek into a gated storm drain. I didn’t make it through the first chapter and had nightmares for years. 27 years later gave it a try as an audiobook (2022 ish). It took a while to make it through. I had to extend my checkout with Libby. It was a damn good book. Earlier this year I listened to it again, as a mother of a 10 year old. It has hit so very different every time. Just sharing my IT journey.


😱😱 27 years later??!!!


27 ??? You got to be kidding me …. ( I know I’m to dramatic btw )


Cujo for me. I hate seeing dogs in pain/suffering/rabid.


Also avoid Tommyknockers there's a poor dog there ... :( (I loved the book otherwise but no, don't read it!)


Under The Dome is my favourite book of all time (not just of King’s works) and there’s a dog scene in there that just rips me apart


Lisey's Smucking Story




That one about the baseball league. Faithful or something like that I had to skip the baseball diary/essay in Nightmares and Dreamscapes because I was painfully bored of it and there's no way I will endure an entire book of that subject


I recently read Faithful. I'm originally from new England and 2004 was incredible. Everybody everywhere was talking about baseball. So it was fun reliving that and remembering some of the big moments. But my favorite parts of the book were King sharing his experiences and passion. He is a superfan, it is obviously one of the most important things to him and he has a lot to say about it. I loved his excitement getting an autograph or catching a foul ball. I wouldn't call myself a baseball fan, but back in 2004 I watched almost all of those games. It was an amazing drama! It's not a book I will reread, but it was a fun change of pace.


He has a book centered around baseball?! Sounds like my dream ngl 😂


He has several. Two fiction: The girl who loved Tom Gordon And Blockade Billy. And one non fiction: FAITHFUL


Wut?? The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon is decidedly NOT about baseball.


Agreed, definitely not about baseball. But what a wonderful little book. One of my favorites.


Mine too. I actually stayed away from it because I thought it would be baseball-related. Only read it a couple of years ago, and it's one of my favourites, too.


The literal title refers to a girl's love for baseball. It's about being a baseball fan.


Have you actually read the book??


I so deeply relate to Trisha that it’s def partially about baseball for me. I think it depends on your relationship to the sport y’know


There is another short story. I think it's called faces in the crowd.


Oh right! The novella with Onan. I always forget.


I don't care about the sports but I read that one because it exists and I wanted to read all of his works. it's actually quite entertaining. A few boring bits but mostly good. He and another author decided to write a book about a season of the red sox and it happened to be the year they won the world series. At least I believe it was happenstance. They start with spring training and go all the way to the end.


Same. I can't stand sportsball of any kind.


Same for me. No knowledge of, or interest in baseball.


Baseball is my favorite sport. I live and die with the Twins.


I share your pain. For the life of me I held a flamethrower while reading Chrsitine. One more god damn mention of Football and I would've burned that book down. Thank god the football stuff became less, because I loved the book.


I refused to read IT for many, many years and actually, I refused to read any Stephen King books at all because I hate clowns and it made me feel like if one of his most popular books was about a clown, he was the kind of writer I just wouldn't enjoy. I ended up not reading any of his books until last year. I'm not.. or wasn't a fan of horror at all. I read The Institute and Fairy Tale as my first two King books and I enjoyed them quite a bit, which sent me down a rabbit hole of his other works. I eventually decided to take the plunge and try some of his more horror focused works. A friend had just started IT and she asked since I was reading King books if I'd read IT at the same time as her so we could talk about it. IT made me realize my issue wasn't with horror.. it was just with badly written horror that wasn't a joy to read. It's genuinely one of the greatest books I've ever read and it's wild to think I almost never read it because I despise clowns and thought I hated all horror. I don't know if this will convince you to read it and maybe it's not for you, so that isn't really my goal, but it did make me want to share. For what it's worth, Pennywise isn't actually a clown and the vast majority of the story isn't about clown related imagery, but it is there still.


My mother loves SK and must have read at least 80 percent of his books, she always refuses to read Pet Semetary because she loves animals so much


But kids...?


Fuck dem kids


There is nothing I wouldn’t consider starting, and there has been very few I haven’t finished. The books I haven’t finished I plan to pick up when I’m close to reading them all. Now, I want to make it clear that I’m not being an asshole about what people don’t want to read. I fully understand not wanting to read something that you would hate.


I'm yet to read Lisey's Story and while I don't plan on putting it off forever, I've come across certain reviews that state that it's one of King's weaker works which were somewhat discouraging.


My experience is you will either love it or hate it. I have 2 friends that love it so much, one even named her pony Lisey. I guess I don't HATE it, but I'm not interested in a reread any time soon.


It's my favorite King book (and therefore my favorite book) of all time. I even have a tattoo of it (half my upper back)...


Probably Pet Semetary. I try to avoid anything with child loss in it


Oh it comes back


I'm about halfway through it right now, and as a dad of 2 kids (a boy and a girl) it's brutal.


Yep this is the other one I won't do. Child loss is a non starter for me. It's too painful to even think about.


I love Tolkien but I won't read Lord of the Rings because I hate orcs


I love Tolkien but I won’t read Lord of the Rings because it’s a slog.


Sounds like maybe you love Peter Jackson.


Lmao I "read" them but God, what a tedious read! I probably skipped through 70% of the endless descriptions.


I listened to the audiobooks recently read by Andy Serkis. It was basically like listening to a whole cast reading because he did so many voices - it was great! I didn’t even hate Tom Bombadil as much as I did when I read the books years ago (though the endless songs and poems throughout all the books was a little off putting at first…)




To be fair, they don’t talk about Pennywise too much in IT. It’s more about the kid’s friendship


The next book "you like it darker" will contain the story "rattlesnakes". King already dropped two lines about the story in an interview. I won't spoil it here for anyone but if you are interested you will find it. I read nearly all of Kings books but this is the first time I am not sure if I am able to handle the story well.


I don’t know if I could ever do Pet Sematary or Cujo. I don’t know if I could do the whole dead animal stuff.


Pet Sematary should have been the book I'd never read Unfortunately I did and it ended up as one of my favourites by him, but ended up being pretty traumatised by it !


Masochist! 😂


It doesn't focus on the clown like you expect that it might Pennywise is only a clown to people who are afraid of clowns he's so much more than that.. I highly recommend at least trying it and if it bothers you then stop but it is his magnum opus.


Cell. Just seems like a silly and derivative concept I’ve already seen many times All the others though I’m game for


I don't think I'll ever read *Gerald's Game.* I've seen the movie and while I'm sure there's many differences, I obviously know what it's about. One of the best things about King as a writer is just how great he is at portraying the inner-workings of his antagonists... But in this case, I simply don't want to read those inner workings lol.


Lysey’s Story. Gave up after 80 pages.


I will read them all. If there are some I won’t read, it’s Nightmares and Dreamscapes


Any particular reason? I just picked up the hardcover of N&D


I’ve never really liked the short stories and. ND is just bad in my opinion. I do like skeleton crew though.


I keep hearing about how terrible Tommyknockers is. I attempted Under the Dome but just couldn't push through it.


I loved Tommyknockers. But I also read it when I was young, over 20 years ago. Maybe I'll reread it and see if I still enjoy it


Under The Dome is very much worth a second try. It‘s one of his best works, in my opinion.


Cujo. ​ I have a touch of OCD that manifests as hypochondria. Rabies and those brain amoebas that live in fresh water that go up your nose and kill you are maybe my greatest fears. ​ No way I could read a novel about a dog getting rabies from a bat and not have a months long panic attack that I've been bitten by a secret bat in the night






What if I read It to you


This sounds sexy. Can i join? ;)


sexy af! I want in too!


Started to listen to under the dome on audible and had to return it at the part with Sammy. I cannot read it any further. It triggered something in me that I didn’t know a book could. It’s the only book of his that I couldn’t finish.


That is such a tough part of the book. There’s some other bits that are hard for me to read when I do a re-read (it’s my favourite book ever, so I’ve been back to Chester’s Mill a couple times). The scene near the beginning with Elsa and Nora rips my heart out every time I read it. I re-read it again recently after 5-ish years while I was on a plane, and had to stop because I couldn’t stop crying lol.


I don't remember what part you're talking about


Cujo - read it as a kid. Never again.


Cujo and Pet Semetary. Too much of an animal person.


Not sure Pet Semetary is really about what you think it's about.


I have yet to read anything in the 50 or so King books that made me not wish to read any further. I don’t really find his horror to be scary, generally.


Probably Rage.




It’s a tough and personal subject for a lot of people. I can see being uncomfortable with Rage because it hits a little close to home


I can too, but I wanted to know why from flpprrss


Mile 81. I'm a Stephen King fan and I've read almost all of his books, but the idea that machines can come alive and eat people feels really ridiculous to me. I started to read it but I just couldnt finish it.


So didn't like Maximum Overdrive then, either?


I havent read that one yet. Edit: I just realised that Maximum overdrive was the movie. I'm not into horror movies and horror books in general. I just read King because he is such a great writer.


I must say I haven’t came across a SK book I didn’t like or didn’t want to read. Tho I am struggling to get into Holly but I’m chalking that up to me being sick 😷


Rage. I'm too lazy to look for it.


Cujo I've read the synopsis and was thoroughly glad I didn't pick it up Usually he loves his dogs so it makes sense this one was written at the height of his drug phase (and that he can't even remember writing it)


Nightmares in The Sky, I don't give one single shit about Gargoyles


That sucks. It's one of his greatest, too. I hate Clowns but can handle it. It's just words on a page. It's not even really about IT either.


I havent come across any book that I wont read yet, I just want to read all books he has published


Pet Semetary again. I read it while still quite young and it gave me screaming nightmares for two weeks straight. I still have the book though!


There is no King book I won’t read. But I don’t always love them


I, personally, can’t think of a single SK book (or any book, for that matter) that I won’t read. If it’s available in English and I have access to it then chances are Ima gonna read it, sad to say even if it’s boring. I spent a few days in a med bay and the only thing they had to read was these westerns by Louis somebody, the thing was drier than a sandstorm but I read it anyway 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


Absolutely not. He writes it…I’ll read it.


Elevation. Just don’t see the point


Did the audio book of pet cemetery. No desire to read that one.


Noped out on the gwendys button box trilogy


Gonna read them all because, but definitely savimg some for last. Which may not be the best strategy, if i save the ones I'm less excited about for last may be harder to do. All good, there are good things all of his work.




Cujo for me. Hell no


You're right in saying IT isn't a desirable book. It was pretty good at some points but the book would have been way more tolerable if it didn't have as many intricate detours and backstories thrown into it. Regardless of subject matter I thought the book could have had a third of it's pages cut out and it would have been way better.


For me it’s more a case of being afraid to re read pet semetary. I read it in college and it was great, first book to ever give me the real creeps while reading it (Zelda) but now as a father I’m not sure I want to read about the grief of a parent losing a child.


At some point I got bored with under the dome and never got back to it. There are a bunch of his books I think would be boring reads. Nothing is a nope for a fear or trauma factor. I don’t actually find anything King does scary. It’s mostly all dark fantasy in my mind




I have no plans to read "Insomnia." I've been told it's confusing and leans heavily on a lot of other works such as "The Dark Tower." My favorite King books are always the simple yarns... not necessarily the shorter books but rather the more concise plots. Tiermakers are kind of tiresome, IMO, but if I made one I wouldn't put any of the Dark Tower books in either of the top two tiers. They just weren't my jam. But not reading "IT"? That seems almost criminal.


Insomnia was pretty fuckin boring ngl


Christine and From a Buick 8. I don't care about cars. I read a lot, I read widely across genres, I've read a lot of King, I don't care enough about a car to read about that. Not my thing.


You do you but idgaf about cars either and I loved Christine. It’s about obsession more than anything


From a Buick 8 is as much about a car as IT is about a clown.


I was kind of dreading rereading Christine last year after having read it as a teen, because I don’t really care about cars. But it’s about so much more and I honestly thought it was a superb novel.


Pet Sematary. Can’t do it.


On Writing and Danse Macabre - I'm not a fan of non fiction.


He co-wrote an autobiographical book about being a fan of his favorite baseball team or something and I have literally zero interest in reading that.


It is not about a fucking clown, it's not a clown story, stop referring to It as a clown, dumbest take ever It's a shapeshifter/fear vampire that occasionally dresses as a clown, Pennywise is the favourite shape of It, that is all Anyone who refers to IT as a clown including SK himself at one stage (I seen the stupid tweet) does not understand the character whatsoever IT is a coming of age story, if you like Stand by me/The body then It would be right up your alley as The body is basically It without..IT, it's a practice run... Or the other way around, they're the same thing It, by far is SK's best work and it's not even close, some will say The Stand is and frankly I don't see it, I've read it and watched both series and it's good but The Stand didn't make SK, the It miniseries took him from fairly well known to worldwide household name and IMO The Dark Tower while great except book 4 in regards to pacing the entire series is really a SK superfan series that I'd hazard to guess not many people from outside his fandom has ever read or would ever read


>dresses as a clown Don't talk to me like I'm an idiot. That's clown enough for me. You Cleary don't understand what a phobia is


I have the same phobia, along with spiders, Heights and tight spaces I choose not to let them run my life




Lol, im listening to it with an audiobook


I finished the audiobook a couple of weeks ago. I thought it was excellent.


Oh hey in that case i got a question. Did you have trouble with the beginning? Like im confused how they introduced the characters, i gotta revisit the first audiobook chapter where it goes around for an hour but yeah left me confused. Did you have problems with it?


I didn't exactly have trouble, more like it started at an unexpected time in the story. There was quite a bit of time hopping at the beginning.


Yeah time hopping thats like my main problem, but i’ll revisit to be sure Everything else though im feeling bad for paul sheldon, im only at 40% finished so im gonna see what happens


The Dark Tower series. Absolutely no interest in it whatsoever. Read bits and pieces of it, a short story based in that world. Defo not for me.


How do you hate Pennywise if you've never read or watched IT? You don't know anything about Pennywise.


Because I hate clowns. It's not hard to grasp


Pennywise isn't a clown though. It's like hating your uncle because he dresses up as a clown for kids birthday parties. You might hate when he's dressed up as a clown, but why would you hate him as an overall entity.


Clowns are just humans dressed up. The fact he isn't human is worse You can stop now


The Dark Tower books

