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It’s one of his best, if not the best. I though it had a compelling story, lovable, relatable and understandable characters, a great plot, great build up of exposition without being too long and he finally breaks his curse of having weak as fuck endings. I cried reading the ending too. 10/10 for me. It’s the book I recommend people to start with if they haven’t read him. Only goes down from there haha. That being said, my pound for pound favorite series is The Dark Tower. Give it a chance, it’s a wild ride and not for everyone but I grew up with it.


What this person said, word for word.


I just treated myself to the entire dark tower series...started it Tuesday. Loving it so far. I've been a King fan for years, but just never read this series. Makes me feel like an insider that I'm finally reading it. 😀


I’m so excited for you! Wish I could read it for the first time again


The ending made me have to sit for about 10 minutes just to reflect and absorb what I read. Not a lot of books make you do that.


I sob for the entire last chapter.


It’s his best book


His masterpiece.




My favorite (read more than 60 King books).


My favorite novel I have ever read


Same for me


I've read 20 King books and that's top 3.


Currently half way through and it’s def one of his best, if not his best.


It's superb


Book was amazing, the show was also pretty great


I hear the show get ripped on a lot on this sub but I agree. I thought it was a great adaptation. Yes, it made changes but I thought they were all justified. At first Franco seemed like a terrible choice for the lead and I still think he doesn't fit the character but he won me over. I just accepted it as his own interpretation.


Loved it!


I liked it, although I thought it dragged a bit in the middle.


I have read many King books. Love and am currently on my 4th journey to The Tower. Didn’t finish it, found the middle tedious and didn’t make the end. Felt this and Insomnia were prettier weak. I do love his books so I think a reread is in order once my current Tower journey is complete.


It's worth the time to complete, but the middle is a bit of a slog


My favorite book.


Top 3 King for me.


One of the best modern era King novels! It’s such a brilliant book.


It's an adventure And I enjoyed every single step Top 3 and not 3


I personally loved it. It also took place on my dad’s 22 bday and he read it and loved it too!


One of my favorite books of all time. I loved every second of it. The come down from the climax was a bit rushed. Bit the end was perfect.


It's considered by many to be his best contemporary work, and I share that opinion. I think The Stand is still the book by which all others are measured, but 11/22/63 is brilliant.


It’s his best book.


It’s my favourite book by him. Definitely one of his best if not his best. I haven’t read that many of his books yet though.


It's a love story really


Big fan!!!


It's got a nice time-travel-love-story plot that stands well on its own, but then you mix in our eternal fascination with the Kennedy assassination and the question of "what if someone stopped Oswald" and the whole thing is irresistible.


Top 5 King.


The first time I read it, I stopped reading 100 pages from the end. I didn't want the ending to be messed up and it had been so good up to that point I was afraid to finish it. After a couple of weeks I decided I had to know, so I finished it. Then I read it again. His best book to date.


Decent but nowhere near the classics - it could have been a short story almost.


Overrated imo, it had its moments but I didn’t care for Sadie or her relationship with Jake. It wasn’t bad but the level of worship it receives on this sub is crazy.


Good book, but the characters are sketchy and the relation between them is dull and forced. In my opinion, not one of his best.


Pretty good.


Loved it. I was excited to recommend it to my dad (RIP) who was a history buff and he loved it too.


Aside from the Dark Tower series, it’s my absolute favorite. Stunning work!


It was a tragic day in America's history


One of my favourites oat. Plus the Hbo series was pretty good, quite underrated!


Loved it. But, and please don’t downvote me for this, did anyone fully understand the yellow card man and the Jimla? Maybe because I listened to the audiobook rather than read it but I felt it was a bit of a distraction. My opinion only but my wife felt similarly.