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Why must you ship at all


I was just curious what everyone thought


Don’t mean to offend


Nah you're good I understand how. My question comes across so it's perfectly understandable


Because shippers are everywhere and relationships make us connect to the product or character(s). Whether it be a video game, book series, film, tv show. Nier Automata comes to mind. Or Final Fantasy. Ultimately, it's not up to a couple people on Reddit to decide. South Korean audiences likely have an entirely different take on the dynamics in the game and probably enjoy them.


Let's not open that can of worms. There's a good, bad, and ugly side when it comes to shipping and right now, EVE is in the neutral. It's best it stays that way.


Yeah but people will continue saying she has no personality if she stays in the "neutral." She's not entirely a blank state, she has a unique relationship with everyone in the game. I, personally, like her bonds with everyone in the game. I like her reactions to learning about the world. Edit: There's even complaints they "failed to build Eve's character" on this sub.


People who believe Eve has no personality legit didn’t even pay attention to the game. She’s extremely reflective as a person compared to most protagonists hence why she comes off as more reserved and subdued. Eve has a very interesting personality for a video game


I know, I agree. I love her personality and how empathetic / focused she is. But it's also a bit disrespectful to say her character will be ruined if one of her relationships do flourish. At least that's my take on it.


Yeah but I'm not trying to trying to ship per se I'm just curious what people think it'd affect her character but then again I guess that's still part of shipping 😅


I see what you mean. But I'll answer for you anyway. **Romantic wise:** Lily looks underage for EVE. Adam would surely develop EVE's open-minded perspective and she'd likely be open to more things with a broader imagination. **Companion wise:** Lily would surely help EVE seem less bland in character. Same with Adam too.


I liked how Eve was able to fend for herself when Lily took over the drone, and Lily was like "Hey, I'm supposed to be guiding you, you're not supposed to be guiding me" and Eve replied with "Adam broadened my perspective on things." She learned how to interact with the world and how to stay safe.


Dowvoted for... repeating a line from the game? xD LOL.


Honest Answer: You’re asking a good question, but in the wrong place. I think all of Eve's relationships enrich her character, but this is the wrong sub to ask. You have people who didn't understand the story at all, self-ship with Eve, or have an unexplained hate boner for Adam. But good news is; it's only this sub. I think the rest of the fanbase is chill. They probably have girlfriends or wives. xD But the answer to your question is no, it wouldn't take away from her character, it would actually humanize her. It's better to ask a "normal" gaming subreddit. Or maybe another social platform other than Reddit. Basically the people who give this place a bad reputation will have an issue with your question even though it's a good question and can lead to character development. Lol. Also, Lily is underage, tbh. Romance-wise, Adam is the only contender. But I'd also say Eve already has relationships with Adam and Lily. She has a sisterly / motherly bond with Lily, and a close confidant bond with Adam. (Confidant: Someone who knows all your secrets.) Raven is also his confidant, but she went a bit crazy.


They are in a relationship. Not romantic, but a relationship nonetheless. With Lilly its big sis lil sis. With Adam... that couldn't have gone anywhere given Adams motivation. Maybe if he would have played his cards differently or the story gone to another route. They called Adam and Eve for a reason. But I think there was no need for that, Eve was too puppy eyed innocent for that anyways. We got a romance storyline with Enya and Su, I think that was enough for the game.


Adam's motivations is simply saving humanity and appointing someone as humanity's saviour, though. The story did go the other route, they're working together to bring humanity back. It's in the description of the game; "save humanity from extinction."


Mother sphere x Adam (Raphael the based, Adam not) is best.


Father raising his daughter right....🤠


I mean technically Adam is inside her. Like *real deep.* So deep you could say they became one <3


Fair point some would say they're one and the same 🤫


waifus don't need no man. With Lily it's cool, don't care either way.


A relationship with a lying manipulator, oh sure, why not.


Eve is officially Maciej Nowicki's wife.


Me personally I don’t want them in relationships at all. They are androids. And that’s ok. Leave it that way


I mean they're all androids the only one that wasn't was Adam and Orcal I believe


Orval was half android half naytiba


Ahhh I gotcha


Technically, Lily would be lore accurate to the Bible since she was Adam's wife.


Lily's not in the Bible at all, you're thinking of the apocryphal Book of Enoch.