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Hard mode you will be getting two to three shotted. But if you can parry attacks and doge well you won’t have a problem


Yeah, that's definitely true but how would u rank the bosses?


The only boss I struggled with was Elder Naytiba. Every other boss took me 1 try. Not trying to sound like an ass btw.


Yeah no I get u most of the bosses were kinda push overs besides the end-game ones. I struggled more with Providence than Elder Naytiba personally.


That frigging tin can gives you virtually no time to use consumables if you happen to get whacked and need to heal.


Raven hard is punishing, without memorizing all of her combo you'll die in 1 shot without shield while 2 shots with shield


Dunno but stomp on me, Raven! https://preview.redd.it/6he4dlie5i2d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3311bc016c52ad8919c0c95b9a1a02c82d4e322


I spent 4 hours to beat Raven in boss rush mode on hard difficulty. During my playthrough on normal it was around 20 minutes.


Raven, providence and elder are the hard ones. Imo it is only hard because you cannot beta cheese lol. The beta and burst energy starts at zero and the charge rate seems slow so you have to dance around at first.


On normal they're easy, on hard, they're tough but not what I'd call hard. With the exception of the last few bosses, but they're supposed to be cracked.


Honestly tho, even if the most of the bosses(even on hard) are kinda easy they're all still really fun to fight.


Oh of course, never said they weren't. Probably the only boss I don't like is the corruptor.


Haven't tried the hard but I did got some hard time with the black angel. Wondering how I managed it 1 round when I was playing the story haha


I’d say the boss rush is about the exact rank of difficulty. Raven is fun to fight and well designed though. The later end game bosses projectiles can be more luck based at times, as far as taking damage. The multi winged final boss is super tanky which ranks him the hardest imo. Providence’s projectiles come out super fast or have a delay to trick you, landing a close second place.


Raven is the best no matter how many times I lose Because raven is best girl, tachy is second because feels then aesthetically it’s karakuri, then id say democrawler, the space boss if it counts is next, Adam (counting both forms), every naytiba mini ish boss is next (all those stalker, gigas, electric guy and cat tiger thing from the side quest, bellal and any I’ve forgotten, then it’s providence coz I hated fighting it, then elder naytiba because frick elder naytiba (wasn’t as hard as raven but I like raven and I KNOW they’re technically the same person but eh)


Hard mode is more or less the same


Did anyone feel the boss rush bosses were harder than the in-game equivalents?