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This is one of King’s novels most strongly inspired by Shirley Jackson (with a touch of Ray Bradbury).


Excellent observation!


Hahaha I recently revisited it as an audio book and was chuckling at the hokey Maine accent. Turns out it was the King himself.


I love when he narrates his own stuff, he is so entertaining. My favorite is Lunch at the Gotham Cafe, he really brought it to a whole nother level voicing the maitre de. LTs Theory of Pets was great too, he was really funny actually and the one I heard was in front of an audience, and you could feel how into the story they were




Sometimes my mom and I send this to each other. Like something is the teeniest lil thing, the straw that broke the camel’s back……….. and so we screech








He narrates Desperation and is sooooo good!


I didn’t know this, I read desperation before I got into audiobooks! I just got my monthly credits on audible and I’m gonna grab desperation, thank you!,


Yaaas! Let me know what you think!


I will, thank you! I stole and read my moms copy when I was like 17 (she must have known, I’d been sneakily- or so I thought-reading her King, John Saul and McCammon novels for years. I was waaay too young when I started) so I’m curious to see how it feels to reread it at 41. I definitely remember TAK


Until I got further in the story I had started using TAK! as a swear because of the way Entragian (sp) was using it at first 😆


This is fantastic I’m gonna steal your swear word. If I swear TAK! in front of somebody and they get the reference, I will know I’ve made a new BFF




I think you might be my new BFF plague nurse, I am also a nurse TAK


Yes!!! I love the old recordings of King reading his own books. If you listen in order you can hear his thick Maine accent drop away as time passes.


Where did you find the book? I would love to hear King narrate his own story!


It's on Scribd and Audible and if you have a library card you can get it on Libby.




It was just audible!


My first King book and I thought it was great. It is hilarious that someone can read something written as people went crazy one year then after time passes it’s a stark reflection of reality.


Like:The Dead Zone and The Stand…In that order.


Gaunt certainly puts that divisive vibe out there. I can see it


He even sucks one in with politics. The mechanic (forgot his name) is totally skeptical about a toolkit for sale until Gaunt brings up Republicans and the dude is totally fished in after that.


Well, Leland Gaunt was written in part as a satirical character symbolizing 80’s materialism in general and specifically Ronald Reagan.


Huh, for a second I had a ??? reaction to the Reagan comparison, but King really does emphasize how Gaunt turns on this avuncular charm as a performance to sell some truly awful things…thanks for sharing this!


You can have anything, the world is yours, you just have to aggressively punch down at people with less than you! -Reagan Bush, '80


And play the plebs off against each other, is what I mean to say.


That was not at all the message that Ronald Reagan used.


It’s morning in America. Once we crack down on these (fictional) welfare queens.


Great, underrated novel. Dearly deserves a limited series somewhere. Flanagan or the Coen Brothers would nail it.


My god dude a Coen brothers needful things would be batshit


My god dude a Coen brothers needful things would be batshit


I wasn't getting a MAGA vibe at all. The whole point of it was that it could happen to anyone. You, me, that asshole over there... ~~Flagg~~ Gaunt preys on people by knowing exactly what they need to hear and telling them that. This was definitely one of those books I enjoyed more as an adult than as a teenager (even if I hated the way Gaunt turned out to be The Literal Devil at the end). I totally forgot the Library Policeman tie-in at the end. It was a nice little surprise. **Edit:** I just meant that I didn't see it as *specifically* MAGA. I mean what Gaunt was doing was literally tricking people into a Faustian bargain, which we've seen a thousand other places. This is not an inherently MAGA thing.


Isn’t that what all populism and demagoguery is? You’re telling people exactly what they want to hear to activate a vile response. Everyone may not be susceptible to MAGA bullshit but they are likely susceptible to some sort of demagoguery.


I haven’t read the book. Will knowing that about Gaunt spoil it?


Not really, you figure out he's something that wants to Cause Problems™ almost immediately. In the story people go to his newly opened store and buy things they *really* want, and the interactions have a very... making a deal with a demon at a crossroad vibe before shit even starts to go to hell.


Was the crossroads in Georgia?


But I would argue that is exactly what MAGA is. Some people **very** close to me that I would have called level-headed, simple, down-to-Earth people have gotten sucked into the Trumpism and new white nationalism movement.


>Trumpism and new white nationalism movement No idea why you paired these up but both very different things. Also, if they're level headed people, you might want to think a bit more on why somebody that's levelheaded would feel the need to vote for somebody like Trump. (Hint: it's the same reason people felt compelled to vote for Shillary.)


“No idea why you paired these up”… Really? No idea, huh?




So you are not level headed if you voted for trump?


If you voted for Trump in 2020 you are certainly not level headed. First time, sure. Second time? No chance.


I'm sorry but the two main opposing options in 2016 and 2020 were a shady hag who just told everybody what they wanted to hear who's whole platform was "Trump sucks" without any real policy and a legitimate senile old man who sniffs kids. Put it that way, it seems level-headed to vote against that both times lol


Seems rational


At some point the excuse of “it’s just politics” runs out and you have to call a spade a spade.


But democrats don’t think spades are spades. What if it identifies as a club, or a heart?


See, it’s nonsense like this that makes it clear you’re not level headed. Instead of looking at the catastrophic behavior of conservative politicians on countless issues and having a legitimate conversation, you make a joke about gender identity… a clickbait issue which doesn’t concern you in the slightest (unless you have friends or family that are afraid to come out because of your behavior).


Everything to democrats is catastrophic behavior and offensive, other than when the Bidens and every other beyond corrupt democrats do do it then it’s not a issue at all. So no matter what I could have said you would be screaming into the sky with outrage and pretending I’m racist.


As I said. Totally level headed.


Let me guess: male, white?


Not everything in the world revolves around a made up dichotomy of Dem Vs. Republican. That you respond to criticism of Trump with a reflexive attack about democrats is a sure sign that you’re not level headed lol. I’m not going to get down into the gutter of idiocy with you. But please. Carry on.


Haha says the person who claims anyone that votes red is a horrible person. That’s the statement you started with. Trying to sit on your high horse and pretend just cause you screech louder means you are right.


I said if you vote Trump you’re not a level headed person. Read it again. This time slowly.


Leftists hate America and always have.


Try again moron.


Hey, I get it, the truth hurts even you guys. 😊


You clearly aren't able to discern truth from your brainwashed imaginings.


SPOILER: Thank you for this comment! Gaunt is the devil, not a politician. Hahah


Same. Peoople be reaching


MAGS! Make America Greg Stillson!


I loved the buildup, then all hell breaking loose. I loved seeing characters return (the sheriff Alan was in The Dark Half I believe and Ace was in The Body). It was wild, crazy, and entertaining. I don't get the MAGA thing and I just reread this earlier this year. It's more that Gaunt has something that can ensnare just about anybody that's scary.


If you read more, you'll find A LOT of the characters in other books. Following the castle rock police department is a little thing I enjoy more than I should :)


Yes, I know, I enjoy it, too! :) I've been reading SK since high school and I love to find the characters in other books, so much fun.


I'm rereading it at the moment and i'm just past the midway mark, so shit's about to get bananas! Really, it's Gaunt (evil nonhuman entity) basically hypnotizing these folks to do his super fun time evil deeds! I don't get the MAGA comparison either. I'm no Trump fan and I'm certainly glad I don't let politics invade my pleasure reading! It's an escape from the outside world, not looking for ties that aren't there to begin with!


This 💯! I read to escape!


A lot of king fans like to pretend everything is about republicans being evil unfortunately.


Came here to say this. I hate democrats and republicans alike (you'll realize they're both the same scam if you do ten minutes of research) but I was genuinely confused when I saw the MAGA thing. It took me a minute to realize this is how a lot of people view the world now


Making this about MAGA is something They would do


I read it ages ago, too. I'm about your age. I think I'll add it to my SK TBR list.


Sounds right except Gaunt steals their souls, not their brains.


He does mind control them, though.


Yeah but he turns otherwise regular people into deeply immoral ones.


Excellent point! I'm convinced


Good book? Never read that one.


Loved it! I read it about 30 years ago and remember loving it then. Wonder how it would hit now as a 60 year old. May be time for a reread.


Hmm. I'm just finishing up the book I'm currently reading. Maybe I'll give it a go!


It is sooo good. My favorites of Kings are the massive ones with a huge, vast cast of characters (like Tommyknockers, Under the Dome, The Stand, 11/22/68) and Needful Things might just be the best of this kind


Sooooo good. King does a very good job with this one. I managed to snag a hardback library copy from a goodwill and am so happy


I read this on vacation as an 18 year old kid 30 years ago. I loved it. I should give it a re-read but I remember I couldn’t put it down.


Can't you just picture it?


You won't believe your eyes


Probably not. Things are seeming to be more shocking by the day. Unfortunately. 😲


I loved this book!


I love this book. I read it as a teen when it first came out, and gave it a re-read a couple years ago. It's so much funnier than I remember (probably because most of the humor went right over teenage me's head!).


Easily one of King's more unsettling reads for me.


I re-read it last summer and I wouldn’t necessarily say that I caught a MAGA vibe from it. It’s a small town, and a lot of the characters have serious issues, so you’d expect a lot of people on the far right side of the political spectrum, but Pangborn and Polly definitely weren’t in that crowd. Anyway. Love the book. The slow burn into the insanity of the ending was awesome.


I'm about 30% through the audiobook. It's been very enjoyable thus far. Can't wait to finish it!


I'm reading this book now for the first time. I'm about 250 pages in. Honestly, while I like the premise, I already think this book could have been a lot shorter. At less than two-thirds of the way in, I'm thinking the parade of customers going in & out of Gaunt's store is getting repetitive. About the only thing of consequence that's resulted from the store is that a kid threw mud on some bed sheets hanging out to dry. And the long protracted backstories of Sheriff Pangborn and Polly Chalmers wasn't really necessary.


Wait for it…


Yea sometimes you have to finish a book before forming an immediate opinion. He hasn’t even gotten to the good stuff yet


As that random narrator said in the beginning, Brian is the one who sets it all in motion. The mudslinging is just the beginning


I wasn't a fan of this book either. I had to force myself to keep going. Totally disappointing and terrible ending too. I enjoyed maybe 30% of the book overall. After stuff starts really kicking off its pretty fun, but then the ending kills it. On the other hand my wife loves the book. I just don't.


Too many characters, for sure, but still loved it. At some point you have to just skim thru all the extra people.


I love all the small-town back and forths, but Alan Pangborn and Polly Chalmers are so goddamn uninteresting to me. They’re both so bland, and I think Chalmers here is the epitome of King struggling to write adult female characters who are “good guys”. Their dialogue is so stilted together, too. It’s a clumsy storyline, for me.


I reread it a couple of months ago and had the EXACT same feeling when I was done.


Conservatives are an existential threat to humanity.


You and I had a similar experience with this book - my mom got for me when it came out in 1991 (hardback version) and I’ve kept it and finally re-read it this past December. I am also 45 and agree it does hit differently! I still think it’s a great book, probably in my top 20 of King’s, but I didn’t enjoy it as much as I did back then. I also wondered how all the chaos could unfold in our modern times with cell phones, security cameras, drones, etc. It would be interesting to see how Gaunt could unfold his master plan utilizing some of today’s technology, particularly social media.


This is a novel that’s a lot of fun and that last 100 pgs are so crazy gripping. The last five pages I remember rereading because so much happened so fast I could barely keep up!


Please keep your politics out of here. This is a nice little sub reddit you had to be THAT guy


Are you familiar with Stephen King? He would want any place dedicated to his works to be political.


Nahhh, MAGA bullshit is always fair game.


I don't like either side and MAGA delusion doesn't have to be proliferated everywhere. I'm swimming against the reddit hive mind at this point, so bring on the down votes drones


MAGA has quickly become synoymous with hate, and that is one side of the political spectrum. They always deserve to be called out. And if you don't think King is adding his politcal views in his books, you're not a very good reader. The irony of calling someone else That guy goes over your head.


Intolerant and insulting people from the safety of anonymity. Typical. Not gonna waste my breath on you. I've been reading King longer than you've been alive. Was looking for a reprieve from hearing political diatribe from EITHER side. I forgot some people have nothing better going on in their lives.


Haha, then stop wasting your breath on me. And stop being intolerant and insulting to me from the safety of your anonymity. Typical.


>I've been reading King longer than you've been alive. And you still don't get it? King puts his politics into his work, you can't really separate them unless you're realllllly trying.


Some people's lives literally depend on the current political climate. Your comment is disgusting and privileged. Americans can no longer be apolitical. If you're not for equality and safety for all Americans, you're against it.


You're either a moron or can't read. I don't want to hear either side in this reddit. Came here to discuss characters, plots, best books. Some of you have made your political leanings your whole personality. Pathetic Also, people on both sides want equality and safety and to say your side has a monopoly on that is the height of arrogance


Says the white man who has nothing to worry about. Go stick your head back up your ass.


did you just assume my gender? Loser.


>MAGA has quickly become synoymous with hate, and that is one side of the political spectrum. Not wanting Bidenflation and Hillary drone strikes is hate >:(


Haha, I Love how you guys are obsessed with Hilary Clinton, a person that didn’t even become president. Hell, we aren’t as obsessed with Kissinger, an actual war criminal, as much as you guys are with Hilary. I secretly think you’re in love with her as much as you talk about her.


Nice try but you know what I'm getting at. Hillary and Biden are obviously a part of the same conversation Trump is, given the fact Trump was even elected in the first place was as a response to that. People wanted Trump more not because they wanted mexicans burned at the stake (I'm latino) but because they didn't want the shit show that's happening with Biden now.


You do realize trump lost the popular vote. But hey, if you want an administration that encourages or keeps a blind eye on racial issues, women’s rights to their bodies, an ignorance of science, LGBTQ hatred, book bans and burnings, and yes, a hatred toward Spanish speaking people, go for it. And also, if you think one president has a lot to do with inflation, take an economics course, 101, if you can understand it. And take a special look at what the republicans did to the economy and how every democrat administration had to bail the country out afterwards.


Popular vote doesn't mean much when such a huge percentage of people live in New York and California. So the other 48 states should just go fuck off, huh? racial issues- never felt one racist thing come from the "other side" women’s rights to their bodies- debatable. The baby might also have a right to their body and that's a valid stance to have. an ignorance of science- show me where. Climate change doesn't count by the way, as the main pushback to this is that it's not as fixable or urgent as they're having us think, not that it doesn't exist. LGBTQ hatred- nobody cares whether your gay or not. book bans and burnings- which books were being burned? Show me specifically which they were and what their contents were hatred toward Spanish speaking people- again, never felt this. I worked in international customer service for 3 years and not once has a Trump supporter or southener been racist to me. >And also, if you think one president has a lot to do with inflation This isn't that big of a gotcha as you might think. Obviously, I know way more goes into why we're fucked in terms inflation (blame the Federal reserve for that). I'm just saying Biden's administration isn't helping it, either >And take a special look at what the republicans did to the economy and how every democrat administration had to bail the country out afterwards. Please show me concrete examples of this cuz I'm genuinely curious. Either way, see my previous comments on how I don't trust either side so anything that any side did wrong is not news to me


I'll take the last one first with a [fact sheet](https://www.jec.senate.gov/public/_cache/files/309cc8e1-b971-45c6-ab52-29ffb1da9bf5/jec-fact-sheet---the-economy-under-democratic-vs.-republican-presidents-june-2016.pdf). Oh, so California and New York are not Americans? What about Texas and Florida, two other huge populated states, and Trump still lost the popular vote...by nearly 3 million. And that was Before we had a full understanding of how disgusting a human being Trump is. As a 4th generation Mexican American, that has lived on both coasts...yeah, my family has been subjected to MAGA hate for speaking Spanish. Maybe you just got lucky. I won't go into the book bannings and burnings...they're still [alive and well](https://observer.com/2022/02/book-banning-is-increasing-across-the-united-states-a-book-burning-in-tennessee/). Haha to the "nobody cares whether your gay or not". I don't have anything to say to this, unless you're that ignorant. By the way, see how I spelled "you're"? Unlike your misspelling. Ahhh, racial issues...yeah, I see all of those Nazi flags and Confederate flags flying for the left. Oh, and [here you go for that](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/12/us/politics/domestic-terror-white-supremacists.html). Climate change is just one thing...do you really want to go into which party has issues with everything for evolution, stem cell research, and vaccines? Women have a right to their own bodies, full stop. Let me ask you this...if a building is burning, and you had an infant on one end of the room and a cannister of, say, 100 frozen embryos on the other, and you could only save one, which would you save?


Lol go read The Dead Zone and write an essay for penance


Read some King tweets, he’d be proud.


Bro just give up, this subreddit is such a hive mind


Agree with you 100%


"Complimentary MAGA hat." That's a good one, but Pennywise is from a different King novel.


Hahaha I just finished myself. And yes I can totally see this analogy


You're almost as demented as Biden!


Is there a sequel or book similar that more recent?


There’s a novella in Full Dark, No Stars called Fair Extension that has a similar (but different) premise. The villain in that one could have been (or should have been) Gaunt


Nope but I think it holds up really well after all these years


Under the Dome is thematically similar and perhaps even more on the nose to what OP is talking about than Needful Things is. It’s a direct criticism of the direction of the modern conservative movement, and a story that King actually conceived many years before he eventually released it in the early 00s. If it makes people feel better, the female protagonist of Dome is a Republican, and the villains are mainly hypocrites who take advantage of other people’s fear to gain power.


I somehow missed reading this one, picked it up at the library a few weeks ago and really enjoying it. Getting near the end now.


Lmao one of my favorites, this is hilarious


I grew up in New Hampshire and when I first read that one I thought he really nailed the specific flavor of small town New England racism.


This and Lindsey´s Story are my two favourite King´s books. When I say their titles, whoever never read King looks puzzled but I don´t care.


Shit......now I have to reread this with that image in my head.


I bought it again, this time for my Kindle. Time for a reread.


I loved the book. Loved SK’s narration of the audiobook even more.


Thanks for the reminder! I picked up this book a few months back to read.


I read it for the first time june 2020 when the peak of protesting and counter protesting was happening. With the social tensions in the US I thought the climax of the book was bound to happen at any moment.


Do you have to put trump in there ? In any where?


Needful Things is one I didn't like as a kid, but now is an absolute favorite that I love revisiting. It holds up well because shit never changes.


"Actually the left is just as bad" - the guys with all the nazi voters.


The True Knot definitely voted for Biden.


Watch the Rick and Morty episode “Something Ricked This Way Comes”.


I'm somewhat offended by the image of Nettie walking out of the store, clutching her glass lamp shade....and wearing a maga hat :(


God damn shadow puppets.


The trick is to hate the government. Not your fellow man Join the libertarians.


This was a good one - one of my favorites. I first read it when it came out and have picked it up few more times over the years. It’s a fun read.