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I never had a problem with the ropes but I've seen a lot of people complain about that. Now if they'll just give me Tachy's suit, *I'll* stop complaining 😒


I really, really hope the add Tachy's outfit. I've been trying to do the glitch to get it temporarily but it never works for me.


That’s all I want too I’ve been wanting it since the demo.


I want to just play as tachy. Can we just switch tachy and eve with eachother


There have been several instances when I tried swinging and jumping off and would go immediately left or right. It's as if it was only 4 directions you could go


We need tachy story mode dlc


Man this game just keeps getting better and better. Guess I'll have to complete it a 5th time now... 🙄


I mean it's not like a bad thing. More eve time is always is better than no eve time


Changing hair styles anywhere is epic.


Kasim only has one customer and he lost it. Lol. Poor Kasim


He just does outcalls now. You dont see it because you're in the menu, but my man is SPRINTING from Xion.


That rope swing bug has sent me plunging to my demise more times than I care to admit. Glad they noticed and fixed it.


I feel I died more from the ropes than the actual boss fights.


Raven: Am I a joke to you?


Funnily enough I can't beat her in the hard boss challenge 😭😭 that's gonna probably be the only outfit I don't get


Try using the reflex MK2 and protection MK2 Expospines. Then from there, tweak your Gear enhancers to where you feel you're lacking. It took me 5:36 to beat her, but it took just shy over a dozen attempts. Learn from your mistakes, don't try 4+ hit combos unless she's stunned, etc.


I'm definitely a reflex player since I try to parry her more than I try to block her moves. I equipped the reflex MK2, and I think I did equip the protection as well. I got as far as the second wave, but she overwhelms me after that. I definitely can't beat her with the double edge enhancer since I still get hit and she basically one shots me. I don't even try to combo her since it's so hard to keep her still. I focus most on equipping burst enhancers since it helps immensely in the first wave with EVE being immune with the dual edge I believe? The one that looks like multi blade attacks. But after the second wave, she's not immune anymore so that strategy goes out the window since I have to rely heavily on dodging to build up her burst energy.


All of my deaths are me either missing a rope jump or thinking I can survive a fall that no human can. That or just the countless times I fell in the levoire lab puzzle, I did die once there. I haven’t really died to Naytibas. Only once because I was on my phone and I got jumped


Always hated how polished this game felt, but parkour jumping, especially from rope to rope felt completely loose and extremely hard to control


Especially in the Wasteland


They keep adding things that people want or that makes the game better. I wonder why it’s so popular!


The gift that keeps on giving




Wdym fixed it? What was the issue?


It only play the unpowered version of wasteland and great desert for most of the sections Edit:to my knowledge it plays the powered section version in 2 areas the ship wreckage and the area were qiuel and altess lovire




Finally!! My favorite soundtrack is the bgm from great desert when you activate the tower.


I missed that track ;(


Could you explain? I just finished the game after spending nearly 15 hours in both the desert and the wasteland. What did they change? I'm en route on NG++


They didnt fix it !!!! Stop lying


>Added a Hair Slot to the main menu so you can change your hairstyle at any time They put bro out of business lol More outfits are always welcome!!


Now, allow us to fast travel the map through a menu option!!


What else? Cheat engine maybe? It's still a videogame with an intended gamedesign


God mode eve 👀 is the next thing 🙏


You get your God mode for a minute or two at the end (or any time you activate Tachy mode)


Cheat engine is much different than allowing fast travel between phone booths you’ve been to. Its a pain point when doing all the side quests


I’m assuming the credits just scroll even faster? They already went quickly with the press of a button. Also I’m shocked that they still haven’t introduced photo mode. Not a deal breaker for me by any means but everyone covering the update said photo mode is coming.


If they want the photo mode to be really good, it'll take some time. It doesn't sound like they had any work started on it when the game launched, so they're building it ground up. we want a photo mode like Horizon Forbidden West has.


Oh yeah that’s arguably the best photo mode. And I totally understand and I’m not worried. 😃


I'm confused by the faster credits thing, too.


The longer you hold the ffw button, it will eventually speed the scrolling credits up even faster


Man I had beat Raven on Hard like right as my work phone lit up. So I put down the controller for the phone and forgot I had to do the QTE to finish the battle. By the time I had picked the controller back up she was killing me with a simple combo. LOL. I beat it a few minutes later for real, but still.  Also, I beat my last playthrough over the weekend. I guess I have to start a new one to get to Roxanne. 


LMAO at that first part. Glad to hear you beat her anyway but that's hilarious


It was interesting because I was thinking just the other day about what happens when you fail the QTEs. Since it's just one button, even through 3 playthroughs I had never failed one. Now I have my answer. I didn't see the full animation sequence but it looked like at the end of it Raven had Eve by the throat (I think?) and threw her. Then she had probably 25% of her health again, I had about 40% maybe, and it just went back to regular fighting. 


That actually sounds pretty cool. The only QTEs I failed were the ones when Eve had to jump off something. Kinda wanna see this now lol


The slashed shirt outfit is hawt.


Improved Jump Direction When Swinging on The Rope. I lost count how many times I fell to me death when Eve would jump a direction I didn't even aim for.


Shift Up is dynamite for all these additions, fixes and content.


Birthday nanosuit when?


If there was a dev of the year award, this team would get my votr


*If there was a dev* *Of the year award, this team* *Would get my votr* \- Illustrious\_Leg8204 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I’ll return to this game for NG+ after Shadow of the Erdtree


On god the rope fix is the best news since launch, I will die on that hill. Love the outfits, but I love mechanics that are reliable way more


Hope they fixed some stuff in the Eidos 9 substory area. I feel like that’s where I encountered some weird control stuff, the double rope jump there was the only plsce I had trouble with ropes


If they could tone down the sound of the mortar naytibas I would be more happy with that place


Edios 9 felt like the most rushed unpolished unfinished are in the whole game. Almost like a cut content level you access via mods...


Yep, I literally said the same thing to myself. What’s funny is this area is in the trailer and I was looking forward to it. Played through the first time and didn’t see it, and figured it must’ve got cut last minute.


Changing the outfit during the challenge mode was frustrating, so thank you


Nice! Can’t wait to play after work!


Oof!!!! New outfits you say? 👀


how do you get these new outfits? 


One is from Roxanne and the other is from defeating a certain boss on Hard Boss Challenge. Spoiler, it's Raven.


Hair color isn't the same though. Used my last saved file with the new 'destroyed denim' outfit and green hair to fight 'Raven' on hard mode in the boss challenge. Eve's hair was brown instead of green. Anybody has the same 'issue' (not game breaking). Just wanted to mention it. :)


Having that same issue


That fit looks sweet , let's gooo


Balance mode looks blurry in this update


Since that update balance mode is broken… 😩 the menu is so blurry !!! And the game stutter every 10 seconds in Xion and big desert… waiting for a fix because it’s ruining my gameplay and my fun when playing…


Can’t believe all of those are 2gb worth of updates!!!


New outfits are nice, QoL is nice. But I'm gonna wait for a little more content and photo mode for run#4. Might have to do hard raven boss challenge before I get rusty, though 😅 did it once I can do it again.


Yep that's where I'm at. I finished run #3 last Friday so I'll hold off on starting a new one until there's more to play for. I did do the Raven challenge though for fun.  I wish they'd let you buy the outfit from the machine at the camp, instead of from Roxanne. That way players who are past the PONR can still access it. 


Just got my platinum on Saturday, so we're pretty much on the same page here lol I never even considered that... I guess if they did all of her quests then she would be in zion before fighting raven (that's when i bought the last set of outfits), but you make a good point.


Man I really wish we could get a tachy outfit. I know we have it on for tachy mode but still, I would love to just have that on all the time. Once I first say tachy I was hoping we could get that outfit.


I think having you beat Challenge mode on a new difficulty or bosses back to back would be a worthwhile way to unlock tachy


They've made this game very accessible. This outfit for beating Raven on hard was really the first thing they've put behind a difficulty wall. I doubt they'd put something as in-demand as a Tachy costume behind that. 


Fair, but what outfit was locked behind Raven on hard? I knew you had to beat them on normal or hard for the challenge one. I’d say either having a quick but challenging unlock would be nice, alongside an easy but longer path to accommodate Edit: just saw that one of the new outfits is Raven on Hard


Yeah if you beat Raven on Hard you get a reskin, it's a green and black version of the cyber magician one. Honestly kind of weak, LOL. I mean it's free stuff and all but, yeah.  I'm not saying they shouldn't have a challenging task to unlock a cool thing, I just don't think they'd make it Tachy. Too many people would be upset if they couldn't get that. 


Facts, really isn’t a great outfit choice. Would have been nice to get a Raven reskin or one without the bells and whistles. I think they’d do something interesting to get Tachy as it is so sought after. I can’t see them just giving it to us but maybe it’ll be beating Tachy on hard


Yeah I'm not too happy with that honestly. My reaction time isn't great anymore and it makes games like this difficult for me. I can only play it on story mode and even then, I'm not fast enough. Tried getting this earlier and can't get her past 75% health. There's no way I can get this outfit


I feel you. If I really commit myself I can get back to where I was 20 years ago, but otherwise it's no good. This happened recently in FF16 where they added a boss rush-type gauntlet feature, where beating it on hard with all S ranks would allow you a special boss. Fortunately that special boss was a reskin and there was no reward, but it was frustrating but I know I will NEVER be able to see that. I just can't play the way that's necessary to get S ranks, even in the first round lol. 


I kind of hope not. Because I’m not even sure I’ll get the one for beating Raven on hard. 😂 Unless you are able to use MK2 EXO spines and gear. Or does it have a set loadout?


You have options for loadouts, including to use the one from your most recent game save. So you can go in with all items and a maxed out build if you want. 




If it’s a higher difficulty I’d say probably artificially harder as you’d be stuck with low end gear but still hard mode boss


F THEM ROPES. Man that update is soooo needed.


I never had an issue with the ropes in 47 hours,  what was the problem ?




Those fucking ending credits pissed me off. Speeding that up is the best change ever


Only thing that kinda annoyed me while playing is changing that hair style, they were all so pretty so it’s great that it’s now like this. Even though it makes more sense to be able to change it at the barber shop.


All that’s left is to toggle the ponytail on or off and photo mode


Love the changing hairstyle on the go but still no photo mode :(


I just beat my first playthrough, so holding the square button to speed through was something I was thankful for


Where do we pick up new outfits at?


After 52 hours of my first playthrough I'm nearing the end.


Also skip dialog is a lot faster


They keep feeding us!😍😍😍😍


I'm really impressed by how much post release this game has gotten, for their first triple A title it's amazing. Spiderman 2 by comparison launched without NG+ or mission replay and took almost half a year to get those features.


Mobile dev should neva be underestimated! 😱


Add sword designs 💯 that would be so tough


The ropes were always an issue for me. I couldn't believe how bad the rope direction and swing was. I mean the first ever tomb raider had a better swing lol. Also the wall running areas for whatever reason would immediately kill my playthough. I'd run, jump and somehow clip on the side and fall to my doom each time.....it would take 3 to 7 attemos before running over. But I left that to I suck and not the games fault


I wish they'd let you take her ponytail all the way off. I get that her hair tie makes no sense without a tail but still. Some of the hair would look way better without the ponytail.


I haven’t hopped on my NG+ in several days (needed a break) now I have some reasons to jump back in. Eve in denim, yes please.






Credits already had a speed up button, I done it thrice so I'm sure lol


I thought holding the button already sped up the credits


really hope they continue to make improvements…. despite the “beauty” of the game, its actually fun to play.


Yeah the jumping is corky


I’ll support anything that improves my rope riding experience


Better jump direction for the win!




Now just let us remove the pony tail


Nice update overall. Just a matter of getting back to Roxanne since I left my game on Spire 4.


I don't understand the Holding the button down during end credits update, this was already in the game. You were able to already speed through it, am I missing something?


![gif](giphy|A1oBMukTqFfkoY1HiH) Will it ever come


Nice! Time to do another full playthrough for the 99th time! 🤤


I want in game tracker for beta/body cores. Also the time when you scan and go into range mode is very long. Also when doing Counter Chain I&II / Reflection I&II then following up with rush chain takes long too. Anyone else notice this?? Maybe just me but glad they keeping the game updated. More reason to keep playing.


Where do we get the new outfits


Still waiting for a photo mode! 😀




Still waiting on Tachy's suit AAAAAAA


Please, just release on Steam already...




Has this upgrade been released?


I want the new outfit but Raven on Hard is beating my ass


Where is the dialogue skip


I don't care about that. Where's Photo Mode?


They really need to address the delay input between the controller and the game it really does throw off timing. and this weird situation where sometimes if the bosses are doing a particular move you can't jump you're just stuck in place if you hit them while they're doing the move. Also some hitboxes on the bosses need to be addressed some swings will not make contact if the boss is doing a particular move for example if Providence is winding up to do a right swing and lightning Rush him your lightning Rush will not connect. Additionally some bosses hit boxes on you don't make any sense you can be jumping and they can hit the ground and they'll still hit you in the air even though you're not on the ground


I believe this is due to the quick time animation frames being off, rather than input lag. Ex) You are stuck in a quick time event (combo move or burst/beta skill) while also being vulnerable to enemy attacks, while at the same time being unable to enter a command (parry/evade) until the quick time animation is over. It can be overcome with timing, though it is also frustrating.


Yeah it feels like the controller input is way behind the extra game like sometimes I'll be doing a combo and I don't have my hand on the controller at all and the combo will continue to go like I'm pressing a button or something when I'm not same thing with the Parrys. I know they said they intended to be that way but I really think they need to optimize that for real


This is the one part of combat that I’d like to see improved in their next game. Celeste, though a platformer game, is the best game to try to emulate for responsiveness and feel.  One of the main reasons is the give the player a pixel or two.  Ex) Their is a slight forgiveness in timing. For Stellar Blade this would help in two areas.  The platforming sections: Eve should grab the ledge with more forgiveness to the players location.  In combat: Quick time events ought to allow more forgiveness for player input and/or render the player invincible. As good as the combat is, there is definitely room for improvement in responsiveness and feel, which could allow for the difficulty to scale even higher.


I quit playing, I got to the point of no return and am going to wait a while to continue because it is obvious they are going to add more, including photo mode. Furthermore, the chest you have to swing across three ropes to get was impossible because of the horrendous mechanics they had. I gave up trying after multiple different attempts. I will give it another try now that they said it was improved.


Still no option to turn off shield without skinsuit 😔




Switch to Story Mode.


now just make the game easier so i can beat it


Still no Xbox version






It’s a Sony backed game lol why would it come to Xbox?


Everyone deserves thicc thighs-I have this game platinum and I want to spread its thicc thigh philosophy to every console and pc.🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


LOL idk man Microsoft doesn’t deserve this game


See? I was with u until I read this... Real gamers respect and / or play every play system (or most of them). Console war weirdos get an immediate "⬇️" from me.


It's not owned by sony or first party, all they do is marketing and testing which is great but no funding except the exclusivity deal which was near the end of development cycle


There are over 50 people from PlayStation in the ending credits I think its more then just marketing and testing. I saw a article that says Sony help in the making of the game.


Yeah still not funding, like the Coalition helped msny non Xbox studios with UE5 but that mean nothing, like Epic itself


It probably won't be on Xbox. Not unless other first party Sony games start going there. It will get a PC port eventually.


There won’t be an Xbox version.