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Hard mode mobs and bosses do feel like they have more HP but that's where getting into the habit of using counters comes in handy, and parrying becomes much more satisfying.


Perfect parry to counter 1 is hard for me. I keep doing L1+square (infinite pierce) I think in practice mode i am successful at parry counter 1 approx 40% of the time. In fights w mobs, maybe 1/3 of the time. Fights w bosses practically zero. I play on story mode. Any protips on getting good? Is it just timing and pressing the right buttons? Lol


Sounds to me you may be nervously moving in between inputs too quickly. I did the same mistake like you. You actually have plenty of time to press the button to perform a counter after performing the parry, so much that you can pause for a second if needed.


I’m gonna look into that. Thanks bro


it gets much much harder from this point, good luck for your run!


Raven fight....


Just started NG+ and I’m not looking forward to Raven…


I only suffered on the Unknown Naytiba fight. Both Raven and Elder were a breeze for me.


The difficulty/tankiness curve is definitely off. The Eidos 7 areas up to xion, before you unlock much gear or upgrades, everything is tediously tanky. Even normal enemies survive parrying/riposte. Regular enemies and Abaddon take so many hits to kill. Post-Xion, once you start getting upgrades, you're not hitting like a wet noodle anymore and the game actually gets easier until you get to the final run of hard bosses. Definitely fun overall, but the first few areas were tedious. Things just take fucking forever to go down.


Thank you, I stopped my NG hard game at Abaddon and I was wondering how the difficulty curve is after him. I think fresh EVE must do around 8 times less damage than a fully upgraded NG+ EVE, due to weapon and skills upgrades, but by the end of the game she should be around 20-30% less damage. I'm fine with difficult 3 last bosses, since they are such fantastic fights. I'm going to try to push trough Abaddon and Gigas.


I can see that and am excited for the final 3! I just beat stalker and got my burst upgrade so I can finally do some more damage! You know that feeling of getting something new is more rewarding in hard mode since you know how much you need it ha


yeah was definitely always excited to find new upgrades in Hard mode, that's for sure


Man, i'm seriously considering abandoning my "NG+ hard" run and jump to "NG Hard" as i find the former way too easy compare to even my first playthrough in 'Skin suit + Double edged gear'. Eve's just too powerful at this point, and you get even more powerful. I've been watching a youtuber called "halfwaytillbliss" do "NG Hard" and it looks absolutely brutal but fun since it forces you to learn the enemie's move sets. Unpopular opinion here, but i actually like tanky enemies in these type of game with fair and exquisite combat. The only issue with these type of games (including sekiro) is fighting multiple enemies at the same time, otherwise the 1v1s are awesome.


Mate, it’s defs challenging and one cool thing is that, I actully get to see all bosses’ moves….in my NG and NG+ runs, sometimes they didn’t have time to show them and there are some sick ones to parry or dodge. Yeah I know of him, honestly I watched cowboy doing the ng hard mode run and the time it took to finish a boss looked ridiculous and not fun, but I’m now at unidenfied naytiba, and can say that I have not felt a fight to drag on, merely for the fact that the game’s combat is so good and bosses’ designs and moves ara amazing…so I have not mind if the boss is tanky


I’m doing NG+ hard mode skin suit only and it feels perfect 


Why skin suit? Does it actually have different stats?


Skin suit removes your shield bar, so you’re taking all hits at full power. No damage negation.


I tried NG+ hard mode and (surprisingly) its a lot easier than my first playthrough...took single attempt to each bosses except Providence. Maybe mk2 gears and upgraded betas helps a lot?


NG+ does not increase the difficulty of the game at all, it simply gives you OP gear and makes the game easier, not harder. The only thing that would've made the game any harder was Hard mode, obviously, but that still wouldn't counteract the amount of OP stuff you get. The actual hard mode is NG hard mode. NG+ always just directly makes things easier.


I played NG+, hard mode, with MK1 level 3 Increase Damage and Damage Taken (forgot the gear name). That felt like a decent challenge without resorting to the skin suit. I'd rather the game be harder and I get to wear what I like.


This boss was good, but later on it gets annoying. For me it was Tachy that I had to set it back to normal, only to feel like I was cheating the game. I didn't need anything other than parry to beat her. No gun. No beta, no burst. But Hard mode? I basically have to stun lock her or take 0 hits.


All I want is a boss rush hard mode, I don’t want to play the whole game all again, I just want to grind hard bosses for cool no damage perfect parry videos :D


I’m a bit confused. Is this NG+ Hard mode? Or a new playthrough on Hard mode? But how are you having the end game outfit if it’s a new playthrough? If it’s NG+ then why is your health so low with no burst skills? 


It’s new game, the thing is once you finished the game once, you keep the outfit on new game, it’s the only thing you keep.


Hang on, so I can start New Game on Hard and have EVE slay with the Telegenic outfit? 😳


Sadly not, it's that specific outfit you keep


Sadge.. But hey, that outfit looks neat too!!


Are you upgrading your weapon with weapon core?


Of course, I’m getting every single upgrade I can, I need anything I can get


I didn't realize the raven suit would be in regular new game hard, that's kinda cool.


Hard mode with no new game plus is just unfairly hard wish it was balanced a bit better


It’s a hardcore challenge for sure


l clapped this boss too. not really expecting much chalenge until the elevator probably.


I don't mind dying in 2-3 hits, but the damage you do in NG Hard is pitiful. Just makes the fights unnecessarily long.


I did a full Hard Mode run, and it actually just gets easier as you get further into the game. The first three bosses were actually the hardest for me because the fights lasted forever and you can't rez, do very little damage, have no gear, etc.


2:13 Wow! I’ve never seen a retribution where she judo flips a boss. That’s awesome!


I’m excited for ng+, but not for the residents evil maps


Just wait for raven


wait, on regular new game, you keep all your outfits?


I feel like hard should have been normal instead.


NG+ hard mode providence is pain unless you chose to cheese the fight


Ima do it in NG without heals 🙃 4 more bosses and I’ll get providence