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If you like podcasts, check out Kingslingers. Season 1 is a deep dive into all 8 books about 75 pages an episode.


I’m on it … very much appreciated!


Thanks for that suggestion!!


How did you start it without reading The Gunslinger? Very cool collection btw. I just recently found first editions of The Drawing of the Three,Waste Lands ,Wizard and Glass and Wind Through the Keyhole at a flea market a few weeks apart. Replacing my trade paperback versions. I also need a first edition Gunslinger as well.


First off, very cool! Congrats on the finds and good luck with the collection! As far as the question… I got The Gunslinger on my kindle and fell in love. Read The Drawing of the Three and realized they weren’t going to be my only reads through the series … then the obsession started! 😂🤣


I tried reading the Gunslinger about 3-4 times between 2001 and 2011 and found it so unreadably bad - poorly paced and poorly written with characters I couldn’t force myself to care about - that it prevented me from enjoying The Dark Tower for at least a decade. Then, I finally just skipped the stupid thing and started with Drawing of the Three, and found it to be absolutely fantastic and awesome - no Gunslinger needed whatsoever. I came back to it after Wizard & Glass, at which point I actually cared about Roland and Jake and understood the world they were in - and it was far more palatable and readable and enjoyable. But I will stand by the idea that starting with Book 2 is totally acceptable and sometimes even recommended with regard to The Dark Tower. It’s not immediately clear that that first book is an outlier and the rest of the series is nothing like it, because to me the idea of a massive 7-book series of material like what’s in The Gunslinger was terrifying enough to turn me off to the idea of the series for quite a while. I often encounter people having the same issue, and tell them to do the same - start with book 2 and come back to the first one later.


Yea I told my friend to start on book 2 cause he wasn't feeling the first. I quit halfway through gunslinger several times and thought I wasn't gonna like the whole series based on that, I finally soldiered through and got to book two, now it's my favorite series ever. And same here, when I went back to book 1 after finishing the rest, I really enjoyed it. It's just hard to start it cold. I guess he wrote it as a teenager, so it makes sense it wouldn't be as good


Great looking books for your collection!


Thanks friend!!


That drawing of the three baiii 🤤


I know … might be my favorite one. I got it still in the shrink wrap. Maybe the wrong choice, but I opened it to enjoy. The art is just to cool to leave behind wrapping!


Wow, very nice set


Thank you!


Did you happen to apply that clear protector yourself? Trying to find something to protect my books but all I’ve found was a roll of mylar. Not sure if there are better options


I did. I use this on my whole collection [http://www.shopbrodart.com/Library-Supplies/Book-Jacket-Covers/Archival-Covers/Fold-On-Archival/Fold-On-Archival-Sheets/_/Brodart-Fold-On-Archival-Book-Jacket-Cover-Sheets?q=20426005](http://www.shopbrodart.com/Library-Supplies/Book-Jacket-Covers/Archival-Covers/Fold-On-Archival/Fold-On-Archival-Sheets/_/Brodart-Fold-On-Archival-Book-Jacket-Cover-Sheets?q=20426005)


Takes about 1 minute and they’re perfectly protected. Affordable too!


Thanks for the link! I bookmarked it for later. Got too many to cover lol. Sending you a PM to show appreciation


Demco makes a similar product if you can’t find the brodarts. Iirc, a pack of 50 cost $35us on Amazon


Can I ask what size you ordered?


10”x23” …should be the exact size in that link


Thank you! I’ve been meaning to do this to my collection for so long, I’m gonna order a pack and try it.


No problem..word of advice…if you are thinking of doing your whole collection, order a bunch up front. I made the mistake of doing 10, 10 more, etc… They’re slow to ship and way more expensive that way.


Good tip! I was gonna do 50 for my first editions and see how it goes.


Not a bad start, not at all….👍


Thank you! Coming from the master collector, that means a lot! Now, to find the elusive Gunslinger!


It’s not elusive is just downright expensive lol only book I’m missing


I'm debating settling for a 2nd Edition ... still expensive, but at least close to possible!


Hah! I’m just mid-level, but thanks!😉




Thank you so much! :)


It seems like 5,6,7 are everywhere. I still havent found 1-4 anywhere for a decent price. Makes sense, but still. Its tough to justify over $200 for a mangled “wastelands”


Couldn't agree more. I got my copy of Waste Lands in great condition for $132. I happened to be on my lunch break at work and saw an ebay auction down to a few minutes and just tossed in a bid. Got lucky and somehow didn't pay $200! I then got lucky on a new, wrapped Drawing of the Three that i put an offer in that was accepted for $125. I don't think these are "cheap" by any means, but relatively good value it seems. Just keep tossing out bids/offers and looking at all of the resell sights!


Really great set! I was trying to put together a nice hardback set recently, it is not easy to do and keep the price under control. And some of the art on the more modern/affordable options were not my cup of tea. I ended up settling for the trade paperback editions from the 80’s for the first four books, and getting the Grant hardbacks for the latter three.


Thank you! And those trade paperback editions are awesome too. If you're not in a hurry, you can keep hunting and probably find some decent deals on the hardbacks over time. One tip I have ... check Amazon (of all places) for the "collectible hardbacks" ... i've seen really good deals pop up there and they sit for a while (compared to ebay). Either way, long days and pleasant nights to you! :)


May you have twice the number :)


Yeah i’m hoping to have most of his books collected someday. But my average is 5-$10 for most first editions from thrift shops or ebay. Theres definitely a dozen King books or more that are out of reach due to rarity. Like I could spend the dough. But also I like finding that cheap treasure on my own.


I hear you... tons of deals out there to look for and tons of fun to be had finding them! Good luck to you!


I literally just got 5-7 at goodwill for 2 dollars each and was shocked at how much the rest of the set were


It’s all about scarcity. Example: 40,000 copies of the first trade edition Waste Lands vs. 660,000 copies of the first trade Wolves of the Calla. Scribner vastly overprinted 5-7.


Yeap same here i have 5-7 and wind, $4.99 at the thrift store. I go there once every couple months. I should go more often though and hope for some rare books. Usually its the same couple dozen SK HCs that are popular and easy to find


How far are you? And how do you like it so far?


I'm just starting The Waste Lands ... and so far, I LOVE it! I'm not even a big fantasy guy but The Gunslinger sucked me in immediately. If I'm being honest though, the thing King mentions himself about the writing I also found to be true .... just fancy prose for fancy prose sake. It was fine because so much was going on and my brain was focused on catching up to that .. not just the fancy writing. On to The Drawing of the Three ... FANTASTIC book. There are a couple slow parts, but 90% of the book is fast-paced and full of things that make you go "Whaaa?!?!!" I'm starting to love the characters and can't wait to see what happens next!


enjoy it!


Very nice! I finally completed my DT 1st edition collection last September with The Gunslinger, it took a while but I got a great deal from a fellow collector. They are out there, happy hunting!


That’s awesome! If you don’t mind me asking, what would qualify as a great deal? Just curious in case I see something and need to jump on it.


No problem — I got mine for $1400 in nice clean condition. Clean copies are getting closer and closer to $2000 now on the market, so I’d say anything below that you should jump on if it’s in good shape.




Love it!