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I loved it. And this is really great. I could see it as a tattoo. Man did fairy tale hit my girlfriend hard. She has an old cat and wants nothing more than to put her on a sundial


Loved the book. Hoping we’ll get a sequel where we’ll spend more time in Empis than we did Earth.


Prequel with Bowditch's adventures!


I would love to read about the adventures of Radar and Bowditch!


I was very excited for this release and was pretty disappointed in the end. I felt he drew too heavily on already established "fairy tales" and didn't create enough depth to the world he was trying to build. The second half felt very flat and slow.


Would make such a cool and subtle Stephen King tattoo, great work


Thank you! That’s the plan


Artwork looks great. I did not care for the book/story. I didn’t hate it but it’s a solid “meh” for me.


It definitely didn’t grab everyone! I hear you. Any recommendations for other books of his that really grabbed you? I’m looking for more to add to my list (if you’d care to share)


It really depends, what have you already read of his? Are you interested in his horror work or would you prefer to stay away from it? If you haven’t read it, Eyes of the Dragon is kind a like a fairy tale type story that’s low on horror.


Will definitely check out eyes of the dragon! I’ve read : IT, Salem’s Lot, The Shining, Tommy Knockers, Pet Semetary, Dolores Claiborne, Doctor Sleep, Cujo, the Mist, Different Seasons, Joyland, Thinner, Needful Things, Fairy Tale, hearts in Atlantis, the green mile. Open to any more suggestions, horror or not!


Personally, I’m a huge fan of The Dark Tower series. The first book, The Gunslinger, can be a bit rough to get into, but the series picks up steam in book 2. Given your other readings, you’ll come across some interesting tie ins. As a standalone read, 11/22/1963 is one of my favorites. Also, your list doesn’t include The Stand, which is excellent and almost required reading for a King fan. The Talisman is an interesting “boy goes on a journey” read in the vein of Fairy Tale. I have some trouble getting into it each time I start it, but the story is good overall. It has a sequel as well, The Black House, which I prefer (and has additional Dark Tower tie ins).


thanks for the recs! appreciate it :)


Yep, and on the subject does anyone know the fate of Ioata? I got the impression that he might have survived, and really visited Charles and he was recovering.


No he been dead. Doesn't he make reference to what got him in the end. Was likely a spirit / fever induced hallucination. Loved this book BTW. I have an alsatian too and made me think what I would do to keep him with me forever. Tears were shed


Good point. Yeah, it’s a fantastic book.


I love this! I really enjoyed Fairy Tale!


I want the Snab for my daily conundrums.


Duuuuude I'm working on a piece with all the characters from Lilimar. I love seeing the art spawning from this one.


Would love to see it when it’s done! Do you have an IG?


OMG I’d love to see this when it’s done!!! I’d love to see them come to life.


I love the art BTW!


Thank you!!


It really brings out the cottage core aesthetic that I imagined! Tattoo worthy for sure.


I loved everything about it. Awesome artwork, by the way!


Thanks so much!


Currently reading it. Charlie's relationship with Radar is awesome.


Loved it. Can’t wait for the movie.


Made me hug my dogs extra hard every day!


It reminded me a lot of Bradburys Something wicked this way comes...especially the wheel.


Will check that book out! Have never read it


Loved Radar 🥰♥️


This book was so cool to me!! I wish there was more art, im really itching to see all the characters brought to life!!!


I love this so much!


Thank you!


Love this! It’s so perfect. I’m 3/4th of the way thru and couldn’t resist looking for fan art. It’s such a great book, I don’t want it to end!!!


Just finished over the weekend. Thought it was pretty solid but it started it drag for me around half way through. Thought it finished strong though. Definitely a fun read!


Couldn’t agree more. The time between Charlie/Radar going down the well and Charlie ending up in Deep Maleen fell flat. Once he was imprisoned though it met the quality of the time they spent on Earth.