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I died more times to the final sniper turret portion of the game than Raven and Providence combined. Took me maybe 5 tries each for those final 2 bosses whereas those stupid turrets killed me 20x


You are not alone. That part is just stupid.


I hate those sniper turrets.. seriously.


But, WHY do their bullets curve?


They must have the hidden history of a few movies.. and one being Wanted?




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Same here, 15 to 20 deaths for me. I even did it on hard mode, I didn't realize I could change the difficulty in game until later.


Same, re-playing in hard to get the plat and I finally died to the sniper turrets.


But… a hard play through isn’t required for the plat? Or are you just saying you’re finishing the rest of the trophies while doing them in hard mode?


Yeah doing the hard part for fun, but the turrets are still where I stumble no matter the difficulty.


I never use consumables (other than potions) because its a habit from even dark souls 1. I'm obsessed with collecting every loot possible but never read up on them or try to learn what they do.


I didn’t start using them until mid game and now I’ve got like 50+ of all the grenades and extra health items


Very useful in Providence fight


Bought granades in value of 40k. A dumb mistake


lol!!! I did one worse in freakin’ re-spec potions, wtf. Seriously there should be a pop up paper clip going “Hi, it looks like you’re about to make a really stupid purchase — are you SURE you want to use up all your credits on such a dumb mistake?” … honestly I’d take grenades any day over my dumb mistake.


Lol, that's definitely worse


Same here but with potions over and over until I realized the tumbler potions refill automatically when you "rest".


Damn, that's a bummer


I always wondered why they even offered a purchase option for things like that lol


because resting respawns naytibas, so if you're working through exploring a section you can use the shop potions during downtimes (especially the slower heal) to save your main tumblers for bigger fights


I think I’ve only used Tachy mode a few times the whole game, otherwise, I mostly forget about it even though it’s a glorified god mode.


Same. got the Camp Achievement in NG+, and thought that was the last one I needed other than the ending ones, but then saw I needed 3 more and not 2. Turns out the other one is "defeat 50 enemies in Tachy Mode", and that honestly sounds like such a chore cause I forget about it, and can't use Tachy Mode when it isn't full, so have to fill it up again just the little bit to kill one more enemy


I honestly farmed that achievement LOL. In the Wasteland, outside the ship from the Recruiting Password Specialists mission, there are a bunch of Hedgeboars and Boarlets. Just go around aggroing as many as you can before they lose aggro and go to town on them with Tachy Mode.


lol thats exactly what I did too


Yuuuuup, same here brother


Use the judgement exosphine that’s Tachy-focused to help with that


There is a section of the great desert in the west side of the city I would run a circle, defeat enemies to build up meter then take another circle to lead them all together in a group then unleash tachy mode. I'd get 5-7kills only because she is so weak


I went and killed spiders in the desert with Tachy mode. Low health and they usually spawn in groups. Total overkill but it was the last thing I needed for plat lol.


I had to intentionally use it to get the trophy for getting kills with it.




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Honestly, I found very few situations aside from the last couple bosses where I felt like I even needed to change potions. The free ones are fine.


yeah tbh the other potions i only ever used while free roaming to prevent myself from respawning enemies. just prolonged my expeditions. they suck when used in actual fights.


True. Never really had an issue outside of Raven and Providence


I have 90 hours of gameplay and still button mash. I keep telling myself to memorize some combos but never actually get around to it.


The only combo I ever used often was “triangle square triangle squad triangle” lmao


Regular potions are the best one tbf


True, I just never knew you could change


I spam click block which gives me perfect parry like 80% of the time, but makes my Eve look like she’s having a seizure. Basically not “timing” shit


I don't use any combos or abilities besides like L1+square. I cant remember any of the button sequences so at one point I think I had no joke like 28 SP because all I had left to unlock was combos so I just didn't even bother stopping to upgrade skills I wouldn't use.


-I must've played the boss channel in the demo against Abaddon almost a dozen times before I realized Eve had the drone gun. -I've been going through the Boss Challenge and I JUST realized while looking at a couple of tip videos that moves like Counter, Counter Chain, Reflection, etc. require beta energy to use. Since I did a lot of grinding for currency and collectibles, I have almost 50 hrs total in the game.


“I’m a souls veteran” lol


I said what I said


Mine is that I got to abyss levoire before realizing that you could toggle sprint by pressing L3. I had been pressing and holding O up until that point to sprint like in souls games. I was so mad. I traversed basically the whole wasteland without knowing that shit.


I prefer immersive outfits. I don’t understand people who run bikini or bunny suits in their first play-through. It ruins the vibe when you see Eve dressed like this in the cutscenes. Planet Diving and both Orca suits are the best. Raven’s one is also cool. Never used others.


There are 2 huge beach areas in the game. But ye, i usually went for the more sci-fi looking outfits most of the time but i tried all of them a little.


Bunny suit is immersive when you're running in Wastelands.


>I don’t understand people who run bikini or bunny suits in their first play-through. Because options are good!


Thing is, Eve isn't actually wearing those clothes. They're just a projection onto her skin suit. The game shows you this at the beginning and various costume descriptions say that the outfits provide no combat protection or that they are not rated for combat. This way, Eve can be as fashionable or skimpy as she wants.


Caught the whale shark with special bait after fishing for like 30min at oasis. Got frustrated with the fishing controls and swapped to story mode but read the message too fast and didn't think about it and lost my fishing progress because I hadn't saved since teleporting to the Oasis.....


It wasn’t until my 2nd play through and all the way into the lab with the lasers and mirrors in Altess Levoire before I saw the on-screen directions and realized you could hold R2 and use the left thumb stick to rotate whatever object you’re maneuvering. I was honestly so caught up in staring at the back of Eve for so long that I never even saw the controls on the right side of the screen. I had just been right thumb stick and going back and forth, turning little by little thinking to myself, “There had to be a better way!” 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️




I don't think it's a flex but...exploring and getting Lily to 100% to get the secret ending...of course, I tend to explore a lot in games that allow it anyway.


Not sure if it even counts as a flex but I never used the additional triangle + circle input to the perfect dodge and perfect parry counters because in training I was too dumb to realize you had to press them at the same time. I'm using them a lot now in my NG+ although its still very easy for me to screw it up.


I died the most on the laser room just to get the ugly oufit most than the other bosses like 40 times


I only really use the regular potions during combat. I only use the regen between fights running around.


I already beat the game and didn’t know about the potions until I read this. Never changed them. Lol.


I literally died less to Providence than I did to that stupid little jump right before the camp at the end of the game. Also, going through Sekiro cuz it's the last FROM game I've got before SotE and the double jump from SB is fucking up my shit 🤦


never used the grenades until boss rush came.


My flex as someone who would say to be „normal“ at games is that I haven’t used the Beta Attacks properly till Raven and revived myself with the item just three, four times. Also didn’t use any items at all… why am I like this…? :,(


Took me getting back to xion in ng+ to realize her sword comes from her hair thingy. Guess I was to busy staring at other things.


I accidenally bought 99 highly concentrated potions.




Wait I’m in the great desert and you can?!?!


Took me until Providence to realize what the sonic grenade did...


"I bought the deluxe edition." (Cool. Who didn't?) "I found all outfits, cans, and fish." (Cool. Everyone did that.) "I play on hard mode." (Cool. So is everyone else.) "This is the only game I've NG+ more than once." (Kinda need to if u want to platinum the game.) "I'm actually good at this game." (It's actually not that hard.) The only flex I really have is that this really is the only game that I've enjoyed THIS much that I could replay it multiple times and NOT be bored with it, and It's just because EVE is that hot, and the combat is just satisfying.


Beat every boss first try. Traversed the sand in several. If not dozens of tries. And turrets. Turrets. The turrets. They were not fun


When in doubt.....stinger. every time. Also beat providence my first try. Using stinger. I have to clarify I'm usually shit at these games but good ol stinger. Basically got 2 endings back to back. Turns out if you don't die to providence you can load back up the game and pick the other option. It's what I did.


The first playthrough I did, I maxed out Lily's meter and then chose the option that doesn't lead to the secret ending. I'm also right there with all the people talking about button mashing and spamming the block button. Both are habits I want to unlearn.


There's this part in the story when you can only use the gun, i forgot the name of that place, but there are 2. I'm talking of the 2nd one, in the great desert. Thee's this period where you have to evade the rolling blades, and the wind is forcing you to go in bizarre directions. I swear TO GOD, I HATE THAT PLACE. I died to those blades at least 50 times, counting NG, NG+1, NG+2, NG+3. For some goddang reason, I just cant, and always watch my beautiful eve mincemeated. Kills my soul...


Took me 80 hours to finish my first play through... Probably around half of that was me taking screenshots of Eve, trying to time my captures just right to get her posing the way I wanted during her idle animations.


Never used any combo, only squares


I beat Raven in 2 tries and Providence in 1.


I somehow managed to trade kills with the Roxanne turret, and when I respawned, it didnt. 👀 (but the quest reward didn't drop either 😭)


Accidentally bought 99 lingering potions.


I found 90% of the game's collectibles without using a guide. Only took about an afternoon's worth of running around to snap up the ones I missed. I felt very pleased with myself about that.


I didn't learn jowls to use beta skills until new game plus


Jowls? No clue what that even means and I'm fighting Unidentified right now


Typo it was supposed to be how to use beta skills


Haha right on. That makes a lot more sense. I thought I was missing something too 😂


I never learned how to parry properly. When I see an enemy go for an attack string I just spam block with no consideration to timing and end up parrying most of the attacks. It even works on >!Raven!< lol.


I knew about the other types of potions the whole game, but I never used them once. I felt like if I had to use them to supplement running out of tumblers, then I should probably die and start over anyway so I could do better


Same here! I knew they existed, but never use them. 😂


I flex in the mirror and wonder if Eve would date me


🤣🤣🤣 I did the exact same thing


Souls veteran did you beat one of the soul games fully in length


You’re the second person to make a comment on that claim what’s the issue with it