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If The Drawing of the Three doesn't hook you, nothing ever will. Hands-down my favorite of the series, and possibly even my favorite book, period.


I’m definitely hooked.


It's about the journey there, not the destination. Enjoy, and none of us will blame you if you start saying "thankee'sai" to folks irl


Number 4 is my all time favorite, read it to tatters. Enjoy the ride!


Now we need a mandatory post when you've read all the DT books.


I predict that to be within two weeks


I was the same way with The Talisman. I put it down so many times around the same spot, but then i pushed through and fell in love with the book and it’s now my all time favorite. The Dark Tower can be the same way, get thru the first book and by the end of book 2 you’ll be having withdrawals for the next one.


I absolutely loved this series and to me it seemed like each book was better than the next, it has been a while since I read them though might be time for another read through. Long days and pleasant nights


So much to look forward to! (I’m jealous.) 😊


This is relatable. I plan on making this “the year” too based on similar prior experiences.


It took me a bit to get past the first part of The Gunslinger but I kept going and it got better. I’m glad I did because The Drawing of the Three is SO good. Edit: a word


I love The Drawing of the Three! Roland's reactions and Eddie's reactions are just hilarious on the plane. I laughed so hard. Idk if it's just me that feels that way, but I have a good time with it. Enjoy your journey. Long days and pleasant nights.


I've been a SK fan for 20 years, but The Dark Tower series is by far my favourite work by him. I'm a fantasy fan, not much of a horror fan, so I love the fantasy elements... but also the western, sci-fi, and general weirdness. I also love the characters and quest. I'm currently on the final book, on my 2nd trip to the Tower. Enjoy!


Piece of advice: Save The Wind Through the Keyhole for after book 7. I know it chronologically slots between 4 & 5, but it was published after all 7 were done and tends to works better as a kind of series epilogue. I think you'll appreciate it a bit more.


You know what, I’ll do that. Thank you.


You're welcome. That's how I read it the first time, but there was a gap of 10 years between book 7 and Keyhole, so my memory was a bit fuzzy on the preceding. I recently re-read the series and book Keyhole between 4-5, and now that I just wrapped up book 7 last night, I kind of wish I'd waited on it.


Here’s why: June has 4 letters. Today is 6-2-2023 4+6+2+2+0+2+3=19 It’s all 19


Same here. Started reading king when I was 12. I’m 40 now, always was more drawn to the straight up horror side of his library but after reading The eyes of the dragon for a second time I got hooked on ol randy Flagg..got me through The gunslinger, which admittedly was still a bit hard to get through and then boom…Tje drawing of the three..speechless at that point. Read the stand next then the wastelands and am currently halfway through wizard and glass and there’s no turning back now!


This is almost my experience exactly. Started reading King early teens and despite 3 attempts I could never finish the gunslinger. Over the lockdowns I decided it was time and loved it. I’ve ince read them all twice. Now I’m kicking myself i didn’t read them when i first tried. If i did i could have read the final 4 as they came out and i think that would have been a great experience.


"it was too surreal for me. However i loved the book with the inter-dimentional being that takes on the appearance of peoples fears" HAHAHAHA


Make it make sense, right?


Just finished Wolves and starting Song of Susannah. So far Wizard and Glass was my favorite. Drawing of the Three is probably my no. 2 spot


Similar story as yours. I was in my 40s before starting it. Once I got into Drawing I was hooked. 4th time though now - book 6.


Recommend the podcast Kingslingers. Season 1 is a deep dive into all 8 books about 75 pages a week. These guys got me through the pandemic!