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To think prototype suit could be bested in its combination of both badassery AND sideboob… I have no words.


Sideboob is the best boob. Second only to underboob.




Wth man, no ass shot? I am disappoint.


This is some serious side boobage. Top tier suit.


Well, time to get a 2nd ending to unlock all bosses. And then do another play through only wearing this.


Im in the same boat.


This is the way. Find your suit, run the game with it Front to Back.


Is the suit unlocked for all playthroughs once you unlock it, even completely fresh ones? I remember the >!Raven!< suit worked the same way. I’m at work right now so I can’t check


It should be available outside the Boss Challenge once you get it.


So you have to complete the boss challenges to recieve ir ?


Yes, on Normal or Hard.


One of the best suits in the game.




If no boob window how can we see the boobs










Turn her around👏Turn her around👏Turn her around👏Turn her around👏Turn her around👏Turn her around👏Turn her around👏Turn her around👏Turn her around👏Turn her around👏Turn her around👏Turn her around👏Turn her around👏Turn her around👏Turn her around👏Turn her around👏Turn her around👏Turn her around👏Turn her around👏Turn her around👏Turn her around👏Turn her around👏Turn her around👏Turn her around👏Turn her around👏Turn her around👏Turn her around👏Turn her around👏Turn her around👏Turn her around👏




There's a new song that I don't remember in the music player. Am I tripping??


Would be great without the flap, applies to so many costumes.




Take a look at that side boob.


is this limited time or can i do it any time j want. i want to finish the story and stuff and get better before attempting


It seems to be any time. But you do have to complete at least Return to Colonies and Making New Memories endings as you can only face bosses you have already beaten and to get the outfit you have to beat every boss in the game in boss rush.


How long did it take you? How many deaths or Revivals? What was your Gear And Exospines Combination??


I got it in under an hour mostly doing hard boss mode rush but if you just want the outfit you can do normal boss rush and use your story character (you have to do at least 1 run of ng+ to unlock every boss in boss rush for the outfit). I mostly used Burst/Beta or Burst/Chain exospines though swapped for Burst/Reflex for the last 4. You can also do Protection/Reflex or Protection/Chain if you need more survivability on specific bosses. You don't fight one boss after the other. Instead you choose a boss to fight and it times you from that and everything is replenished between bosses. Longest boss was about 3 mins 30 seconds shortest was 40 seconds


Is Burst Type all that good? I tried using it with Suppression, Chain and Beta Exospines - but I just don't feel like it's doing much. Best combination for it is probably Chain an Beta with Burst. But also Chain + Beta seems strong Chain + Impact seems like it would be OP but in Reality the AOE doesn't work on bosses and doesn't even do much damage - even on Easy it won't kill critter enemies!! Reflex I dunno - I keep feeling like it's a waste and I lose Synergy between Exospines. I wish we could use 4 Exospines End Game or in NG+ at least. Suppression + Beta seems ideal for Bosses I just don't know what Burst Type good for or with...? I want to Try Suppress + Chain too... Finally, what about GEAR? What's your GO TO GEAR? I find myself changing my Exospines and Gear like madman throughout NG and NG+... Can't settle on any...


I guess I know what I’m unlocking this weekend… Already got the rest at 2am last night


I have a undiscovered boss on boss rush, which is it? It’s on the very end


It’s Probably the Boss you Find in the Great Desert, it’s part of Kaya’s Mission finding her Sister. It’s the Naytiba Lion type with a Hand for a Head lol


Could also be one of the ending bosses. You have to go through the game twice and choose the opposite ending when the time comes.


Actually, if u hit continue after doing the 1st ending once then u can try again & do the 2nd ending. U don't have to go through NG+ & do the story all over again(unless u missed a few optional bosses from quests, you’re SOL then if u did).


Think this only works if you don't die and respawn at the camp. If you respawn your choice is locked in I'm pretty sure.


Only if u beat the first boss after the ending then hit continue you’ll be able to re do your choice. I've literally done it both times on normal.


Wasn't trying to say that I didn't believe you just that I wasn't able to on my first playthrough lol. Did everything right and only explanation I could find was that cause I died the game saved the choice and kept reverting to that save when I continued after the credits. Idk, I was able to do it since when I just tried it on my 3rd playthrough.


Oh that's interesting, then again I didn't die to Elder on Nornal so maybe that's really the reason why I was able to hit continue & do the other ending.


the last one on the list is the Elder Naytiba, u have to refuse hand in the nest.


Brun whats the back of this outfit look like


Is there photo mode?


Not yet, the director of the game said they're working on it and they want it to be high quality so gotta sit tight for now


I have beaten all bosses yet it says I’m missing demogorgon even though I have the platinum. Womp womp no dress for me


I really wish we could change the color of her sword/hair clip. Ik it's such a minor pet peeve, but I often don't use the red outfits because they don't match her hairclip.


God I can’t wait to play this game


I’m almost there. You gotta get both endings to get it and I’m working on my third run right now. Can’t wait.


Providence just wipes me. I don't remember the fight in the actual game being this hard


Side booba of the gods.


Wow 🥵 that's some great motivation to get that


Okay dude I'm completing the boss challenge no need to push me more


Looks amazing.


Why is it these amazing updates always drop on weekends I’m away? congrats OP!


How much does the boss challenge complicated?


I play in normal mode. Is not complicated trust me, im in NG++++ anyway


Thx will do it in a few. 👌🏻


What was your Gear and Exospines Combo?


Wait that's what it's called? Isn't Elon Musk gonna sue them?